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busted my unforunate story


New member
If you don't have the best(read: expensive) lawyer in your area you are fucked. If you do you are set.

Almost as corrupt as the fact you're in trouble.


shizzletrizzle said:
If you don't have the best(read: expensive) lawyer in your area you are fucked. If you do you are set.

Almost as corrupt as the fact you're in trouble.

Its pretty sad thats how it works, but you are totally right. I know from first hand experience


Active member
as much as you can.^^^^^^^^^^ theres a lawyer for every budget LOL. the more $$$$ you got the better your lawyer will be.
Go to internal affairs of the police department. If you choose to do this after the case is over (so you aren't harassed), then so be it. I would do it now though considering how serious this is.

I'd also be writing letters to the police chief and whatever politicians.

I hope good fortune eventually finds you both in the battle.


hey man,

it blows that you're going through this crap, but right from "...being i don't like taking money for nothing i quit." i knew you had things were going to go wrong.

there's never any reason to not take money when you're in pain...unless it's from friend/family (then that can get funky).



More then likely the plants were bagged up complete with the stems and leaves and they were measured for weight while they were still wet. THen the pigs take that number and put $20 a gram street value on it. Thats just one tactic I know they probably use. Billy I hope the best for you. Peace -B


Well-known member
I hope you will beat the case because you're not wrong and I know good prevails over evil, so good will come out from it somehow.


Well-known member
just want to add some recent learnings. my lawyers looked at the evidence and they had bagged the whole plant, that means they weighed the whole thing roots, stems, and leaves included. i've also learned in my state that they are allowed to use the weight of bud and leaves(but not stem and roots). i always thought it was usable matter(bud). screwed up! just trying to push it over the manditory minimums to give me more time.

ston3r-$10,000-$200,000 was what we were quoted in my area.

moose- thanks for the chris conrad site. thats exactly what i was looking for.

hopefully i'll beat this case and the weight will finally be of my shoulders. looking like a decent shot to win due to lack of probable cause and repeated police incopatince to follow police procedure.

good luck to everyone.


my friend i am sorry for what happened to you...i know the day they kick down my door( i dont answer it) and take me to jail for growing my own grass...will be the day i start selling grass to pay my fines...its all a game to me...the drug war is nothing but organized crime...wake up people its time for a change

billycw said:
first off this is the first time i have touched a computer in over a year. i was a member of cw for a long time, and i'm very depressed to hear what happened to that wonderful online community. so thanks to icmag for filling a void in alot of peoples hearts.
let me start by giving you alittle backstory on myself. about 15 years ago i fractured a vertabre in my spine and herniated a disc. ever since then i have lived in constant pain. i was working in a major company for a while but had alot of labor involved. of course my back flared up and was given the option to quit or go on disability. being i don't like taking money for nothing i quit.
i chose to self medicate with marijauna instead of the somas and vicadan my doctors had been feeding me for 6 years. my stomach could not take anymore abuse. its my body i can choose what i put into it.
i chose to grow my own, and as i did i found a small group of sufferers that could use my help. this is what happened next. i might be a little veg on some details to protect myself because i'm still in the middle of it.

one night last year after 10pm me and my girlfriend were about to watch a movie when there was a knock at the door. thinking it was a friend or family we opened the door without looking. well it was 2 cops saying that our car had been vandilized, so stupid us we stepped out to look at our cars. right when that door closed behind us, cops came at us with their guns drawn, they told us they susspected that this was a grow house and that we were being detained. i instantly asked for a lawer to be presant, which was ignored, than they started asking a bunch of questions, still out side my house, and we were dening all of it and acting innocent.

next a police car pulls up,the first one the others had parked somewhere and walked, and we were told to get in. at the police station we were put in holding cells of all concrete. if i sat my back hurt, if i stood for a while my back hurt. i was then taken out and questioned extinsively without the miranda being read, without a audio tape, and after asking for my lawer countless times. then the f*** threatens to take my girlfriend, who had no part in the grow, to jail and all the things that will happen to her and he'd make sure of that. so on his word and against my better judgement all i said was its all me. she knows nothing, everything is mine. thats all i would say to him.
next i was taken to jail, without my house even being searched yet or any real evidance. they took my girl back to the house to do the search warrent. the whole time they were ripping my house apart, they were sexually harrasing my girlfriend who had to sit on a chair and watch. they kept on asking her out and making daragatory remarks about me, and at somepoints made graphic sexual inuindos to her and a couple other things i'll leave out.

in all i had over 50 plants going. they took my cars, cameras, computers, dvds, posters, books,grow eqp., pipes, a little money, pictures of my girlfriend, and tons of other useless stuff that had nothing to do with marijauna plants. they just took everything they wanted.

the cops had a hydroponics store staked out and were profiling customers and following some people leaving. all they saw me with is a co2 tank. that is it. after getting fustrated from watching my house and seeing no illegal activity or traffic of any kind, they also did trash pulles and found nothing, they chose to come to my door.
the warrent which they sent to the judge was all lies. it qoated me saying all kinds of things and also my girlfriend was qoated saying all kinds of things and she never evan talked. on those lies they got their search warrent.
i am facing over 20years if connvicted of all the charges. plea is at 7 years right now. and to this day i have never been read my miranda rights.

on top of that we were told if we charged sexual harrasment on the cops it would just make it harder on ourselves.

watch your self around grow shops and never go to the grow after visiting one, never trust police, and be in a state thats medical friendly, and your guilty until proven innocent.

hope this helps someone avoid a situation like mine for i wish it on no one.

if anyone has any questions i'll try to answer as best i can.

stay safe and keep up the good fight!
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Well-known member
hello macster- thanks for the well wishes. had a lot of court dates lately. nothing really solved yet. we are going to be responsible for changing at least one law or wording in the law that i cant really talk about yet. lots of motions up in the air right now. if some work case is over.
crossing my fingers!

just want to also add, i've left out some of the biggest issues or details that are very screwed up but cannot talk about them yet because it narrows it down to my case. want to win first then will air whole screwed up story with names, state, city, name of grow shop and those pigs that sexually harrased my g/f. burn in hell bastards. maybe even pitcures.
hope all goes well so i can.

stay safe all! their really are people that care
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Billy as much as I 'd like to read good news etc( crossing my fingers for you). Pls don't post to much info as I'd hate for you to be the victim of retaliation.The pigs get sore if you rub to much in their faces.


Active member
fuck that. i say when this is all said and done, like moose eater said "give em hell". get that shit aired wherever the fuck you can. im loving the idea of all that shit. this whole story is complete and utter bullshit, and to call it anything else would be a pure lie. good luck!


ICMag Donor
Wish you luck, sounds like you have a good chance of winning. I've been hearing more and more the past couple years about cops pullin shit like this.

Something similar but not near as significant happened to a couple friends who were just hangin out in some private property woods smokin some herbs.


i will be watching this thread, as i am very interested in hearing where this happend (state)

i will also be praying for you....



Active member
damn thats the craziest bust story ive heard so far... sorry man. flee the country.

That's the same lines I was thinking along...

In your patricular case, since you have gf, and considering your own medical condition- BAIL. A set of tix for 2 to South Asia isin't all that expensive either.
Dear billycw,

My prayers go out to you. I'm sorry about your misfortune, but thank you for sharing your story. It's extremely valuable to the community when our fallen comrads share there experiences. Especially the atrocities committed by Law Enforcement personel.

Please, Please, Please share every last detail of this experience after the fat lady has sung. Please give the names of all the law enforcement officers that participated in these crimes. Incidents like these need to be made public, and the members of the communities that these cops are supposed to protect need know that their Law Enforcement officers pose a threat, not only to the community, but to humanity. The actions of these officers violated, not only civil rights, but human rights.

It's unlikely that any of these officers would ever face charges or legal reprecussions. However, making public a case like this would catch the attention of watchdog groups like the ACLU and NORML and SAFER (if your in the states). An issue such as this would be front page material for the norml news letter. Norml chapters from around the country, as well as other concerned activists, might respond with letters to the municipalities which support this Law Enforcement agency.

Futhermore, just to make sure at that at least one of these evil little twats gets his cumupance immediately, we must write letters addressed directly to these officers families. Nothing like good ol' fashion family disgrace. It's likely that some of these officers have wives who'd love to know their husbands were hitting on and sexually harrassing another woman.

Your a Martyr billy
~Keep on Keepin' on