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BeAn's grow diary. 2006!



Bit of an update... and a Pic..

Bit of an update... and a Pic..

^^Floater sativa pheno @41 days 12/12.. approx 23-29 nights to go..?

The plants are developing nicely and the smells pukka, kinda dont wanna fit the C.filter because the smell when it hits my nose is so nice. The mites are giving me some agro and the overall yeild probably will suffer, but i doubt ill be dissapointed with the quality.
Also the Lifesaver clones dont look as heavy as they were 1st time round, maybe because of the mites, or the PH fluctuation in early flower?

All in all things are cool, got some gear yesterday from down in the S.E and its pretty good smoke.

As always, keepit green! :sasmokin:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya BeAn :wave:

Happy Holidaze and New Year to you man! That Floater is looking tasty. Sorry to hear about the mites - I always expect bugs to go away in the winter, but for some reason I have more problem with indoor bugs in winter than summer :chin: As you write, it may affect the yield, but the buds that grow out are :yes:

I toss out the stickey traps when they turn from yellow to buggy brown :pointlaug

Good luck on the rest of your grow! :wave:


MrGreenjeans, Mega thanks dude!! :joint:
Happy holidaze's to you n'all! :wave:

I was kinda hoping the predetor mites and the cold temps would sort these bitches out, but no lol... :moon:@ mites.
Stick traps are a good idea, i can see the mites getting stuck n stoned in the resin already lol....spose i could make some out of sello-tape or somthing.

Stay frosty dude!!
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
BeAn said:
Ive re-located my grow diary from OG to here.. :joint:

I'm currently growing: BOG's Lifesaver
(Jacks Cleaner x Blueberry x BogBubble x BogBubble)

Subcool/Sunycheba's Floater
(DJ Short's Flo x Jacks Cleaner x Blueberry)

Female Seed's C99.

BOG's 3B Medley. (BOGBubble, BlueMoonRocks and BOGglegum)

BOG's SourBubble.

I plan to proceed with my breeding work with Floater and Lifesaver and create a strain for my personal collection of seed lines, with a view to enter into the ICMag 420 growers cup in 2007. The C99 seeds were thrown in to make the numbers up after two lifesaver pips failed to germinate.

i know its been a long time since you opend this thread ....but...DAYUM what a lineup.... :yoinks: verry impressive :joint: ....i see you still got the lifesaver running....how is she ...?smoke ,high and growstyle?


Thanks dude for dropping in.. , glad you like.. :joint: :wave:

Since you asked, my observations of Lifesaver: an unstable hybrid with the increased possibility of some mega pheno's, ours we call the 'Candy Floss' pheno.. Grows strong and quite fast, smells good all through veg..stem's full of liquid, leave a residue on your fingers. Large bracts covered with trichomes, swell alot when mature. At around 30-40 days the smell becomes noticable and starts off like sweet plastic, then moves on to sweet candy/bubblegum flavour when mature. Cures to a sweet candy floss taste and aroma..around 60-70days to mature.

^^ Lifesaver @ 42days.
The High is where she really shines, probably the most potent in its effect out of the 3 FL/LS pheno's. Completely mashes the head, all thaghts seem to dissapear as fast as they appeared. The body is relaxed but electrified and rushy, your eyes want to close but your not sleepy..you just want to sit there and enjoy the buzz.. top smoke, the group favourite in our circle.

Hope this helps dude, keep it green!! :sasmokin:


^^Floater indica, 42 days.
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaah thank you verry much..thats what i needed 2 know.....i askt becoz there maybe a clone lying on my path ..its hard 2 find BOG strains these days


Whoa dude, you'll have to keep me posted on that one...:lurk:..BOG's genetics are definately like rocking horse manure. :chin:

Stay safe dude, and have a happy new year!!! :joint:


Update, with pics..

Update, with pics..

Around day 50 now...smells, colours and resins are building for the final weeks of Bloom. :yummy:
Just waiting now lol, no more feed..just PH 6.4 water, i top dressed a couple of weeks ago with guano and castings, so i dont think they are hungry. Only thing is the nightime temps are way too cold, and the RH is high..maybe ill get some mouldy, mite infested and tiny nuggets.. lol when you look close with the naked eye you can see mites getting stuck in the resin, what a way to die lol!!! :bat:

Lifesaver 'Candy Floss' phenotype. Check out the big ol' trichomes on the underside of the bud leaves.. :yoinks:


Keep it green!!! :sasmokin:
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daddy fingaz

Active member
all looking sweet Bean !! feel for ya with the mites, had sum problems with a mite infested clone i was given used this spider mite control bout £12 for the bottle, organic and says u can use it in flower although i dunno wether i would but one treatment did the job for me .. the 2 dreaded M's though mould and mites thats harsh!!! keep it up though !!



Hey dude, hows it growing? :wave:

Thanks for the heads up, that stuff is next on my list..i read that mites can grow an imunity to things so change is good, im using Buzz-Off at the mo. Its ok in veg but with the humidity outside the cab being high, i dont want to spray after 3wks 12/12. After this grow the mites will be gone, and before i start again im going to blast everything with Borg-Control. Mold shouldnt be a problem i dont think, the buds arent mega dense and the air-flow is quite good. :joint:

The next 2 wks could be either good or bad lol, 2 choices... :chin:

Thanks for dropping in dude, call back anytime.

Keep it green!! :sasmokin:


Update...day 57...

Update...day 57...

^^Mothers... Floater indica and sativa...Lifesaver.

^^Lifesaver clones, probably a week and a few days left.. smells great at this point, not strong but there none the less.

^^Floater sativa, smells like fruit with a fuely undertone.. Probably ready next weekend, +/- a few days.

^^Floater indica seedplant, ready in a few days..i think she is finishing faster than the other FLindys because as a seedplant the roots are more dense in the medium(?)

^^Floater indica clones, ready either at the weekend or just before..definatly not a yeilder lol...the smoke is maybe worth it, but this clone is no more after this harvest...

Keep it green!! :sasmokin:

P.s. a Side by side, definitive smoke report coming soon... :yummy:


Growth comparison..

Growth comparison..

In veg the Floater sativa and Lifesaver clones are near identical in growth/leaf pattern, the FL is a little taller and typicaly has darker leaf stems.. Only in mid flower can one record a noticable difference between the two plants, whereas the Lifesavers flowers are more rounded the Floater has more spear shaped buds.
I belive the similarity's stem from the common parents being JCB in both crosses, could the Floater sativa be considerd a recessive phenotype in the Flo x JCB genepool??? :chin:

^^Lifesaver and Floater...
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Active member
hey bean , not been on for a while , but see u bean busy :) loving that floater indica pheno, even tho it wont be a yielder, i just lurve it. The colour on them is sound, i like a plant with a bit of character like that one....
Keep up the good work, u certainly gettin good at this eh :D i still just bung em in pots stick em under lights n let em grow lol..


Hey man, so good to hear from ya...hows it growing? :wave:

She is a very nice pheno, and like you say..character is important. I agree with ya totaly and if the yeild was better she'd be a real keeper..the aroma and taste arent anything like typical Ganja, the guys i know have all been used to the commercial skunk's..when they toke this stuff they know its not your average factory gear.
Maybe in the spring when i germ the FLxLS pips, il find a pheno that represents the FLindy but packs on weight like a mo'fo..that would be awesome... :yummy:

Anyways dude, thanks for the kind words.. Be safe and keep it green!! :sasmokin:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
dang buttons....notting works around here .....:biglaugh:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BeAn again.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya BeAn :wave:
My bad - wasn't paying attention - didn't put two and two together - both floater and lifesaver having JC in them. If ya don't mind gonna pull up a seat. I tend to have late veg early transition problems with my former lifesaver, gonna watch ya care for JC's decendents - hmm somebody sometime is gonna pun on the Merovingian dynasty - I can see it now, merovingian madness, mellovingian... :biglaugh:

Interesting grow for sure! :canabis:


Core, nice to hear from ya dude as always... :wave:

MGJ, LOL... I want some of what your smoking... :chin:
hmm somebody sometime is gonna pun on the Merovingian dynasty - I can see it now, merovingian madness, mellovingian...
^^Eh? Merovingian dynasty lol??
Thanks for dropping in guys, your comments and opinions are much appreiciated.. theres enough chairs for everyone, and red-bull and Kif-cookies are on the table in the corner lol... :yummy:
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
np BeAn...alwways up for some nice plantpics and other stuff ....:D

btw.. MGJ...are't that the decendants from jesus or something like that if i can recall correct...


Haha sweet dude. Maybe MGJ will explain soon lol, till then im stumped.. :joint:

^^BeAn been busy mixing the All-Mix soil for next grow, i threw in some guano(3/4 cup ish) Blood and Bone meal(3/4ish again), a lot of perlite, a sprinkle of lime and a dash of Epsom Salts..oh yeah and 1/4 cup of pre-mix just because i can.. The measurements are far from exact, i only add small amounts because i tend to mix the leftovers back together and add more goodies..probably it should be ok, i dont feed till mid flower anyway so no need ta worry too much..

^^I built a drying box last year out of a plastic tub thing, a PC fan with a modified variable tranny-plug and a few office trays from Tesco..simple but very effective. 7-14 days in here and its into the jars, job done lol... :chin:

Keep it green.. :sasmokin:
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