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BOG interview



Hey all,

I'm in no way ripping on BOG. I personally liked BOG allot and wish one day soon he would return. I personally got to test some of the very first batches of the Sour Bubble BX1's and they where awesome. I had a male that stood out like a FUCKIN Monster. Man, i wish i still had that stud. I don't know what in those genes for sure, but whatever it is. It's some awesome stuff. I'll try to dig up some pictures to share.
Take care all,

PS, By the way. BOG is still making seeds. He never quit making seeds. He only quit selling them to the public. BOG is the type of person that loves what he does and he would never stop making seeds and testing strains. I know for a fact the man is doing well. He just made some changes in his life. Maybe, some day he will return and share those genes again.


GoldDustWomen said:
PS, By the way. BOG is still making seeds. He never quit making seeds. He only quit selling them to the public. BOG is the type of person that loves what he does and he would never stop making seeds and testing strains. I know for a fact the man is doing well. He just made some changes in his life. Maybe, some day he will return and share those genes again.

I second that almost without doubt... :chin:

Jah bless man.:rasta:


Lifetime Member
ICMag Donor
For the record I'm not a BOG hater at all......I enjoyed many hours, reading his forum threads...The pic's of the giant size bushes he grew were second to none..I to wish he would return..Bog is one of the reasons I came over to ICmag in the first place...Bog's all right in my book....mitsu


Active member
I don't think I could pass that one up

I don't think I could pass that one up

Thats one of the few things that would get me to break my moratorium on buying any new seeds: :yoinks: FRESH BOG GENETICS :yoinks: :chin:
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I just finished my first L.S.D. about 3 weeks ago, some is still curing. out of the 12 pack only 1 female survived. She was a runt in my garden, didn't even pay attention to it. Sitting next to other supposedly better genetics Sour Diesel IBL, F13, Mr. Nice and a few others. But once I decided to pay attention to it, it turned out to be the most potent mind numbing strain of all. I just toke one bowl to get me set. If I take 2 I'm really high and I can feel the numbness more.if I take 3 bowls, I just fall asleep. All I can say is WOW!! Definately a medical strain. The taste is sooo nice, after a 1 week cure. It was done organic using FF nutes. It finishes fast too, 60 days give or take. I highly recommend it.

I also got a sour bubble bx3 mom. My next run will be with it.

I will be getting more sbbx3 and l.s.d. beans soon I hope. They should be on the way. fingers crossed. And yeah, I got the last SBBX3 pack.

BOG: If you're out there reading this, my props go to you! Hope your OK man. And you should think about coming back, maybe with new and improved genetics? I know I'm not the only one thinking this. Peace and stay safe man.



My experience with Lifesaver was strong, a good yielder, but flavorless, no berry no nothing. I have more seeds, and I will probably pop them. I composted the mother after two tries. Now Sweet tooth, Blueberry and Grape...those are flavorful and in a different class..

I was a sucker for the BOG hype when I was a newbie at OG. Now that I have a little more experience, I have high respect for the real breeders like Sam the Skunkman, DJ SHort, Breeder Steve and Shanti.

Making random unstable crosses with other peoples polyhybrids and expecting a range of phenos is something I can do myself. Not pay money for. Sour Diesel x Sweet tooth. That should give some good phenos.

Good luck with that. And it was all hype people. 100%. Even though he is a nice guy. If you were lucky to get a good pheno, or passed a good pheno, that's great.\

But trying to preserve a polyhybrid made from other peoples polyhybrids. Well, why not buy from the real breeders whose lines he used.

That's why I love DJ Short...no bullshit, no hype. Just consistently great results. And no gobbledgook with botany.

That's just my 2 cents.
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I'm not here to rain on anyones parade,but I will speak from personal experience.
I have to agree with Rodney & others on this one.BOG was one hell of a salesman & it got him into trouble on OG more than once.Sure he offered helpful advice...in the 50 threads that he'd start,posting pics & hawking his beans in every thread.He was the Mr Haney of seed sales.He always had just what you wanted on his "wagon of beans".When SourDiesel was 1st making the rounds Bog jumped on that bandwagon by releasing his SourBubble (which has ZERO sour genetics,but hey it's hot so I'm gonna call it that)
Now Kush is all the rage these days & guess what?... Mr Haney had Kush in his wagon all along!.....yeah right.
I grew BogBubble,Bogglegum(both of which were OK but nothing like claimed) LSD-which was pretty good smoke-but threw out nanners which pollinated a few plants...and no it wasn't a light leak or grower error because I wasn't the only person who had that problem when LSD was 1st released.I also thought I was "fortunate" to have won some Bog-unreleased strain seeds in a contest.They were a SensiStar X NYCD cross...which hermi'd teribly on me after 30 days flowering.when I asked Mr Haney(BOG) about this he replied "oh yeah I thought that would happen".WOW thnx for the prize!It's not like they were test seeds I begged for & he knew they'd hermi...why make me waste my time/space thinking I may actually get something out of them?

If you're happy with your Bog plants then I'm happy for you & enjoy them.As for me I too have moved on-found TRUE breeders (DJ Short & Breeder Steve to name a few & maybe even some Rez stuff ;).. & will continue to enjoy the quality genetics they release.

To each his own
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I know the whole BOG story sucks. But who gives a shit about that.

I once had a DJ Short strain that was crap, and it turned me off from buying his strains at one time.

Point is that BOG has many strains, and all have different characteristics. Sour Bubble though seems to be very special. Way above all his other strains in potency. I have tried most of them.

The results speak for themselves.



Hey Bog , shoot me a pm, I'll talk to ya and ask for some beans too. Sure would like to see your cave. One day soon, I'm heading west northwest , deep, finding a piece of ground way far away from hustle & bustle, except for wildlife, and find my cave , so to speak. Digging me a hole 15 foot deep and start building, can't wait. I will have a grow room there too. actually 2 of them , one outside, one inside.



BOG's story sucks. But it is irrelevant in this thread.

And maybe BOG's genetics outdid other strains in this grow but this doesn't mean its better than the rest. Maybe next time DJ's, breeder steve's or REZ's will out do the L.S.D.. But this round goes to BOG. Another thing, it wasn't fair in my part to compare the sour diesel ibl with the L.S.D. cause it wasn't completely finished, It had a premature death. So, from reading everything about the IBL, it probably is a better smoke. I just won't know for sure till 75-90 days more. Way too much time flowering but I hope its worth it. Thinkin about doing a cross Sourbubble bx3 * Sour diesel to improve on faster flowering times for the ibl.

Maybe BOG was a great salesman. I didn't go with all the hype, I wasn't even around. I just straight up bought it cause I can. And BOGS beans proved to be top notch sitting next to other great strains in my garden.



The revolution will not be televised.....
Wow! Funny to see all these haters running behind a guy who isn't around to defend himself. If you like his beans or not is one thing but trashing him when we all know he isn't here to protest is just cowardly! I can't beleive BOG is getting trashed and people are talkin bout REZ like he is soo much better! Who da cap fit let them wear it!


Rubbing my glands together
I always liked BOG....Still do. More than fair with me and would offer to help out when needed. Good guy in my opinion. Don't like seeing him trashed, anymore than seeing it done to anyone else. Things happen.......Will say the SBbx3 was and is some of the stickest, tastiest nugs in my pill bottle!!! :bongsmi:


Cool, so you cant compare BOG...or Rez..or Subcool...or almost all the breeders around today to DJ, Sam, Simon and Steve. Bushy, Rezdog and Sub have stabilised or BX'd thier crosses to what could be called 'stable'...SourBubble, SourDiesel "IBL" and JC2..

But Shanti, Sam and others have started with 2 IBL or landrace P1's and gone from there..they are in a different class, they used true breeding practices and have got stable lines....but Rez, and the others are realeasing crosses containing genes that we want...So we still buy thier pips for that reason.. :chin:

So if you want 'no BS', stable lines...choose the real breeders...or if you want to breed yourself, and want genetics not many peeps have access too, choose Rez, Sub and other guys...you could probably do what they do, and give away the same quality of seeds if not better. :joint:

Jah bless..:rasta:


bean> well sayed ! :joint:

lucid> wow ! frosty lady you got there !

Can't wait to see how turn my Life Saver's cuts...


Lucid said:
I think that sour bubble met the hype and then went beyond.... check it
sour bubble bx3 @ 44days


Skar, thanks man..glad someone agrees..:D:yes:


Rainman said:
Wow! Funny to see all these haters running behind a guy who isn't around to defend himself. If you like his beans or not is one thing but trashing him when we all know he isn't here to protest is just cowardly! I can't beleive BOG is getting trashed and people are talkin bout REZ like he is soo much better! Who da cap fit let them wear it!

I agree....

Time Bomb

I'm glad he's gone, I was around for his OG bullshit. Every fucking thread ever started had some nobody that hasn't grown shit say grow BOG's beans they're the best look at his pics.... sure he can grow some fantastic photogenic pot. He has no business in the seed trade. I grew some of his LSD when they first came out, they hermied, def. not user error because I even tried some clones outdoors and they hermied too. It was good smoke and all but any real breeder knows to breed out hermies and when I told him he asked if I wanted another pack, yea ok I'll fuck up another grow with the bastages.

I just hated how everyone on OG that didn't know anything thought BOG was the be all end all of cannabis breeding. Let me break it to you He's a scrub.