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Bush Weed Seeds


Well-known member
Reef also confirm his swiss thai was also called '78 Thai and orignally came from green hornet in the ojd tester thread.

It's pretty disrespectful to hempy's preservation work and also Nevil's grail project to sell these seeds (MMx78Thai) listed as having hempy thai's as a parent when clearly that's not the case.

I hope @PANIKZ can step up to the plate and scrub the strain description at the very least and even think about giving these away as freebees.

Too many bad vibes with these bushweed MMx78 imho.


The seeds are sold out. Can't even buy them with money. Not gonna be any freebees, safe to say.


Well-known member
@TheDarkStorm your posts sound like you know a lot, but so much of it just isn't provable.
You say you provide evidence, but the only "evidence" is the words you type out of thin air.
All you've done is type your beliefs on a screen and showed it to people. That transformation from mental concept to letters on a screen does not transform the nature of it from "idea/belief" to "evidence."

Comparing an old pic of a seedling to a current pic of a hybrid of 2 plants grown from seed with multiple generations of sibling and outcross offspring between them?
You call THAT conclusive proof of anything?
Even some of the details of your history are incorrect because you are just repeating the words of others who either left things out, got them wrong or just didn't notice.

Romanoweed, Gypsy Thai has been sold out for years. Never to be seen again.
oldschoolbreeders assoc is a scam site. They have never had any pure mullum or anything mullum without Nevil's haze in it. The seeds they sell are at best repro's done by inexperienced hacks, of seeds stolen by a would-be website partner from Reef and Nev.
Anything of theirs that they say they have now which they didn't have when they first opened are probably not what they say it is. I seriously doubt Reef would give them ANYTHING now, and Nev's ghost isn't likely to make those moves either.
We all know that Hempy thinks everything he has ever grown is better than everything from anywhere/anyone else, so his own critique of his line is not objective.
Nev smoked it and apparently liked it, but hempy has never shared it (pure) with anyone else online that will talk about it so that's all we have to go by.

See, the thing about this debate of "Is it really hempy's thai" is that it's only important to hempy and people trying to kiss Hempy's ass.
Nobody else cares if the outcross was Hempy's . . . just if it was good enough to roll with Kanga's Mullum and not degrade it.

All of us know that like most cannabis provenance, we will never get to the "real truth". We don't expect it.
We develop sophisticated instincts about what is true or not in the stories we are told, and decide for ourselves what to believe.
I guess some of you are still trying to persuade the 15% of 300 people who care about this and haven't already picked a side, that Hempy's origin story is true.
Hope you enjoy yourselves trying.
Am I correct in assuming that Hempy still hasn't smoked any of the MM78 this thread is about? Darkstorm? You too? Evidence?

Page 61 of this thread is filled with crazy BS by some people who are either easily confused/misled or people with an agenda that it benefits them to dispute a story that other people barely care about the accuracy of.
People buy MM78 for the MM, not the 78. Let's be real about that.

Hempy himself is the only one that can do anything about the confusion he continues to propogate. If he wants people to experience what he thinks is so special, he should stop complaining, insisting that other people don't have it, and release the shit so people can judge the truth for themselves.
@HEMPY I'm sure @PANIKZ would have them listed for sale the same day they arrived out there.

I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Is hempy banned again? I just see the mcnoodle guy when I tried to link Hempy's handle to the post.


Well-known member
Nobody else cares if the outcross was Hempy's . . . just if it was good enough to roll with Kanga's Mullum and not degrade it.

People buy MM78 for the MM, not the 78. Let's be real about that.

Haha @Raho thanks for the laughs!

But seriously the proof is in the pudding as we all know.

Plenty of positive reports of keepers and grail from the Outback Haze line.

Not so much from MM78. Nice/interesting terps is all I've heard ...


Well-known member
Haha @Raho thanks for the laughs!

But seriously the proof is in the pudding as we all know.

Plenty of positive reports of keepers and grail from the Outback Haze line.

Not so much from MM78. Nice/interesting terps is all I've heard ...
People don't post their results because of the small active group of haters demonizing the origins of the gear.
Who would have thought that pot growers could be influenced by what "mean people" say on social media? :pointlaug

For some reason, I get a lot of PMs about it though.
I personally know 4 people who bought the seeds and found plants they consider keepers. Unlike anything else they have.
They are thrilled they bought the seeds and ran them, but don't want to deal with aggressive people coming at them over something they know/care nothing about.

OJD's crosses sound and look interesting, but they are haze-dom Poly x Poly.
As a breeding model, that is not something designed for preserving specific traits. Rather, poly x poly is a breeding model for finding something new.
Nevil's goal for the Grail was exactly that: Create something NEW. Always based on a haze foundation, but something different to meet or beat what he found working with Haze A and C and the old wide leafs of the 80s. Perhaps he had plans beyond that as well, like how to use it in breeding seeds to be sold to growers . . . those plans are gone I guess.
Still, I doubt (my opinion only) that poly x poly is what he would be doing right now.

I have no doubt there is good stuff in the outback haze crosses, but can you detect anything uniquely Mullum in there? I don't even know if there IS Mullum in there. Don't care either.
That kind of genetic soup-kitchen is not the kind of seed I like to work with.

Positive reports? The OJD Outback work is haze hybrids being grown by people who love haze hybrids.
Sadly, most people today could not tell the difference between a pure Mexican and a pure Thai without a label if they were smoking them side by side.
Tragic artifact of the global war on drugs.

When you give away lots of seeds for free to the right people, at the very least you should get good pics of well grown plants and a description that reflects some gratitude for the gift.

Quite different than Bushy's seed drop.
Angry people hoping for free seeds complained when the seeds were priced like California Hype Weed instead of like Sam's freebies.
Attacked by the guy that Nevil got the seed from (Kanga).
Attacked by the self-appointed protector of Nevil's legacy, who wasn't involved with what Nev did with Kanga but threatened by what Nevil said the seeds were (Mullum x "Hempy's Thai").

Hempy: "Nevil never lied."​
Bushy: "Nevil lied to everyone when he needed to. He even lied to Shanti when he said he wouldn't sell seeds to his customers on MNS. Why wouldn't he lie to you? BTW, He told me this has your Thai in it."​
Hempy: "Nevil lied to you about the seeds he gave you."​

I can't win an argument of logic vs fantasy in this audience.
Whatever doesn't fit the fantasy is never addressed, it simply stops being mentioned.

There is no proof on either side, and logic/critical thinking is a quickly disappearing skill in today's world.
With Hempy, critical thinking is impossible.

Just as well that I couldn't tag him because he put an @ in his username, but thanks to everyone who PM'ed me how to do it :tiphat:
Looks like he might be on another ICmag vacation . . . almost 4 weeks since his last post.


Dread & Alive
People don't post their results because of the small active group of haters demonizing the origins of the gear.
Who would have thought that pot growers could be influenced by what "mean people" say on social media? :pointlaug

For some reason, I get a lot of PMs about it though.
I personally know 4 people who bought the seeds and found plants they consider keepers. Unlike anything else they have.
They are thrilled they bought the seeds and ran them, but don't want to deal with aggressive people coming at them over something they know/care nothing about.

OJD's crosses sound and look interesting, but they are haze-dom Poly x Poly.
As a breeding model, that is not something designed for preserving specific traits. Rather, poly x poly is a breeding model for finding something new.
Nevil's goal for the Grail was exactly that: Create something NEW. Always based on a haze foundation, but something different to meet or beat what he found working with Haze A and C and the old wide leafs of the 80s. Perhaps he had plans beyond that as well, like how to use it in breeding seeds to be sold to growers . . . those plans are gone I guess.
Still, I doubt (my opinion only) that poly x poly is what he would be doing right now.

I have no doubt there is good stuff in the outback haze crosses, but can you detect anything uniquely Mullum in there? I don't even know if there IS Mullum in there. Don't care either.
That kind of genetic soup-kitchen is not the kind of seed I like to work with.

Positive reports? The OJD Outback work is haze hybrids being grown by people who love haze hybrids.
Sadly, most people today could not tell the difference between a pure Mexican and a pure Thai without a label if they were smoking them side by side.
Tragic artifact of the global war on drugs.

When you give away lots of seeds for free to the right people, at the very least you should get good pics of well grown plants and a description that reflects some gratitude for the gift.

Quite different than Bushy's seed drop.
Angry people hoping for free seeds complained when the seeds were priced like California Hype Weed instead of like Sam's freebies.
Attacked by the guy that Nevil got the seed from (Kanga).
Attacked by the self-appointed protector of Nevil's legacy, who wasn't involved with what Nev did with Kanga but threatened by what Nevil said the seeds were (Mullum x "Hempy's Thai").

Hempy: "Nevil never lied."​
Bushy: "Nevil lied to everyone when he needed to. He even lied to Shanti when he said he wouldn't sell seeds to his customers on MNS. Why wouldn't he lie to you? BTW, He told me this has your Thai in it."​
Hempy: "Nevil lied to you about the seeds he gave you."​

I can't win an argument of logic vs fantasy in this audience.
Whatever doesn't fit the fantasy is never addressed, it simply stops being mentioned.

There is no proof on either side, and logic/critical thinking is a quickly disappearing skill in today's world.
With Hempy, critical thinking is impossible.

Just as well that I couldn't tag him because he put an @ in his username, but thanks to everyone who PM'ed me how to do it :tiphat:
Looks like he might be on another ICmag vacation . . . almost 4 weeks since his last post.
Over the years I have come to understand that in seed-biz it's all about lying and fucking (thank God there are exceptions of course) Nevil RIP lied and cheated on friends and collaborators, but it seems to me that many collaborators have enjoyed being used by Nevil ( an example for everyone: Shanti, but not only of course), everyone let themselves be fooled to make more money, after all just put in the description of the varieties the name Nevil (or even Sam) and that's it ...


Dread & Alive
Over the years I have come to understand that in seed-biz it's all about lying and fucking (thank God there are exceptions of course) Nevil RIP lied and cheated on friends and collaborators, but it seems to me that many collaborators have enjoyed being used by Nevil ( an example for everyone: Shanti, but not only of course), everyone let themselves be fooled to make more money, after all just put in the description of the varieties the name Nevil (or even Sam) and that's it ...
Isn't that the same for the haze revival?


Well-known member
Romanoweed, Gypsy Thai has been sold out for years. Never to be seen again.
oldschoolbreeders assoc is a scam site.
I have reasons to beleive that thats not true.

I told people enough how much i love Vietnamese right?
The only "pure Vietnames" that i also like is Hoabac, (i dont like everything that grows in Vietnam today) . Ive researched countless hours where and what vietnamese, and from the people who bought from Oldschoolba, not the ones that just scream around fake fake , those who bought from them tended to think its legit.

Further, i already grew hoabac - oldschoolba,, And well, thats something i liked.
Further, even Snowhigh got the Hoabac from oldschoolba and resells it.. And poststed couple times about it.. Do you think he resells birdseed or Superskunk?

Further, i have further reasons, but wont list them, cause respect of Reeferman whio saidly doesent sell Hoabac and Cambodian Haze nomore.
So, whats your deep insight, my insight is years of lurking around, reading anything i found about this Vendor.. and the explicit love for Vietnamese.

Ahm, why do you inform me that Gypsy Thai is nomore sold when i tell you that i know someone that will sell them (most probably). I dont get it , but yeah, YOU dont know anyone who sells Gypsy Thai.. nice .



Well-known member
About oldschoolbas Thai78 wich isnt listed, but you get it per request, i am with darkstorm in so far as the THAI78 and Bushweeds Thai78 x MM look unbelevable similar.. Theyre almost looking the same (probably because the Mullunbimby is mostly Thai EVENTUALLY. The Point is they look sooo freaking similar. But i wont show you picture openly).

So i guess they are the same exactl Line in those two. Wether or not its swiss thai, well i dont know.. But i tell you this, oldschoolba told me his Thai78 is from Switzerland.

I dont wanna fight, i simply dont care what you think, i only know that i as a SE Asian lover / landrace only lover like em. So, NO CLAIM ! Just my hints and bits.


Well-known member
ahm, now i read theyre repros , yes, whats the deal then. anything Landracelovers share is a repro i suppose. or probably its from clones, .. i dont see too many problems. I freaking like Hoabac . Cambodian Haze is good too, special vibes. The thais look thaiish, as i would expect from a 78 and 69 thai..
Are all seeds real they sell, probably, probably there is also some fak, i dint grow every line from them.. haha
They list also some modern Cambodain, wich i disliked, I beleive oldschoolba lists a couple modern Strains that may or may not be from Reefermans approved stock.. Like the modern Cambodian, was pretty, meehh., stressy speedy, jittery.

But again, if a strain on the site is Reeferman Strain (search on seedf... for old Straindescriptions, and Strainnames), those might all be good.


Well-known member
So, yes, the Hoabac - oldschoolba is: it makes things look a bit yellow. It has a funny anietyfree start that was so relieving after smoking streetweed.. It was one of the few Strains i choosen, and rightfully i would say.. Its still a certain Degree of not knowing how i feel about a certain Smoke, right? normal. But how it colors things yellow is special. Crossed to Vietblack it made the world look like a van Gough NO JOKE. its dreamy, a hint of HEavenly when the world feels like in peace, i keep some experiences with it a secret, its too personal. So, yes its good.

Cambodian Haze - Oldschoolba : its almost too seditative for my taste, i mean a tad.. Its relatively unspectacualr, i feel like my mind is wandering off, no actually not wandering off, its just a bit like im gone.. But what i loved the end of the Smokeeperience i get a very very nice bungalo feeling, and even its just a secound, it was interesting. Its slightly weak, so i will have to combine with a strain with nice presence .. to fill the slightly unspetacular middle part.. Its slightly erotyzing..

Thumbs up, some of the few SE Asian remains are at this site is what i feel. I have problems assuming theyre compleetly fake, even the idea their outcrossed to some indica i highly doubt.. Floweringtime is right, the look is 100 percent like a picture from Reeferman himselves Facebook. (the ice sorbet Pheno)
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Well-known member
I have reasons to beleive that thats not true.

I told people enough how much i love Vietnamese right?
The only "pure Vietnames" that i also like is Hoabac, (i dont like everything that grows in Vietnam today) . Ive researched countless hours where and what vietnamese, and from the people who bought from Oldschoolba, not the ones that just scream around fake fake , those who bought from them tended to think its legit.

Further, i already grew hoabac - oldschoolba,, And well, thats something i liked.
Further, even Snowhigh got the Hoabac from oldschoolba and resells it.. And poststed couple times about it.. Do you think he resells birdseed or Superskunk?

Further, i have further reasons, but wont list them, cause respect of Reeferman whio saidly doesent sell Hoabac and Cambodian Haze nomore.
So, whats your deep insight, my insight is years of lurking around, reading anything i found about this Vendor.. and the explicit love for Vietnamese.

Ahm, why do you inform me that Gypsy Thai is nomore sold when i tell you that i know someone that will sell them (most probably). I dont get it , but yeah, YOU dont know anyone who sells Gypsy Thai.. nice .

Sorry to have triggered you with my contradiction of what you think you know.
You are a nice guy Romano, and all I did is disagree with 2 things you were saying.
Nothing personal.

You say that you don't care about what I think, but then make 4 big posts, half a screen of text in 29 minutes. That's a lot of writing.
You may care more that you think . . . just sayin.

I usually appreciate it when people point out my mistakes, as that is the opportunity to learn and grow. So much of what we think we know in this realm are simply not true.
I try very hard to be clear about what is opinion vs what can be backed with evidence in my writing, but I sometimes fail there. It's a constant struggle.
Because of that I am going to put in some effort to turn this into a learning moment for you.

The info FROM Reef is still up on another site. something about "farming THC". You get it right? His username is reeferman.

I'm gonna post a couple of screen caps I took that I hope the mods will allow. If not, can you please edit the post to remove them leaving the rest (or ask me to do it) and not make me re-type all this?
reef at the farm commenting on oldschoolba.jpg

and this 2020 complaint about oldschoolba:
complaint about oldschoolBA breeding.jpg

WOW! 2k spent, 100 females, 19 strains, and they all looked like they came from the same parents. Reef said it looked like they pollinated all the different lines with the same skunk males.
That was 2015.

Now, this isn't all.

About the falling out between Reef/Nev and the Oldschoolba website guy, that happened fast.
Reefs comments about the site not having any of his genetics is obviously a defensive attack on their credibility and not true.
The webmaster that stole the seeds from Reef and Nev would never have stopped leading them on unless he had the seeds. It was his plan all along.

Reef had been hyping the soon-to-be new site as a place to get his old gear and Nev's new gear. "Coming soon" kinda thing.
Well, all that ended with an announcement from Reef that the deal was off, things had not worked out.

Right after this, it became obvious there was more to the story and that Oldschoolba was still being setup.
There was a guy that started a thread somewhere (I believe it was the farm, could have been roll_up) asking for advice on growing weed and making seeds. Seems he had never done either before, but had gotten an amazing job, hired to make pot seeds for an online seedbank. He listed the strains that he was working with and it was all of Reef's best old stuff. People were going crazy. Excited.
The new guy posted some details about his deal: the owner/webmaster was setting up a seedbank and had the original seeds, but wanted to farm out the work of making more and he hired this complete newbie for the job. He knew literally NOTHING.

CERTAINLY, F2 is the point where many seed collections lose the magic because of a single bad male selection. The person chosen to do the work to making seeds with such special lines is kind of important for the future quality of the gear.
I could not find those posts, and I searched briefly at the 2 other sites I visited on occasion back then and couldn't find it. If it was the farm site, then Reef may have had the dude's posts deleted because he was a sponsor there back then. Who knows. Maybe a better/more patient searcher might still find it. Hell, maybe it's here at IC?

Regarding the Gypsy Thai Stick seeds . . . OF COURSE I meant the original drop.
Unpopped seed packs will live forever in the secondary market, and F2's and hybrids always follow the release of gear that makes a splash.
But often the F2's don't measure up to the originals, and who can afford to invest 7 months in a flower cycle on seeds that were flowered only long enough to mature the seeds on a couple of plants with no selection?

Kanga was worried that he would not be able to finish the Gypsy Thai they ran because it was the slowest flowering plant they ran in the grail quest. That is why Nev wasn't interested in it BTW.
The Gypsy Thai keeper (1 out of 30) wasn't harvested until the end of July. That's the end of January outdoor harvest in NorthAmerica.

I know where I could probably get F2's of the Gypsy Thai and have some hybrids with her, but for most people, they are gone.

I'm not gonna make any comments on how impressed you are with oldschoolba seeds, or your belief in the information they provide about their lines.
Clearly anything they say should be received as a story from a thief and a liar.

Regarding your ability to discern Thai from any other weed, I believe we have spoken before in PM about that topic and that you were not smoking weed back in the 70s?
If today's hybridized Thai from one source looks a lot like other contemporary hybridized Thai from another source, does that mean it's the same as Thai from the 70's?
Can you pic a winner pheno from a picture? People on Instagram think so.

Anyway, they grow a lot of weed in Thailand today . . . and it's all called THAI.
So . . . that's not confusing :cool:

I've never grown Reef gear. I noticed all this stuff WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING because I had bought Nev's gear from RIMMEO and was constantly looking for other people with the same stuff.
I am really happy to have found my memory supported by what I found.
Wish I could have found all of it for you, but unless you are gonna do the searching needed to find it out there somewhere, you'll just have to take my word for it.
You say:
So, whats your deep insight, my insight is years of lurking around, reading anything i found about this Vendor.. and the explicit love for Vietnamese.
It seems all your searching and reading may not have led you to that site. :unsure:

OK, my computer time on this thread is up for the day.
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Active member
A liar is caught sooner than a lame man.
Some time ago I kept an eye on them but I realized that they are not to be trusted. A lot of exploited is what there is trying to get money and deceiving people.


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Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
A liar is caught sooner than a lame man.
Some time ago I kept an eye on them but I realized that they are not to be trusted. A lot of exploited is what there is trying to get money and deceiving people.
I'll double down and although I'm an ace fan. Even they have posted pics which were not there's. It's no longer up and has been removed since


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