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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Bud Green

I dig dirt
You know what Meraxes?
I refuse to get into a fight with someone on a computer, but I really don't like you implying that I am a Faux News believer and that I am anti-education....
Far from it...
It's obvious from reading your other comments that you are a whole lot further left of center than I am...

I believe that monetary help with college for deserving students from under-privileged families is a great idea, but let's get the money in the coffers first...
If you think that Wall Street tycoons are gonna just give in to paying higher taxes without a fight, for the funds necessary to carry out such a program,
I believe you are in dreamland...

Meanwhile, while our government funds these free college programs, taxes go up on the middle class because it's a whole lot easier to get the money from them...
And that's what's screwing up this country...
The middle class is being squeezed into a lower standard of living, while the rich, which includes most politicians, hire more tax lawyers and find new loopholes in our burgeoning tax codes...

Just like most fiscally responsible people don't overextend their budgets to buy things they know their salary does not afford, but instead save until they have money to splurge,
let's hold our govt. (if we can) to this same responsibility...


Active member
You know what Meraxes?
I refuse to get into a fight with someone on a computer, but I really don't like you implying that I am a Faux News believer and that I am anti-education....
Far from it...
It's obvious from reading your other comments that you are a whole lot further left of center than I am...

I believe that monetary help with college for deserving students from under-privileged families is a great idea, but let's get the money in the coffers first...
If you think that Wall Street tycoons are gonna just give in to paying higher taxes without a fight, for the funds necessary to carry out such a program,
I believe you are in dreamland...

Meanwhile, while our government funds these free college programs, taxes go up on the middle class because it's a whole lot easier to get the money from them...
And that's what's screwing up this country...
The middle class is being squeezed into a lower standard of living, while the rich, which includes most politicians, hire more tax lawyers and find new loopholes in our burgeoning tax codes...

Just like most fiscally responsible people don't overextend their budgets to buy things they know their salary does not afford, but instead save until they have money to splurge,
let's hold our govt. (if we can) to this same responsibility...

Not my intention to computer fight, that's why I said I wasn't talking about you personally. It's just the implication that education = shit. Bernie wants to give free shit, on every sign everywhere. But no one stops to think this "shit" can move us into the 21st century, b/c we're still stuck in the 20th. Change doesn't get effected by keeping the status quo. Wall street will pay what WE tell them to, and if it takes and old lion to ruffle some feathers, then that would be a sight to see wouldn't it.

Other than that I agree with most of what you said. That pic was the 5th one, it popped something. :biggrin:


Active member
Wall street will pay what WE tell them to,

OMG...Have you no clue about the way the world is run. Poor child...I hope you get the education you so deemed entitled to. For starters please watch the following...Warning, it is old...but the message is what counts. Just some basic common sense.


I really hope you have the patience to watch the whole thing...I know it's doubtful but I truly hope you do....


Active member
OMG...Have you no clue about the way the world is run. Poor child...I hope you get the education you so deemed entitled to. For starters please watch the following...Warning, it is old...but the message is what counts. Just some basic common sense.


I really hope you have the patience to watch the whole thing...I know it's doubtful but I truly hope you do....

I'm not watching anything you dish out, I've seen your brown shirt propaganda all over this site. Nor am I going to engage...


Funny how conservatives never worry about where the money will come from for war or more defense or corporate welfare!!! No s teaming at the expense of corporate welfare... But God propose we expand education as a right to beyond 12th grade and oh shit well bankrupt the county! The billionaire class doesn't want more education! Working class hero peasants are cheaper to employ and to dupe!

no ones calling for soviet style socialism just to mix more of the best of socialized concepts into our blended style of capitalism and socialism. Some things are best left alone and others we do better at as a community. Fire departments started out as for profit private companies- anyone want to go back to that?


I think this shows that some socialized concepts we just take for granted and not a threat to capitalism- just like single payer healthcare or paid for university wouldn't be- just makes a good one line zinger to get the middle and lower classes to support a party that only really works for the billionaire class


Bernie Sanders: 'I'm prejudiced — I want Donald Trump to win the nomination'

Bernie Sanders: 'I'm prejudiced — I want Donald Trump to win the nomination'

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) admitted Wednesday that he is rooting for Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination.

During a CNN town-hall event, Sanders told moderator Anderson Cooper that he liked his odds against the real-estate mogul.

"Frankly, I'm prejudiced: I want Trump to win the Republican nomination," Sanders said. "I would love the opportunity to run against him. I think we'd win."

Sanders pointed out earlier in the night that some hypothetical head-to-head matchups showed Sanders in a better position than his rival Hillary Clinton to defeat Trump in the general election.

The Vermont senator railed against Trump during Wednesday's town hall. He criticized the tycoon for his plan to deport the approximately 11 million immigrants living in the US without permission, as well as his plan to ban many Muslim tourists and immigrants from entering the US.

"It is not only his bigoted remarks against Latinos, suggesting Mexicans coming into this country are rapists or drug dealers. Or his absurd remark that we should not let Muslims into this country," Sanders said.

Sanders also mocked Trump for his views on wages and climate change.

"Trump in a Republican debate said wages are too high in America. Really? Here's the other one that kind of blows me away: Trump is a scientist, a well-known scientist. And he has concluded, after years of studying the issue, that climate change is a hoax brought to you by the Chinese. Now that shocked me, Anderson, because I thought he'd say the Mexicans or the Muslims."



ICMag Donor
Another day of drama in politics. Once getting down to the nitty gritty of what can be accomplished for the entirety of the country....that remains to be seen.


Another day of drama in politics. Once getting down to the nitty gritty of what can be accomplished for the entirety of the country....that remains to be seen.

Little will change regardless of who wins. We are given the illusion of choice but no real opportunity to effect change. Corporations rule more than citizens.


Active member
Thanks for that, Robrites.

In Bernie's place, I'd want to run against a man as widely despised as Trump. Who wouldn't? He has a loyal following, no doubt, but they're just a plurality of a minority.


Active member
Little will change regardless of who wins. We are given the illusion of choice but no real opportunity to effect change. Corporations rule more than citizens.

Not in the first 4 years, its true. The House has too much of a majority. It will take 2 elections. 1 general, and 1 midterm to have executive and congressional control. Democratic contol of all 3 for an extended period of time would change a whole hell of a lot. The neanderthals freak out when we say wall street and the billionares will pay what we tell them to. That "we" is we the people, and in about 5 years or so we're coming for them....:biggrin:

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Id rather vote for what I WANT and NOT GET IT, than vote for what I DONT WANT and GET IT. Eugene (KING DEBS) Victor Debs - Socialist - 1855-1926


Active member
Bernie did very well in the MSNBC debate tonight in New Hampshire. Mrs. Clinton dominated foreign policy with hawkishness. Bernie excelled everywhere else. They tied on the Flint water crisis. Mrs Clinton is being shoved to the left.

Most important, this debate was substantive, probing questions, thoughtful answers, a much higher standard than in any of the Republican clashes.


Active member
Id rather vote for what I WANT and NOT GET IT, than vote for what I DONT WANT and GET IT. Eugene (KING DEBS) Victor Debs - Socialist - 1855-1926

Whoa... that blew my mind...kind of like Gremlins 2....Dudes..lets get the hot brunette out of the building!...:biggrin:


Active member
One subject The Bern talked about, that I fully support...get corporations out of politics. Big money should not influence policy. That is all....
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