Hey primobud and OldLuck!!! I love when you guys stop by. I've been reefing on the seeded HSD. It's got a pretty good punch, but the taste leaves something to be desired. That's to be expected though so I'm just happy to have something to reef on. I tried to just seed a couple of branches but still ended up with 11g of seed from 35g bud. The seeds are beautiful though, nice and dark and speckled.
So, I've already smoked my way through that first plant, just about. I've started harvesting the popcorn and larf from the HSDs for smoking till harvest. Normally all of that stuff goes for hash production but I'm out of weed.
All the plants are on straight water now and I'll start a couple on final flush next watering. About a week before harvest formally begins.
that is awesome buddy if i were you i would just flush last week giving them food until then that is where plants need it the most as for packing on weight
I think I have things dialed in pretty good. I've been slowly reducing feeding over the last 10 days to prevent shocking the plants. One of the plants is 6 days from harvest and the rest are just a few days behind that. Fan leaf yellowing is beginning as expected, from the bottoms up. I'm hoping for the plants to use up as much nitrogen present as possible to improve taste.
As a hobby grower, I'm not as concerned as the commercial growers regarding maximum yield. Next crop I'll try running a plant full feeding until the last week, but I don't think the extra yield will justify a reduction in overall flavor. I'm not even certain the it'll make a difference in the yield. We'll see.
Right now, all the Blockheads have 95% red pistils and the trichomes are about 50/50 clear/cloudy. Once there is a small showing of amber in the trichs it'll be chop/chop.
Today is day F70 and I bit the bullet and harvested the smallest of the remaining HSDs. There just wasn't enough popcorn to get me through another 10 days. Anyway, I expect this to dry down to about 50g so it'll keep me in bud for a while....
Hi Doc, I hated to chop this one early but I'm too chronic to go without. As for the weight, we'll see. I always dry my bud in paper lunch bags. If it needs more than 1 bag, it's 60+, this one wasn't quite full so I'm guestimating......... I'll let ya know in a few days.
The flowering plants are progressing more or less as expected. I scoped the trichs on all the Blockheads. I'm going to harvest the 2 on the left in 4 days and the other 2 in a week (dayf80). They're not going to be giant yielders, but I have big hopes for their clones.
Here's my biggest HSD. She's a beauty. I didn't scope the trichs on the remaining 3 HSDs, I'm going to just lettem go until day F84 and then chop them. This particular girl could probably go 13 weeks or more, but the next crop has to go into the room.
Have to admit they look awesome, Buddy have you thought about training them so there all so all bud sites are around the same canopy height ?? sorta how i do it .
just tieing plant around pot cropping man i bet you would make stupid yields with that strain
Hi Doc. Speaking of stupid yields, that 70 day plant dried down to 41g not the 50 I was hoping for. A little disappointing, but it was the smallest, this is a run from seed, and it was taken 2 weeks early so this run won't be record breaking for me.
I'm gonna trellis the 4 HSD clones going in the next run. I can't actually attach the trellises until the plants come out of the veg room because the trellis stakes are 6 ft tall and the veg room height is under 5 ft. That'll keep the buds in the sweet spot of the lamp.
Speaking of the clones, here they are, still 13 days from flowering.
Here you can see the multiple shoots from topping and training on the HSDs. I'm going to put a trellis directly behind each plant in the pail and tie everthing back to it.
This last pic is of a Blockhead that I was bringing along for clones for the final crop. I was going to discard it after cloning, but I might try and fit her into the circle too, we'll see.
looks amazing there i think this grow is going to do allot better per yield wise allot more shoots there then other ones i see you bin cropping Well done
Here's the first Blockhead to get the chop. Looks like it'll dry down to about an ounce. The buds are caked in trichomes and extremely sticky. It doesn't look like any of the BHs will yield anywhere near the HSDs. I expect the yields of both strains to go up on the next crop, but proportionally.
So, I'm a little disappointed with how the yields are coming in. I know it's a crop from seed with a shorter veg period, but I was still hoping for 360g from 9 plants but it's looking more like 300 depending on how the remaining 6 plants yield.
Anyway, onward and upward. Here's a mock-up of my trellis plans. I'm going to set all the plants in place and then I can determine how wide the trellises can be. I think it'll work out good.
Love the idea smilley - I've thought about it a lot, wondered what would be the best way (relatively simply, without a whole PVC contraption), ..
I wonder if you could add a few more inches to either side of the plant by either jabbing the bamboo in like a V shape, or (probably more sturdy) putting another length of bamboo (perhaps cut to size) laterally, at the top and bottom of the vertical stakes, .. (Zip tie 'em together?) .. So that will give you a width greater than the container itself (which is what you'd otherwise be limited by), and then you can fasten the fencing to the whole deal, ..
I feel like it's simple, but I also feel like I did a great job making it sound complicated.
But yeah, that's what I'll do, a horizontal piece top and bottom. I've got to put the pails in their spots so I can measure exactly how wide I can make the trellises. I'm dedicating half the circle to the 4 HSDs so hopefully I can make each trellis several inches wider to form a continuous sort of trellis. These girls are really gonna stretch when I flip them. I'll have it all set up this weekend. Good thinking dude.
The Blockheads won't require trellising but are going to have to be raised continuously during stretch to keep up with the HSDs. I'm going to jam 5 Blockheads into the other half of the circle.