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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Well-known member
We need another "new deal', the deck is far too stacked.

What I have read here in the past 24 hours makes me feel better than anything I have seen in 'the media', in a long time.


I third it!

But we should all make our $27+

We cannot afford in anyway a gop controlled White House and congress and I would support Hillary against any gop contender I too worry she'll get creamed in a general! Bernice's right on on it all! Finally someone preaching my crazy progressivism and is a serious contender for prez! It's a good day!

On that note burn one for Bernie! Go Bernie go!


Well-known member
The super delegates are in existence so the DNC can keep american voters from voting for somebody they don't deem worthy. Or at least making it impossible for a majority grass roots group of voters to make changes they don't want.

Same way with delegates in general. They do not have to vote the way the states vote at the final RNC or DNC. They usually do but there is no law saying they have too. If they think the voters were stupid they can "fix" it. They have been talking about trying to do that if Trump gets in.

That is what the super delegates will do to Sanders if they stick to their pledge.

This is why you can't be sure the super delegates or regular delegates will do that. If they do then Sanders could run as an independent or write in candidate and then the democrats will lose. Same with the RNC. If they try an end-round on Trump he can run independent and no way the republicans win.

In fact if they both do that I see the democrats and the republicans coming in 3 and 4th behind two independents.

I will vote Sanders in the primary. If it is Sanders vs Trump for POTUS I will vote Sanders. If it is Clinton vs Trump I will vote Trump.

If it is Sanders as independent vs Clinton vs Trump I am voting Trump.

My vote is going to be used to prevent anybody that is a lifelong democrat or republican or anybody part of the establishment government getting in office.

It is democrat or republican it is new vs status quo. It is cookie cutter politicians or free style thinkers.


Well-known member
I am cool with the government giving me every penny I paid in to social security plus fair interest and no SS. Then they can do whatever the young people want to do about that.

It would have been fine but they kept taking money from the fund for wars and bailouts.


Active member
I don't think Bernie would run as an independent because he actually cares and would not create a situation where the GOP won. Trump on the other hand is a self indulging narcissist who would revel in punishing the repubs for not picking him, he'd sink the ship just so everybody loses.


Active member
I wish the American people had the intelligence and drive to all unite as one against the oppressors, the media is so good at dividing us. Right vs left, black vs white, ect.... if we hate each other we don't have time to hate the real enemies, the parties get pulled so far to the radical ends that nothing can get done, which means that everything stays the same and the winners keep on taking everything from us common men. At least that's a starting point, that we all agree that we're getting fucked hard. Imagine if everybody joined as one and went on strike, it would cost the ruling elite billions a day and they'd have to come to the table. That's just a pipe dream though because the ignorant evangelicals think that gay people and brown people are the root cause. You go to Ted Cruz's page and click on issues.... and believe it or not 2 of 8 are about defending Christianity and fighting gay marriage, in 2016! Of everything going on in our country this is at the top of his list? I often wonder if we'd be better off if Lincoln had let the south secede


Active member
I wish the American people had the intelligence and drive to all unite as one against the oppressors, the media is so good at dividing us. Right vs left, black vs white, ect.... if we hate each other we don't have time to hate the real enemies, the parties get pulled so far to the radical ends that nothing can get done, which means that everything stays the same and the winners keep on taking everything from us common men. At least that's a starting point, that we all agree that we're getting fucked hard. Imagine if everybody joined as one and went on strike, it would cost the ruling elite billions a day and they'd have to come to the table. That's just a pipe dream though because the ignorant evangelicals think that gay people and brown people are the root cause. You go to Ted Cruz's page and click on issues.... and believe it or not 2 of 8 are about defending Christianity and fighting gay marriage, in 2016! Of everything going on in our country this is at the top of his list? I often wonder if we'd be better off if Lincoln had let the south secede

We have this country because of the north. The south didn't even really want to fight in the revolution. Funny they're all in South Carolina now, the state that their representative was one of the last votes to go to war with Britain, and only because we twisted their arm and bribed them. Complete history of being ass backwards.


Active member
We have this country because of the north. The south didn't even really want to fight in the revolution. Funny they're all in South Carolina now, the state that their representative was one of the last votes to go to war with Britain, and only because we twisted their arm and bribed them. Complete history of being ass backwards.

Only if you count Virginia as being part of the North.


Active member

Sanders, Trump, Clinton, Cruz: There's not a dime's worth of difference between them

By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

What if all the remaining presidential candidates really want the same things? What if they all offer essentially the same ideas couched in different words? What if these primary races have become beauty pageants largely based on personality and advertising?

What if our system of governance is so deep into the fabric of big government in the second decade of the 21st century that all the presidential candidates really believe that most voters actually want the government to care for them?

What if all major candidates in both major political parties promise a federal government that can right any wrong, regulate any behavior, tax any event, solve any problem and borrow unlimited amounts of money?

What if the federal government is broke? What if it is politically committed to spending more money than it collects in revenue? What if all the candidates believe in borrowing money today and again borrowing money next year to pay off today’s debts? What if rolling over federal debt never pays off or even pays down the principal?

What if none of the candidates cares about increasing the inflationary pressures and tax burdens on generations of Americans as yet unborn? What if they all want to spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year more than is collected in revenue? What if they all refuse to address the issue of how to pay back responsibly all the borrowed money from the past 100 years?

What if today we are the victims of this borrowing and spending mentality begun by President Woodrow Wilson and followed by nearly all of his successors up to President Obama? What if all the candidates in the presidential primaries plan to continue this self-destructive process?

What if the modern federal government has never paid back a loan in full without using borrowed money, and none of the candidates running for president cares about that, and all have indicated that they would continue to do the same? What if, as of today, nearly 20 cents of every dollar collected in revenue must legally be paid to lenders to the federal government as interest on their loans? What if American military leaders have argued that the government’s debt is a greater threat to national security than is ISIS?

What if, when these candidates talk about curing cancer or eradicating the heroin epidemic or providing clean water, they are doing so to tug at your heartstrings? What if they are all mimicking President Obama’s politically successful demonstrations of empathy?

What if these issues -- genuine problems in contemporary America -- are not federal problems because they do not spring from areas of governance delegated by the Constitution to the federal government? What if health, safety, welfare and morality are the core of the states’ responsibilities and not the federal government’s?

What if all these candidates don’t care about the Constitution and its guarantees of personal freedom, its checks and balances, and its division of governmental powers, even though, before entering office, they will be required to take a solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution?

What if the candidates all want to rearrange borders of countries in the Middle East using the American military? What if they all think they can use the blood of young Americans to force democratic governmental structures upon foreign peoples whose cultures have rejected repeatedly the concepts of majority rule, due process and natural rights over the course of a thousand years of religious
civil wars?

What if the candidates all fail to see that the more innocents we kill abroad, the more we use force to tell others how to live, the more harm comes to us -- to our people, to our culture and to our freedoms?

What if all the candidates for president favor the government using torture, detaining persons without trial, continuous surveillance of all the telephone calls, emails, and text messages of all persons in America -- even though these behaviors are profoundly unconstitutional, morally un-American, uniquely destructive of personal liberty in a free society and fail to enhance public safety?

What if all these candidates -- in differing degrees -- reject the concept of limited government? What if they all want to bribe the rich with bailouts and the middle class with tax breaks and the poor with welfare? What if these candidates and their supporters and their attitudes about the role of government in our lives have reduced government at this sad time in our history to a game whereby everyone tries to live at someone else’s expense?

What if none of the candidates recognizes that government is an artificial creation based on force and ought to be exercised minimally? What if none of them understands that prosperity comes from the free choices of investors, workers and consumers, and not from the decisions of the federal government’s central planners?

What if none of these current candidates acknowledges that individuals are sovereign, our rights are inalienable, our property belongs to us, our souls are immortal, and that the government works for us -- not the other way around?

What ever happened to the right to be left alone? Where is a candidate who will defend it? What are lovers of liberty to do?


Well-known member
They tried to fix that debate last night. The RNC wants Bush or Rubio but it isn't going to happen.

I am sick of all the foreign affairs questions. Nobody on either side knows what will and will not work abroad. Start explaining in depth what you will do about jobs and the economy.

We have 10 more months of this bullshit too.


Active member
:tiphat: What if none of them understands that prosperity comes from the free choices of investors, workers and consumers, and not from the decisions of the federal government’s central planners?

What if we deregulated banks and they crashed the world economy in 2008, ruining the lives of millions?

What if we instituted free trade and deregulation of investment, and companies sent all the jobs oversees, leaving rural america without access to good jobs?

What if the only country in the world with privatized healthcare people were paying almost double what folks in the socialist countries are?

What if the biggest driver of debt facing our country was the healthcare of retired people, and that healthcare was expensive because private industry can charge what they please?

What if we went back to the working conditions people had before unions gave us the 40 hour week, or lunch breaks, or family medical leave, or holidays?

What if we deregulated campaign finance so anyone could donate as much as they want and buy politicians?

I agree with a lot of what you said. Our current government is way out of wack, when you have half the people trying to shut down the government and the other half are mostly idiots too. But when you talk about this idea that deregulation will fix everything.... first off we've been doing nothing but deregulation since Raegan and that includes the Dem presidenuts because they passed free trade. So almost 40 years of trickle down and it hasn't reached us yet, the average person is actually worse off then the last generation. And if you want to look at serious hands off regulations you should study history and how our country operated under the robber barons of the late 1800s and early 1900s, destroying areas with pollution and people working for slave wages, is that what you want to return to?

I take it most of the conservatives are older, and weren't new entrants to the job market or young people starting a family, they got established before everything went to shit. I graduated college in 09 when the economy tanked, and people of our generation have much fewer job prospects, slashed benefits packages from employers, people now get less time off then anytime in recent history, it takes 2 parents salaries to even scrape by, a family health plan is 800 a month. Man I could keep going on but I wont. For the deregulation people, instead of spouting off ideas, examine history and try to look at the times when big business was regulated and then come back here with what you've learned


Active member
What if we deregulated banks and they crashed the world economy in 2008, ruining the lives of millions?

What if we instituted free trade and deregulation of investment, and companies sent all the jobs oversees, leaving rural america without access to good jobs?

What if the only country in the world with privatized healthcare people were paying almost double what folks in the socialist countries are?

What if the biggest driver of debt facing our country was the healthcare of retired people, and that healthcare was expensive because private industry can charge what they please?

What if we went back to the working conditions people had before unions gave us the 40 hour week, or lunch breaks, or family medical leave, or holidays?

What if we deregulated campaign finance so anyone could donate as much as they want and buy politicians?

I agree with a lot of what you said. Our current government is way out of wack, when you have half the people trying to shut down the government and the other half are mostly idiots too. But when you talk about this idea that deregulation will fix everything.... first off we've been doing nothing but deregulation since Raegan and that includes the Dem presidenuts because they passed free trade. So almost 40 years of trickle down and it hasn't reached us yet, the average person is actually worse off then the last generation. And if you want to look at serious hands off regulations you should study history and how our country operated under the robber barons of the late 1800s and early 1900s, destroying areas with pollution and people working for slave wages, is that what you want to return to?

I take it most of the conservatives are older, and weren't new entrants to the job market or young people starting a family, they got established before everything went to shit. I graduated college in 09 when the economy tanked, and people of our generation have much fewer job prospects, slashed benefits packages from employers, people now get less time off then anytime in recent history, it takes 2 parents salaries to even scrape by, a family health plan is 800 a month. Man I could keep going on but I wont. For the deregulation people, instead of spouting off ideas, examine history and try to look at the times when big business was regulated and then come back here with what you've learned

Thank you. A primary duty of Govt is to protect the weak, not just in a physical sense but in an economic sense as well. Without it, we're all powerless against the economic might of mega billionaires & international corporatocracy.


Well-known member
What if we deregulated banks and they crashed the world economy in 2008, ruining the lives of millions?

What if we instituted free trade and deregulation of investment, and companies sent all the jobs oversees, leaving rural america without access to good jobs?

What if the only country in the world with privatized healthcare people were paying almost double what folks in the socialist countries are?

What if the biggest driver of debt facing our country was the healthcare of retired people, and that healthcare was expensive because private industry can charge what they please?

What if we went back to the working conditions people had before unions gave us the 40 hour week, or lunch breaks, or family medical leave, or holidays?

What if we deregulated campaign finance so anyone could donate as much as they want and buy politicians?

I agree with a lot of what you said. Our current government is way out of wack, when you have half the people trying to shut down the government and the other half are mostly idiots too. But when you talk about this idea that deregulation will fix everything.... first off we've been doing nothing but deregulation since Raegan and that includes the Dem presidenuts because they passed free trade. So almost 40 years of trickle down and it hasn't reached us yet, the average person is actually worse off then the last generation. And if you want to look at serious hands off regulations you should study history and how our country operated under the robber barons of the late 1800s and early 1900s, destroying areas with pollution and people working for slave wages, is that what you want to return to?

I take it most of the conservatives are older, and weren't new entrants to the job market or young people starting a family, they got established before everything went to shit. I graduated college in 09 when the economy tanked, and people of our generation have much fewer job prospects, slashed benefits packages from employers, people now get less time off then anytime in recent history, it takes 2 parents salaries to even scrape by, a family health plan is 800 a month. Man I could keep going on but I wont. For the deregulation people, instead of spouting off ideas, examine history and try to look at the times when big business was regulated and then come back here with what you've learned

If you notice guys like vta just post articles with points they cherry pick to fit their distorted view of reality. They have no real opinions of their own.


Active member
It is really amazing to watch America discover Bernie Sanders. It is like my old engineer boots, surplus navy pea coat, and long curly hair suddenly suddenly came back into fashion. This is Bernie in 1988, about fifteen years after his political act was well know by me and most Vermonters:



Active member
If you notice guys like vta just post articles with points they cherry pick to fit their distorted view of reality. They have no real opinions of their own.

You know nothing about me. My view of reality is distorted? Why, cause it differs from yours? Give me a break...
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