I'm speaking about people in general and issues with being told seeds they made herm..... nothing specific to Hempy or not, to me it's just simply an ego thing, and trying to control plants and genetics we can't begin to fully understand, especially when being grown with assistance, or hindrance (ha) by someone elses hands in different place, etc..... Personally I don't mind hermie plants one bit, often it comes with the territory for what I'm seeking..... My expectations are fair, and real....From my perspective it's Hempy minding his own and others sniping at him with connotations of being a worthless piece of trash simply because they claim his hermie plants yadda yadda because Hempy, unlike his accusers, have a history in breeding projects which significantly influenced the betterment of Cannabis culture.
And the anti-hempyites also equate anyone who likes Nevil or associate(d) with Nevil or Nevil's genetics/projects as "narcissist just like Trump" which adds to their ridiculous speculations, and they further that by thinking it's okay to surreptitiously insult and attack out of no where and everywhere etc etc etc etc a true bully culture.
These sativas are so special this crowd I speak of would ultimately encourage the erasure of these pure Sativas off the face of this earth.
It is a case of the highest form of ankle-biting. They do it to Arjan of Greenhouse Seeds and call him a criminal and on and on.
These ankle-biting accusers are essentially the thugs and violent criminals of the Cannabis world who can't be straight-edge with anything ever so their motive is to strike down truly good things and then build a sub-culture around chuckle-f***ing at things they cannot understand.
in other words if one is to create great genetics then these ankle-biters show up and must be fended off from time to time with truth and reason.
I hear you, I agree, the haters have gotten so extreme and ridiculous that not hating Nevil is also associated with worshiping Nevil as his hero fan boy and we have to bend over and bow to the finger pointers to justify our existence by explaining to futility why we see and do as we do. People were more about mumbling their tourettes in the closet alone before the keyboard days that is for certain.I'm speaking about people in general and issues with being told seeds they made herm..... nothing specific to Hempy or not, to me it's just simply an ego thing, and trying to control plants and genetics we can't begin to fully understand, especially when being grown with assistance, or hindrance (ha) by someone elses hands in different place, etc..... Personally I don't mind hermie plants one bit, often it comes with the territory for what I'm seeking..... My expectations are fair, and real....
If Hempy made some dope ass Thai or Thia seeds, that don't herm... he should be comfortable with that, and enjoy his creation, spread them far and wide so others too can experience them... Fuck the haters..... and the hero fan boys too, both are equally as bad in my book, and provide equal disservice to the "space"...
Finally the truth thank god.From my perspective it's Hempy minding his own and others sniping at him with connotations of being a worthless piece of trash simply because they claim his hermie plants yadda yadda because Hempy, unlike his accusers, have a history in breeding projects which significantly influenced the betterment of Cannabis culture.
And the anti-hempyites also equate anyone who likes Nevil or associate(d) with Nevil or Nevil's genetics/projects as "narcissist just like Trump" which adds to their ridiculous speculations, and they further that by thinking it's okay to surreptitiously insult and attack out of no where and everywhere etc etc etc etc a true bully culture.
These sativas are so special this crowd I speak of would ultimately encourage the erasure of these pure Sativas off the face of this earth.
It is a case of the highest form of ankle-biting. They do it to Arjan of Greenhouse Seeds and call him a criminal and on and on.
These ankle-biting accusers are essentially the thugs and violent criminals of the Cannabis world who can't be straight-edge with anything ever so their motive is to strike down truly good things and then build a sub-culture around chuckle-f***ing at things they cannot understand.
in other words if one is to create great genetics then these ankle-biters show up and must be fended off from time to time with truth and reason.
Just love the plant its easy.
Big time brother feeling a lot of love for this plant right now.
i think you should go back where you have been,There is a huge difference in finding a true hermaphrodite to having female plants or even male plants for that matter show intersex traits mid to late in flower wally.
Some pure sativa lines have 3 sexes that show at sex even Kanga told you this in the Grail thread.
you have no idea xet ,From my perspective it's Hempy minding his own and others sniping at him with connotations of being a worthless piece of trash simply because they claim his hermie plants yadda yadda because Hempy, unlike his accusers, have a history in breeding projects which significantly influenced the betterment of Cannabis culture.
And the anti-hempyites also equate anyone who likes Nevil or associate(d) with Nevil or Nevil's genetics/projects as "narcissist just like Trump" which adds to their ridiculous speculations, and they further that by thinking it's okay to surreptitiously insult and attack out of no where and everywhere etc etc etc etc a true bully culture.
These sativas are so special this crowd I speak of would ultimately encourage the erasure of these pure Sativas off the face of this earth.
It is a case of the highest form of ankle-biting. They do it to Arjan of Greenhouse Seeds and call him a criminal and on and on.
These ankle-biting accusers are essentially the thugs and violent criminals of the Cannabis world who can't be straight-edge with anything ever so their motive is to strike down truly good things and then build a sub-culture around chuckle-f***ing at things they cannot understand.
in other words if one is to create great genetics then these ankle-biters show up and must be fended off from time to time with truth and reason.
i sure didnt blame anyone or rag anyone out about it ,well if kanga or bushy said so it must be set in stone, lmao..... sorry, but man FFS get people off pedestals already, the insecurity and egoes that run rampant in cannabis forums always fascinates me....
Couple thoughts on all this from folk much smarter than I willing to put in the work............... An article that links to many studies @ this matter, and on the Asian plateau IIRC it's focused...
"Most flowering plants are hermaphroditic, and unisexual individuals (dioecious) have evolved from hermaphroditic ancestors many times (Renner, 2014). Trioecy is an uncommon sexual system in which hermaphrodites, females, and males coexist in some species. Trioecy occurs during the evolutionary transition from hermaphroditism to dioecy (Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1978, Ross, 1982, Spigler and Ashman, 2012). Trioecy is a stable evolutionary stage under pollen limitation of female seed production because pollen limitation reduces the fitness of females but not self-fertile hermaphrodites, counteracting the seed fertility advantage of females (Maurice and Fleming, 1995). " ....... CONTD
Also Interesting to note:
- Hermaphrodite: only hermie plants (this means staminate + pistillate flowers at the same bract.
- Monoecious: only monoecious plants (this means staminate + pistillate flowers within the same plant.
- Dioecious: only dioecious plants (this means either staminate or pistillate plants, but firm sex regardless).
- Ginodioecious: both firm females + hermies.
- Androdioecious: both firm males + hermies.
I'm still not sure why SOO many people seem to take it so personally and often when plants just gonna do what plants wanna do........ After all - It's a "dioecious" plant bred underground for centuries in some cases, to be expected, not sure it's anyone's fault in particular nor specific to any set of reason(s).....
Thanks Raho. Just pulled lime madness inside for a quick inspection. Looking and smelling like some good stuff.I wish you all the best luck with your selections and smoke