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BlueDigiBerry F2


Popped 8 from a pack of 12. All 8 are above ground. :dance013:

BlueDigiBerry to the left, WR x Pre-98 to the right:


Happy New Year!


Happy Blue Year!
Cant wait to see what you find in the bdb. I got a pack coming to dig through too.

I haven't seen any wr x pre 98 grows. What is it turning out like?

Happy Blue Year! (Why didn't I think of that? :))

Cool. Are you gonna pop as soon as you get them or are they for later?

Slab has an excellent showing of WR x Pre-98 here:


Aside from VG's Info thread and Slab's grow show I haven't seen other grows of it. Beautiful plants Slab found. He and VG both report strong stuff potency wise.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Happy Blue Year! (Why didn't I think of that? :))

Cool. Are you gonna pop as soon as you get them or are they for later?

Slab has an excellent showing of WR x Pre-98 here:


Aside from VG's Info thread and Slab's grow show I haven't seen other grows of it. Beautiful plants Slab found. He and VG both report strong stuff potency wise.

I need to take a look again if they are 1 to 1 digi bx, I will probably start some right away with some other 1 to 1 digi bx, to select a male.

Although, I have a couple breeding projects scheduled, and just received some original f13, and a couple other wonderful gifts that need to get popped sooner than later!

Thanks for the wr x pre 98 info.

Edit: I just seen that these are f2's,so I will probably save them for now since I have some digi bx f1's to work with. Maybe ill pop a few to see if I can get me a little bb muffin treat in a few months.


ICMag Donor
FWIW - Miraculous - The seeds I shared with you are Digi Bx1 outcrosses as well. The same male pollen was used on VG's Blueberry x Digi Bx1.

The ________ x Digi Bx1 line I shared with you was one made during testing the male for traits. I've shared many of such lines with others here lately. Lines I've always kept private, but just don't have the room for. There were 20+ lines crossed to that Digi Bx1 male, fwiw.


Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
I grew out 4 digiberry f2s females, Some were stretchier than others, they packed good weight, I had to harvest a week or so earlier but that didnt stop the smoke from being very enjoyable.

Smells were fresh blueberries, to candy blueberries to chemical berries. The quickest pheno had a more musky tone to the smell and taste, with the tighter buds and was done in less than 8 weeks... The others went 9-10 weeks...

Some really great smelling and tasty stuff, I still got half a pack I need to go through in the future!



ICMag Donor
I grew out 4 digiberry f2s females

There are no such thing as Digi F2's however. :huggg:

Certainly glad you enjoyed VG's work!

Has anyone confirmed that the Blueberry terps in this hybrid show themselves outdoors?

Can tell people until the cows come home how amazingly specific the terp profile of Digi is and yet still, "confirmed" is the chosen word to use as if the seeds were released based on some myth. Grow them or don't. It's simple.





The eight got cleaned up and up potted today. A few should've been up potted sooner, but all in all they seem relatively happy. Was surprised at the level of funk when trimming away lower branches..:biggrin:

Group shot, pre clean-up:


Decent root balls on all:


Post clean-up and transplant:


Edit: I just seen that these are f2's,so I will probably save them for now since I have some digi bx f1's to work with. Maybe ill pop a few to see if I can get me a little bb muffin treat in a few months.

Does what dank.frank shared mean you'll pop them any sooner? :)

I will update again just before they go into flower.

Happy Sunday!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
they all look great! cant wait to see how they go!

on the subject of the BDB being F2's
fwiw the F1s ( i only got 10 seeds ) were much more uniform and leaning towards the doughy/muffin end of the blueberry spectrum, whereas the F2s, as you would expect, have more variation and some are more candy/sweet blueberry smell.



ICMag Donor
VG - I'll be continuing your line this year and returning the next filial to you. It'll be your Bx1 line x my Bx2 line or visa versa, how ever they present themselves.

The Digi Bx1 male was quite dominant. I've said it before, but your Blueberry played much nicer in the outcross than the Carolina Blue clone did.

Shmavis - If i were you, I'd place a asterik on the cup in the very front row, far left side. From what I see, that is your keeper. The plant directly behind it, middle row, far left side, is another to watch. (looking at the solo cup pic) You should be able to distinguish the most berry leaning plant simply by a stem rub at this point. ANY burnt rubber notes should be paid careful attention too. The powerful males in the Digi line carried that nose. They are, however, sour bubble leaning type plants, and will carry things more towards an indica profile.

Just some pointers! Good luck and thanks for giving the line a chance. Always makes me happy to see someone enjoying the efforts made to bring this line to reality. :respect:



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Frank, it will be great to see what you get in those bx's to my BB mum, and what you do with them and yours

and if we're speculating :D
i was looking at the after-potting-on pic and liked the look of 2nd from the left front row (which may well be the same one as frank chose in the other pic)
liked the front row far right best but it could well be a male.
it all means jack and sh1t at this point in the game lol but hey its fun :)

thanks again for posting these up shmavis!



ICMag Donor
If I had to guess, second pic, back left corner, with the over lapping leaves, is going to show some sour bubble traits. If I was looking for DJ 'esque looking plants, I think the front row, second from the right, looks the part. BUT the back right corner, has the long leaves atypical of your mother plant, VG. The second from the right, might be more a blend of the two than I can see clearly.

I like the projections. If correct, you've learned something. YOU may be seeing something, too hard to really define, that allows you to make that call. I think, given enough time, you get a certain familiarity with a set of genes and it makes this possible.



i was looking at the after-potting-on pic and liked the look of 2nd from the left front row (which may well be the same one as frank chose in the other pic)

It is the same. It was slowest to get going and stacked nodes a little tighter than any of the others. Three babies suffered a bit while I waited for that one and one other to get some better legs under them. The one you both pointed to, I have labeled #1. Frank’s second choice will be #2. It was one of the taller faster growers, and one of the three that suffered a bit.

liked the front row far right best but it could well be a male.

That one is my second favorite. It is the middle fat-leaved one in the cup pic. I'll be surprised if it's not a male.

BUT the back right corner, has the long leaves atypical of your mother plant, VG.

Back right corner is the same plant you picked in the cup pic for second place - #2.

Some better looks at #1 & #2.





The pointers are greatly appreciated and welcomed. Thanks a lot guys!


ICMag Donor
Sort of crazy we picked the same plant - looking at two different pictures! Guess we like what we see in that one! :joint:


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
The eight got cleaned up and up potted today. A few should've been up potted sooner, but all in all they seem relatively happy. Was surprised at the level of funk when trimming away lower branches..:biggrin:

Group shot, pre clean-up:

View Image

Decent root balls on all:

View Image

Post clean-up and transplant:

View Image

Does what dank.frank shared mean you'll pop them any sooner? :)

I will update again just before they go into flower.

Happy Sunday!

Those look great buddy. Im looking through stock to germinate currently. ill let you know, and update here if I do.


Those look great buddy. Im looking through stock to germinate currently. ill let you know, and update here if I do.

Thanks brother! I understand all too well the “what to pop next?” dilemma. :biggrin: I look forward to seeing what you find in these beans whenever you do get around to popping them.

DF: It cracked me up that you both picked the same one from different pics. That’s what prompted me to share the closer looks of those two. :tiphat:

Well, I planned on not updating again till flower time but can’t resist stopping back in to share stem rub smells. As mentioned, I got some serious funky whiffs when trimming up but didn’t do any stem rubs. Today I did.

I honestly am floored by #1. It isn’t kinda sorta maybe like blueberry muffin smelling. It smells exactly like blueberry muffins. I have returned to it four times to confirm it wasn’t just my imagination. It’s unreal! I cannot wait to see if it transfers to the final flowers - if it’s a girl, that is.

#2 is hard to pin down. There’s some sweetness in the background and maybe a hint of blueberry but for the most part it’s chemical smelling. Here it is bounding back nicely from the transplant:


#4 smells like burnt rubber! I'm pretty sure but not positive that it was the other one that was slow to start. #4:



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
keep us posted how you get on MM!

Shmavis, great that you are getting Bb funk from the plants already. the burnt rubber smell (as i think frank might have mentioned) is a throwback to the sour bubble he used in his digi bx).


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