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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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If Bernie wins the majority of these contests, and they just hand it to Hillary/or Biden(Biden would never happen), be it superdelegates, or however they would hypothetically rig it,...that would amount to a situation where half of democrats stay home pissed off over a coup in their own party. Not to mention the press would devour it...not likely. I'm more worried about the Bloomberg effect than I am Hillary's SD minion.

Bernie, this guys a genius when it comes to using his tools at the right time, and driving home a message. You know who else is? You got it....DT.....except he's orchestrating/composing fascist mud.

I've never seen young folks like this in my life time, even than with Obimcakes. Bern it down.
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Well-known member
The super delegates can pretty much decide who the nominee is. For instance, before a single voter had showed up at a caucus or a booth, Clinton had amassed 392 delegates to her side. This is nation wide. In the upcoming Nevada dem caucus the majority of super delegates have already aligned with her. So NV dem voters go spend half the day participating in a rigged process and leave feeling like they made a difference if they vote for Bernie over Hillary.
The magic number to clinch the nomination is 2,382. So with this guaranteed insider support, the Clinton campaign’s tie in Iowa and crushing defeat in New Hampshire matter little — she’s still at 431 total delegates, 18% of the way to the party nomination and over eight times Sanders’ delegate count. Super delegates were put into place to keep a candidate outside the mainstream of the democratic party like Bernie no matter how much popular voter support they receive out of the big game. They exist for no other reason than to prop up the preferred candidate.

There's even been talk that if Bernie continues to whip Hillary that the dem convention party masters will replace Hillary with another that will beat Bernie. Joe Biden's name has been tossed around for this very purpose. The party just doesn't want him in the office.

Much like the repub establishment don't want Trump as their nominee.
Personally, it tickles me to see both of them shaking up the foundation of their respective parties.

i suppose if you didn't have voters at all, this could work
but you do, and you know? they're getting more educated and less likely to be herded
so effectively a brokered convention - do that and watch the death spiral of the democrat party accelerate
people will simply not put up with this crap any more


Active member
Watch what the system lines up against Bernie.

This is something I've been worried about too. Something at some point is going to come out of nowhere and right when the timings perfect he will be derailed. Hillary PAC has 45 million to work with and the Bern doesn't have much of anythjng. You know that the powers that be won't let this happen when they have their horse in the race. I'm as patriotic and pro American as the next guy but democracy is dead, we are in the beginning of a new oligarchy and that's an unfortunate fact. With citizens united the law of the land now there is an endless stream of money at all levels of politics. And don't get caught up thinking it's just the president, it's governors, senators, representatives, mayors, sheriffs, the judges that elected officials appoint, ect. When you need a billion dollars to run for president there is no way that even a great person can get there without sucking off someone. The billionaires establish the rules and everybody down the chain has to fall in line.


Active member

You guys should check this out, it's a list of donors that have given a million or more to candidates this cycle. I took the time to research quite a few of them, about 85% are investment bankers and the rest are oil and gas barons. Bernie doesn't have a single person on the list. Do you think anybody, Hillary included, is going to help the working man's interests when they are bank rolled by wallstreet?

I was a libertarian until very recently. I truly wish that everybody had to wake up everyday and fend for themselves and everything was an even race towards success. But when the game is rigged it's not possible to ever rise up, that's what conservatives need to know. The American work ethic... work hard and everything works out, that's not true anymore. We work 50 hours a week and scrape by, people in other developed countries work 40 or less, consistently rank as happier and healthier. Our system is fucked!


Well-known member
she had the super delegates last time around against obama. after he handed her her ass the delegates had to support obama otherwise there would have been a shit storm...

superdelegates superceding the american vote in 08 wouldn't have gone down pretty..


Active member
No so fast oldchuck.
Although he whopped Hillary by a huge margin of votes, which I was glad to see, those delegates didn't all go to him.
Earlier in this thread I mentioned the super delegates....
He received 60 percent of the votes, compared to 38 percent for Clinton. But that only assured Sanders a majority of New Hampshire’s pledged delegates, 13 to Clinton’s 9.
But he still came up two short in the total count, because six New Hampshire superdelegates — party insiders from each state who can support any candidate of their choice — pledged their loyalty to Clinton.
In other words, despite losing by 22 points in votes, Clinton still managed to win the total delegate count in New Hampshire, 15-13. And it’s these delegates who decide who the Democratic presidential nominee will be, not majority vote.
So the vote of those in HN looks great for Bernie but it doesn't mean shit cause even tho he won Hillary won the majority of the delegates which puts her in the lead fucking the voters and Bernie.
Politics is a wonderful thing eh. And the press isn't reporting much if anything about it.
Why vote at all if a handful of privileged persons can undo the complete will of a process.

So much to respond to here. I've been away for a couple of days.

1) In the 24 hour period following the NH win Bernie's campaign raised $7 million. I kicked in another $27.

2) Bernie's 22 point NH win was a record for that primary.

3) He is finally getting some appropriate national media attention.

Now the superdelegate thing, seems a lot of people are just learning about it. There were no "superdelegates" in 1968 but half of all delegates were party appointments. The other half were selected by primary vote. Prior to that even more states did not have primaries. Nominees were selected by the party. Now states have a much more open process that varies state by state. The superdelegate designation is fairly recent and has never gone against the majority selected by voters. They dare not. If Bernie wins the more primary delegates he will be the nominee. The party people are not going to go against their voters. Being pledged to a candidate before the convention is not binding.

Maybe more later...


Active member
It's probably true that the delegates wouldn't go against the voted majority, I stand with you on that. My prediction is that there will be a coordinated hit job carried out by the media. Cnn , nbc, cbs.... these are all controlled by a few people with a very specific agenda. All it would take is one "unconfirmed report" of something Bernie did in 1965 and the media flood would be on. Prob a sexual harassment accusation or something of the sort just like Julian Assange, the Duke lacrosse team, bill cosby, the article in rolling Stone about campus rape. Fact checking is dead, the truth usually comes out months later when somebody's imagine is destroyed beyond all recognition.


Active member
All it would take is one "unconfirmed report" of something Bernie did in 1965 and the media flood would be on. Prob a sexual harassment accusation or something of the sort just like Julian Assange, the Duke lacrosse team, bill cosby, the article in rolling Stone about campus rape. Fact checking is dead, the truth usually comes out months later when somebody's imagine is destroyed beyond all recognition.

Won't happen. I've known the dude for 40 years. What you see is what you get. Of course the establishment will gang up on him. They are already throwing the kitchen sink. After going with "dirty Jewish communist" they are shooting blanks. I've seen this happen in Vermont, going from horrible, untouchable left wing freak to United States Senator. He has the touch but I never thought it would translate nationally.


Active member
So much to respond to here. I've been away for a couple of days.

1) In the 24 hour period following the NH win Bernie's campaign raised $7 million. I kicked in another $27.

2) Bernie's 22 point NH win was a record for that primary.

3) He is finally getting some appropriate national media attention.

Now the superdelegate thing, seems a lot of people are just learning about it. There were no "superdelegates" in 1968 but half of all delegates were party appointments. The other half were selected by primary vote. Prior to that even more states did not have primaries. Nominees were selected by the party. Now states have a much more open process that varies state by state. The superdelegate designation is fairly recent and has never gone against the majority selected by voters. They dare not. If Bernie wins the more primary delegates he will be the nominee. The party people are not going to go against their voters. Being pledged to a candidate before the convention is not binding.

Maybe more later...

There's the guilt...I only kicked in a finsky when he first started. "27"--ave donation I getcha. nice....:tiphat:


Active member
Won't happen. I've known the dude for 40 years. What you see is what you get. Of course the establishment will gang up on him. They are already throwing the kitchen sink. After going with "dirty Jewish communist" they are shooting blanks. I've seen this happen in Vermont, going from horrible, untouchable left wing freak to United States Senator. He has the touch but I never thought it would translate nationally.

If only every place had the vibe of Burlington


Active member
It does certainly seem like a rigged process.

Not seems but is and has been for a long time.

Who remembers when the "two party system" (oligarchy) raised the percentage required for a third party to ever make it to vote not once but twice thus effectively hijacking what used to be, in most of our lifetimes, a democracy...?

It shows how well their propaganda works that anyone is still fooled by this act.


Well-known member
He knows well what he is up against. Look at this page, people from each side are pissed at the lack of integrity and how rigged it has all become.
Is it soup yet, mom ?


Active member
No so fast oldchuck.
Although he whopped Hillary by a huge margin of votes, which I was glad to see, those delegates didn't all go to him.
Earlier in this thread I mentioned the super delegates....
He received 60 percent of the votes, compared to 38 percent for Clinton. But that only assured Sanders a majority of New Hampshire’s pledged delegates, 13 to Clinton’s 9.
But he still came up two short in the total count, because six New Hampshire superdelegates — party insiders from each state who can support any candidate of their choice — pledged their loyalty to Clinton.
In other words, despite losing by 22 points in votes, Clinton still managed to win the total delegate count in New Hampshire, 15-13. And it’s these delegates who decide who the Democratic presidential nominee will be, not majority vote.
So the vote of those in HN looks great for Bernie but it doesn't mean shit cause even tho he won Hillary won the majority of the delegates which puts her in the lead fucking the voters and Bernie.
Politics is a wonderful thing eh. And the press isn't reporting much if anything about it.
Why vote at all if a handful of privileged persons can undo the complete will of a process.

It's important to note that the superdelegates have never swung the nomination away from the candidate having the most pledged delegates at the convention. Even though the Party brass favored Hillary in 2008 Obama took the nomination because he had a narrow margin of pledged delegates.

I seriously doubt this will be any different.

On the other side, Repub leaders will be in a panic if Trump comes out in front. If they don't give him the nomination he'll split the Party & if they do they'll get trounced in the general election.

I don't think Bernie can win the most pledged delegates but I'm glad he's in it, showing the Party that there's yearning among the base for a more liberal agenda.

I'm glad Trump's in it, too, for entirely different reasons. A great con man plying his trade is an amazing thing to watch, revealing more about the marks than about the artist. They're letting it all hang out, revealing their true selves openly & unabashedly.

The rest of us need to see that, the minds poisoned by misdirected bitter resentment, fear, prejudice & self righteous indignation.


Active member
It's important to note that the superdelegates have never swung the nomination away from the candidate having the most pledged delegates at the convention. Even though the Party brass favored Hillary in 2008 Obama took the nomination because he had a narrow margin of pledged delegates.

I seriously doubt this will be any different.

On the other side, Repub leaders will be in a panic if Trump comes out in front. If they don't give him the nomination he'll split the Party & if they do they'll get trounced in the general election.

I don't think Bernie can win the most pledged delegates but I'm glad he's in it, showing the Party that there's yearning among the base for a more liberal agenda.

I'm glad Trump's in it, too, for entirely different reasons. A great con man plying his trade is an amazing thing to watch, revealing more about the marks than about the artist. They're letting it all hang out, revealing their true selves openly & unabashedly.

The rest of us need to see that, the minds poisoned by misdirected bitter resentment, fear, prejudice & self righteous indignation.

Last sentence....Gandolf sailboat smoke wisdom. He's talking about low income white folks in the south/rural I think here. We can get these folks on our side eventually can't we? We need to convince them to put down the meth and the natty ice, and stop voting against their own wallets....:biggrin:


Sanders is the best dog in the race by far. I'm good. The real race is between Hillary and Sanders. I don't mean to piss off any conservatives on here but the GOP has no shot in winning unless they cheat.

i beg to differ my friend. If its Donald trump against Hillary, I think trump will win. I mean come on, Hillary is still under investigation (supposedly criminally) by the FBI for her mishandling of classified emails, and its getting worst by the day. and I'm sure trey gouty is just frantically trying to pin her, having been unsuccessful so far in getting REAL answers in the Benghazi hearings.

But Bernie sander would kill it in the election against trump, or any GOP contender.
I'm a conservative, but following the policies of the GOP canadates, I'm going to go with Bernie for sure. I'd vote for anyone besides Hillary, she's an Obama clone/cronie


Active member
Here's some insight....My father just hit retirement. He voted for Reagan in the 80's. Had to call him because his birthday is the same as Abraham Lincolns(Feb 12). Well, not just because of that. I have a lot of make up work to do for him, I essentialy destoyed his house back in 97 throwing a ripper for the football team( what? we beat westfield for the first time in 3 years)...yeah we clinched the thanksgiving day game. Roaches floating around in the fishtank. The guy that ripped the land line phone out of wall was thrown out. Bit off track(ale)....but his words...."I've been a lifelong republican,...these guys are something else"....just for the record, he's forgiven me 10 times over.....worked at Spalding making golf balls and basketballs. I miss him and I'm inebriated. But if he can see that, trust me others will. You wouldn't think it, but he loves the Bern....Unite the Clans...Revolution.
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