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Bernie Sanders calls for an end to marijuana prohibition

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Active member
And this is the kind of garbage the Republicans will be vomiting all next year. At the moment they aren't paying much attention to our boy.
And this is the kind of garbage the Republicans will be vomiting all next year. At the moment they aren't paying much attention to our boy.

I really like how you articulated your stance. How long did that take to write? Very profound.


All I did was point out his policies, and what he has stated over the years. Decide for yourself if you want to vote for him. I don't care one way or the other.

Here, I will post something that will make the Bernie fans happy.....


Active member
I try not to be harsh, but this is basic "fling all the emotional bullshit you can find & hope some of it sticks."

It illustrates two things:

1. Brandolini's law- Bullshit Asymmetry Principle. ... The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.

2. Something from Winston Churchill-
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”

Which is not to say anybody here is lying but rather that they believe in lies & repeat them. That distinction is critical for rational discourse.

Bernie might just die before the elections, or just POOF! Turns to dust. Then we can redistribute his ashes.

Or maybe Hilary will spin kick him like Ronda got kicked after endorsing Bernie. Redistribution of the title belt I guess.

Bernie socialist or extreme policies:
Wants extremely strict gun control. Infringing on the 2nd amendment. Do communist countries do this? http://truthinmedia.com/bernie-sand...-that-would-outlaw-all-self-defense-firearms/

First off, the article is intentionally misleading as shotguns *obviously* have hunting purposes. So does a Browning Mk II Safari & a huge selection of other firearms. That's *obviously* not "strict gun control". If you want to carry that "infringing on the 2nd amendment" argument far enough you can justify general civilian ownership of a variety of weapons that have been banned since the 30's up to a ma deuce- perfect for keeping the commies off the lawn.

I disagree with Bernie on this, anyway, because enthusiasts can't seem to escape the paranoid framing of the NRA & the gun industry whose sole goal is to sell more guns. It's a hopeless & distractionary discussion because of that. Nobody will be taking away America's guns any time RSN, bet on that. There's no reason to get all paranoid, OK?

He believes in “The Nordic Model”. Which means a strong welfare state, government sponsored health care and expanded benefits for low income people. (redistribution) This was made popular by Scandinavia, however they are running from these polices now as fast as they can.

You can't support the "running away" characterization at all. If they're moving in the direction of this country, it's only by small increments. The system in the rest of Western Europe is a lot closer to theirs than ours no matter how you look at it.

Supports labor unions

Labor Unions were the backbone of the middle class from 1945 into the Reagan era. Lots of people would benefit if they were much stronger, all kinds of people including Walmart employees.

He is a progressive, self proclaimed

He stated he wanted to tax everybody in America at 90%, yet hasn't made it his official platform yet.

That's purely imaginary.

some of his heroes is Karl Marx and George Orwell. Look into Orwell, and why that is important in this conversation. Marx speaks for himself.

You have no idea who George Orwell was or what he represented. None at all. He was devoutly anti authoritarian, anti fascist.

He wrote in the 1970s that the country was close to experiencing a nuclear apocalypse or "death by poison gas." He claimed cervical cancer was caused by women not experiencing enough orgasms.

You're clearly not old enough to have lived the Cold War. We were a lot closer to annihilation than we are today & he speculated that cervical cancer might be related to orgasms. There's also 40 years of water under the bridge.

Sanders is opposed to economic growth if it increases economic inequality http://www.nytimes.com/politics/fir...tion-with-an-eye-on-the-hungry-children/?_r=1 In other words, he wants to bring America down to the rest of the world, instead of bringing the rest of the world up to America.

Nicely emotional, I'll give you that. I don't think he wants to bring down our healthcare, childcare, parental leave & social safety nets at all. Perhaps you can explain why America should allocate resources to things that only make the rich richer. It's not like they need the money or like trickle down has ever been more than pissing down our collective leg.

He said he wants a “revolution” to reverse what he calls a “massive transfer of wealth” over the last generation from the middle class to the rich. He wants the U.S. to restore the confiscatory 90 percent personal income tax rate for top earners from the 1950s.

That massive transfer of wealth is simply historical fact. Deal with it.

He doesn't want to control private business? Then why does he want to change the names of teams like the Washington Redskins? George Orwell?

I can't find any reference to Bernie being part of that.

In an interview with The Washington Post in November 2006. “I wouldn’t deny it. Not for one second. I’m a democratic socialist. … In Norway, parents get a paid year to care for infants. Finland and Sweden have national health care, free college, affordable housing and a higher standard of living. … . Why shouldn’t that appeal to our disappearing middle class?”

In an interview with Democracy Now in November 2006: “In terms of socialism, I think there is a lot to be learned from Scandinavia and from some of the work, very good work that people have done in Europe. In countries like Finland, Norway, Denmark, poverty has almost been eliminated. All people have health care as a right of citizenship. College education is available to all people, regardless of income, virtually free. I have been very aggressive in trying to move to sustainable energy. They have a lot of political participation, high voter turnouts. I think there is a lot to be learned from countries that have created more egalitarian societies than has the United States of America.”

He did say that. It doesn't justify this sort of fear laden conclusion-

These are just a few. So when we are having a conversation about if he is a communist or socialist or democrat, remember his hero's, Karl Marx, George Orwell and his teammate George Soros. George Orwell really comes into play with Bernie. Control the conversation.

A good example of George Orwell's work would be with abortion. If abortion was called killing baby fetus, then I don't think it would be as popular. However, you call it a women's right to choose, now your onto something.:tiphat:

It seems highly unlikely that Marx is really Bernie's "Hero" and much more likely that you're merely repeating a smear. That's evident in the strange inclusion of Orwell & Soros, the latter being all about Capitalism.

It's also interesting how you go on at length about Big Brother only to finally infer that you support state totalitarianism over women's bodies.

As I offered, Brandolini's law applies. I'm sure that I put 10 times more effort into that than you did merely putting it forth.

Be careful of what you believe in. What if it's not true? More than that, what if your enemies were right all along?


Well-known member
Bernie might just die before the elections, or just POOF! Turns to dust. Then we can redistribute his ashes.

Or maybe Hilary will spin kick him like Ronda got kicked after endorsing Bernie. Redistribution of the title belt I guess.

Bernie socialist or extreme policies:
Wants extremely strict gun control. Infringing on the 2nd amendment. Do communist countries do this? http://truthinmedia.com/bernie-sand...-that-would-outlaw-all-self-defense-firearms/

He believes in “The Nordic Model”. Which means a strong welfare state, government sponsored health care and expanded benefits for low income people. (redistribution) This was made popular by Scandinavia, however they are running from these polices now as fast as they can.

Supports labor unions

He is a progressive, self proclaimed

He stated he wanted to tax everybody in America at 90%, yet hasn't made it his official platform yet.

some of his heroes is Karl Marx and George Orwell. Look into Orwell, and why that is important in this conversation. Marx speaks for himself.

He wrote in the 1970s that the country was close to experiencing a nuclear apocalypse or "death by poison gas." He claimed cervical cancer was caused by women not experiencing enough orgasms.

Sanders is opposed to economic growth if it increases economic inequality http://www.nytimes.com/politics/fir...tion-with-an-eye-on-the-hungry-children/?_r=1 In other words, he wants to bring America down to the rest of the world, instead of bringing the rest of the world up to America.

He said he wants a “revolution” to reverse what he calls a “massive transfer of wealth” over the last generation from the middle class to the rich. He wants the U.S. to restore the confiscatory 90 percent personal income tax rate for top earners from the 1950s.

He doesn't want to control private business? Then why does he want to change the names of teams like the Washington Redskins? George Orwell?

In an interview with The Washington Post in November 2006. “I wouldn’t deny it. Not for one second. I’m a democratic socialist. … In Norway, parents get a paid year to care for infants. Finland and Sweden have national health care, free college, affordable housing and a higher standard of living. … . Why shouldn’t that appeal to our disappearing middle class?”

In an interview with Democracy Now in November 2006: “In terms of socialism, I think there is a lot to be learned from Scandinavia and from some of the work, very good work that people have done in Europe. In countries like Finland, Norway, Denmark, poverty has almost been eliminated. All people have health care as a right of citizenship. College education is available to all people, regardless of income, virtually free. I have been very aggressive in trying to move to sustainable energy. They have a lot of political participation, high voter turnouts. I think there is a lot to be learned from countries that have created more egalitarian societies than has the United States of America.”

These are just a few. So when we are having a conversation about if he is a communist or socialist or democrat, remember his hero's, Karl Marx, George Orwell and his teammate George Soros. George Orwell really comes into play with Bernie. Control the conversation.

A good example of George Orwell's work would be with abortion. If abortion was called killing baby fetus, then I don't think it would be as popular. However, you call it a women's right to choose, now your onto something.:tiphat:

Bold = bullshit and some of the other shit you posted is just misleading.


Bernie socialist or extreme policies:
Wants extremely strict gun control. Infringing on the 2nd amendment. Do communist countries do this?

people who grow or even just have weed in most of the united states can't own guns without it being a giant crime anyway, American's access to assault rifles and alike is rediculous anyway, Democracies all over the world have strict gun control and are better for it

Sanders is opposed to economic growth if it increases economic inequality http://www.nytimes.com/politics/fir...tion-with-an-eye-on-the-hungry-children/?_r=1 In other words, he wants to bring America down to the rest of the world, instead of bringing the rest of the world up to America.
lol, good one, I needed a laugh

He doesn't want to control private business? Then why does he want to change the names of teams like the Washington Redskins? George Orwell?
Maybe because it's a racial slur aimed at an extremely marginalized group of people that used to live all across America. It'd be like if America colonized Africa instead, killed 3/4 of the natives, then made a sports team called the Cape Town Ni**ers


Well-known member
people who grow or even just have weed in most of the united states can't own guns without it being a giant crime anyway, American's access to assault rifles and alike is rediculous anyway, Democracies all over the world have strict gun control and are better for it

first part is utter bullshit. i have been popped with weed on federal property by federal officers while in possession of firearms, rifles to be exact. second part is, as DDDaver might say "well, that's like, your opinion man..." and lots of folks aint impressed by your thought processes or your opinion. :laughing:
I try not to be harsh, but this is basic "fling all the emotional bullshit you can find & hope some of it sticks."

It illustrates two things:

1. Brandolini's law- Bullshit Asymmetry Principle. ... The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.

2. Something from Winston Churchill-
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”

Which is not to say anybody here is lying but rather that they believe in lies & repeat them. That distinction is critical for rational discourse.

No idea what your trying to say here, I posted things from Bernies mouth. If it is bullshit, the only reason is because of George Orwell. Look him up, all I did was repeat what Bernie is saying.

First off, the article is intentionally misleading as shotguns *obviously* have hunting purposes. So does a Browning Mk II Safari & a huge selection of other firearms. That's *obviously* not "strict gun control". If you want to carry that "infringing on the 2nd amendment" argument far enough you can justify general civilian ownership of a variety of weapons that have been banned since the 30's up to a ma deuce- perfect for keeping the commies off the lawn.
Check the second amendment. Then re-read your post. Yes, everything you said is an infringement on the second amendment. The second amendment isn't some pie in the sky idea, it's what has been keeping America safe. Restricting that amendment is against the law, and isn't in popular demand. The second amendment covers your right to hunt, but it also covers your right to form a militia that fights against it's government. So the government can have fully auto guns, rocket launchers, nukes ext, but my 20 round clip is dangerous right? Don't forget, Obama continues to tell America guns are bad, while he arms the Mexican cartels in operation fast and furious, and also arms ISIS through running guns in Benghazi. I will chose to listen to the founders, and not some pathological liar.
I disagree with Bernie on this, anyway, because enthusiasts can't seem to escape the paranoid framing of the NRA & the gun industry whose sole goal is to sell more guns. It's a hopeless & distractionary discussion because of that. Nobody will be taking away America's guns any time RSN, bet on that. There's no reason to get all paranoid, OK?

I hope your right. Have you noticed Obama has been talking about taking lessons from Australia for gun control? What happened in Australia? Not gun confiscation, but maditory buy backs for all citizens. So I guess your right, nobody will be "taking" your guns anytime soon.

You can't support the "running away" characterization at all. If they're moving in the direction of this country, it's only by small increments. The system in the rest of Western Europe is a lot closer to theirs than ours no matter how you look at it.

I didn't say there are moving in the direction of USA or Europe, that would be heading into socialism. You don't have to believe me, just look into their recent elections, find out what their leaders are saying. Don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself, they are running from socialism.

Labor Unions were the backbone of the middle class from 1945 into the Reagan era. Lots of people would benefit if they were much stronger, all kinds of people including Walmart employees.

Like McDonalds needs a union for their 15$ an hour wages? I think we disagree on this one. However, your right about the past. Unions were very important at one time, however I feel that time has passed personally. Just my two cents, you very may be right

That's purely imaginary.

My mom always told me I had a special imagination

You have no idea who George Orwell was or what he represented. None at all. He was devoutly anti authoritarian, anti fascist.

Yes, I totally agree. I have read a few good books about George Orwell. Your right, however your missing the point I made. He revolutionized the way government words what it says. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/orwell46.htm Check it out. He started what Obama has mastered, telling lies by telling half truths.

You're clearly not old enough to have lived the Cold War. We were a lot closer to annihilation than we are today & he speculated that cervical cancer might be related to orgasms. There's also 40 years of water under the bridge.

No I did not live through the cold war, thank Gd. (Edit: I guess I did live in the cold war, google says 1947-1991. So I had a good ten years in the cold war) No way are we closer to annihilation then, than we are today. This is the sad outlook that liberals have. IS is JV, and not Islamic. Ignore the IS means Islamic State. They are taking planes out of the sky, spreading terrorism across the globe and have created a Caliphate. They are allied with Iran, and if they can get nuclear material, they will use it. The Soviets would threaten attacks, IS is carrying out attacks daily. If that isn't enough, did you see the Titan missile shot off the coast of Cali? You can believe the news if you want, but that wasn't our missile. Reminds me of how China surfaced a sub in our last war games in the middle of our troops. We didn't even know they were there. Russia has threatened to use Nukes in Ukraine against US troops. China has now traded outside the dollar with 7 different countries, something people said would never happen. We are weak, this president is a pansy. Everybody knows it, and our way of life is at stake. When you are the biggest, best country in the world, there will always be enemies. Our enemies have allied together, and are starting to make moves. On the ground with IS, nuclear front with Russia, and economically with China. It's about to go down, and I hope we keep our head above water. Remember, the cold war never caught fire, check the state of the world today. I am sure you don't agree.

Nicely emotional, I'll give you that. I don't think he wants to bring down our healthcare, childcare, parental leave & social safety nets at all. Perhaps you can explain why America should allocate resources to things that only make the rich richer. It's not like they need the money or like trickle down has ever been more than pissing down our collective leg.

Nothing emotional, I quoted from Bernie's mouth. Once again, George Orwell. Now your asking me to defend America making the rich richer, and the poor poorer, and the middle class disappearing. Well, first off I was just talking about what Bernie said, not what I believe. Second, I don't agree with how the middle class is evaporating. Have you noticed the biggest drop in the middle class in 50 years have been during the last 7 years? Must be Bushes fault or the republicans right?

That massive transfer of wealth is simply historical fact. Deal with it.

And I don't deny this.....Where and why do you think I do?

I can't find any reference to Bernie being part of that.

ummmm, I posted links

He did say that. It doesn't justify this sort of fear laden conclusion-

I can respect that.

It seems highly unlikely that Marx is really Bernie's "Hero" and much more likely that you're merely repeating a smear. That's evident in the strange inclusion of Orwell & Soros, the latter being all about Capitalism.
I posted the link, check it out for yourself

It's also interesting how you go on at length about Big Brother only to finally infer that you support state totalitarianism over women's bodies.
Your talking crazy, gather your thoughts and try this one again

As I offered, Brandolini's law applies. I'm sure that I put 10 times more effort into that than you did merely putting it forth.
Come on, now your insulting me. Trying to use vernacular most don't understand. Your better than that. I wrote nothing personal, and only said things Bernie has said. If it's bullshit, then it's because he is full of it.

Be careful of what you believe in. What if it's not true? More than that, what if your enemies were right all along?
More cryptic "brandolini's law" in this sentance. What does this even mean besides a snide comment with nothing behind it? Sad, I post up what Bernie says, and you attack me at a personal level. Very liberal of you. :tiphat:

I am totally wasting my time with you Jnnn, and we have gone round and round before, but here we go........
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Bold = bullshit and some of the other shit you posted is just misleading.

So you beg for people to post some of his socialist ideas, then your great response is this? Your better and smarter than that Cannavore. Maybe you just didn't have time to resond, but if it's misleading, all I did was quote from the horses mouth.

people who grow or even just have weed in most of the united states can't own guns without it being a giant crime anyway, American's access to assault rifles and alike is rediculous anyway, Democracies all over the world have strict gun control and are better for it

Yea, so much better. Like Australia who after taking away all guns has had 17 out of 18 years of higher gun violence since...... Or how about those no gun zones where the terrorist just attacked in Paris? Maybe you can point out some statistics to prove your claims, or are you just talking with emotions? I suggest you read the book Control by Glenn Beck. I know I know, he said a dirty word, Glenn Beck. Get past that, and open your mind.

Maybe because it's a racial slur aimed at an extremely marginalized group of people that used to live all across America. It'd be like if America colonized Africa instead, killed 3/4 of the natives, then made a sports team called the Cape Town Ni**ers

So it's ok to effect private buisness as long as one perceives it as a just cause? The highly respected Annenberg Public Policy Center polled nearly 1,000 self-identified Native Americans from across the continental U.S. and found that 90% of Native Americans did not find the team name “Washington Redskins” to be “offensive.” More emotions, and not facts.

For the record, I called the cops out to my property when I got jacked. I told them I was pissed that my family was in danger and I couldn't protect myself with my firearms. They told me that it's my right to defend my family, and they would never deny me of this right. For the record, and I have that posted from years ago on this website, not bullshit.
The funniest part of this thread is you could change the title to Barack Obama calls for an end to marijuana prohibition, and post it 7 years ago. How did that turn out? I really hope nobody on this forum is a one policy voter, especially if that policy is legalizing pot. Don't get me wrong, the world would be better for it. However the world is on fire, and our way of life is at stake. Cannabis is about 20th on my list of policies.


Well-known member
The funniest part of this thread is you could change the title to Barack Obama calls for an end to marijuana prohibition, and post it 7 years ago. How did that turn out? I really hope nobody on this forum is a one policy voter, especially if that policy is legalizing pot. Don't get me wrong, the world would be better for it. However the world is on fire, and our way of life is at stake. Cannabis is about 20th on my list of policies.

how did that turn out? we are a lot closer now than we were then. life is a work in progress. 20th? why are you even on here?:moon:

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The funniest part of this thread is you could change the title to Barack Obama calls for an end to marijuana prohibition, and post it 7 years ago. How did that turn out?

Obama called for an end to marijuana prohibition? I remember him saying that we needed to reduce the penalties... and that we shouldn't squander law enforcement efforts harassing people over medical marijuana. But I never remember him calling for an outright end to prohibition. I don't think that ever took place.

If you could provide us a link for that, it would be great.

Now the feds have started to leave it up to the states, which is real progress. Legalization is becoming to look like a given in the near future. So maybe all things considered it's turning out pretty good.


Well-known member
Obama called for an end to marijuana prohibition? I remember him saying that we needed to reduce the penalties... and that we shouldn't squander law enforcement efforts harassing people over medical marijuana. But I never remember him calling for an outright end to prohibition. I don't think that ever took place.


you're right, that just wasn't so


Active member
50YardLine gets it! The rest of you just prove that you are lazy, ignorant and give no thought to who you would vote for. If you want to live in a country where you have no choices and government is in your cereal then vote for the leftist scum. Otherwise vote for Ted Cruz. No matter what cannabis will still be easy enough to get.


Well-known member
50YardLine gets it! The rest of you just prove that you are lazy, ignorant and give no thought to who you would vote for. If you want to live in a country where you have no choices and government is in your cereal then vote for the leftist scum. Otherwise vote for Ted Cruz. No matter what cannabis will still be easy enough to get.

lol .


Active member
It isn't really funny. The level of discourse in this country is appalling and frightening. I hate to say it, because ICM, but the people who are against Bernie in this thread are straight up fools. Worse, these fools are so completely confident in their idiocy that they'd prefer to not think through a thought that challenges it in any way.

Next post: Whats to think about I already know he is a socialist. Duh duh duh.


Active member
It isn't really funny. The level of discourse in this country is appalling and frightening. I hate to say it, because ICM, but the people who are against Bernie in this thread are straight up fools. Worse, these fools are so completely confident in their idiocy that they'd prefer to not think through a thought that challenges it in any way.

Next post: Whats to think about I already know he is a socialist. Duh duh duh.

I don't see it that way. I see them as victims of their own fears & expert relentless right wing propaganda applied for decades.

Their thinking processes have been poisoned. It's a disease.
You guys are a joke.....

Obama called for an end to marijuana prohibition? I remember him saying that we needed to reduce the penalties... and that we shouldn't squander law enforcement efforts harassing people over medical marijuana. But I never remember him calling for an outright end to prohibition. I don't think that ever took place.

If you could provide us a link for that, it would be great.

Now the feds have started to leave it up to the states, which is real progress. Legalization is becoming to look like a given in the near future. So maybe all things considered it's turning out pretty good.


This was said this year, many more examples if you just look. Google can be your friend. If your confused on what decriminalization is, it's legalization. Once again, George Orwell.

you're right, that just wasn't so
Google, use it, enlighten yourself.

It isn't really funny. The level of discourse in this country is appalling and frightening. I hate to say it, because ICM, but the people who are against Bernie in this thread are straight up fools. Worse, these fools are so completely confident in their idiocy that they'd prefer to not think through a thought that challenges it in any way.

Next post: Whats to think about I already know he is a socialist. Duh duh duh.

So, the level of discourse in this country is appalling? So you answer is to berate anybody that doesn't agree with Bernie and call them fools? Your a great example of how this country should act, bravo sir.:tiphat:

I don't see it that way. I see them as victims of their own fears & expert relentless right wing propaganda applied for decades.

Their thinking processes have been poisoned. It's a disease.

More insults because somebody doesn't agree with you. Hitler would be impressed.

You guys are pretty sad. Makes sense Bernie is who you people are voting for. Remember..... If somebody doesn't agree with you, call them names, discredit everything they do, and force your opinion on them. America at it's finest.....Right guys?

50YardLine gets it! The rest of you just prove that you are lazy, ignorant and give no thought to who you would vote for. If you want to live in a country where you have no choices and government is in your cereal then vote for the leftist scum. Otherwise vote for Ted Cruz. No matter what cannabis will still be easy enough to get.

Ted Cruz or Bernie Sanders.....That's a hard choice......LOL. Now your going to get people talk about how he shut down the government, even though it's impossible for him to do so in his government potion. When you don't know, or can't argue facts, you can always call names and make stuff up. Liberalism 101.
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