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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Take A Deep Breath

The Deep Chunk is so dense, it is unreal. Never seen bud this dense in my life, ever. :)

Now I just need to grow one that finishes at 81cm, not 21cm lol


Hey Blimey :good:

I was thinking of your plants hitting the roof and thought I'd try out some minimal effort training in your honour. I've named this one 'Blimey', an Alien Express cut which is a very stretchy lady indeed, she was quite a way from a pretty weak CFL in veg and decided to reach for the skies. I bent her over once and tied her up where the stem meets, pulled some leaf off then stuck her into flower. Think you'll give it a try?



Take A Deep Breath
I've never had a plant named after me before! Thanks, man!

Whatever training you did...it produced the goods.....I see many many nodes on that girl.

Alien Express? Alien Tech x Orient Express? Looks good, whatever it is.

The whole topping and training area is one I need to explore more thoroughly.

The nearest thing I have at the moment is this reveg of the BJ #1 that I made some seeds with. I just left the two lowest branches, and tied them round the stem, then untied them again after she'd been put back in flower for a couple of weeks. Day 26.



Your actually very honoured bro, I don't think I've ever named a plant after any one!

Lineage of her is Alien Fomaggio x Pineapple Express, I think it's a couple of crosses away from Alien Tech but definitely of that line. She smells a bit like Lambrini, shamefully fully aware of it's odour.

That's really the only plant I've tried like that. The others get topped and de-foliated last run and I'm very impressed with the results. Started a thread finally as well bro so shimmy on over when you get a sec.

Re-veg looks good too man, I've been experimenting with the re-veg thing a little too. Just chopped one that's been through re-veg twice. She was a bit of a monster by the end of all this so I decided enough was enough. If you started with a small enough plant I'm sure you could get many runs from just a single lady.

Enjoying the show anyway bro, keep it green :tiphat::ying:


Take A Deep Breath
Yes.....very nice

*clears throat*

Lemon Thai x Deep Chunk.

Nugs are firm and solid, but not exceptionally so for a Deep Chunk hybrid. I think this pheno leant to the LT mother structurally.

What really hits you is the sharp lemon taste on the inhale. Lemon gobstoppers come to mind. Involuntary salivation may occurs. After a few seconds, this smooths out to a candy hash taste. Metallic on the aftertaste. Makes you want to keep taking another hit to flood your mouth again and again with that lemon taste.

The high: It's strong.....very relaxing, but with a clear head. I found the clearness less distinct than on a sample taken a week or so earlier. Very easy to get up and do stuff.....I baked some biscuits one afternoon, but just as easy to zombie out on the couch. Quite versatile.

While you are doing something, and are focused, you don't feel that high, but when you stop and just take a break, you realise that you are totally hammered.

I was very pleased overall with both the plant and the smoke. Some of the DC hybrids I've been running have been a bit fussy (Blueberry x DC and NL x DC especially), but not this one. Plenty of resin, heavy trich coverage. Didn't give me any problems at all - even put up about the best fight in the tent against the borg.

What's not to love? Make a space in the rotation for it sooner rather than later.

Have you considered looking for a male LT? I saw a post earlier today praising herijuana x LT :D


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
While you are doing something, and are focused, you don't feel that high, but when you stop and just take a break, you realise that you are totally hammered.


thats the lemon thai down to a T - strong yet clear. some say its almost boring its so clear, others like it best out of any of my cuts.

i popped 5 LT seeds and got 4 plants. all turned out female and i was pretty gutted not to get a male for breeding. i do have 5 seeds left so there is hope, but i really need to pop some of my own seeds - once ive got through all these cuts.

great report, many thanks for the write up and the show.:tiphat:

how did you find the pure DC ?


Take A Deep Breath
The DC is a great smoke......both the pure DC and the LTxDC had really tasty sugar leaves....just crush them and roll them in with the bud....no tobacco......smooth and tasty.

DC has a complex taste......lots of flavours......didn't help that it was seeded. Seed shells have a very distinctive taste.....instantly makes me think of the jamaican and african weed of my youth.

The density of the bud on the pure DC absolutely floored me. I can see why it's such a favorite for outcrossing. Ticks a whole lot of boxes as well as being homogenous. Yield is it's only drawback, and that's easily fixed by outcrossing.

The high reminded me of Sensi Star, but with a bit more poke. TBH, I found SS a bit of a disappointment. Need to pick up another pack one day and run it under the HPS.

The high on the Spoetnik x DC was very similar to the pure DC.....got another couple of those going...want to see if I can find a Spoetnik high amongst the F1...will F2 them eventually.

Got a Blueberry x DC in early flower. Very fussy plant. Won't yield much. Thinking of sticking some Flo pollen on there......and maybe some Dc pollen too...got good-looking males of both just showed.

Further down the pipe are 3 Cheese x DC, and a NL x DC.......must get at least one girl from those 4.....plus more LT/DC and pure DC......plus a couple of things that don't have DC in them...but just a couple lol.


Take A Deep Breath
It's Dutch Passion Blueberry. VG made the cross.

I really don't know....probably not BB-specific, although she has a reputation for being a high-maintenance broad. I suspect that the plants in question just didn't get good roots early on, and kept struggling to get ahead. Temps in the seedling cab have got quite cold on occasion over the last couple of months. Some plants handle it better than others, I guess.

In general, I have a theory...

Some plants just want to grow...and it's like you really have to fuck things up to stop them. Other plants are like spoiled kids who are never happy, always complaining about one thing or another, and are generally not "with the program".

Or that's how it seems to me.

Plus, everything I run is small numbers......drawing any conclusions can be dangerous.

I'm still leaning to "user error" at the moment.


Take A Deep Breath
It's getting busy in the UK forum nowadays....good stuff.

Blue Chunk....a troubled plant....by the time she recovered from transplant shock, she'd finished stretching...or so it seemed. The Borg haven't helped, although I've made some gains in the endless battle.


Chunky Cheese.....not sexed yet. Fingers crossed for a girl.


Spoetnik #1 x Deep Chunk.....pheno hunting....


Flo male, should drop any day now. Probably pollinate the Spoetnik/DC...we shall see.



It is busier in the UK forum lately, but 90% of it is bigwity!
Chunky Cheese has got girl written all over it.
How does the runt smell? Looking more BB leaning, no? Fruity funk? She was savaged by the mites...... they love a bit of Blueberry. Fuckers.
No pics of the Cali-OxMex F2? Boo!
Easy mang.


Take A Deep Breath
Heya Daoboxer.....

It's not all bigwity lol....and you haven't met englishrick yet hehehe.

I hope the CC is a girl....got another one that's spazzing out much like the bb/dc did.....and another two in veg...so we will see a girlie one way ot t'other.

The runt smells nice...fruity and funky combined.....deffo BB-leaning methinks....she's at day 40 today....sampled a tiny lower bud (as I'm just about to go dry until I chop that Flo male....lean times for the next few weeks)....ka-pow! Looks to have extreme potency....super-fruity taste already.....this one will yield sweet FA...but got another in veg.

I took a pic of the Cali-O x MexSat F2...but my camera didn't co-operate...I point and click...it focuses....usually on something other than what I'm photographing. I'll get a snap in the morning....it's quite branchy.....very aromatic....orange funk....cotton bud stage. Looking promising, as I picked the mother for her strong smell, and the father for his branchiness.

The GP24 had a good 2 weeks veg.....looking for it to get big and yield heavy...so far so good. Again.....pics to come.


Active member
Who`s not a fan of bigwity ? lol but yes the uk side is getting better represented on icmag now, and glad to be part of it.



Take A Deep Breath
Bigwity is A-OK in my book......and I'm envious of the genetics he plays with lol

Seriously.....it's good to see these new growshows with autopots, airpots, and so on. Very inspirational for bumbling amateurs like myself.

OK....just grabbed those snaps I promised.

The Cali-O x Mexican Sat F2....day 28 according to my notes....and the plant to the right on the second pic is the GP24....just starting out at day 11, showed sex 4 days ago. The runt on the far left is the Blue Chunk.



Time to give everything another spray.....


Nice! How big is the pot that th GP24 is in? It looks enormous.
And yeah, bigwity is great. This place would be dead without people like him.


Take A Deep Breath
That is a 10 Litre pot.....not sure of the dimensions...I'm guessing the plant is about 60 - 65cm tall in that pic......I actually moved it towards the "dark" end of the tent...still stretching, and I'm paranoid about burning the top after past experience.

Today she's at 14 days of 12/12...rocking along. High hopes. 14 days veg.....longest yet.

I only have 4 of those big pots.....and the Flo boy was in one of them. He was pissing me off....the flowers were falling off rather than opening. A pre-flower opened, but I couldn't see any pollen. Got fed up and chopped him....lots of flowers to smoke.....taste foul as males always do.

The nice chunky cheese was male......and the runt one is a girl....ah well.....at least I got a girl......she's only in a 3 litre anyways, so not wasting primo real estate.

So the Spoetnik/DC will remain sinse.....as will everything for a while now. The Blueberry/DC got a little DC dust on it....end of the month. Can't come fast enough.


Heh heh,
No bud to burn, and you're spending time on IC winding yourself up looking at delicious herb....masochist! Is it a matter of principle or finance that you're not visiting Mr. Dealer?

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