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BlueDigiBerry F2


Yeah, #6 has been really good looking all along! She would’ve probably benefited from a longer veg though. Similar to #2 in structure, but much darker thinner leaves. Neither stretched much.

I must admit I am excited about #7 even though she doesn’t smell of blueberry. She was the most vigorous, looks as though she’ll yield the most and is very frosty. And I always appreciate plants that finish around 9 weeks. Hopefully potency is there.

I’ll take a stab at describing each now, from memory. I didn’t have much time last night to do much more than grab pics of #6. Tonight I will have time to look closer at all the girls. And see if my memory serves me well, or if they’ve changed since last sniffed.

#1 - Blueberry muffin/doughy. Early stem rubs had a sweeter muffin profile, which seems to now be missing. But blueberry muffin just the same.
#2 - A chemical blueberry smell. More sharp and kind of “artificial” blueberry smelling - if that makes sense. (Beautiful plant!)
#3 - Simply wonderful sweet candied blueberry smelling. Incredible stuff! No mistaking her terps as other than blueberry.
#4 - Burnt rubber.
#5 - Hmmm. More of a doughy/meat-like profile.
#6 - I said grape soda... kept trying to get my finger on something more descriptive last night when she was out for pics. Definitely a sweet nose, but I don’t get blueberry lingering in there. Maybe Skittles is a better description.
#7 - No blueberry or sweetness. More rubber/sour smelling.
#8 - Well, maybe blueberry... I was shocked at the smells coming from the branch I removed to harvest the seeds from. It was very fuel like - almost astringent but with a sweet backend. And I want to say blueberry was there but can’t be sure. Seemed to get whiffs of it moreso when removing fan leaves than from the calyxes. As of now, can just say it hits the nose hard but finishes soft. Makes me wonder about the flavor Alatrist spoke of coming more from this side...

For environmental reasons I have my carbon filter off. Along with these girls there's three WR x Pre-98 BK and one Lemon Cello flowering. Don't think anyone not familiar with cannabis would peg the smell as such. Very much smells of rotting meat in (and outside) the room.

#4, #5 & #8 have exhibited displeasure. No big deal with #8 being such an outlier. But I am not sure what happened with #4 & #5. Shortly after being put into flower #5 started to look like she does. I hoped she’d snap out of it and come around, but she never did. Since this is only my second run with no HID and these genetics can be sensitive I didn’t want to add anything to her. I have been using the same soil mix for nearly fifteen years, and usually will try to supplement when and where I see a need, but with extra girls (still can’t believe all 8 ended up girls) I continued to just give ‘em water. I am most upset at the turn #4 took. She was an early favorite, although a smaller slower plant. She is the funkiest smelling with that burnt rubber profile. I showed an early pic of her in flower and within a few days after she started going south. They all did great - happy and healthy - in veg. And given all other aspects are equal, it’s odd to see those two suffer. And considering their negative reactions happened once put into flower, I wonder if the lighting change contributed... I also happened to see an unidentified bug on a leaf one day. Next watering included hydrogen peroxide. Couple days later saw two on the wall and when I went to touch one to see if it would jump or fly or just how it would react, it fell to the ground dead. The other did the same when touched. Haven't seen one since.

I’ll get some pics of #1 up tonight or tomorrow, and some of #4 & #5 before the weekend is out. They’re not healthy and happy looking, at all. :frown: But no big deal since I have about four more girls than I expected. :biggrin:


#1 day 62

#1 day 62

The slowest plant and very little stretch. #4 was very slow as well. They both took so long to get some legs that at one point I thought I might not wait on them. Glad I did! Definitely blueberry terps. Not sure if I prefer #1 or #3 for terp profile. I imagine once they have a decent cure I will be able to pick.



#4 & #5 day 62

#4 & #5 day 62

I love the burnt rubber funk of #4! She was once so pretty, lol.



#5 was one of the bigger more vigorous plants. Started showing the yellowing very early in flower, even before #4. So then when #4 followed suit I got worried that all were going to, but thankfully that didn't happen. Still mostly doughy/meaty smelling but there seems to be a sweet backend coming through now.



Grabbed a lower branch from #1 for some early sampling!

Happy Sunday!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks for the rundown shmavis, nice to see that about half of the girls have blueberry terps of one kind or another... good to see grape soda in there too - a 'related' terp profile imo.

4 and 5 are odd, i have sen something similar before but can't quite place it, perhaps a fault/mutation of some kind that halts chlorophyll production?
5 otherwise is a nice looking plant

all in all i'm very pleased with the range of girls, really great to see that many grown well at once.
hope you like the smoke!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
wow that does look resinous. even the bigger fan leaves have quite a lot of resin!

i love the candy berry smell/taste, that is what my Bb mum has.


thanks for the rundown shmavis, nice to see that about half of the girls have blueberry terps of one kind or another... good to see grape soda in there too - a 'related' terp profile imo.

4 and 5 are odd, i have sen something similar before but can't quite place it, perhaps a fault/mutation of some kind that halts chlorophyll production?
5 otherwise is a nice looking plant

all in all i'm very pleased with the range of girls, really great to see that many grown well at once.
hope you like the smoke!

No problem VG. They have been fun to grow and blueberry terps are here without a doubt!

#6 (grape soda) is starting to show some nice fall colors. #3, #7 and #8 were taken down at 9 weeks. #8 because I saw a couple sacs, not just nanners. Will soon be sampling those three. #1, #2 and #6 are still going, currently at day 72 (along with 4 & 5). #2 is starting to lose the “artificial” blueberry smell and take on more notes of a blueberry jam.

I suppose a chlorophyll mutation is possible. Just never seen that happen before. I figured it more related to environment, but wasn’t sure, being so new to LED. And I was toying with the environment, trying to get a feel for heat load and whatnot, so that could’ve really played into it. It was a shock after they vegged so nicely to see those two turn so fast after being put into flower... Interested in running #4 again to see if it happens again - that burnt rubber nose really had my attention! And she has beautiful coloring and leaf form - at least in veg lol.

Vapped some non-cured and not fully dried samples of #1. And the blueberry flavor carried over - tasted wonderful! More head than body; but very nice for an early sample. Really looking forward to sampling more after a good cure!

Blueberry and sour candy aroma. Leaves started out broad in veg but stayed narrow in flower. Very resinous.
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Looking great MM! That is some serious frost! :tiphat:

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Excellent update Shmavis.

Bdb 1
So this one turned into a nasal cavity opening eucalyptus dominate aroma. Quite interesting. My bro stopped by and said it reminded him of a pack of dp bb we ran in the 90's. I honestly don't remember it, but he did clearly. I thought VG might find that interesting.




Bdb 3
astringent sour blueberry candy. She is something to smell. Well done gents, this one keeps me coming back for the smell test.


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More #3, couldn't stop taking pics. This sexy gal deserves it.

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Hell yeah she deserves it! She’s a beaut! :tiphat:

Going by terps and looks alone, I feel I found at least a couple “keepers” - even though I don’t keep mother plants. Really excited to do more sampling. Vaped some of #3 tonight and was inspired to share some pics of #6. Not really blueberry smelling (smells great nevertheless) but she’s shaping up to be a colorful pretty girl!

#6 day 73:



Thanks Slab!

Funny that the plant that smells like grape soda ended up with grape coloring! So far early sampling has #1 being more powerful and longer lasting than #3.


Things are winding down. I will check trichs on #1 and #2 tomorrow. Cannot wait to smell a few of these after a good cure! Some outstanding terp profiles going on, from more than a few plants! #2 is getting more complex with time and makes me think of a hashplant type when looking at her. #3 is currently grocery-bagged, so dry enough to smoke on (err, vape) -- so I have been. Very pleased. An early one-time sample of #1 was a step or two above though. So we'll see. It will be some time before I report back.. what with 8 girls and all!

Really looking forward to seeing and reading about what others found/find in these beans. (Please share!) Really happy with what I found! And was fortunate enough to have made a lot of seeds with the GF x BB pollen!

Many thanks again to all involved in the making and letting out of these genetics! :tiphat:

#2 day 82:


I have clones of #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, & #7. #4 is starting to show signs - in veg - of the onset of the yellowing; probably gonna get whacked. Contemplating picking a favorite after sampling each and then trying for the first time to keep a mother plant. Not sure yet, or maybe just pick one to try to self... Will return with a smoke report. Happy Growing Folks!


Active member
I think you might be sorry later on if you don't keep the cuts until after you tried them!

Some plants get a much better yield when grown from cut. You don't need to keep mothers but you may want a second run of some.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Things are winding down. I will check trichs on #1 and #2 tomorrow. Cannot wait to smell a few of these after a good cure! Some outstanding terp profiles going on, from more than a few plants! #2 is getting more complex with time and makes me think of a hashplant type when looking at her. #3 is currently grocery-bagged, so dry enough to smoke on (err, vape) -- so I have been. Very pleased. An early one-time sample of #1 was a step or two above though. So we'll see. It will be some time before I report back.. what with 8 girls and all!

Really looking forward to seeing and reading about what others found/find in these beans. (Please share!) Really happy with what I found! And was fortunate enough to have made a lot of seeds with the GF x BB pollen!

Many thanks again to all involved in the making and letting out of these genetics! :tiphat:

#2 day 82:

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I have clones of #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, & #7. #4 is starting to show signs - in veg - of the onset of the yellowing; probably gonna get whacked. Contemplating picking a favorite after sampling each and then trying for the first time to keep a mother plant. Not sure yet, or maybe just pick one to try to self... Will return with a smoke report. Happy Growing Folks!

Amazing grow there shmavis! I just pulled mine down. Ill update next week with harvest pics.

Mother plants are easy, lot of choices. I prefer to keep replacing the mothers as flower plants, and taking cuts off for the next mother. Keeps them small, fresh and healthy imo. but I know several people that just keep large moms to produce lots of cuts. If you don't need cuts on demand or tons of cuts, the way I do it is clean and efficient vs having a dedicated larger space for large moms. Either way you will need dedicated veg lights, but ive always done this so I can save my best phenos I find and keep elite cuts that were given to me.


I think you might be sorry later on if you don't keep the cuts until after you tried them!

Some plants get a much better yield when grown from cut. You don't need to keep mothers but you may want a second run of some.

Thanks Bootz for the advice! I should also see a faster finish from clone, right? I do plan to keep them until after trying them. But I think #4 is done for. Whatever she did shortly after going into flower is something she grew into. The clone is doing the same in veg whereas as the others look happy.

I am always tearing down, cleaning up this time of year. I have never been able to continue growing into spring and summer due to heat. And honestly I have always appreciated the freedom - we all know it’s a lot of work growing and caring for plants. :) So that’s my dilemma now, I have no HID and really should test my light during the summer months. With these clones I could streamline things by not popping seeds... but with vacations and stuff around the corner and generally just being more on the go in summer, I am not sure yet what I am going to do. I did make a good number of seeds with six of the girls... maybe as I sample I will pick a favorite or two to test the light during summer. Just don’t want to have more than a few plants to tend to if I do. And since I didn’t make any seeds with WR x Pre-98, I may rerun those... Probably pick my two favorite to smoke - be it BDB and or WR x Pre-98 - and run a couple cuts of each.

Amazing grow there shmavis! I just pulled mine down. Ill update next week with harvest pics.

Mother plants are easy, lot of choices. I prefer to keep replacing the mothers as flower plants, and taking cuts off for the next mother. Keeps them small, fresh and healthy imo. but I know several people that just keep large moms to produce lots of cuts. If you don't need cuts on demand or tons of cuts, the way I do it is clean and efficient vs having a dedicated larger space for large moms. Either way you will need dedicated veg lights, but ive always done this so I can save my best phenos I find and keep elite cuts that were given to me.

Thanks brother! Looking forward to your harvest shots!

Thanks a lot for sharing your method! I was thinking that would be how I would go about it too. That’s actually what I did for these. I took the original cuts and once rooted went into SOLO cups then grew them just enough to take more cuts and once rooted the “mothers” were whacked and the new cuts put into SOLO cups. So the clones I have now are already a second round. Did the same with two WR x Pre-98.

Pretty much amazed at how much #1 smells like blueberry muffins!

Happy Sunday!

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
More #3, couldn't stop taking pics. This sexy gal deserves it.

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Nice broda, this one reminded me of my #1, she was a really quick finisher and a deep musk berryish smell... bit of incense on the puff, was nice, was done around 2 weeks before the other ones...

They all look nice!

edit, just saw the last pics, def a very similar pheno of mine... not a big stretcher? hows the nose on that girl?

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Nice broda, this one reminded me of my #1, she was a really quick finisher and a deep musk berryish smell... bit of incense on the puff, was nice, was done around 2 weeks before the other ones...

They all look nice!

edit, just saw the last pics, def a very similar pheno of mine... not a big stretcher? hows the nose on that girl?

No she stayed small, but these were not very healthy, so ill see what she can do on the second run. Aroma is a strong sour blueberry candy. super resinous. Stable. Made some f3's with her. She impressed me on the grow, hopefully the smoke test turns out!

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