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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Tommy Chong 'feels the Bern'

Tommy Chong 'feels the Bern'


First on CNN: Chong wants Sanders for next 'commander in kush'

Tommy Chong loves Bernie Sanders, and he describes that affection for the insurgent candidate in a way only Tommy Chong can. "Bernie's like a kush, like the best kind of weed you can get, because he's the answer to all our problems," Chong told CNN this week.
To prove it, he's releasing a public service announcement supporting Sanders for president rife with the tongue-in-cheek marijuana jokes that ran throughout the "Cheech and Chong" comedies of the late '70s.
"There is one candidate who stands head and shoulders above them all who has weathered many storms and is totally ready to be the commander in chief, or the commander in kush, as I like to say," Chong said in a copy of the PSA given to CNN.
In the spot, he compares former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley to a green plant not yet ready for harvesting, and Hillary Clinton to a wilted house plant with no energy left. But Sanders, in Chong's PSA, is a glowing rose bush ready to be, ahem, harvested.
Sanders has been raking in celebrity and somewhat off-beat endorsements this cycle.
Where Clinton stumps with pop stars like Demi Lovato and political fixtures like her husband, Sanders has stood by as rapper Killer Mike, liberal actress Susan Sarandon and others have pushed his candidacy.
Chong has been an ardent advocate of legalizing marijuana for decades.


Bernie Sanders' Small Donor Fundraising Continues To Set Records

Bernie Sanders' Small Donor Fundraising Continues To Set Records

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign raised $33.6 million in the last three months of 2015 and another $20 million in January alone, the campaign announced Sunday. The campaign further stated that 1.3 million people have made 3.25 million donations to Sanders' run -- a record number of donors at this stage in a presidential campaign.

“The numbers we’ve seen since Jan. 1 put our campaign on pace to beat Secretary Clinton’s goal of $50 million in the first quarter of 2016,” Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ campaign manager, said in a statement. “Working Americans chipping in a few dollars each month are not only challenging but beating the greatest fundraising machine ever assembled.”

The vast majority of Sanders' money has come from donors giving under $200. This contrasts with Hillary Clinton's campaign, which has raised the majority of its funds from donors giving maximum contributions of $2,700. Clinton’s campaign has also raised substantial sums from small donors, but Sanders’ ability to remain competitive with Clinton’s fundraising by relying solely on small contributions is unprecedented.

The Sanders camp said that the fourth quarter total will show 70 percent of the campaign's donations came from small donors. Further, the $20 million it reports to have raised in January came almost exclusively from online donations averaging $27 a piece.



What a night! Go Bernie go! From single digits to a tie! I'm burning one for Bernie on that note now




Democrats only support legalization for tax revenue. They are not pro cannabis. Decriminalize and keep the governments hands off what belongs to the people.


Active member
Democrats only support legalization for tax revenue. They are not pro cannabis. Decriminalize and keep the governments hands off what belongs to the people.

Funny what people believe. Do you think that the counter culture members of the 60's became Republicans?

Hardly. We're the old hippie liberals of today. Democrats have favored legalization for a long time, with or without taxes.



Active member
Mrs. Clinton and the Democratic Party establishment still think she has it in the bag. I think there just might be something new in the world.


Active member
He seems like a nice guy, but.....


I guess you mean the free college thing right?....in which Bernie says will be paid for by a tax on wall street speculation.....you know, the rich crooks that gambled with all our money, crashed the economy....then we the taxpayers bailed out? I think its their time to give back to their country, and help kids get a better education. The argument in that picture is a retarded broken record for the sheeple of the rich in hicksville, who live in the fox news bubble thats literally making them dumber. Its anti-education, anti-middleclass, and anti upward mobility for regular people. Arguments like this is the reason the whole world is laughing at us. Sorry, this had to be the 5th similar picture like that on here I've seen, about this "free shit" boloney, and had to be rebutted. No offense Bud Green, its actually others that I'm thinking of that are worse. The notion that a kid can't go to college if he works hard, just because he's underprivilaged, is my achilles heel I'm sorry...
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