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BOG interview


wick650 said:
Not to confuse things further, but it is true that Sour Bubble grows similar to bubba and the buds do look a whole lot similar as well. But its impossible that bubba is genetically related to SB

thats not true, bog was a co med patient, he could have crossed the white label bubble gum to bubba kush to make the SB

all sour bubble bx 3


Killer Sour Bubble lime pheno. I just tried some. Time to kick back and watch a good movie, pain free.



Active member
To all you haters out there... I don't know what your problem is with BOG...

Who gives a shit anyways... Opinions are like assholes and EVERYONE has one!

My personal experience of BOG was that he is a great guy. We talked a lot back on Overgrow and I even designed a seed logo for him and was doing some artwork for him. We were supposed to meet last year but that soon was not a possibility since he went under the radar.

I have grown several of BOG's strains and I was very impressed with his genetics which include Bogglegum, Lifesaver, and SourBubble #1 testers... I know a lot of peeps who grow out the LSD and they love it...

If anyone ever had a problem with his seeds he would handle it himself and send them brand new seeds and I am sure a lot of thieves capitalized on BOG's kindness... but he still did out of the kindness from his heart...

So what if there is some Kush genetics in his Sour Bubble... no one knows for sure.. you guys are all going on hear say, I wouldn't believe it unless the man confessed it to me himself... I do admit the Sour Bubble does look a lot like the Bubba, I could care less though... His seeds were affordable and he was always willing to help out and offer his advice... My experience of the taste of the Sour Bubble was very kushy/diesel with a very sagey, musky taste but was different than the Bubba...

BOG isn't even here to defend himself and all of you trash talkers are just bashing him and his work...

Here are some pics of some Lifesaver, my bogglegum pics and SB pics went bye bye after OG went down...

Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo my brotha!

Yeah truly..who cares if bog is doing anything.. but distributing seeds again. ; D
I hit his whole collection at once and just like everyone.. says some of the most notable specimens came from his packets.. but at the same time some crap bombers too.. but it doesn't matter since your only looking for a couple/ one mom.

Man I remember we used to call the bogbubble "Stupid weed" because you could feel your IQ lowering while you smoked it.. and when you were done. You just kinda a sat there like a vegetable. a LSD pheno that was called the "big freak" it was ridiculous looking.


WHy wouldn't he say it had Kush in it with all of the hype about kush? He probably would have sold out even quicker. Does not really make a lot of sense that he would add kush and not say anything, but who cares from what everybody says it is fucking killer smoke, isn't that what is important? Well, I already know that answer to that :)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Bog made what he made.. And if he slipped some kush in there somewhere so be it.. You outta be glad he did and glad ya got some.. Bottom line..
<<~~ Bog playing for all the gossipers..
... do yer thing bog..


Active member
THANKS indicalover! She was beautiful, full of red and purples hues...

I am a big fan of BOG genetics... my favorite though is his Bogglegum... it was soooo tasty and stoney... I used to call getting stoned "gummed out" because this shit was so stoney and made me giggly as hell... One of my favorite high memories is after smoking Bogglegum and beat boxing back and forth with one of my good buddies... such happy, giggly weed... long live BOG!



Active member
mysta177 :wave: :joint:
whats up? how you been? actually those are RAYGUN'S plants, wish i had em tho. unfortunatly i lost just about everything i had going do to my back surgery and complications afterword. the sad thing is i had 5 lifesaver moms and 1 male,3 friuty pheno's, 1 lemon pheno, and 1 blueberry pheno. 1 mom made it and i'm hoping it's the blueberry pheno cause that shit was the dankity dank. also lost 3 sb bx3 , and 3 of JLP'S chem? x c99 in flower :badday: :badday: i'm in physical therapy now so hopefully i can get back to doin what i love to do. hope you are doin well my friend, good to see ya on the boards.

the tester :wave: :joint:
WOW!!!!!!! those are some lovely lady's you got there. bet they smoke fantastic :yummy: :yummy:

please check out SOUTHWIND's thread in the BREEDER'S LAB.
"NEW. BOG PRESERVATION PROJECT" he's helping all of us out with this project. hope you are doin good and feelin even better SOUTHWIND :joint: :joint: thanx to you all is not lost.

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


Maybe one of us can contact BOG and convince him to release his stock again??????

I have been telling people about Sour Bubble for years, and it was available to any of us for those years. I bought one of the last remaining packs for $110 US, just before they went out of sight on the price. These are some of those plants.



Active member
^^^^^^^^^ now those are some fine ass ladys.

i think i need to be at your house come trim time. keep on doin what you do TESTER.

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

Care Free 1

Active member
I am convinced that there is kush in BOG's Sour Bubble. I have been trying to nail down exactly which kush he used in the cross though.

After seeing ganesh's thread on OG Kush here in the strain forum, I am wondering if he used OG Kush instead of Bubba. Sour Bubble BX3 has some pheno's that look almost exactly like the OGK pictures he has posted in that thread. It really makes me wonder if thats it!!!!

Sour Bubble BX3

ganesh's OG Kush


They look very close to eachother but I like to keep it a mystery. How does she taste? Like kush? Kush is VERY noticable.