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Blockhead F2s and Hawaiian Snow Diesel

silver hawaiian

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Look at this 3 leaf thing going on with this clone. This is a BH and I have another BH with some weird growth going on. The other ones have started putting out 5 fingers but these 2 girls are a bit more stubborn. The HSDs have all reverted to full veg. Silver Hawaiian mentioned it a few weeks ago and attributed it to cutting clones in flower. I hope they revert back to normal veg after I repot them.

Hey smilley!

Too funny - I was just thinkin' about ya. I was down taking care of things, and my Goat cutting has the same three-fingered deal goin' on still. She's about the size of the one you posted.

This'll be my second round having taken cuts from flowering plants. Last time, they had this weird mutation deal goin' also, but eventually snapped out of it & grew up to be some decent plants. ;)

Lookin' killer in here! So jealous, how far ahead in veg for the next round you are.. :tumbleweed:


Hey smiley Very well done and i like the geranium in the grow! Did u ever grow out the original blockhead? If so i was gonna ask how the f2s differ in ur opinion.... i really hav found most f2s, while far from stable, hav always shown me a nice representation of the line.... i just find f2s to simply require som more seeds than normal as in f2s ever seed damn near is gona b a completely unique pheno.... so u end up having shitloads of phenos within this generation.... and like i said to combat that u can jst crack a larger number of seeds.
i hav a ten pack im gona pop soon and take clones to fjnd mothers... but im also gonna do an open pollination with everything as even tho my seeds will b f3s i think due to the open pollination with mutiple dads and moms im going to find som serious variation.... and from that f3 line im hoping to find my 1 n 1000 mom that u only find poping a laaarge number of seeds.
Anyway do u hav any pica of ur blockhead girls a little more mature? Also possibly som dry shots?? Wuld b amazing to see.
k 1 more queztion.... did any of ur girls go light purple/blue or hava blue tinge to the buds?


Well-known member
Hey silver, I never would have known that's what causes the 3 finger thing. Seems to me now, some strains revert to veg better than others. My buddy primobud never cuts clones from flowering plants and he doesn't see the mutations with his. Me, I'm always in a hurry, especially now with11 - 12 weekers. Hurry up and wait....heh, heh :)


Well-known member
Hi medman. No, this is my seed run, I've never even seen an original Blockhead. Really, I bought the strain because I liked the name and thought they'd finish in about 60 days. Anyway, looks like they'll go almost 12 weeks, maybe the clones'll finish faster. I guess if you're looking for keepers from your 10 pack, you should really clone all the females and grow those out to see what you really have. I'm seeing significant differences in the clones from the seed mothers. Looks like a couple may be much bigger yielders, we'll see. So, no I don't have any dry shots (I will in a few weeks, ha, ha), I've never even smoked it yet. I'll be posting a few pics tomorrow at day f60. :whee:


Well-known member
The Clones Day V50

The Clones Day V50

Meanwhile, back in the veg room things are progressing nicely. I repotted everything I had so it's just care and maintenance for about 23 more days. I've got 24 inches of headroom left so I'm real happy. I'll be trying some more lst to help them adapt to the vertical transition.


Here is a typical HSD, gonna be a bit of a challenge to train.



Absolutely stunnin.... ur killin it bro
how many phenos outa ur beanho blockhead f2s r flowerin in the above bh pics?
Like did u jst take a buncha clones from 1 mother or clones from multiple moms?
Im jst wonderin how many exspressions(or phenos) r in the above pics....
anyway shit looks fukiiiiiin illl and ur gona b very happy with the flowers u get after harvest.


I see ur also doin vert.... we must hav lots in common wen it comes to how one views a garden.
Im sry bro i started this thread last week i dnt remember the specifics of ur grow as far as what ur growin with.... and who knos if i did say it b4 it may hav changed....
So i was wonderin bro culd u giv us the specifics on the room in the pics above
ie how many plants how long was the veg and approx how tall were they glon intl flower
how many lights and watts per light light placement approx sq footage of grow area... that kinda stuff
but either way u look like u got one fantastic grow goin


Well-known member
Hi medman, I'm sure you'll find some interesting phenos in your 10 pack. Here's the prettiest of my Blockheads. I don't think she's as beefy as others but nice all the same. I've got 4 seperate females of the BHs and 5 of the HSD.


I only vegged the seed plants for 44 days. The BHs didn't branch very good, not like the clones are doing and I'm sure it's going to show in the yields. If I were you, I'd veg them from seed for 56 days. Me, I don't hunt for keepers, I'm 3 crops (first from seed) and out. Then I start over.

Hey, I sampled the 58 day HSD. It's got a trippy,intense short duration buzz going for it. For 3 weeks to go, it's OK. The yield off the cola was 15g. I'm sure it would have doubled in the next 3 weeks.


Well-known member
I see ur also doin vert.... we must hav lots in common wen it comes to how one views a garden.
Im sry bro i started this thread last week i dnt remember the specifics of ur grow as far as what ur growin with.... and who knos if i did say it b4 it may hav changed....
So i was wonderin bro culd u giv us the specifics on the room in the pics above
ie how many plants how long was the veg and approx how tall were they glon intl flower
how many lights and watts per light light placement approx sq footage of grow area... that kinda stuff
but either way u look like u got one fantastic grow goin

It's all in the thread, but in a nutshell, 3ft x 4ft veg room with 400mh and 5ft x 4ft flower room with 600hps. My veg room is an under stair thing so limited headroom. The clones veg for the duration of the flower period and so on. This is my second year with vertical so I'm still learning lots.


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Day F66

Day F66

This Blockhead is putting on quite a show. It's the furthest along of all the BHs and is on straight water now. I've been slowly cutting back the nutes every watering for the last 10 days or so. Judging from the microscope she'll be ready in about 10 more days. That would put her at day F76 or about 11 weeks. The rest will go another week beyond that...







Well-known member
:smoker: :) Or Bountiful Harvest........ Hi silver,she's the only BH showing any color but she sure is looking good. This isn't the biggest pheno though, all of the others look beefier, especially one. However, I have 2 clones of this pheno at day V57 which look like they may produce better next crop. :ying:


Well-known member
The Clones DayV58

The Clones DayV58

Here's the clones 58 days from cutting. The BH at the very back is a mother for the final crop and the 2 in the middle are the clones that I rescued from the gel cups. The HSD cutting is starting to get on track and I might be able to cut some clones off it for the final crop. The BH cutting is still in flower mode, I don't know if it'll ever revert to veg. Everything else moves into the flowering room in just over 2 weeks.


I'm trying to train the plants to grow up a vertical plane so that when I move to the vertical flowering configuration, ther'll be a wall of foliage and bud sites. Still 17 days of veg till the flower room becomes available. The girls are really liking the big pails.



Well-known member
Day F67

Day F67

Here's a few HSD pics. The buds are really starting to swell now. Still lots of white pistils so they'll go at least 12 weeks.



