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BeAn's chateau du plastique..


You will not be forgotten
The ladies are looking very happy Bean, love your lil greenhouse set up. Cant wait to see everything flower out for you and i will be stopping back by for your updates. Keep up the excellent work :joint:


Well the BeAn man is back from the lurkin'...

Well the BeAn man is back from the lurkin'...

..been too busy to put the time in for an update, dont wanna half-arse it so i waited 'till i could do the biz.:wave:..hows everyone doin'? :D

Core, massive respect...your growin' trees there man, i hope the MP5k:)D:yes:) yields like a MO'FO for ya! :joint: Thanks for keeping the thread goin while i was gone, mucho apprieciated man. :redface:

Mossy dude, those flowers look sweet...hows the smoke on dem purty nug's?:lurk:...did ya miss me lol. :muahaha:

DimeBag, sup dude.. :wave: Thanks man, its good to have ya along for the ride...by the looks of things this season is gonna be rude, i think they'll all finish quicker than last year(on of the Floaters was still going in December, cut down on the 15th i think..:chin:) Thanks again man.. :wave:

^^Cant remember which is which, but they's 3D and Fiesta's...:redface:

^^Got a couple of lil clones of FM#1(Kush type) and FM#2(long ass petiole/leaf stem type..)..the one at the back in the left pic is FM#3 i think, looks like she could yield heavy with all those nodes..:lurk:

More pics and detailed observations coming soon to a Chateau near you..:D:yes:


Ha ha BeAn Marra..back in the land of the living... :headbange

It wasn't your scintillating conversation we were missing..
we were just hanging around for the Girlie photos....
:muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:
we are canna porn groupies..just in for a fix..
Drool.... :kissass:


I can live with that lol, its good to be back man...if it dont go off at work today, should be back with some veg-resin macro's later...not to mention some hard-info. :joint:

Much love marra.. :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Massive :respect: back at ya man...love the update you bringing us ....it' been a while hu...looks like you got some small bushes growig yourself ey...and what is she called BeAn ...MP5k ??

here she is again in the front but with a timelaps of about a week :D :headbange :rasta: :jump:


Thank heavens for canna porn... :headbange
I will be waiting.. :yummy: :yummy:

I am just going into full-flower..everytime I go up I see more..
I am deleriousy bud happy ATM. :jump:

Core..you must have posted over me...
Man..I wish I had a 3 ft rolling paper... :joint:
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Core, those bitches are gonna put out some serious weight come harvest...hope you's prepared to smoke a LOT of 'Erb. :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: Thanks for the kind words, its good to have you watching from the sidelines. (The cross is named MP5K, after the H+K sub-machine gun..lol.):Dyes:

Mossy, post up some boner inducing macro's for us all to drool over...i got the tissues to hand...lol.:jerkit:

Much love and Jah bless both you's dudes. :rasta:


You Nutter.. :respect:
you need to get out more...but..here you go..
First I noticed these..

The Thickening..
Then I checked out the bud runs... :yummy:

I was impressed..
then I stepped back and tried to count them..

and I went ALL DIZZY.... :eek: :eek:

Hope it was as good for you..... :D


BeAn..I have to admit..I was a bit slow this morning..
Old age...
Have a look at this for a cracker.. :kissass:

Check out her head-piece..
I have been taught to assess genetics by the symetry of a plant..
and believe me..she is near perfection..

check out the curves....and she is only in an 8 inch pot..... :yummy:

What do you think...?

It's BlackEyedBean.. the Hybrid..:bis:
I did say I thought she was going to be more GreyEyedBeAn... :headbange

BTW..giz the name of the bud you are smoking..
I want to place a bulk order... :pimp3:
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mossy- do you know the genetics of that? IMO that blackeyed bean bud is quite the aesthetically pleasing strain,i could just keep looking at them........is there a more sativa pheno? or is that one different^


namo420..I have the feeling she is the mazar x lowryder..IBL.
I will check her name tag when it is light.
Unfortunately..she is my first and only BeAn hybrid ATM..
but I would imagine she would have the regular sati/indy split.
I will check what dom the male is.
I think she was about 2-2.5ft from soil level at f3..

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J-Roc..cheers..I could eat them too.. :yummy:

the male is v sati too..but as I say..
I haven't got a proper test patch...
I just wanted to see what they looked like... :muahaha:


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Veeeeeeeeery nice bro! Did you identify any Astroboy yet? I love that strain and have alot of gallery pics of it if you need a comparison for ID.

daddy fingaz

Active member
Yes BeAn dude ! :wave:

See youve upgraded from last year to the Grand Chateau !!

All looking good as ever! :canabis:

youl have fun with all those in there even with this 'summer' !!


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi Bean!
how are you? and how the ladyes grow in the chapiteaux?

just finished to buy the all the toys for the new 'room, now its time to build it brick after brick :d
have a nice day!


....before the pics...

....before the pics...

Mossy, thanks for the grrreat pics man..shame they're no longer on show, wonder what happened there? :confused: The BlkEyedBeAn X looks great, definatly a winner....but what did we expect from one of your creations?:D:yes:

Namo420 & J-Roc...great to see you here, stay and chill as long as you want...just dont spill the bong lol.. :wave:

Sup Chief, hows you man.:wave: Havent for sure identified any AB/Connie yet, but from the structure of the pheno's educated guesses can be made..(FM#1 is for sure a kush type, me thinks Connie..?)..FM#2 looks more like a sativa/indica hybrid as opposed to a double-indy/sativa, so me thinks AB..FM3&4 are way more sativa, #3 grows like a vine all horizontal n stuff..they all need staking up exept the Connie-kush..:D (We've taken one cut of each FM & 3D, before they're too far gone..so hopefully a side by side grow indoors will follow soon, upgraded to a 250w HPS with a switchable ballast..might try a MH next year..:chin:) Please feel free to thow up as many pics as you have, its all relative..:lurk:

Daddy F, thanks man...glad to hear from ya.. :wave:

FiDiBo, hey dude..hows you? :wave:
Glad you got all your bits together for the new room..post up some pics when you got it all set-up!!.:lurk:

Jah bless.. :rasta:


Keeper, a definition: Something to be kept, untill something better this way comes.. :canabis:

^^Thinned out the GH, ditched the males because they got eaten alive by mites...no freebie round up for BeAn this year. Hoping to find better breeding stock next season, got some girls to test out till then....hopefully A13 will grace these palms meantime, i think a line cross is in order for the keepers from this crop. :joint:

^^FM#1...looks to be capable of large cola's, most probably a keeper.:lurk:

^^FM#2, very nice 50/50 structure...looks to yield some too, and judging by the early resin...good for bubble. :muahaha:

^^FM#3, so chilled she sideway's. Grows like a vine, possible indication of A13 dominance...makes me think Astroboy, cant wait to flower her out and see what she's capable of.:D

^^FM#4, doesnt look like much but im expecting big things..looks like Astroboy. :jump:

^^3D1/3/5, looking good and showing resin...have been since about May/June, looking for a head-stash mum with a speedy high...should be interesting. :joint:
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