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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Take A Deep Breath

The point of the whole exercise is to keep me from ever not having something to smoke. In this, it is currently successful, although I am having to chop some things early and/or quick dry stuff to achieve this. As time goes on, this will not be necessary.

I put a seed in the towels about twice a week, with a view to harvesting about one plant a week. In practise, there are so many factors that affect things, I'm just juggling what I have, and every time I cut a plant, I promote one from veg to flower. I have 11 pots of 3L or bigger with flowering females in the tent at any given time. Plus another 7 or 8 1 -1.4 L pots with plants waiting to be sexed in the tent, plus anything up to 10 in the small pots in the veg cab.

I'm definitely making progress, but it'll still be a while before everything gets full flower/dry/cure. When I reach that stage, I'll be much happier.

Flowering females as of today:
Afghani x NL : Day 48
GP25 : Day 37
Cali-O x Mexican Sat (reveg) : Day 34
Power Black : Day 31
Black Forrest x (Afghani x NL) : Day 31
BJ #1 : Day 31
BJ #2 : Day 29
GP24 : Day 26
Lemon Thai x DC : Day 24
Spoetnik #1 x DC : Day 22
Another bagseed at Day 20
GP24 (Reveg) : Day 18

I have another 7 waiting to sex. The GP24 (Reveg) is still in a 1.4L pot, and will probably stay in it full term. Any of the newer plants that show female can't be up-potted until the Afghani x NL comes down. So far, females staying in small pots too long hasn't been a problem, but going forward, I'll end up with a few having to do the whole cycle in one.

Man, I rambled on a bit there. Must be stoned.....
nice, once you got the rotation bet it will be great so many different types I`m so jealous.

I have 4 strains in my tent at the mo, usually do just 2 but want more variety.

My problem is I like to veg for while and don`t have the space at the mo...really need to get a veg tent.

Do you have any problems with having so many different heights of plants, how do u deal with that?


Take A Deep Breath
My problem is I like to veg for while and don`t have the space at the mo...really need to get a veg tent.

Do you have any problems with having so many different heights of plants, how do u deal with that?

A separate veg area is essential.

The first plant I run of a strain/cross gets minimal veg time (usually 1 - 3 days after first 3-bladed leaf appears) before being put into flower....this hurts yield, but allows me to see how big it gets....the next one I run from that strain will be vegged a bit longer......see how big that gets....and so on, until I find an optimal height to flip.

Different phenos of a strain will perform differently, but you can see the general strategy. As things get longer and longer veg, I will start intoducing topping in veg....see how that effects the size and yield of plants.

It gets confused a bit, as I don't usually know ahead of time what pots will be available.....a plant up-potted into 10L will always end up bigger than one put into 3L.

In practise, I end up moving plants around in flower a lot. If they grow tall enough that being under the lamp would burn them, they get moved to the far end of the tent (the lamp is at one end), and one of the shorter plants gets put in it's place.


Take A Deep Breath
My camera is on its last legs, I think. Have to invest in a new one next time I've got some cash.

Lemon Thai x Deep Chunk.....seeded (with NL x DC pollen).


The BJ#2 is still stretching, going round and round the power cable for the extractor. Silly plant. No way I can take this one out of the tent until choptime.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey blimey how does the LTxDC smell? any citrus yet???
looks like a healthy plant...


Take A Deep Breath
shafty - it's a crazy plant. Foxtailing and leaf-clawing like crazy, but not a sign of nute burn. Wish I knew what it was.

VG - No hint of citrus/lemon.....tobacco and pine maybe...but it's not a stinker at all...yet. It's growing well. Vigorous. Eating all it's food without any fuss. Not been hassled much by the Borg. I gave it a spray a few days ago.

I also have a Deep Chunk gal I dusted with the (NLxDC) pollen.

Mellow - Man, new challenges present themselves at every turn. It's more a case of playing it by ear rather than planning.

I move the plants about quite a lot, but I can't be bothered with raising things up to get a level canopy. It's a free-for-all in there. As long as nothing seems to be starved of light, I'm happy.

The hardest decisions come when I get extra females showing themselves but can't up-pot them straight away. I've only got so long before it's not worth it, root-growth-wise, especially with indicas.

Need to get some sort of enzyme product. Trying to recycle as much of my soil/medium as I can.


Hey :wave:

Thanks for memory :tiphat:
I waching your thread but I dont write often becouse my English isn`t good :dance013:
....but I learning...

I like yours Bj#2 its so sativas.. Good luck..


Hey Blimey good stuff in here, plenty of crosses and not the norm strains. Sorry for not reading all the way through the thread as it's rather long :D Are you still using the same setup (200w cfl)??

Also how long has that crazy sativa been flowering for, my mates Big Bud did this just threw out pistils and nothing else, but i'm sure he bought seeds from a dodgy online site.

Take it easy
St Jimi


Take A Deep Breath
BioPart - always a pleasure to see you, my friend. Your English is fine, and far better than my Polish!

Saint Jimi - No worries....it's a long strange trip I've been on, and the thread is getting a bit long now.

To summarise, the 200W CFL is now my seedling/veg light, but all the real action happens in a DR120W under a 400W HPS.

BJ #2 - also known as "that crazy sativa" - bagseed - currently at day 42 - stretch may have finished now.....I think. About 3 or 4 inches left before she reaches the top of the power cable and hits the Prima-Klima. She won't go obscenely long, already frosting up, and should start to put on weight soon.


Lemon Thai x Deep Chunk - aka "Lemon Chunk" - heavily pregnant. Finally starting to smell lemony...



....but she is not the Queen of Stank. When the lights are out, and the extractor/carbon is off, the plant that stinks up the whole room is......a really small one in a tiny little 1.4 litre pot....the reveg of a GP24 I ran a couple of months ago. Tart fruit and nail polish. Day 30 of 12/12.


Finally, Deep Chunk - pollinated, staying small, and growing flat-top-style.


Bring on the Spring.....getting a bit bored of cold and grey.


Hey B.
Looking diverse, as always! Hows that cali-0 reveg looking these days?
Those mites are loving your squat indica selection, aren't they, the little stoners.


It's nice when when you make a leap from flouro flowering to real deal hps flowering, even though in actual reality it's a quite wasteful system you still get more grams per watt going with HID lighting especially 250w hid vs 200w fl.

Anyway i'll keep popping in to see how BJ#2 is getting along, it's got me rather interested!!

St Jimi


Take A Deep Breath
DB - the cali-o got chopped. I achieved my reveg goals with it, but it was never going to yield much, and I re-used the pot for a new female. Every time a new girl shows herself, I have to weigh the pros and cons...if I'm going to up-pot it, I only have a week or two to make the extra root growth worth the exercise.

So I'm getting more ruthless. A couple of things are flowering in small pots....one or two things are waiting to show....things in veg are vegging for longer.....whole system in flux, everything different veg times, different flower times, different pot sizes, different sexes.....chaos.

But it's fun, and I'm perpetually stoned, so all is well.

Spider miites....little scumbags. Been spraying things, but I can't see me evicting the lot of them any time soon. Damn their chitin hides!

st J.....yeah, penetration is the name of the game with HID.....plus getting the right reflector for your space is very important....mine was just the cheapest in the shop....

The BJ #2's have been crazy plants....got another in veg, plus one bean left...but I made a ton of beans with a couple of outcrosses....should be fun looking through the kids. Wish I knew what it was....what commercial strain grows anything like that?

Think some of my NL x DC pollen may have got onto a few pistils as well.....never do pollinations inside the tent when you are stoned.....with the circulating fan still on.....just a few pistils....
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Take A Deep Breath
It's very much like the Power Black (which has the Black Forrest as a father, whereas the GP38 has Black Forrest as the mother).

I've got a Power Black next to the GP38, both flipped on 15/12, both in 10L pots. They are almost identical, except the Power Black's buds are a little more advanced in flowering. I took shots, but they were out of focus.


Still looking good. Have you ever considered air pots (smart pots). Reckon they could help when using smaller sized pots.


Take A Deep Breath
I don't really know much about them, other than that they have that "baffle" shape. Everyone seems to be raving about them, so I guess they must be a wise investment.

All my larger pots are tapered, which is pissing me off a bit....seems like a load of wasted potential rootspace.

Started using an enzyme product (Cloverleaf). Recycling my soil, so need to break down all the old rooty crap. We shall see.....