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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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No need for personal attacks guys..... Vta has every right to post his views that doesn't make him ignorant, everyones life experience brings them to a different point. Personally I think Bernie appeals most to young people who are having trouble finding good jobs in this economy, and people of all ages groups who got screwed in 2008. If I were well established already and didn't have any negative exposure to wall street in prob would have never thought to look at Bernie.


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:woohoo:Alrightypants....lets not get the Bernie thread closed. You'd be surprised what you can agree with vta on. Like Rush....bit much of the Fixed news tho. But the moment opinions don't matter we're lost. lol remember the hbo john adams series.....jefferson and adams writing letters to eachother in the end...


Active member
I didn't see that, wonder if it's on Netflix or hulu? Rush haha... I dunno about that dude, I think there are many smart conservatives and their movement has some truths to it, but he is embarrassing to any form of intelligent life


Active member
I didn't see that, wonder if it's on Netflix or hulu? Rush haha... I dunno about that dude, I think there are many smart conservatives and their movement has some truths to it, but he is embarrassing to any form of intelligent life

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Well-known member
I didn't see that, wonder if it's on Netflix or hulu? Rush haha... I dunno about that dude, I think there are many smart conservatives and their movement has some truths to it, but he is embarrassing to any form of intelligent life

Rush is actually a pretty sharp guy, but he is a bought & paid for far-right shill just like Bill the Dickhead O'Reilly on Fox. you guys don't think they really believe the BS they spew, do you? mere paid spokesmen. that said, i hate a shill...gimme a true-believer (even if he is wrong) over a lying corporate/political (aint they the same?) talking head shill.


Active member
Rush is actually a pretty sharp guy, but he is a bought & paid for far-right shill just like Bill the Dickhead O'Reilly on Fox. you guys don't think they really believe the BS they spew, do you? mere paid spokesmen. that said, i hate a shill...gimme a true-believer (even if he is wrong) over a lying corporate/political (aint they the same?) talking head shill.

Dude Vta's a rush fan, not rush limbaugh hahaha.....ya know jon bonham on the drums..:biggrin:.........yes in this we agree with him


Well-known member
quite the show last night SC way, kind of digging it
the vipers are beginning to fang one another
though i'm sure that's been going on behind the doors for a while


Active member
Haha wait you meant Rush as in the Canadian Led Zeppelin. If that's the case then we are all friends here.


I'd rather have someone passionately disagree with me than half heartedly agree... Our county was not founded by bobble heads agreeing with each other! It was arguments and passionate ones! We must appreciate others differences no matter how much we disagree because it's the centuries long argument we've had between conservatives and liberals that makes our great expiriment work! Let's passionately argue, it's a patriotic act- let's not belittle each other...

As for how well deregulation works- my argument would be third world counties embody much of what is held in esteem by the more extreme conservatives... No min wage, hardly any regulation, weak central government.... Why are those countries not flourishing???

It is because the middle class is almost totally an American Invention, largely thanks to unions... The history of the world is full for most part of the Welty and the peasants, haves and have nots... We created the middle ground for most part.... And it wasn't with the ultra wealthy class happy participation! Yea a bit Robin Hood like- but when you take from the rich and make it available (not necessarily just given) to the poor- the wealthy get it again as the poor n middle must spend their money not hoard it.... It works its way back to the top.... Through expenditures increasing its velocity by forcing it to bottom n work back up... The wealthy if allowed can hoard the wealth which slows the velocity of the economy and in the end they too are better off by having it removed and made available to the bottom to come back again...

Kinda like pruning the girls... May stress em a bit for a bit but they end up better in the end!

I'd rather lean more towards Europe than third world counties myself....


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Currupt Republican ex-Virginia govenor Bob Mcdonnel is now going to actual prison because of Scalia's passing. Since its now 4-4 it would be sent back to the lower court that already decided he would make a good prison wife...:biggrin:


Well-known member
I'd rather have someone passionately disagree with me than half heartedly agree... Our county was not founded by bobble heads agreeing with each other! It was arguments and passionate ones! We must appreciate others differences no matter how much we disagree because it's the centuries long argument we've had between conservatives and liberals that makes our great expiriment work! Let's passionately argue, it's a patriotic act- let's not belittle each other...

As for how well deregulation works- my argument would be third world counties embody much of what is held in esteem by the more extreme conservatives... No min wage, hardly any regulation, weak central government.... Why are those countries not flourishing???

It is because the middle class is almost totally an American Invention, largely thanks to unions... The history of the world is full for most part of the Welty and the peasants, haves and have nots... We created the middle ground for most part.... And it wasn't with the ultra wealthy class happy participation! Yea a bit Robin Hood like- but when you take from the rich and make it available (not necessarily just given) to the poor- the wealthy get it again as the poor n middle must spend their money not hoard it.... It works its way back to the top.... Through expenditures increasing its velocity by forcing it to bottom n work back up... The wealthy if allowed can hoard the wealth which slows the velocity of the economy and in the end they too are better off by having it removed and made available to the bottom to come back again...

Kinda like pruning the girls... May stress em a bit for a bit but they end up better in the end!

I'd rather lean more towards Europe than third world counties myself....

While no disagreement on your comment, very well founded. The issue lies in current times as to what political side supports your cause? It is blatantly obvious that neither do. Republicans, while I lean more right in ideology, they dont. I truely don't understand how left side people think that democrats are any better. They take just as much funds, they really do nothing for the lower and middle class except handouts that don't work. They literally are no better. Money ain't free and both sides are taking it in suitcases.
Times have changed. The rich are growing apart from the lower and middle class and have learned to buy/manipulate the powers that keep them in check. We are on a downwards track. Bernie ain't the solution, I like him as a person and have listened to him for years, but this is bigger than him.

Legalize weed, maybe but probably not...that pesky congress. Sorry


Active member
While no disagreement on your comment, very well founded. The issue lies in current times as to what political side supports your cause? It is blatantly obvious that neither do. Republicans, while I lean more right in ideology, they dont. I truely don't understand how left side people think that democrats are any better. They take just as much funds, they really do nothing for the lower and middle class except handouts that don't work. They literally are no better. Money ain't free and both sides are taking it in suitcases.
Times have changed. The rich are growing apart from the lower and middle class and have learned to buy/manipulate the powers that keep them in check. We are on a downwards track. Bernie ain't the solution, I like him as a person and have listened to him for years, but this is bigger than him.

Legalize weed, maybe but probably not...that pesky congress. Sorry

What do you mean by "handouts that don't work"? Kids get fed & a roof over their heads along with medical care. That applies to the sick, lame & even the lazy as well. If you mean it doesn't help them get jobs it's because the jobs aren't there in the first place thanks to Job Creators! who don't think it's part of their role in society. If Americans have to settle for less then it's only right that they do too. We trusted them in adopting trickle down Reaganomics in the first place & they deliver only to themselves. If they won't deliver wages & jobs then we need to force delivery thru taxes. It can be no other way.


Active member
What do you mean by "handouts that don't work"? Kids get fed & a roof over their heads along with medical care. That applies to the sick, lame & even the lazy as well. If you mean it doesn't help them get jobs it's because the jobs aren't there in the first place thanks to Job Creators! who don't think it's part of their role in society. If Americans have to settle for less then it's only right that they do too. We trusted them in adopting trickle down Reaganomics in the first place & they deliver only to themselves. If they won't deliver wages & jobs then we need to force delivery thru taxes. It can be no other way.

What do they say?... "If you don't like yer jerb, get on out der n' find nudder one." Where are these jobs you speak of? All being busted down to part time by the corporations, thats where. I know a single mom who juggles 3 part time jobs, barely sleeps, online schooling when she has the time, and it wasn't for food stamps, they wouldn't even eat. There's no upward mobility, they want to take more from people with nothing, and give the REAL welfare to the oil companies/corporations. They then take our tax money and stash it in the Cayman Islands, after they've bought their 4th yacht. The cycle continues, with the poor misguided country people parroting their propaganda for them, when even they don't see a dime.


Active member
What do you mean by "handouts that don't work"? Kids get fed & a roof over their heads along with medical care. That applies to the sick, lame & even the lazy as well. If you mean it doesn't help them get jobs it's because the jobs aren't there in the first place thanks to Job Creators! who don't think it's part of their role in society. If Americans have to settle for less then it's only right that they do too. We trusted them in adopting trickle down Reaganomics in the first place & they deliver only to themselves. If they won't deliver wages & jobs then we need to force delivery thru taxes. It can be no other way.

A bit of help is fine with me but the end result must be self sufficiency. There is some misconception that the working class and the wealthy should foot the bill for every kid born to an unwed mother, immigrant legal or otherwise, birth control, food, housing, transportation etc. Grip this we can't afford to put everyone on welfare! I'm pretty sure your not old enough to remember the effect Reagonomics had on the country, it really was a positive thing. Many people went back to work and things got better. The left is offering one thing presently and that is grinding poverty for all of us and add to that you will be considered property of the state (socialism). Government does not earn money it prints it on the backs of the working class and the wealthy. Socialism comes into play when the government has through incompetence or intent mishandled the economy to the point we are in soup lines waiting for a bowl of thin soup and a piece of bread. Presently the leftist scum in the WH have with the intent of creating a socialist state ruined the economy, made business almost impossible to legally run with regulation and high taxes, educated the young in a fashion causing them to be incapable of thinking for themselves or be able to recognize the importance of our constitution.


Active member
I wish the American people had the intelligence and drive to all unite as one against the oppressors, the media is so good at dividing us. Right vs left, black vs white, ect.... if we hate each other we don't have time to hate the real enemies, the parties get pulled so far to the radical ends that nothing can get done, which means that everything stays the same and the winners keep on taking everything from us common men. At least that's a starting point, that we all agree that we're getting fucked hard. Imagine if everybody joined as one and went on strike, it would cost the ruling elite billions a day and they'd have to come to the table. That's just a pipe dream though because the ignorant evangelicals think that gay people and brown people are the root cause. You go to Ted Cruz's page and click on issues.... and believe it or not 2 of 8 are about defending Christianity and fighting gay marriage, in 2016! Of everything going on in our country this is at the top of his list? I often wonder if we'd be better off if Lincoln had let the south secede

The fact is that the left is way too far left. You really want socialism? Your a fool if you actually think that anyone thinks the Gay Marriage issue is important enough to turn the country into a socialist utopia. Legal immigrants are also not a big problem. Illegal Brown immigrants are a huge problem. It is not racism to want secure borders! As for defending Christianity why not? If you can't see the attack on Christianity by the left and Islam then you truly live in a deep hole. Islam's prophet Muhammad preached enslavement, beheading, rape and in general murder of anyone not Muslim. Sharia law is a most crude entity. Look this up and see for yourself. The only part of the Bible that singles any group out for execution deals with Sodom and Gamorrah. So far I haven't seen thousands of Gays being executed, tortured, thrown off buildings etc. here but non Muslims including Gays are being treated thusly in Iraq and Syria right now. Christ is a very forgiving God isn't he?
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