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busted my unforunate story



Hey Billy,

I deleted a bunch of my old posts a while back, and don't plan on making a bunch more now. But I read your update, and wanted to leave you a note.

Sounds like you played your cards the best that you could, with chin high. Being pleased with yourself, and content that you did the best that you could, is one of the best pay-backs we can get on these bastards for now. Live as well, and stay as happy, as you possibly can.

It's a system that chews People up, drinks their blood, ruins their lives, spits them out, and calls it justice. The sociopaths and fear-mongerers are running the show, and as long as they're wearing nicer suits and speaking with clear diction, Ma and Pa Amerika continue to give them undue respect and undeserved power.

I'm glad that your lady friend came away with less damage to herself. The Pigs, DAs and others specifically use our love for our families as ammunition to get us to lie down; "Plead out to our offer, or we'll destroy your (wife's/child's/parent's) life too." I'm sure that you know that first-hand now.

Canada won't likely take you as an immigrant, they're turning back folks with minor misdemeanor convictions these days, let alone felonies, and those folks are just asking to visit. As in: 'not asking to come in for keeps,' as you would potentially be.

I hate them Billy, but through the years, my hate has sometimes eaten at me 'til I've had no more energy left for other parts of life, either.

Stay safe, stay free, and let others know what they did. You're not the only one they've treated like that.

I pray that one day they get theirs, and that we get ours.

Take good care, Billy.

moose eater :wave:
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New member
oh my god dude, im so sorry that happened...that is by far the shittiest thing that could happen to anyone.....hang in there bro


California is and will continue to be the focus of Federal involvement until changes are made on both sides..Beautiful state and was my first choice when I move but not any longer..
So sorry to hear your tale man, I got busted, april 06 and my family's life has never been the same again, we've moved twice, coz we don't feel safe, i'm constantly broke as i buy what little i smoke now, and then it's poorly handled shit, damp and underweight, my life feels quite empty... hope it all works out brother, peace...


Active member
ICMag Donor
This is a sad case but also shows how important it is to be careful.

Best wishes to you and your GF and hope this makes ppl realize that the cops do as they please.

Some ppl might call me paranoid but i take some precautions always.
Newer use my real address for seeds or anything cannabis related and i always use a proxy when visiting cannabis related websites.

i know theres some differences between danish and US laws but i could also go to jail for growing so no reason not to take precautions.

billycw said:
first off this is the first time i have touched a computer in over a year. i was a member of cw for a long time, and i'm very depressed to hear what happened to that wonderful online community. so thanks to icmag for filling a void in alot of peoples hearts.
let me start by giving you alittle backstory on myself. about 15 years ago i fractured a vertabre in my spine and herniated a disc. ever since then i have lived in constant pain. i was working in a major company for a while but had alot of labor involved. of course my back flared up and was given the option to quit or go on disability. being i don't like taking money for nothing i quit.
i chose to self medicate with marijauna instead of the somas and vicadan my doctors had been feeding me for 6 years. my stomach could not take anymore abuse. its my body i can choose what i put into it.
i chose to grow my own, and as i did i found a small group of sufferers that could use my help. this is what happened next. i might be a little veg on some details to protect myself because i'm still in the middle of it.

one night last year after 10pm me and my girlfriend were about to watch a movie when there was a knock at the door. thinking it was a friend or family we opened the door without looking. well it was 2 cops saying that our car had been vandilized, so stupid us we stepped out to look at our cars. right when that door closed behind us, cops came at us with their guns drawn, they told us they susspected that this was a grow house and that we were being detained. i instantly asked for a lawer to be presant, which was ignored, than they started asking a bunch of questions, still out side my house, and we were dening all of it and acting innocent.

next a police car pulls up,the first one the others had parked somewhere and walked, and we were told to get in. at the police station we were put in holding cells of all concrete. if i sat my back hurt, if i stood for a while my back hurt. i was then taken out and questioned extinsively without the miranda being read, without a audio tape, and after asking for my lawer countless times. then the f*** threatens to take my girlfriend, who had no part in the grow, to jail and all the things that will happen to her and he'd make sure of that. so on his word and against my better judgement all i said was its all me. she knows nothing, everything is mine. thats all i would say to him.
next i was taken to jail, without my house even being searched yet or any real evidance. they took my girl back to the house to do the search warrent. the whole time they were ripping my house apart, they were sexually harrasing my girlfriend who had to sit on a chair and watch. they kept on asking her out and making daragatory remarks about me, and at somepoints made graphic sexual inuindos to her and a couple other things i'll leave out.

in all i had over 50 plants going. they took my cars, cameras, computers, dvds, posters, books,grow eqp., pipes, a little money, pictures of my girlfriend, and tons of other useless stuff that had nothing to do with marijauna plants. they just took everything they wanted.

the cops had a hydroponics store staked out and were profiling customers and following some people leaving. all they saw me with is a co2 tank. that is it. after getting fustrated from watching my house and seeing no illegal activity or traffic of any kind, they also did trash pulles and found nothing, they chose to come to my door.
the warrent which they sent to the judge was all lies. it qoated me saying all kinds of things and also my girlfriend was qoated saying all kinds of things and she never evan talked. on those lies they got their search warrent.
i am facing over 20years if connvicted of all the charges. plea is at 7 years right now. and to this day i have never been read my miranda rights.

on top of that we were told if we charged sexual harrasment on the cops it would just make it harder on ourselves.

watch your self around grow shops and never go to the grow after visiting one, never trust police, and be in a state thats medical friendly, and your guilty until proven innocent.

hope this helps someone avoid a situation like mine for i wish it on no one.

if anyone has any questions i'll try to answer as best i can.

stay safe and keep up the good fight!


Active member
ICMag Donor
Jahminded said:
I would sue the Officers PERSONALLY in civil court. Statute of limitations, at least here in CA, is at least 1 year, possibly 2. Not sure if that would apply considering your State. At the very least they will have to spend some money on an attorney.

I wouldnt recommend that!

I have a close friend in jail right now serving serving 4x the sentence he should have had just because he threated to sue to cops for violence where they hit him in the head and broke his tooth in a peaceful arrest.

He was to be taken in for questioning regarding a simple bar fight.

They came and arrested him early in the morning.

3 officers in his small bedroom where one of them being an ugly and very vocally abuse women so he told he to **** of the room while he was dressing and that 2 males must be sufficient to watch him while he was dressing.

He shouldn't have done that!

When he started putting on his socks one of the males decided he needed a lesson so hit draw his club and hit him in left side of his forehead hitting his eye and broke one of his teeths.

when they pulled him down the stairs he said he would sue them for violence.


A few days later they charged him for attacking them and suddenly claimed that a bat he had in his closet for protection and they first found until later, that he had attacked them with it.
Due to the size of his room and the bat its an impossibility but he was convicted anyway cause cops newer lie ??
Instead of 3 months for the bar fight he now serves 1 year in jail for assaulting an officer.....

I hate that ****ing rotten court system.
Been there myself and they took precious time of my life away on some screwed up charges.

Things like that i never forget and newer forgive! :rant: :dueling: :dueling: :dueling:
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this thread makes me sad. I can totally relate, even though I haven't been in that situation (yet). I'm debating on whether I should keep paying the ridiculous prices for decent bud or just grow it myself and watch over my shoulder 24/7. The stupid laws force growers to go through an entire lifestyle change to stay under the radar. And even so, plenty of people still go down even though they've never harmed anyone. It's like the laws force those of us who believe in the power of MJ to risk literally everything for it. . .I hate cops.

Best of luck to ya billycw, i hope you can find some peace in your life despite your situation. Best advice I can give ya is to trust in karma instead of retaliation.


I'm sorry to hear about what happened billy,

It's unfortunate you slipped up at the Knock & Talk.

To help keep people safe:

Here are my 7 Golden Rules:

1. Never leave your house open in anyway - double check all the windows are shut and the doors are securely locked EVERYTIME you leave the house.

2. Never let anyone in without a warrant.

3. No matter what the cops try to tell you during their Knock and Talk, play along with it, but never let your guard down....if they had enough evidence, they'd be busting you already at the point, so keep your cool and don't answer the door in clothes that stink of MJ, either from smoke or harvest.

4. Have a spy hole to see who's at the door before you answer it. Once you know, you can play for time if you really need to by saying you're just making yourself decent, and you'll be with them in a second. Or alternatively, you're just getting the keys for the door. This delay could be useful for spraying some air neutraliser to kill odours, turning off noisy fans, or visible extra light, etc.

5. Always have your foot behind the door, and only speak through approximately a foot of open door space, that way it reduces the possibility of them pushing their way in.

6. If you survive the Knock and Talk, then rip up the grow immediately and when you're sure the coast is clear outside, get rid of absolutely everything grow and smoke related...only have enough herb/hash on you to be able to eat it, as it's likely they will be back soon with a warrant.

7. Move house a.s.a.p. and start over.

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hey billy, read the whole thread and I gotta say that Im really sorry to hear what happened, it's truly a shame that innocent people are being subjected to this legal molestation. I know ranting about the bullshit legal status of herb wont do you any good, but just wanted to let you know that others share your pain and want the best for you (and all in similar situations...) Truly hope that everything works out for you and can fight the case or find some other solution (live like a king in south america...)

*positive thoughts and prayers*


Well-known member
well its been awhile again. seems like its been alot longer than it really has. thanks to all for the well wishes. bulldog good tips to live by, i didnt break at the knock and talk(which was desputed in court)they basicly were getting a warrent evidence or not even if the had to make shit up. its hard to stay composed with guns pointed at you and your loved ones. all i said is i want a lawyer. still good advice for everyone to follow but i wouldn't answer the door at all. then they cant detain you and say they smell marijuana thru the door.

on a different note i'm just on probation now. was in jail for a bit, but not even close to what i could have got. GET A GOOD LAWYER IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU!! some things i still feel uncomfortable discusing for i am still in the state and on probation. dont know the rules about discusing the facts quiet yet. but as sone as i feel safe i will. jail is a horrible place for someone with a bad back. prety bad experince. caught up on alot of reading though haha.

for all you growing out there be careful i wish you all a safe life away from this type of treatment. i truely feel we are doing the right thing(just like the people helping the underground railroad when it was illegal, corny comparison i know just couldnt think of a better one of the top of my head) i'm currently back on prescription pills, unfourtunly, and feeling like shit. i've lost alot of my time and money to this situation that ill never get back. was it worth it, well i believe it works for myself and others as well, but dam it nearly broke me. would i do it again, not in this state.

i feel my story can help people understand what they are up against, tactics they will imploy, law stretching that they do, and the harsh treatment given to you and all your loved ones. is my case a isolated case of abuse of power? i dont think so, the same sqaud that busted me have busted at least 12 growers in my area in the last 1-2years that i know of. these are the same people doing the raids, so i dout little has changed.

bottom line be very very careful. i wish everyone all the best. hopefully next post will be a long and fact driven post with all the details sorry its taking so long but just want to be safe for me and loved ones. i've been through enough without a post bringing me back in court. will as soon as i can.
thanks everyone.
this kind of shit makes me want to go to law school.

im so sorry you had to go through all this over a NATURAL plant. This shit HAS TO STOP. Who the **** is the US Government to put a legal status on a PLANT.



New member
Sad to hear - they will say anything they can and even use scare tactics once they get you seperated at their HQ. Its sad that cops can manipulate your mind status to get you to say what they need. Get a very good lawyer that handles misconduct from in cases like that. Brother got arrested once for riding his four wheeler down the higher on a real snowy day (was 3 in the morning on a weekend, he was high... go figure.) anyways he wasn't read his rights, wasn't detained correctly (cuffs way to tight, lost feelings in his hands / shades of purple), and the police officer didn't annouce himself (the cop parked around back of the 7-11 my brother was pumping ass into his four wheeler at - he ran around and tackled him.) case was droped. Even though he was doing something dangerous like riding a four wheeler on a highway...

Some cops are good, and do their job - but the majoritiy are horrible, twisted, dark-souled bastards. I'm sorry to hear what happened.


There's a saying in England called ACAB, which people sometimes have tatooed on their knuckes: All Cops Are Bastards

I don't believe in it myself, but NEVER trust a cop - they would turn their own mothers in for a few brownie points down at the station.



Please get a good lawyer if possible and don't take that plea, atleast I wouldn't, and above all good luck. You'll see better days. :joint:

I should have read the thread I guess. Haha. I am glad things worked out and excellent route you choose! :joint: :joint:
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