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Brazilian Seed Co officially folded

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Slim Pickens

Well-known member
As always,I'm impressed with what you can do with a 250.You are an inspiration!

Maybe you haven't ever grown a pure sativa indoors,because you can't fairly compare a hybrid or an indica to a pure sativa.Still,you are certainly welcome to your opinion.


i thought of such things ezra and offered my 2 cents tryin not to get my nose to far into somone elses buisness after my first few post i thought maybe i was essentially talking to much about something that really has nothing to do with me.

i dont mean that as a sarcastic reflection upon your post thats just how i percieved my own posts. simply put i think to much and alot of the time will type whole paragraphs then deem it unfit to post cuz its not relavent or productive
im even doing it now hehe see how easy it is
I don't wanna be critic with this strain,

I only don't like the plant of B.H. (respect for you) , no the strain.

I know the sativa/indica differents but

I prefier others landraces sativas strains.

Sorry for my English, I don't want be wrong about this grower.

Only I think its a good grower, but I don't like the pheno...

...nothing more!

Peace & Respect!


you tried it m8? ive tried some of the shit these boys got cookin and i gotta say im blown away... you just dont know

My personal favorite of Zams isnt even on the list for production so only the best makes it.

anyway like they said 'your' opinion, i think

dont knock it before you try it tho
Hombre I'v read through this whole thread and I must say you have become quite an annoyance. "With all due respect, I can say whatever I want when I say with all due respect." ~Taldega Nights haha.

I can't wait to grow columbian black.....I want to grow more of these black strands. Although I might get columbian gold in the meantime. How long do plants take seed to harvest.

Thanks BSC, and Luiz hope u get better buddy.



Anybody checking the breeders forums would wonder why such a thread would be so active and might check it out but still, it's true they would have to read a long way before they knew whats going on. As it was pointed out before, the information about BSC is very scattered, it would be nice to have a nice overview of the project somewhere.

The plant looks pretty good and BH and it is important to be able to tell apart a good flush and overfertilization. They do look a lot like Redrider's Colombians indeed.


Active member


Merry Christmas everyone! We had a good one down here. Wow BH I just can't belive how great your SMG grows under a light bulb! See I have never grown anything under artificial lights so I really had no idea how they would grow and it looks like they grow great! Really nice and the keif I bet makes some world class hashish. I've been smoking a lot of my SMG (since sept.) and it gets much better after a few months cure, the taste almost has a sweet rusty flavor and the buzz seems to be slightly longer lasting. I did have a chance to see my nephew for a few minutes but he didn't have any info. on the black, all he had or even wanted to talk about was this $10US a gram "blueberry". I didn't get to see the bud but I did burn half a pin joint (first time since I've been in Colombia I even seen a pin joint) with my nephew. I've never smoked any kind of "blueberry" and this weed didn't taste like any blueberry I could imagine, but it was dank fruity flavored with a strange narcotic high (could have been all the whiskey I had too). I don't really know what kind of bud the pin had in it but it didn't taste like Colombian and I would never buy it. Anyway should see my nephew again this weekend about the black but its not easy to speak to him about it with all the family watching him like a hawk.
Anyway here's some more killer SMG!

Happy Holidays from Colombia!


Active member
zamalito said:
We have the aracaju red (different from the red sativa aka foxtail sativa)which which looks to hopefully be the finest south american red variety I've ever seen. This is from sergipe which I believe is near bahia. I've been listening to some crazy tropicalia recently also I have a couple tom zé cd's. Weird stuff! Lu has a couple contacts in the northeast of brasil who will provide us with seeds that we may try to provide unbred direct from region of origin for a very modest charge just to cover shipping and to keep the connections motivated to searching actively. Unfortunately we don't have anything amazonian though I have doubts of santa maria being truly amazonian anyways. I'm more interested in working with the hill temple og sunshine and returning this very potent line to it's homeland.

good news indeed - the Aracaju Red sounds like it might be my kind of herb

I don't know much about Santa Maria - I had never heard of it before when I smoked it, but what I can say is this was with a Santo Daime group (Brazilian Ayahuasca group) and it did seem to be mighty fine stuff, and I would guess from thhose guys it would likely be the real deal, if, as you say, if, it is really 100% Brazilian in origin

yeh Tropicalia is crazy stuff - those albums above are the best I have listened to so far (I am not so sure about Os Mutantes - they have some incredible tunes, but some arse ones too I reckon)

best of luck with the BSC - if there are gods for sure they are smiling on you
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Glad you're happy to hear about the aracaju red, namkha. Yeah, I'm not sure what to make of Os Mutantes either. Its really weird seeing northeast brazilian culture with this weird warhol influence that I was never sure I liked or disliked its influence on american culture.

It's no pressure on finding the manizales black, red. I can't wait to smoke real brazilian grown herbs for the first time in february. I can't wait to see you work on the creation and stabilization of those haze hybrids.

Ezra, its great to see you around.

muddy waters

Active member
zamalito i look forward to hearing you describe the intricate differences between the manga rosa, br green, bengala, and aracaju red landraces once you've cultivated them a while. are they truly each unique? a couple years from now i look forward to your official catalog...

let me just say this--if you guys get nice bud shots on the site and good descriptions of the plants including cannabinoid levels it won't matter if your thread here says 'Brazilian Seed Co officially Michael Jackson' the kids will come around, in bunches. if your outfit can just keep it about 90% knowledge 10% salesman it will separate you from the pack. and if you're gonna pay for a site i think you could have your own forum there for tech support and strain gossip and whatnot. (just another 2 cents.)


Active member


It's no pressure on finding the manizales black, red. I can't wait to smoke real brazilian grown herbs for the first time in february. I can't wait to see you work on the creation and stabilization of those haze hybrids.
zamalito I'll keep looking, manizales is just up the road from me. See it's not hard to score here, I can just go to the park across the street from my house and get a QP. The problem is unless its from a family member or a very close family friend all I get is mersh with what ever name I'm looking for (Gold,redbud or even black) tacked on it. Just like anywhere else on the street you get street weed and I've had enough of that in my life time so I don't waste my time with it even @ $20 a lb. The really good Colombian is here I know cause I already found it but you won't find it on the streets. I still need to talk more with my friend and her farm worker (the old guy) as he still knows some of the local growers. As far as the HAZE I plan to grow some myself but most I want to be grown at the farm by a real Colombian grower. Good things are coming and next week I plan to ship you the list I sent with maybe some of my crosses (not hybrids yet). zamalito if possible stop for a few days in Colombia on your way to Brazil, you would be our guest and it would cost only the air fare. Just an idea (bring bubble baggs).

Peace from Colombia


Slim Pickens

Well-known member
muddy waters said:
zamalito i look forward to hearing you describe the intricate differences between the manga rosa, br green, bengala, and aracaju red landraces once you've cultivated them a while. are they truly each unique? a couple years from now i look forward to your official catalog...

let me just say this--if you guys get nice bud shots on the site and good descriptions of the plants including cannabinoid levels it won't matter if your thread here says 'Brazilian Seed Co officially Michael Jackson' the kids will come around, in bunches. if your outfit can just keep it about 90% knowledge 10% salesman it will separate you from the pack. and if you're gonna pay for a site i think you could have your own forum there for tech support and strain gossip and whatnot. (just another 2 cents.)

BSC will also be different from other seed vendors because of the cooperation of growers in various locations throughout the world I should think.Most of us here understand the need to preserve the landraces for future generations,and will cooperate because we care about preservation.No different than preserving heirloom vegetables.

It's an important issue to me,and I fully believe everyone else feels the same.

Preserve it,or lose it.


Michael Jackson Seed Co, lol maybe that's not such a bad idea. We could breed a strain that turns white as it gets older. Muddy, if you get a chance could you check on the brazilian laws regarding gc/ms analysis of cannabis. From looks alone they're all very different. The brazilian green has a very monotone coloration and big fat teardrop calyxes with few visible hairs on the mature buds. The manga rosa has very fat leaves for a brazilian landrace. The aracaju has a really nice resin content. Luiz has some samples for me to try and you may even be there to try them with me. Like you said it will probably be a few years before everything is together in a catalog that has everything we want to put in it now. Of course during those two years we will probably find more that we'd like to put in it.

Nept, and Slim, I'm glad you put your faith in us. It will be hard but I will try to our best to meet your expectations. You should use a picture of slim pickins from the old westerns as your avatar, hehe.

Red, I'm gonna see what I can do to arrange a stop in colombia. Your offer is well worth a set of bubblebags. I will send you a pm after I type this. This would be a dream come true to stop in colombia. I can't wait to hear what you learn from your new acquaintance. I'm very curious about the network of how seed stocks were maintained with the traditional growers of the higher quality highland herbs. The subject of seed stock maintenance may never come up but if/when you ever get a chance to ask him could you try to find out about if the was any centralized production in the seed stocks. Were their growers who grew seed to supply everyone else or was each grower responsible for their own seeds? During the 70's someone had to have huge seed stocks of the high quality lines somewhere and I'm sure someone still does. If the growers were responisble for their own seeds maybe you could get some idea of what their ideals for parental selection were especially for males.


Active member
zamalito said:
Michael Jackson Seed Co, lol maybe that's not such a bad idea. We could breed a strain that turns white as it gets older.


(anyone here heard MJ's cover of "It's Your Thing"? not quite enough to redeem him, but still, what a tune )


BSC will also be different from other seed vendors because of the cooperation of growers in various locations throughout the world I should think.Most of us here understand the need to preserve the landraces for future generations,and will cooperate because we care about preservation.No different than preserving heirloom vegetables.

It's an important issue to me,and I fully believe everyone else feels the same.

Preserve it,or lose it.

Cool post.

It is no different from preserving any heirloom plant species and does only take co operation. It can be done because it is being done and being proven, slowly. Small steps but important ones..the tide is turning in the plants favour slowly but surely..good vibes for her as we go into the new year. You have to bottom out to go up sometimes and feels like that for the plant for me. The whole Dutch seed breeding machine has led us down some blind alles..but luckilly we have the dedicated collectors like Mriko and preservationist cultivators to preserve what we have left, share them as widely as is possible and then we have the opportunity to start again. Do it right this time.

The subject of seed stock maintenance may never come up but if/when you ever get a chance to ask him could you try to find out about if the was any centralized production in the seed stocks. Were their growers who grew seed to supply everyone else or was each grower responsible for their own seeds? During the 70's someone had to have huge seed stocks of the high quality lines somewhere and I'm sure someone still does.

Post 70s big commercial farming in certain areas for the US market. Prior to that Connisuer cultivating. Different groups entirely i think. The legends come from the Connisuer local lines and small personal imorted amounts thereoff. The names come from the post 70s more commercial farming in the areas i think. Im sure the rainbows, purples, motas etc all gown in the mountains where not all reffered to as 'golds' by the locals. Personally i suspect there was much hybridisations post mid 70s of local lines by more commercial farmers. Not a bad thing but better if we can locate genepools of earlier lines.

Peace, hhf


We could breed a strain that turns white as it gets older

I ripped myself laughing, thanks for that.

It's like preserving tomatoes but the difference is that tomatoes can be preserverd quite more easily but if we want to preserve this plant, we need to unite and form some kind of a global network, or the loss will be inevitable. How many heirloom tomato breeders are there anyway, a few big ones, but if there were only a few big cannabis breeders, the loss of one would be cathastrophic. What would happen if something happened to Zamalito a few years from now and if only he had these strains in significant amounts? Sorry if I boiled it down to the preservation business again which was already discussed in the Potential in South America thread, but I believe we do have to unite as soon as possible.


zamalito said:
The manga rosa has very fat leaves for a brazilian landrace. .

Hello zamalito,
I don't know what is fat leaves for you, but i have grown manga rosa coming from bsc two years ago (in and out), and it is clearly sativa leaves as you can see. It finish in around 11-12 weeks It stretch a lot (x4) and it is not resinous. The high was very clear and i really appreciate growing this plant, i call it "dancing girl" because it look on the left and some hour later on the right. It was also a little bit difficult to clone, but very vigorous and have a very goood mold resistance.
I will be pleased to order again from Bsc.



ACE Seeds Breeder
Good afternoon!

ker2noir manga rosa description is quite accurate.

Manga rosa has a very destinctive leaf pattern and growing structure. Leafs are extremely thin with a unique serration.
I've grown manga rosa (not bsc) and other north eastearn brazilian sativas from Bahia. They share many commoun traits.

They are tall thin and lanky sativas which need very warm and uniform temps around 25-30ºC to produce decents results. Yields are real low even when grown under good conditions. If they are not grown in a tropical warm climate like brazil, then final yields when harvesting big plants could be real lame.

They almost paralize the growing and flowering when temps are low. I woud never recommend it for a cold autumm. She also loves very high humid rates, hates dry conditions.

The aroma and taste is old school classic american sativa: sweet, earthy, woody ...

Flowers have a decent flower/leaf ratio but buds are small and fluffy.

The best thing is the high. One of the clearest experiences i've had. You feel trippy (space and time distorsion) but in a very clear and clean way. It's happy weed without ceiling.
It's also energetic although is hard to focus attention in something concrete.

All north eastern brazilians i've grown are very similar in structure, flowering traits, kid of high .... but Manga rosa subvariety has a distinctive pink/purple coloration in the stems. They are taller and the high is slighty better than her north eastern sisters.

Here's a general view of a tall manga rosa female growing in soil.

Her distinctive leaf trait, her serration and the pink/purple colours in the stems. They rarely produce leaves with more than 5 'fingers' even after long vegetative periods.

Here's a detail of her lanky, thin and asymetrical structure. Stem has also a nice deep colour.

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