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Brazilian Seed Co officially folded

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muddy waters

Active member
sorry zamalito i was responding to your question in the south america thread i think about legality of GC equipment, in case that wasn't clear. i'm just getting back to the posts from late december...


The anticipation of a new season is buildign up, with only about a month and a half to live through now for the first seedling, for me. I am sure the rest of you are hoping that everything goes well and BSC can release like Zamalito promised=) Hopefully not too late into the season because we want to see what these plants really can do=)

Best wishes for everybody and especially to you Zamalito and pass on the word to Luis also. You seem to be doing what you love to do and doing it well because of this.


New member
I receantly stumbled on to this thread, I've been trying to get a hold of landrace sativas the ones I have now are Swazi Red and Wild Brazilian I got from gn collection, and I would love to try bsc colobaian gold. Did everything work out where can i get bsc seeds?


zamalito said:
Ok here's the tentative schedule for bsc releases. Seasons listed are for nothern hemisphere

Spring 2007

Manga Rosa
Santa Marta Gold
Opossum #1 (smg x acapulco/deepchunk)
Puna Budder

Summer & Fall 2007

Highland Oaxaca Gold
Acapulco Gold
Brasilian Green
Punto Rojo
Aracaju Red
Burmese (different from reeferman or visc)
Greengenes cherry bomb (I only have ten seeds but a kind soul is offering us more. We will only reproduce these in pure form f that goes thru)
Cochabamba (bolivian)
The first of Redrider's Lines
Angola Red (this comes from lmn. Will only be released with his permission)

Xmas 2007
Kona Gold (a very special old hawaiian that possibly dates back to the infamous brotherhood of eternal love most well known for their following the teachings of Dr. Leary and their exploits in the smuggling of afghan hash)
More work from redrider
Brasilian Lemon (possible ancestor of leda uno)

Spring 2008

Colombian Black
Foxtail Sativa
Brasilian Black (bengala)
Brasilian Gold
Oaxacan Pelo Rojo

These are just the pure strains. We will also have indica sativa hybrids, elite xutting x sativa hybrids and pure sativa hybrids but those will be more played by ear and won't really be our focus. If there's anything that you can't wait for and would like to see moved up in the schedule let me know. It is very likely that some of these may be dropped to a lower priority.

Did Breeders Choice pick up most of these strains or will they be available through BSC? Id love to get some of that Acapulco Gold & Brasilian Green.


I think that Zam said that BSC is coming back. THe owner picked up some land and is planning to get rolling again. Hope it all works out. He is a cool guy.


I think Breeders Choice is releasing some of these, but I believe zamalito said some of the strains were luis' and he was going to continue work on those himself.

u might try asking the same question in the breeders choice forum...im kinda curious about it as well


Active member
ICMag Donor
I don't know. On the site it's told to make orders to Cannagenetics that's closed since long time. That means the site isn't updated.
If anybody has a working address of Luiz, please let me know it.
Anyway, whatever he's doing, I keep on sending my best wishes to him.


Where can i get these gems other than SeedBay, i want me some landrace's...not pure sats but more tame, kush's are cool but i prefer more sativa dom highs...is nigerian possbly what im looking for? :chin:

Jah bless..:rasta:

Opossum #1 (smg x acapulco/deepchunk)
that just sounds sexy...:D
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I think that Zam said that BSC is coming back. THe owner picked up some land and is planning to get rolling again. Hope it all works out. He is a cool guy

Yep thats what we understand. Can only hope it does work out for him!

I think Breeders Choice is releasing some of these, but I believe zamalito said some of the strains were luis' and he was going to continue work on those himself.

To clear this up. Breeders Choice is not working with any of BSC lines, neither will we do so for commercial release. If we did, it would only to be to make a accession for donation to BSC to help them rebuild and this would not be public knowledge anyway.

Breeders Choice supplied BSC with Colombian Black, Punto Rojo and gold amongst other lines from our collection, these lines where collected in Colombia by one of our partners and we sent them to BSC. No problem there as we are a 'open source' seed co, happy to share with other seedco's. I am sure L will have fun with them and hope when he has his land up and running he can work with them in the future in the correct manner. He has our full support and it would be great to see BSC go into the future for sure.

Peace, hhf


I like the work of both Zamalito and Luiz, but despite working on similar genetics, they are not working together anymore.


Syd said:
I don't know. On the site it's told to make orders to Cannagenetics that's closed since long time. That means the site isn't updated.
If anybody has a working address of Luiz, please let me know it.
Anyway, whatever he's doing, I keep on sending my best wishes to him.

The website should be updated but from what I understood, there are some technical issues to put the older one down. lol

I don't know precisely the projects of the BSC but from what I understood, there will be some good things to try. I saw some work of the breeder on Zamal lines and they look awesome pure sativas.

I just tried its Colombian gold, which is probably an indica cultivar adapted by Colombian drug sellers. It is very potent and has a very nice smell. Not a very good producer but very good stuff. Some hermies in it however.

Here is a short report from a tester of the strain:

"The Colombian Santa Marta gold from BSC is imho the most potent of the list. When successfully grown (and I'm sure it would be the case in your hands :wink: ) she is near to be intoxicating. Very strong high, thick and potent. The kind of high that crushes your brain. If you try to resist, then you can just observe that you can not resist lol The first time I tried it, I smoked a pure spliff alone. After the three first tokes, I was already laughing alone because I could not believe it was so strong lol

After the first half of the spliff, I had to take some rest, playing to the computer and listening to the music. At this time, I was really upset. So I decided to continue, and at the 3/4 of the spliff, I discovered a new line bass in the "Stir it up" from Bob Marley. It was a cd that I was listening to for many years and it was only now that i discovered it lol

Then I finished the spliff and I had to go to the armchair. I woke up two hours later because there was storm outside and the lightenings and thunder told me it was time to go to bed :wink: It is near an indica high but not fully. If you smoke it with intelligency, it can produce a nice sedative narcotic effect of the best quality for your physical pains. I like it a lot altough it is hard to find the right moment to smoke it. Experienced smokers told me that they had many difficulties with it, with strong anxiety and heart beating. I personnally did not experienced but can consider it because she is strong, it is true."

I'm currently finishing a grow of a selected F1 hybrid of BSC Colombian gold x Jamaican Blue Mountains'85. Looks interesting, very robust to grow, a good mix between Colombian and Jamaican shape and odour. Looks very colombian, sativa. If the stuff is good, I may try to inbred the line just for play, I made some F2 seeds.

Anyway, BSC stuff is very well known, tested by many consumers and breeders, and apart from the hermie things that appears on some strains (as in many true landraces in fact), I have not seen bad reports on them.

I believe he will keep his good fixed prices and that may help to convince people to ask him to distribute other landrace lines that are not worked in Brazil, to support his company.

Well, time will tell, as usual. Things are so much complicated in the seed business :)
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BSC perspective

BSC perspective

I know there are those of you who did dealings with Luis and know him to be good guy in many ways. And there are you on this thread who really enjoy a good sativa but have not dealt with Luis. Either way, if you have are planning to buy seeds you might give BSC some business to help out fellow human being. I am friend of Luis, and know him not to openly ask for help, so this is when a friend must be a friend.

Luis is having a bad time as of late. Maybe some know this. His daughter got robbed last friday and the thief punched her face pretty bad because she didn't have anything good to robber. Because of circumstances, he is bankrupted right now and is having to struggle to live. There is little food to give to his family. He is poor. Luis wife isn't taking her medicines cause they don't have enough money to buy them or even to go to the Doc. She´s got profund depresion and needs medicine to sleep so she isnt sleeping well for over a month. Many things getting worse.

I am afraid for him, his family. If Luis must sell all to help his family, then we all lose his experience and genetics, with business gone. What is to become of life for him? Do we care that we cannot get his seeds? He offers good seeds and gives away seeds too. His heart is a good heart. I have a good heart and am doing what I might do to show that goodness flows to good people eventually. I am saying this all because you don't know if I don't say it. Luis does not desire gifts of charity. He just wants to run his business but needs people to buy his goods.

So, if you will buy seeds anyway then maybe you can buy seeds from Luis. Maybe help is not too much asking for a good man who is one of ours. Maybe someone here can tell someone else if it is not being too very much to ask. I am only one person and can not do all by myself. I only write so you know the facts. I am so sad but I carry hope for Luis and his family in my heart.



I hate to say it, but you might want to read this rule. It's nice that you guys are trying to do something good, but your in someone else house and there are rules. If you want to sell seeds. Get them over to seedbay. Not to be a dick, but you might want to edit your post.
Take care,

7. Threads or posts pertaining to the buying/selling/trading/swapping/testing/giving of seeds, clones, pollen, cannabis, hash, or any other substance or article is not permitted in open forum by members and will be deleted. Threads or posts pertaining to the 'recreational use' of narcotic substances is not permitted in open forum by members and will be deleted. Threads or posts soliciting any of the aforementioned shall be deleted and the posting member will be banned from the site. Wish lists of varieties placed in posts, threads, or the members 'signature line' area will be deleted by admin as doing so is deemed an attempt to circumvent site policy regarding solicitations.
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