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busted my unforunate story


Well-known member
specialk- thanks for stoping by. i assure you this is true and unfortunately a little worse than my details. just wanted to be a little vag on some situations that happened. wanted to air it but also protect myself from further harm. hopefully ill be able to tell whole story soon.

Did they "bag" it with soil by any chance as well

im not quite sure but i dont think so.

You a fecking MEDICAL user who never hurt a fly or sold a gram in his life

exactly what ive been saying since this thing has started.


USA, but getting closer to nazi germany everyday. my state dosent discrimianate between a gang drug dealer and a med user.

Sometimes it seems that the cosmos has mistaken us non-conformists for Job and his daughters.

moose- made me smile. thanks for the support

on a side note and not near as important maybe as your personal trauma...but did you have much damage done to your home?

del- not really any substancal damage, my front door dosent close right, my screen door busted, lights in grow room were just yanked from ceiling, but mostly just personal property damaged.

they killed 2 small dogs of ours by kicking and stomping.

holy shit!! i love my dogs more than anything. did anything come of that? im so sorry to hear something that horrible. for me that would be like killing my child.

thanks everyone, stay safe


Hey man, sorry to hear about this. They LIED to your face and said your cars were being vandalized? Wow. Then they arrest you once you're outside... If you could relive that night differently, what would you have done? If you hadn't admitted to the grow (since they hadn't searched your house yet) would they have searched and convicted you? If you would have kept silent at the station, what would have happened?


Well-known member
tremolo- yes they lied to get us out of the house. if i could relive that night i would not have answered the door. just ignored it as usual. i think at that point they would have searched the house regardless of what i said. but lets be honest i broke a golden rule "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT". i regreat it every day. just that i was scared for the safety of my gf. she had nothing to do with it and thought i could save her the horror of the situation. turns out it only got worse.

i blame myself for how i handled the situation. but there is no reason for a police officer to say or act the way they did that night!!!! if i would have been at the house at the time of the sexual harrasment, i would be charged with alot more. that is just unacceptible. have all of there names burned into my memory. will not rest until they are just a shadow of themselves. if it happened that night just imagine how many victams there are. just not right.


"if it happened that night just imagine how many victams there are. just not right."

thousands of them!


When we get off our collective ass, we'll need a lot of rope.

Best wishes, please update.

Bob Labla

reading shit like this simultaneously brings me to tears and urges me to beat the shit out of the scum of the earth who enforce draconian bullshit laws without thinking twice.


Active member
leave the usa

leave the usa

lost everything i had at 50 yrs old made bail after 3months remand charged with production of 3 million pounds worth marijuana, left uk have been thailand for a year now.
i can imagine how you must feel,personally i would leave the country,fuck the law, and the pigs


billycw said:
hey moose- ya its state time. kind of wish it was federal. my state has manditory minimums at a farly low weight. i have asked about the time off for good behavior, and its not that good, its says you have to serve like 80-85% of your time no exeptions. the lawyers showed me the mins and maxs if we go to trial and lose a while back, cant remember exact numbers but it was something like 24-55 years. pretty unreal when confronted with those numbers. it is bad but the thing that haunts me is my girl is charged with the same. imagen your wife or mother or daugter faced with this when she had no hand in it. this all for a crime without hurting a soul. really injust for medicating my self to deal with the pain.

my life has been hard for the past year. ive been adicted to pain killers and muscle relaxers before and will never allow myself to take them again. so the pain has been a real problem for me. i do take a herbal pill(vilarion root mixed with kavakava) every once in a while to sleep but it does very little. work 45 hours a week and need to sell our home to pay for trial(if it goes that far). the stress is hard to deal with.

i think all growers and smokers are fighting in a round about way. just continueing to carry on is waging a counter war. with great obsticles comes great strugles. i feel for those that have come before me emensly.

stay safe

dude run away to canada please.....


New member
Andyo said:
lost everything i had at 50 yrs old made bail after 3months remand charged with production of 3 million pounds worth marijuana, left uk have been thailand for a year now.
i can imagine how you must feel,personally i would leave the country,fuck the law, and the pigs

How is it living in thailand oppose to the UK? Even more so how is it finding some kind of work?


verrrrry sorry to hear about this happening to you.

the REAL screwed up part of all of this...
is they are trying to have you locked up with, or right next to, murderers and child molesters.
(a "felon" is a "felon" in THEIR eyes...)

kinda shows your where our messed up priorities lie.
....... ive NEVER, EVER come across a hostile pot smoker or grower.......

karma is on your side at the very least.

i hope things work out for you.
as far as the whole "sexual harassment" issue....
id pursue that till earths end, IF you and your counsel think u might have a case.....hell, id even counter sue. if u in this mess....make it as messy for THEM too.....

just my humble .02.


I'm saddened to see no more posts by billy. :(
I have great sympathy for his situation as well as great fear that it could happen to any one of us at any time.

At the same time, murderous rage builds up. Makes you wanna keep a gun a bit more accessable. I pity the fool that busts down the door to my own little PRIVATE world.

I hate pigs.


Well-known member
hey everyone.
sorry i havn't writen in a long time. hard days! the outcome is over and going through alot right now. i dont really feel safe talking about the outcome yet as i'm under their thumb for a while. it went better then expected for my girl though, as i took the grunt of the law saying she had nothing to do with it. i'll be posting full outcome and all the details of the case i felt uncomfortable discussing before, as soon as i'm out and out of this state! maybe december. california is where we have chosen to go after this is over. maybe canada if they allow felons(anyone know more info on that) i just want to live in peace.

thanks for all the well wishes and thoughts, and sorry i can't say more yet. be careful because they play a dirty game with lives. stay safe and i'll post when i can.




guess its good your free even though your still in the shit abit still..

go west young man go west!!

good luck on canada I do not think your going to make it.,. they will not let dui folks in latley...

peace keep cool and in thouch.......


one in the chamber
Canada won't let you in, but Cali's the place to be. Good luck and God bless. There's a special place in hell for those who walk all over our rights. They're supposed to be serving the public good, yet their behavior is definitely criminal. Fucking robots. If you really want to be free, America's not the place anymore. Try Spain.
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So sad,A little plant and your life goes to shit. I've just driven through Oregon Beautiful state and I believe the pot laws are liberal (if memory serves) If I were in your shoes I'd take a look see.


Active member
I'm sorry this happened to you billycw, I know nothing about courts and laws, but after all that shit is done, you should fight back, your story really did something to me, I mean, this is not normal. Just tell people your story, it will touch and motivate, and will maybe get others to help you fight this battle or if you feel you cannot and just want to find some peace(everyone will understand) they will.
Stand strong, your rights are your life, fight for your life man.
Bob Marley: "me don't love fightin, but me don't love wicked either. I guess I have a kinda war thing in me. But it's better to die fightin for freedom, then to be a prisoner. All the days of your life."
Jah Bless you man, stand strong...