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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Take A Deep Breath
Hey RudeDog...been a while...good to see ya about...well I'm still hopeful that I might get one or two of them to pop....my guess is that they are just old old stock.....the Sensi Mexican Sats I had gave me no germination problems at all.

It is taking all my willpower to wait for that Blue Chunk...two weeks to go. Let's hope the Cali-O x MS doesn't make me wait too long....she's just starting to put on some weight, although I suspect the Spoetnik/DC might just overtake her and finish first.

Acquired a cut of Cheese x NL.....well stoked, as she's got a good reputation.....should test my carbon filter.


Take A Deep Breath
Thanks, shafty,she looks better in this one.....alas, no photoshoots in the bathtub.


One issue with recycling my soil is, I think, that some of the N gets gobbled up by various lifeforms/processes....seems that I get tip burn, but still not enough N. Needs further investigation.

Carbon filter back on 24/7.....things are getting wonderfully funky, mainly due to the Cali-O/MS F2....more generic dank than oranges at this point.

Blue Chunk.....also a stinker for such a little girl....berryish fruits, funk, and pipe tobacco(?). 51 days in....trichome density is just silly under the loupe. No sign of Borg :)



Well-known member
Still about mate.....Having computer trouble so struggling to post.

I had some Sensi Seeds Sensi Skunk, 8 seeds and not one germed.


Take A Deep Breath
The GP24 is

((NL x Cali-O) x Mexican Sativa) x Power Black

So far they've tended to grow tall, minimal branching. Bud structure tends to vary, but all seem to be very frosty.

Smells tend to the citrus/floral/soap side. Nice mixed head/body buzz....slighty more head than body.

Edit to add: pix



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Take A Deep Breath
Blue Chunk....nearly there...excuse the snip marks on the bottom left.....



Spoetnik #1 x Deep Chunk



Here's one for bigwity....GP24 at 28 days.


Chunky Cheese has perked up a bit, but will always be a runt. This hybrid seems very sensitive to (?wet feet?) when a baby.....had 3 runt out, the only really healthy ones so far have been males.


Nelly Cheese clone......I also have a Spoetnik/DC plant that is looking decidely male (as well as vigorus and healthy)......might do a little dusting in a week or two.


Got some seaweed extract and chicken manure pellets.....trying to become more organic/recycled soil friendly.....we shall see.
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
cool, the blue chunk has that purple/blue hue like the BB mum. you say the early snifter was promising :D ?
i'm looking forward to growing out some of these DC crosses. the heavy DC growth patterns should make it possible to sog 9 of them in a square foot or so, and make some f2's at the same time.

the spoetnic X DC looks the pick of them so far though, :tiphat:



Take A Deep Breath
Hey VG.

Yep, the early samples have been very good....lots of poke, and more intensity than the pure DC. I really liked the buzz.

So far, I'd say....the LT/DC is stretchiest.....but they all seem to give very dense buddage. I've only seen really big fans on the Spoetnik/DC, but extra-long petioles seem to be pretty common. Most things seem to go purple quite happily. Everything so far has been very frosty. Nothing is at all branchy, so I can't imagine any of them giving you any problems.

That Lemon Thai/Dc I ran before was put into flower (unsexed) at 6cm tall......finished at 43cm. The Spoetnik/DC I ran was about the same (6cm - 45cm).


Hiya mate.
Is the Blue Chunk for the chop this weekend? I think my Crystal Limit may be ready by then.
What's the story on the Nelly Cheese? And a clone too! I'm assuming its got nowt to do with Nelly the pop-rapper!?


Still doing a good job blimey. Think nelly cheese is the new name for the cheese x Nl clone.


I see......I had hoped that Nelly had decided to have a 'clone-off' versus Snoop Dog (Snoop of course weighing in with his OG Kush Abusive)...... That would be much more interesting.


Take A Deep Breath
Hey guys :tiphat:

lolol.....yep, Nelly Cheese is the Cheese x NL clone. No room in veg, so she's straight into flower, but I'll make some beans off her to keep the genetics in my stable.

The Blue Chunk will be chopped sometime over the next day or two. She's all beans, so won't get much smoke off her, but I'm sure the quality will be top notch.

Let's take a look into the veg cab....most things doing well, with the notable exception of that runt at the back centre.....it's the oldest plant in the cab, and is (of course) a Chunky Cheese.



Even got a trifoliate in there....


Back in the tent.....the Lemon Chunks do like to stretch a lot for a DC hybrid...just to the right of the Lemon Chunk is a Chunky Cheese runt that has responded very well to an up-pot....must have been the cold/wet combo in veg that was causing all the problems.



I notice trifolitate plants seem to be occuring more often these days. What do think of the Chunky Cheese?


Take A Deep Breath
It seems a quite commonplace mutation....I'm assuming it's a genetic thing.....like a superfluous nipple (which is supposedly quite common). I've got another (normal) plant of the same strain and exact same age.....interesting to see how they compare (if both girls).

Haven't had a Chunky Cheese girl finish yet....I've seen a thread down in the cannacopia forum with really nice buds....mine aren't of that origin, but the cross is identical, so I expect something similar - low/med yield, very frosty, lots of colour, strong stank.


Take A Deep Breath
Quick smoke report on the Blueberry X Deep Chunk

The bud finished with a varnished feel to it, 60 days, heavily seeded. Dense, but not extremely so. Mucho purpling on calyx tips. Probably would have increased had I let her go longer. A very few amber trichomes, more on the leaves, but mostly cloudy. Bud slightly foxtailed, but whether genetic or heat-related (she was right under the lamp) I don't know.

The taste is quite complex....there's fruit in there, quite strongly, but not citrus....more a generic "berry"....mixed with something else..4 or 5 things jumbled up...leather and musk and who knows what.....didn't notice any hashy flavour, which surprised me. Most DC hybrids have a lot of earthy/hashy taste in there. No metallic.

The high is excellent....very strong.....mainly body but with enough head to really let you know you're stoned. More "poke", if you like, than pure DC. Not so much the frying pan to the head, more like the brain is removed and replaced with a half-brick soaked in treacle.

Not a weed for lively conversation, work, or operating heavy machinery. Much better for watching a DVD, listening to music, and general zombie-type activities.

Oh yeah, serious munchies.

Still got a couple of hybrids to sample (Cheese x DC, and NL x DC), but the Blueberry x DC has the best high of the lot (in my totally subjective opinion)....so far.


Take A Deep Breath
Borrowed a Fuji S1900 for an hour or so....very nice camera for the price (£129).

Edit to add: I think these pics are correct....it was a bit confusing trying to upload them to the PC.

Chunky Cheese:



Lemon Chunk:




Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey nice smoke report on the Blue Chunk - sounds like the BB may have stood up for itself in the DC cross a bit better than some. certainly the BB mum is some great smoke - i look forward to trying the DC cross myself. what did you cross it with again??

those three plants in the pics all look great too!



Take A Deep Breath
Hey VG....thanks for the kind words :tiphat:

I've never smoked straight Blueberry, but I certainly think it must have given something of itself in the high.....going to have to save my pennies and get hold of a pack of BB one day.

That particular gal was (back)crossed to straight DC. So far I've made the following crosses:

BJ#2 x Chunky Cheese ("Brigitte Nielsen")
BJ#2 x Lemon Chunk ("Bridget Fonda")
Lemon Chunk x Northern Chunk ("Kissing Cousin")
Deep Chunk x Northern Chunk ("Night Nurse")
Blue Chunk x Deep Chunk ("The Matron")

Also got some Nelly Cheese x (Spoetnik #1 x DC) in the making.

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