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busted my unforunate story



Billy it would be a good thing for the people here if you could tell us the state and hydrostore where this occurred,that would be the way to fight back and probably save a few people.I understand though if you think it would hurt your case in any way,but I dont see how it could.You still have your free speech rights


Sorry to hear about that billy, that is a sad story and hopefully it will all work itself out somehow. Best of wishes to you and your girl, and i feel for you having to 'choose' between you and you gf when they tried to slam her. be sending you good wishes.


What are you supposed to do when that happens? Cops come to the door - dont answer it? What if they know you are there? What if they dont have a warrant and know you are there? The first rule is "don't tell anyone", but shit people know. The grow shop knows. They follow me home from a grow shop, what am I supposed to do? They pull my plates from a grow shop, what am I supposed to do?

I'm gonna start putting money away for a lawyer. And shit, if anyone talked stupid to my g/f - they better send swat cause one or two of them fuckers aint walking away after.

And dude, I am sorry and wish you well.
as sad as it is.. they legally DO NOT have to read your miranda rights anymore...

second.. this case will be thrown out because of the illegal search warrant.. get a amzing lawyer, and you're all set


Well-known member
hi everyone,
nothing new yet but just wanted to say thank you to the well wishes.

i will be posting all info involved in my case as soon as its over. and i mean every last detail. might even include pictures. these bastards deserve a little karma. but not until the case is done.

dont really feel comfortable giving state and store name but please take this as a warning. be careful! use friends car to go to the hydro stores, dont go home directly after, go eat or hike or anything to check your 6.

stoney b- i've thought everyday to contact normal or other groups about this including police chiefs to congress men to papers, have also thought about sending letters to their familys detailing what has been done, they deserve to know the type of scum their involed with. but my lawyers have advised against this. so my only outlet i feel is icmag. the worst part is you only have 180 days to file against the police officers that comitted the crimes. that ship has came and gone. at least i can still get the word out someday.

and to those who say flee, someone needs to stand up and fight to change things, its just my time to do so. i feel i'm the victum, and victums dont run.

please stay safe everyone


Well-known member
thanks moose eater. i will be moving far away and be a hermit before posting all info. will never come back to this state again. hopefully the country. and thank you for pointing out it is individual choice what to do in this situation. just meant to say before i leave this police state, i feel an obligation to stand up and fight for my rights and all who come after me. have already changed 1 law or the wording there in from fighting. so there is a loop hole i have created, until they change it. will be talking specifics later on.

stay safe


I would sue the Officers PERSONALLY in civil court. Statute of limitations, at least here in CA, is at least 1 year, possibly 2. Not sure if that would apply considering your State. At the very least they will have to spend some money on an attorney.

Also, you could picket the actual police station where the officers are based out of. Let the community know they have sexually abusive officers on the force. You would be amazed how well this tactic works.

I must say...stories like yours are sobering for me. Luckily, I live in CA where I have some protections against Local and State authorities, but it really makes my blood boil to hear about this happening to good people such as yourself and your lady. Good luck to you..... +K


Well-known member
nothing really new. had a couple meetings with lawyers, and a couple continuences at court. lawyers keep asking for more money(of course). the lawyers are saying the prosecutor is being extremely tough on us compared to every other case they have seen or read. he is a dick.

it looks like it will be a while more. they think he might give a better plea, but we have motions pending that could throw the case out. problem is the plea would be taken away before that court sesion. i would really like to see the case out! dont really like the idea of pleaing.

also just want to say how screwed up the grand jury precedings are. the prosecuter can say what ever he wants without evidence to back him, and they will agree with him. and your not even their to call bullshit, or cross examine. then that is what you are charged with. a really messed up system if you ask me.

thanks for checking in, and stay safe


Active member
hey brother,

thanks for keeping us updated, and obviously we all hope youll away from this bullshit. Please keep us updated. What was there latest offer?



Well-known member
and then there's the hope of some sort of tremendous victory that could amount to vindication, and benefit both you -and- the cause.

thats what i hope for every day. small steps forward will lead to the finish line. just hope i can make one of those steps.

It takes a great deal of centeredness and courage to be in the phase of the game that you're in.

thank you. your kind words are appreciated. its really just in the fact that i believe the cause more than anything else in my life. marijuana has helped me more than i could explain in words. and know there are people that have worse pain than me, that arent well enough to change what will help them coupe with life. sad state of affairs. so i feel like this is my time to stand up and step foward.

and as to plea deal it is still at 7 to 12 years right now. no new offers yet.


Well-known member
hey moose- ya its state time. kind of wish it was federal. my state has manditory minimums at a farly low weight. i have asked about the time off for good behavior, and its not that good, its says you have to serve like 80-85% of your time no exeptions. the lawyers showed me the mins and maxs if we go to trial and lose a while back, cant remember exact numbers but it was something like 24-55 years. pretty unreal when confronted with those numbers. it is bad but the thing that haunts me is my girl is charged with the same. imagen your wife or mother or daugter faced with this when she had no hand in it. this all for a crime without hurting a soul. really injust for medicating my self to deal with the pain.

my life has been hard for the past year. ive been adicted to pain killers and muscle relaxers before and will never allow myself to take them again. so the pain has been a real problem for me. i do take a herbal pill(vilarion root mixed with kavakava) every once in a while to sleep but it does very little. work 45 hours a week and need to sell our home to pay for trial(if it goes that far). the stress is hard to deal with.

i think all growers and smokers are fighting in a round about way. just continueing to carry on is waging a counter war. with great obsticles comes great strugles. i feel for those that have come before me emensly.

stay safe


Active member
on a side note and not near as important maybe as your personal trauma...but did you have much damage done to your home? if so did you turn it into your home owners' ins co.? my wife and i got hit by vegas cops back in '99 for same thing (a backyard grow of about 80 plants) and when they came in they were breaking everything in sight, including breaking out our windows from the INSIDE! that along with chewing tobacco spit all over our blond carpeting, a door blown open only because it was closed, every entry door was broken along with the molding around it AFTER they were inside, etc etc etc but the worst they did (besides slapping my handcuffed wife several times) was they killed 2 small dogs of ours by kicking and stomping. we reported that to the aspca and gave a report to allstate, our ins company at the time. they covered nearly everything and cut us a check for nearly $9k then set about suing the police for malicious damage. it all eventually got worked out with me getting 2 years probation but the lawyer fees ran up to 35 grand while i fought the case for 18 months looking to get in front of the 'right' judge. now i'm legal so there'll be no more probs like that...if only i could erase the memory of that most horrible night.

good luck with your case and if you ever need a shoulder from someone who's been there...


billy stay strong my man, i have never been through some shit like you but it is b/c people like you stand up and say 'fuck off, no more' when they try to violate ur rights that the bud will eventually prevail...i will keep u in my best thoughts and hope very much u smoke those fucking pigs in court, keep pushin back!!


Active member
"your case is one of hundreds (if not thousands) that explain that sufficiently enough.."

mmm. yeah, i think according to the latest prison stats, easily into the thousands.


billycw said:
first off this is the first time i have touched a computer in over a year. i was a member of cw for a long time, and i'm very depressed to hear what happened to that wonderful online community. so thanks to icmag for filling a void in alot of peoples hearts.
let me start by giving you alittle backstory on myself. about 15 years ago i fractured a vertabre in my spine and herniated a disc. ever since then i have lived in constant pain. i was working in a major company for a while but had alot of labor involved. of course my back flared up and was given the option to quit or go on disability. being i don't like taking money for nothing i quit.
i chose to self medicate with marijauna instead of the somas and vicadan my doctors had been feeding me for 6 years. my stomach could not take anymore abuse. its my body i can choose what i put into it.
i chose to grow my own, and as i did i found a small group of sufferers that could use my help. this is what happened next. i might be a little veg on some details to protect myself because i'm still in the middle of it.

one night last year after 10pm me and my girlfriend were about to watch a movie when there was a knock at the door. thinking it was a friend or family we opened the door without looking. well it was 2 cops saying that our car had been vandilized, so stupid us we stepped out to look at our cars. right when that door closed behind us, cops came at us with their guns drawn, they told us they susspected that this was a grow house and that we were being detained. i instantly asked for a lawer to be presant, which was ignored, than they started asking a bunch of questions, still out side my house, and we were dening all of it and acting innocent.

next a police car pulls up,the first one the others had parked somewhere and walked, and we were told to get in. at the police station we were put in holding cells of all concrete. if i sat my back hurt, if i stood for a while my back hurt. i was then taken out and questioned extinsively without the miranda being read, without a audio tape, and after asking for my lawer countless times. then the f*** threatens to take my girlfriend, who had no part in the grow, to jail and all the things that will happen to her and he'd make sure of that. so on his word and against my better judgement all i said was its all me. she knows nothing, everything is mine. thats all i would say to him.
next i was taken to jail, without my house even being searched yet or any real evidance. they took my girl back to the house to do the search warrent. the whole time they were ripping my house apart, they were sexually harrasing my girlfriend who had to sit on a chair and watch. they kept on asking her out and making daragatory remarks about me, and at somepoints made graphic sexual inuindos to her and a couple other things i'll leave out.

in all i had over 50 plants going. they took my cars, cameras, computers, dvds, posters, books,grow eqp., pipes, a little money, pictures of my girlfriend, and tons of other useless stuff that had nothing to do with marijauna plants. they just took everything they wanted.

the cops had a hydroponics store staked out and were profiling customers and following some people leaving. all they saw me with is a co2 tank. that is it. after getting fustrated from watching my house and seeing no illegal activity or traffic of any kind, they also did trash pulles and found nothing, they chose to come to my door.
the warrent which they sent to the judge was all lies. it qoated me saying all kinds of things and also my girlfriend was qoated saying all kinds of things and she never evan talked. on those lies they got their search warrent.
i am facing over 20years if connvicted of all the charges. plea is at 7 years right now. and to this day i have never been read my miranda rights.

on top of that we were told if we charged sexual harrasment on the cops it would just make it harder on ourselves.

watch your self around grow shops and never go to the grow after visiting one, never trust police, and be in a state thats medical friendly, and your guilty until proven innocent.

hope this helps someone avoid a situation like mine for i wish it on no one.

if anyone has any questions i'll try to answer as best i can.

stay safe and keep up the good fight!

Wow hold it right there!! I just stumbled upon this forum and find this.

If that is story true, then this is the most dirtiest scummiest bust i ever read.

If that happened to me i would find out where those cops lived, and come down to their house in 3 am on a cold dark winter night with my 6 foot 6 black friend with a 15 inch penis...... and i would do a lot of ugly nasty mean mean things to those cunts

"also wanted to tell everyone to keep everything you value(seeds, money, pictures and anything else of value to you) in a seprate place from your garden. you could use a nonregulated vault(some nicer jewelry stores have them) or a securety box at bank, anywhere but your house or the cops will take it. prepare for the worst. just one of the lessons ive learned."

Dude, where THE FUCK DO YOU LIVE NAZI-VILL?? If a fucking pig came down to place and so much as touched my fucking ASH TRAY id go mental let alone my pictures and things!!

Basicly the way i see it your

1. A medical User, and it should reduce the shit 10 times. Where i am, if a dirty scummy cop came up to me and asked me how would i like a MJ charge pressed against me i would just laugh in his face becuase theres no way on this EARTH they would win anything in court with MY medical background.

2. The lied and violated your basic rights. Here once again, your whole case would be thrown out of the fucking police depratment and the cops would get sent to a retirment home early. But thats here. Sucks to live in the US i guess, Best country on earth my ass.

3. And ifnally their abused your woman. Here it would be like a CHERRY on top of your cake of defences. Read my statment about my friend with 15 inch tool. Becuase thayd be sucking on it before they knew it.

*shake dust of his hands*

"just want to add some recent learnings. my lawyers looked at the evidence and they had bagged the whole plant, that means they weighed the whole thing roots, stems, and leaves included."

Did they "bag" it with soil by any chance as well :rolleyes:

"my friend i am sorry for what happened to you...i know the day they kick down my door( i dont answer it) and take me to jail for growing my own grass...will be the day i start selling grass to pay my fines...its all a game to me...the drug war is nothing but organized crime...wake up people its time for a change"

Well said

"just want to also add, i've left out some of the biggest issues or details that are very screwed up but cannot talk about them yet because it narrows it down to my case. want to win first then will air whole screwed up story with names, state, city, name of grow shop and those pigs that sexually harrased my g/f. burn in hell bastards. maybe even pitcures.
hope all goes well so i can."

Good luck, let us know

"I'm gonna start putting money away for a lawyer. And shit, if anyone talked stupid to my g/f - they better send swat cause one or two of them fuckers aint walking away after."


"second.. this case will be thrown out because of the illegal search warrant.. get a amzing lawyer, and you're all set"

get a AMUZING laywer, becuase the court will be a fucking circus if something like this even cosnidered with a straght face

"i have asked about the time off for good behavior, and its not that good, its says you have to serve like 80-85% of your time no exeptions. "

What are you a George Jung FFS????? You a fecking MEDICAL user who never hurt a fly or sold a gram in his life, get the fuck outa here you pigs!!

*walks away imagening my friends 15 inch dicks CUM on those pigs faces*
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Limeygreen said:
I hope you will beat the case because you're not wrong and I know good prevails over evil, so good will come out from it somehow.

Fuc* man i wish everything was like a movie, but thats NOT the way it turns out the popo almost ALWAYS win, trust ME there is nothing you can do if they want to get you, they LOVE to make examples, they will bend and twist everything they can, people dont care eather they only care if it happens to them... run or get a good lawyer thats only way if they are after you becides that learn how to play spades.
