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busted my unforunate story


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Sorry to here what happened to you and your girl and glad you came out of this in better condition than you thought. I had a similar experience, but the cops were fairly respectful of my property and rights at the time of the raid. They knocked on the door, then just walked in with no guns drawn. Didn't even hand cuff us. The only thing they did wrong was went through photographs of my family and friends, which in Canada is not allowed if it is not listed on the warrant. They can only look in places where chemicals, plants, pot or lights could be hidden, and they definetely can't be hidden in a photo album lol. So all in all the raiding cops were fine, but.....

To get into my house a police officer lied and said I had plants growing in my backyard that he could see. This is a total lie and silly for him to say considering I don't even have a backyard! Also, they called in the tips line themselves. This I know forsure considering no one would make up something that was not happening, and it totally matched what they said they were looking for. It obviously got thrown out after $3000.00 and a $500.00 charitable donation - don't even have a record.

They only found perscription pills not percribed for me and an empty bottle of GHB which I have no idea where it came from - probably a party I had a week earlier.

So sometimes the cops can be okay, it just depends on who you get. I know some people from high-school that became cops and funny thing was they were the people that were picked on most. I think half the police force is made up of people that had problems with others at one point in their life and felt inferior in someway or another. Another quarter are power mongers, and the last quarter are people who truely want to improve our lives and believe in what they do 100%. Those are the cops you want to be busted by.

Sorry to here what happened, but thanks for sharing as much as you could. I am sure it will help out some of us in the future. The more real world info the better. Hope you and your girl all the best!




What a drama!! I hope you and the lady are getting the most out of those legal fees. The legal profession is a "necessary evil." With my finances, no lawyer would accept my case. Any case. A very good reason to troll under the radar thru life.

My simile of police trying to phuck us up is this..................
A sex addict trying to charm a virgin into his bed...............

Best wishes for your future. Are you still planning that move to CALIF?
No matter where you end up, remember..........................
i got busted by my landlord with 7 plants(plus six more she didn't find) . she gave me 2 hours to get rid of them or else she would call the cops. so i gave them away to ppl i knew. it made me so sad, that eventually i got rid of the other 6, becuase i had lost the will to keep growing them after what had happened. she never called the cops. so i lucked out, but it's so unfair, because now i can't grow again till the summer, and i'm spending way to much money when i could have it for free. and i really need this stuff or i get too stressed out to function. that's the way i always was and pot helps me relax so i can go about everyday life without getting worked up over every little thing.

but it's not to long till spring, when i can plant it outside in some bush or field.

anyway, good luck to you! get a lawyer, one who will work for you to try to get things straightened out. i'm gonna have a big project this summer and this time i will be way more careful. hopefully no one finds these plants.


Active member
Green_Goddess said:
i'm spending way to much money when i could have it for free. and i really need this stuff or i get too stressed out to function. that's the way i always was and pot helps me relax so i can go about everyday life without getting worked up over every little thing.

I feel ya...


New member
yeh, cops are real f@ckinn lyinn bustards!
instead of goin after real criminals they choose
someone they can easyly deal with.
f@ckinn pigs, that all i have to say.
good luck to you man!
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Another Fucked up COP story.
My buddy just got out of jail.. he spent 2 weeks in there over some bullshit.
They were serving a search warrant on his block, a few doors down. They didn't even have a warrant for his house. . They saw his greenhouse in the backyard and a few plants outside while they were snooping around the neighborhood .. so the fucked up part. they knocked on his door.. said they smelled marijuana. He was reluctant to let them in (did i mention he's in his underwear and just got out of bed to the pounding on the door.) they rushed in about 6 or 7 cops.
no warrant ..!! proceeded to arrest both occupants of the house.. then basically tore it apart. took all the grow equip. $$. and anything else related. Never read Miranda rights . they found 18 plants and a scale. and about 1/2 lb of dried bud, both were arrested, took to jail, and left in the holding cell clueless , no explanation , no release date, no nothing. Did i mention these were medical patients. with legit scripts. $500,000 bail each. house looked like hurricane katrina . these cops are real assholes.. dirtiest of the dirty. of course they weighed everything wet and came up with some stupid number like 50 lb's . The real fucked up part is that after they were arrested and in jail. The dirty ass cops forged the signature on the search warrant. Since they were medical and didn't really have anything to hold them on he was released in the system every 3 days and then re -arrested . no one was ever notified of this. Go Figure, His parents luckily know a thing or 2 and caught onto this scheme after about a week in the pen. i think they were released 10 days later,. it should have been a lot sooner. These cops are out for blood they don't care about "protect and serve".. All they care about is the adrenaline rush they get from having power and authority, and to control just about every situation they can, while in the process of fucking up these peoples lives ..for the most part these are usually non-violent tax paying citizens that are just like you and me. .
The Good news is that after they were released my friend had a chance to get some legal advice. since there is a court date for this whole shabang..
Here's the kicker .. the day of the court hearing ,none of the cops could show up because they are all involved with internal affairs cases that have to do with similar instances . (Abuse of power). They've obviously been involved in some other schemes, So I hope his case gets dropped and these dirty cops are convicted and lose they're jobs.
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They are working on that right now.. Big time law suit... we are talking about Mucho denaro here.. i'll keep us posted on the outcome
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40 or so states left for medical. Even less for decrim.

Truly sorry this happened to you Billy. Words cannot express the power of this injustice you have suffered. Oh wait, yes it can, in one word even, unconstitutional.

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