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BlueDigiBerry F2

Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
BuenoTime - it is worthy to note, the F1 was Blueberry x Digi Bx1...and the Digi Bx1 is Digi x (Digi x Sour Bubble Bx2)...meaning there are indica leaning phenos to be found in the F2 line for sure.


Thanks frank, I wish I had the space to pop the rest of mine all at once. Would be some nice ones in the lot I bet.

Look forward to see if you find a beauty in yours. :peacock:


ICMag Donor
I've got one BlueDigiBerry F2 that is smelling on point for sure. Hoping it's female. Should start showing sex any day now. Didn't take many seeds to find a plant with the proper smell. Very good sign.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
fingers crossed for you frank!

yeah the good plants seem to be reasonably common in the line.



Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Had to pull the trigger on some Bluedigiberry f2's! Those foxtail pictures are just phenomenal! Looks top notch! Need to find me a similar pheno! :)

Thanks VG and DF for providing some quality herbs to the masses!


Active member
I put off making a report on a grow of blue digiberry, partly because I can't get the pictures to rotate, and they're not very good anyway.

But the plants were!

To be honest I had been expecting an odd rare diamond in these, but what I got from 7 seeds were 3 very robust, vigorous and uniform males, which were thrown out, along with 3 equally vigorous and similar looking healthy females.

So when they flowered out, two females grew to a branchy short frame, with large short buds and a not too large stretch . One grew more to a single stem with little branching but longer stretch and foxtailing at the tops of the buds. This plant also had some very nice purple colouring.

But where these plants shine is in the smell and flavour!
One of the shorter plants had a faint sweet smell, but had an unpleasant 'burnt rubber' taste when burned. It also had a fairly bland indica type high.
The other bushier plant had a much sweeter smell, and a definite blueberry muffin taste and flavour when burned. It also has a very pleasant relaxing body high, with a nice head stimulation, nice for music. BDB3
But the more sativa structured plant, that was the real treat. It was a beautiful plant in flower, but it gave off a smell that was exactly like those 'jelly bean' car air freshners, the blueberry one. It had a sickly sweet smell like the syrup they would add to make those with a kind of chemical/synthetic edge. Mmmmm! Honestly the most unexpected smell from a weed plant, I've never really smelled anything like it. This sadly faded a little as it matured.
The high was a great sativa social, chatty but kinda spaced out high. Great for going out - as long as you ain't stopped by the five-oh!, no driving on this.
A potent, great quality high, a beautiful plant with a good yeild. And the most incredible smell that didn't quite come out the same after finish and drying, but still smoked and vaped very nicely! BDB2

Sadly my clones of BDB2 didn't take, straggly little bottom shoots from a very apical dominant plant. So I wasn't expecting too much anyway, didn't sweat it. Damn! That was a truly special plant - in my experience.

So the moral is;


This is the f3 BlueDigiBerry I've kept as a mom now for the last year.

This one smells during mid flower very sweet and blueberry but at the end of ripening it has changed to the more chemical floral smell. I am starting to think this could be to a large amount of linalool being produced. I haven't tested it to be sure but I look forward to doing it someday.

The structure of the plant is ideal in many ways. It is short yet very branchy, an unusual combination. This means every node with a shoot will reach the top of the canopy easily when using low stress training. It is a rigid stemed plant but still just pliable enough to bend all the way over and then still never need support no matter how heavy the buds get. And they get heavy, the most solid bud I have ever felt, a real test for most grinders.

The high is euphoric, uplifting with heightened sense of touch and clarity of mind. It helps with social interaction and creativity. I think it could be a great tool against PTSD and depression.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
great reports guys, it seems like most people are getting a high proportion of blueberry leaning plants from these seeds, the sweet candy berry and sativa structure is defo from my blueberry mother and the bb muffin from the chilli and d.frank's digi bx dad.
the burnt rubber from the sour bubble outcross in the digiberry bx.
thanks to all


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
@ redneck shogun - i would be interested in the testing too!
just a suggestion, but backing the lights off in the last 2-3 weeks to reduce radiant heat may preserve some of the sweeter terpenes?
@VerdantGreen - I am sure you are right because I have noticed with other plants that buds on the edges of the lighting have the best aroma even after a long cure when the ones getting the best light end up with no flavor or scent.


ICMag Donor
Love the phenos coming out of these F2's. Some interesting combinations.

I agree the line could and should be worked further. I think it is merely a matter of finding the exact right plants. That takes time. Look how much variation there is. Unless you have the option of sorting a few hundred plants at a time true directional progress is very time consuming. It took 3 years to find the male that was used this cross.

I'll say one of the primary reasons the Digi line was originally never released very publicly, was due to the fact the mother plant will hermi under various stress conditions. Grow her right and she behaves just fine. This is typical of plants that have old Thai influences. Some people don't have a high tolerance or much patience for the abuse and drama that comes to dealing with consumer perceptions.

The two biggest factors I noticed which had the most influence on causing nanners were pushing the plants harder than they like (over-feeding) and trying to flower them past their desired harvest window.

The Digi actually flowers in about 53-55 days. The Bx1 line females were under 9wks with most being 55-57 days. Often times, taking the more digi influenced to and past 60 days would result in nanners.

I noticed, even in other crosses made with him in the mix, such as the BKGK Bx1, [BKGK x BKGK/Digi Bx1] where the ideal plant is a 9-10wk plant, there are very quick flowering phenos that finish in 55-58 days that get a very nice dark purple. They tend to have a lower calyx to leaf ratio and they tend to throw nanners. Not the desirable phenotype by any means.

Many people would get upset by such things being present in a seed line. I think it's perfectly acceptable if the consumer is aware of such things and knows what to look for and what behavior to expect from various phenotypes. (not to mention unavoidable in early generations of multiple poly-hybrid combinations, especially once infused with thai genetics) I honestly believe those that truly want something special will take the time to dig deeper into the gene pools and be willing to sift through things with a fine tooth comb.

I really think this is a crazy special seed line with a lot to offer. It's the result of people from half way across the world being united over the internet and sharing a common goal. This line would never exist if not for ICmag. This type of cooperation and progress towards something so unique would not be possible without this site. These types of seeds is REALLY what ICmag and cannabis is all about. Not the $300 a pack bred by the latest trend setter with the most Instagram followers hype. It's not about winning cups. It's about creating consistently effective medicine.

I consider such seed lines true medicine. Many of you have reported the mental spark, the euphoria, the creativity, having a deeper appreciation for the world around you - when consuming these flowers. This to me is the most important aspect of these genetics and exactly why it is I'm fan of blueberry in general. It would be any plant with those effects, it just so happens those effects are found in blueberry, is a more accurate statement.

Like I said in the original sticky I made about the male - like I have ALWAYS said:

Digi has a true Thai influenced cannabinoid profile and a REAL blueberry muffin terepene profile. She is exquisite!

He breeds very consistently for the glorious blueberry smells / flavors, extreme vigor, excellent lateral branching - and most importantly - a given cannabinoid profile. An epic third eye, self-awareness, spin in a field of flowers; anti-anxiety, stress relief, one with the world , EPIC high, that is consistent with the Digi clone mom.

Very glad to know those of you sorting these seeds are enjoying them and finding and appreciation for them. Hearing they have brought relief and comfort and enjoyment to so many of you makes it all worth while.



Active member
Read through most of this thread, some very interesting stuff.

I'm compelled by how sensitive she seems, how at home in organic style soil she is - which I'm sure also is in no small part due to that you both (VR and DF) have cultivated these plants in organic soil for so long. But a plant that in particular responds and forms a relationship with a grower feels to have great potential, this interesting blue line involvement. And DF, your posts make my good feelings about this plant all the stronger.

I'll be trying to get some cash on Seedbay soon and pick up an order of these. If I can grow them out before I am relocation I will post photos here. Thankyou to DF, VR, Chilli and all others involved.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
nice post frank!
i agree the line could and should be worked further, and i hope to do so at some point, but as i have said before in the thread i don't want to make a mess of this line by attempting selection in my current limited space. i think the raw material here in these F2's is very precious, it seems all the desirable elements and variations are present in there atm, along with some less desirable ones - but i dont want to 'throw the baby out with the bathwater' and lose more than i gain by doing a half-arsed attempt at selections.

that said, there are also a lot of directions this line could be taken, and anyone could buy a pack or two or three and make their own selections to their own personal blueberry preferences!

the idea of bringing together two disparate parts of the blueberry line that must have been split a good many years ago was perhaps idealistic in its ambition but i think the BDB represents quite a successful attempt at this.

big thanks again to D.F. chilli and all who helped make this happen, and also lady luck!



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi there, it is a pretty good ratio! i think in general people have had decent ratios with the BDB but there is no reason why it should be anything other than 50/50

keep a close eye on those girls though, intersex traits come with the territory for blueberry genetics so there is a fair chance you may get a herm amongst them.... but also people are finding plenty of stable keepers with great blueberry traits!



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
seedbay has a restock of BDB seeds, which should get listed shortly



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i think there are a few outdoor grows in this thread, but terpene profile in cannabis is not environmentally dependent afaik, except maybe for soil chemistry.

certainly the mother stank the whole street out when i grew he in a greenhouse a few years ago!
