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Butane honey oil for dummies


Hey bounty29

thats sounds like a fair experiment, using the same plant and all. it will be interesting to see what the bho will look like from water cured bud? also what kind of yields it will bring compared to air dried bud.

no apology needed, its fun when things get a bit passionate, as long as people can stay civil with each other, its all good in my opinion. no worries man.


Custom User Title
Alright, now that that's over with...

I asked a question a while ago, I forget if it was this thread or what, but here it is again.

What is the preferred method of smoking oil/hash? Put a bit on the screen by itself, roll it in a joint with other stuff, sprinkle it on top of a bowl? Pipe, bong, vap? Or does it all boil down to personal preference?

I've never smoked hash or oil before, so I have no experience with it.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I've done a water cure on good bud that was harsh. My result was it did loose flavor, was a little smoother smoke but it also lost weight and the bag appeal was ruined. I'll never try it again.

A new thing i have heard about smoking oil if you don't want to invest in any vapor contraptions is: Use the self lighting charcoal used in hookahs. Let it get orange and drop some oil on it. I understand the charcoal is clean burning and not supposed to add any taste. Anyway i've heard it gives very smooth hits though i haven't tried it.


Active member
I use the liquid pads that are sold for the cano valve set and just shove the whole thing into a bubbler...seems to hold the oil for longer than just multiple screens....also I use a very hot butane torch which I have noticed works best when very high to light it from far away so the screen never really turns orange...gives huge rips!

Trying to get my hands on a tivap pad

Where in the hell do u get titanium? and does it have to be a special grade?

ps. I burn the hell out of the screen before use to get rid of any residue

and this is what I smoke off of it


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I would just get the cheapest grade possible for our purposes. There is grade 1,2, and 4. 1 Is all you need. It's not like we need an aerospace grade. I think Kut was using a Ti alloy but don't hold it to me.
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jimbob420 said:
Trying to get my hands on a tivap pad

Where in the hell do u get titanium? and does it have to be a special grade?

My co worker used to work in a bicycle shop and told me the frames and handlebars of some bikes are titanium composite. He suggested asking for some handlebar cut-offs from the local shop. As far as grade I don't know.


Voluptuous Trichomes
I had to ditch my tube and butane...there are forces within the med scene in Cali, lawmakers, and law enforcement opposed to BHO....they most likely will start making examples and grabbing some local headlines somewhere in our state... I aint down with that...I have had my doors kicked in before...so I never rule out another raid....I can't have any manufacturing materials around....

They are comparing BHO manufacture to meth labs and stuff :rolleyes: So rather than give local informants ammo...I'm gonna lay low on the BHO for a while...which sucks because it's extremely efficacious


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Hmmm can't remember the last time i saw a strung out oil head robbing folks for the next fix, but coming from LEO i'm not surprised.


Custom User Title
I think there might've been an article in the security forum, I remember reading about someone that was charged with "Manufacturing a controlled substance" or something, I'll see if I can find it.

Got it.
Over in the Medical forum.

Honey Oil Cases Tests Limits of Medical Pot Law


Sunday, 17 September 2006

SAN RAMON, Calif. (KCBS) -- The manufacture of a marijuana extract
popular with medical cannabis users who require large doses of pot to
control their symptoms is putting Prop. 215 to the test.

The Alameda County District Attorney is trying to prosecute three
people for manufacturing a controlled substance, charges with more
severe penalties that are usually reserved for makers of crack cocaine
and methamphetamine.

The two men and a woman were arrested after a San Ramon townhouse
exploded in February. Firefighters who entered the burning building
discovered a marijuana product called honey oil was being manufactured
using what are called honey bee extractors, said Deputy District
Attorney Dana Filkowski.

Making honey oil requires butane, said Filkowski as she explained the
volatile process to KCBS reporter Dave McQueen. The pot is crushed and
then flooded with butane to extract the active chemicals from the

The honey oil was intended for patients at a medical marijuana
dispensary in Richmond, and the case has prompted outcry from medical
marijuana advocates.

"The D.A. is making a mistake", said William Dolphin with Americans
For Safe Access. "This is an effective way to get larger doses without
having to ingest larger material."

"Honey oil is merely an extract of the cannabis plant. There's no
chemical difference between honey oil and what you get in the whole
plant, so it's really nothing different than what people would
commonly consider to be marijuana," Dolphin said.

The charges sought by Filkowski do not address any medical value the
honey oil might have. The issue is the manufacturing process, which
she said poses a serious public safety threat.

The makeshift San Ramon lab threatened the entire townhouse complex,
Filkowski maintains. She claims entire townhouse complex could have
gone up in flames if not for a good sprinkler system.

"The medical marijuana defense does not apply to the statute that
relates to chemical manufacturing" she said.

"The legislature seems to be saying that the defense is not going to
extend to the more dangerous conduct."

So whether consuming the drug is legal, or quasi-legal as it has been
in California since Prop. 215 passed and many cities and counties
chose to de-prioritize enforcement of federal drug laws, does not
guarantee that producing it is legal.

Many counties have passed ordinances allowing small quantities of
marijuana to be grown for medicinal consumption. A guilty verdict in
this case could begin a push to relax some drug manufacturing
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Hey Jimbob is that BHO? If so how the hell did you get it like that?
I once smoked the best oil I have ever had in my life. It was from a dispensary and looked like that. It was made from trainwreck and looked like that and tasted like Lemonhead lemon drops. It was amazing, milky creamy yellow, and melted just like oil. I've seen nothing like it, until I saw your pic. The guy at the dispensary just said the guy who gave it to them knew how to make it right.
FUCK, it couldn't have been Butane, could it?


Voluptuous Trichomes
Thanks bounty29...that's similar to what I read online...anyway...informants in my area know who I am and undoubtedly have seen me post on BHO :smile: ...in my case I gotta give it up...but if I were anonymous...heck I'd just say the heck with them....it's crazy....dispensaries can charge us $100 a gram...but we can't make our own...no wonder some folks never worry about being raided :wink:


Custom User Title
I don't know a whole lot about the legalities of medical marijuana and the dispensaries, but I've got a question. Will the dispensaries be able to legally sell BHO if making it can get you charged with manufacturing a controlled substance?


well...this is what the oracle had to say:

& thanks for the link..seriously..only time will tell...until then//same rules as last time: dont get caught


Slap-A-Ho tribe
bounty29 said:
I don't know a whole lot about the legalities of medical marijuana and the dispensaries, but I've got a question. Will the dispensaries be able to legally sell BHO if making it can get you charged with manufacturing a controlled substance?

To my knowlege some do sell it.


Active member
Yes, there are some clubs in the SF bay area that sell it. In fact, I've seen it powdered, a thick oil, and hard stuff.


Man im surprised to see this thread still kicking how you guys doing?

I read a few pages back and saw a discussion on water curing your pot, well I have done it and it does make your weed taste a little different not to say its better. It made my weed have a more smooth soft taste and smoke. It does pull the cholorphyll out of the weed but the weed shrinks so much that its not really worth it although you do get higher per hit because of more oil per gram because the weight of the chlorophyll and other trash that is removed. I dont really think its worth the hassle myself but knock yourself out Bounty29.

Just to let you know your weed doesnt have to be fresh to water cure it, you can take weed that is dry and water cure it.

Hey bounty, are you "the dog, the big bad dog, bounty hunter." ?


Slap-A-Ho tribe
LOL, i like watching the big bad dog. Hoever if i dressed like that around here they would probably throw me in the looney bin,

Yeah as i said a few pages back, i will never water cure bud again. It deffinantly wasn't worth it.