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Brazilian Seed Co officially folded

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i wasnt as much worried about my location. feeling out the chat room and all that im noticing something

alot of people are all for what you guys are doing here but some can only be slightly excited For something that really doesnt apply to them and some might have alot to offer

i was rather trying to stimulate some encouragement from the indoor community :D

that wasnt all it tho im curious too

also in my recent attempts to catch up with the goings ons here ive noticed the information reguarding BSC is scattered all around the forums and if you dont already know whats going on or are talking to somone close to the action you really have no idea whats going on

Heres the last grow its kinda relted to the subject Having tried the Zamal pure and the ZamalDestroyer x Parvati i have to say that the ZDP was a nicely adapted strain. I seriously doubt i could have come close to finishing a pure zamal outdoors but these girls finished right along with the Apollo11 and Golden Skush and were much stronger, very sativa yet fast (might make you think of c99 but dont bother........it aint got Jack on ZDP lol)

as you can see in the first pic the plants pick up alot of debris in the air :|
i wasnt pleased about smoking all that cotton. they were sticky like no other
i got tons of A11 pics with not a spec of debris on them

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zamalito said:
I can't wait to get the new website up so Luiz can start communicating also.

heh sorry m8 answered my own question two fold

thats what i was concerned about.. asking to many pesky questions
that have already been covered


Thread Rename

Thread Rename


Nice thread, my friend. Good photos by all, and good information to be sure. I do not know how you would do it, but I for one would like it if you could find pure Panama Red to offer in your lineup. This is a hell of a good strain that cannot be found through current vendors other than as a cross. The same holds true for Acapulco Gold.

Also, since BSC is soon to be open for business again, I think you might be wise to consider renaming this thread, to reflect that fact. Particularly since this thread has morphed into BSC's revitalization. The thread's current name informs no one as to what is in the works with BSC. Renaming would alert forum surfers to the new status, which would benefit potential business. Just my 2 cents.

Again, I much appreciate your unique contribution concerning Mexican and South American strains, among others, but particularly those south of the US-Mexican border. We have tended to forget these landraces and their importance and contribution to the many hybrids we now enjoy.

Love and many heartfelt thanks to you and all who are participating in keeping these strains alive in our consciousness and available for our gardens.

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alot of people are all for what you guys are doing here but some can only be slightly excited For something that really doesnt apply to them and some might have alot to offer

i was rather trying to stimulate some encouragement from the indoor community

High Nept,

Think it just takes time bro, thats the problem isn't it. First we got to find, reproduce, share out, understand and then we can all create hybrids for the indoor growers. All breeders having access to base pure seed stocks. Step by step, as its a long route ahead to having a fresh portfolio of genetics derived from all new and unmolested Landrace and Heirloom stocks, even to get back to where we were 20 years ago. No short cuts is there. The seed business tried that once before and ended up going no where very fruitfull [imho] fast, just no point in repeating those mistakes.

Peace, hhf


Yeah, we along with hhf definitely intend to make things available where all growers can experience the best of what their environments whatever they are have to offer. In the beginning for some types of growing situation the best we can do is just make available the breeding stocks needed to make a great strain for that specific climate or growroom type and they'll be able to work on it themselves along with us making good hybrid ibls and improved inbred heirloom lines. What bsc and I think hhf would like to see is a whole new generation of seed companies that pop up from using both our documented lines and their own and forcing the current seed cartels to adapt or fall behind. At first most of what we sell will be breeding stock and f1's but we plan to steadily make improved landrace lines and stabilized hybrids available over time.


Apologies Zamiloto, did not see i was i the BSC thread when posting that..oops :)

Peace, hhf


Goddamnit hhf, get off my land. If I see you here again I'm gonna sick my pitbulls on you.

Lol, of course you can post whatever you want here as long as it's ok with the mods.

la mano negra

Active member
buena onda a todos los de este hilo

Zamalito, me encanta el catálogo, pero deberías poner alguna africana más. Y en el logo de BSC deberías añadirle "somos el color de la tierra".




Active member
hey Zamalito et al, count me in for some of those Spring 2007 beauties

for some reason it is the Manga Rosa that has got my attention

do you plan to release any Bahia strains, or do any of the strains you have originate from round there?

one of these days I will be chilling to Milton Nascimento and Caetano Veloso and puffing on some true old school Brasilian herb

Milton Nascimento - Clube Da Esquina

Caetano Veloso - Transa; 1969 etc

Tropicalia - A Brasilian Revolution In Sound

this music and Brasilian herb - there is much to be happy about

might BSC be able to source any authentic Santa Maria ... I once smoked that - beautiful visual up high, and indica too

Zam sorry for the unnecessary pm, I hadn't twigged to this thread
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Hiya folks

Thought I'd show you all what I'm smoking this xmas. I chopped down this Columbian Gold (Brazilian Seed Co) a few weeks back, she was a lovely lady, very deep purple stems and a lovely silvery shine to her colas from the coating of triches, a very nice lady considering she was grown under a 250w HPS in plain potting compost and only fed lightly with seaweed extract and a little organic fish fert.






And here's some close-ups, classic foxtail sativa structure and lots of triches for a landrace sativa:






The two largest colas were pretty big for a small lamp and plain soil. that's a jumbo sized can of gas, not one of the smaller ones:


I am ging to whip out this plastic box after xmas dinner, open it with a floursih and say 'Anyone for desert?'


For anyone doubting that BSC's Colombian Gold is the real deal, compare these pics to the ones redrider posted of his CG in Colombia, looks the same to me:



And here's some closeups, the buds have a lovely silvery sheen to them:





I've got a jarful that I'm gonna leave to cure for a couple of months:


And I made this bag of kif from the Colombian trim, it's eautiful stuff, quite devastating and leaves you with a permanent ear-to-ear grin for a few hours:



Merry Christmas everyone!


fantastic!!! those colas are the size of a Pam spray bottle in alot of the shots it starts to look like they are tiny buds but that shot sums it up.
NeptHaze said:
fantastic!!! those colas are the size of a Pam spray bottle in alot of the shots it starts to look like they are tiny buds but that shot sums it up.

Fantastics? This buds? :confused:

I think this pics no good publicity for the BSCO seed banks!

Sorry... but it's only my personal opinion.

Merry Xmas!
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Feliz Navidad, mano. Tengo gusto de eso, los "somos el color de la tierra". Intentaremos hacer a algunos africanos adicionales disponibles.

Namkha, don't worry about the unnecesary pm. Its no big deal at all. We have the aracaju red (different from the red sativa aka foxtail sativa)which which looks to hopefully be the finest south american red variety I've ever seen. This is from sergipe which I believe is near bahia. I've been listening to some crazy tropicalia recently also I have a couple tom zé cd's. Weird stuff! Lu has a couple contacts in the northeast of brasil who will provide us with seeds that we may try to provide unbred direct from region of origin for a very modest charge just to cover shipping and to keep the connections motivated to searching actively. Unfortunately we don't have anything amazonian though I have doubts of santa maria being truly amazonian anyways. I'm more interested in working with the hill temple og sunshine and returning this very potent line to it's homeland.

Bh, thanks for the pics they're absolutely wonderful. I bet that skuff is amazing. I'm a bit jealous eventhough I have some good zamal, and fmcd sour diesel dry sieve skuff and some acapulco skuff aging for 3 years now (don't mean to brag, lol). I'm very proud of those pictures.
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Hombre, if you don't mind, what do you not like about those pictures? Have you grown pure colombian indoors before?

Many of us that have would choose bh's flower over this flower anytime.



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Hail Zamal,

No, I nothing have to grow this strains anymore,

if this it's the performance of this plant in indoor.....

I prefiere don't grow it :confused:

I don't know this strain....only I see any little buds over fertilized.


it's only my personal opinion.


You have every right to not wish to grow it and you're welcome to speak your mind. However I think you may be missing out on the pure sativas.


hope english isnt your first language m8 no offence if so maybe spell check?
i dont know about anyone else but i havent seen this strain perform, ive only seen pictures, which look fantastic... all how you see it i suspect. considering the soil and bulb it looks nice. thats what real weed is. most are willing to grow something strangley looking to get a real high... hell your idea of what marijuana is, is probably shaped by alot of these strains

it really evens out even if the sativas yield less that some hybrids they make up for it by being potant

IMO there are no 1 hitter hybrids but ive had a 1 hitter sativa landrace
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- ezra -

British Hempire - I am sure you will love to smoke your Columbian after a good cure. That looks like some premium sativa to me. Impressed you were able to grow it under a 250 despite the stretch. What was the total flower time? Did you go 12/12 from seed?

Hombre - why come to this thread to be negative, why not just stick to your indicas, plenty of other threads around if your not into the type of herb we have here. You should know that pure sativas generally dont look as marketable as the indicas and modern hybrids which are so common. Its the quality of the smoke that we get excited about and when you look at those buds, you cant judge the quality by comparing it to an indica or hybrid, especially in structure. Its the exotic quality and stimulating cerebral highs that sativas are praised for, not production or 'bag appeal'

Zamalito - hope your keeping well mate. Just an idea, perhaps you should start another thread to replace the current function of this one and name it something more appropriate than 'BSC officially folded'. Just because well BSC is running again and people looking at the thread title might get the wrong idea, and you need to read most of the thread before you get to understand whats actually happening. Maybe you could start the thread with a nice intruduction to the new BSC, its history and highlight your aims, etc. Alternatively, you could ask GN for a BSC forum in the Vendors forums, maybe that forum could coincide with the first release next year.

- Ez
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i thought maybe the thread was left like it is intentionaly as to not discourage the wrong attention

atm no one not interested in BSC wont click

well, obviously somone did

but its happening much slower than most threads since the title

we know where to check for the news

- ezra -

true Nept, its good for the small circle of people who are 'in the know' but eventually I expect BSC will want to make members aware of their existnce and products. BSC will need as much support of patrons as they can get because they are obviously not working on a high budget. The 'marketing' if I may call it such needs to happen. IMO this was one of the primary reasons BSC was not financially successful previously. Not because the product was lacking in any way, but simply there was a lack of proper marketing. I think that websites like ICmag forums can be the best way to market for a seed company because they have access to a large community of potential customers to whom they can show their products in a detailed and open way while providing customer support. Its like interractive marketing in a way. Forums also enable the best method for other customers to advocate a seed company's products, which is the absolute best form of marketing.
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