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BeAn's chateau du plastique..



Yeah man, they can drop within 2 days of showing balls..gotta watch um. Please keep us updated on ya grows man, pics would be awesome...(feel free to supplement this thread: HERE..:muahaha:)

In your experiance, do any of the above pics resemble A13??...its one of the 3D's. :joint:

Be safe.. :rasta:
another fine sunday morn with nothing to do but screw around. :)

I searched through my fatboyOGOF gallery. No luck. You will love the color of the Apollo buds. Very “bright” reddish orange. I’m terrible at describing colors but it is lovely.

i have some apollo 13 pics at 21 days flower but of course i can't post pics till i get 50 posts. which i won't be able to do till tomorrow, i think. I also have a couple dried Apollo bud pics.

i'll post them when the gods allow.

in looking at the pics, without the post that went with them, i can't tell which are the apollo, the apollo 13/cinderella 88 cross or my fine skunk #1.

remember, the apollo/cindy cross is EXCELLENT!


i have so much pot. little stashes 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz of like 15 different genetics. i just remembered that i have some apollo left from the last grow. i think i'll fire up a bone and see how it mixes with my swiss bliss.

do you ever make joints with 1/2 of one genetic and 1/2 of another? i have found some lovely highs from doing this.

i love growing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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..yeah man, cocktails are good for extra levels of stonedness lol...:bashhead:..you get a different taste too.:yummy:
Looking forward to the pics man, the 50 post rule is just plain silly...5 to go so it aint too bad. :lurk:

Be cool...:rasta:


i currently have every monday off. nothing better than going to sleep sunday night knowing i have to do nothing the next day.

i'm listening to howard stern, getting high and will be playing civilization IV in a bit. nothing like conquering the world before noon.

so how's your day?

brought to you by post # 46. :)
if i can get it to load, here is a pic of my apollo 13. next is a pic of sk #1. just to show the color contrast.

next is a shot of apollo 13 apollo 13/cindy 88 cross (barbi) and sk #1 (a genetic i've had for 12 years or so and one of my favs.)

here goes.

ok. that didn't work. i have so much security software, something may be stopping the pics. i'll work on it.

later. :)


Whey Man BeAn...
you look as if you are bud-bound... :muahaha:

You know..nature can give you a few scares along the journey..but..
she very rarely lets you down.

'course..it was probably just that fattening karma I sent.. :pimp3:

fatboycantpost..I have a glee box..
all the odd bits of split bud..small bud..etc..
goes in there and gets shared with friends..
lucky dip..


Keep growin man



Fatboy, dude...age of empires was wicked, i gotta get one of those civilisation games...(scenario editor rules..lol):D
Looking forward to the pics man, eyes peeled..:lurk:

Mossy, that fattening karma did the trick...thanks man. They should be ready for November, maybe some before if im lucky...(No 60+ day bloomers here..:D)

H9tric, thanks for sharing man...that shaman is so beautifull, the pink pistils with purple flowers is a winning combo..:D:yes:...thanks for dropping in. :wave:

Doc, thanks man...:joint::yes:

Jah bless..:rasta:
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Hokey cokey..even I know one of the above is not a canna.. :muahaha:
but what is it..
colour suggests aubergine..

should give you plenty fattening time...
I can see trics already.. :yummy:


Yeah man, it be an aubergine..it just appeared one day, along with a pepper plant lol..transplanted them into some decent soil, the pepper plant doesnt seem to attract mites...but this one does lol, they hide under the blanket of hair when i spray so its an all you can eat mite hotel, basicaly lol.. :joint:

But for sure gonna grow some vegies next year, in they're own lil Chateau where the A11's are now..Tom's, peppers and anything else we can lay hands on..(would rather grow from cuts, but dont think pips are gonna be a problem either..) :chin:

November, lets home the weathers nice and the sun beating down for as much of the remaining photo-period lol...id like some large buds from these girls, but dont we all lol?:D

Much respect Mossy dude... :rasta:


ICMag Donor
Lookin good Bean! Be careful with having mites in the area.... I'd move or get rid of the plant if its drawing them in near your gals.... But now that the mites are there, if you move it, and there are still mites around they may get your best gals!

Remember, to get the most bang for your buck using predatory insects if use them in a greenhouse setting....

Are all the lower leaves/branches off the gals in the chateau because they weren't receiving much light?


Yo Pipe, great to have ya here..:wave:

Those girls had mites before the veggies cam in, but they've grown on regardless and so far have been under control..(the aubergine cant handle it, its bieng munched by all sorts including thrips...lol.)...soon as i get some cash at the end of the month, gonna order up some preds...good call man, used them inside but never crossed my mind to use outside..:D:yes:

Its a shady spot and not the best place for a crop, but its where its at 'cos there aint nowhere else to put it lol...pruned them up to aid air-flow and focus growth, the very bottom leaves/shoots were mite ridden so the leaves were mostly yellow, and the shoots not really growing...since pruning them the mites have subsided and the girls taken off..(they are extremely bushy plants, and make alot shoots that wouldnt amount to anything exept food/homes for insects..) :muahaha:

Be safe man.. :rasta:


ICMag Donor
Remember you can always capture native insects... Could plant appropriate flowers to attract them for easier capture.... Here's a good guide to get you started. ACORN Guide
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Thanks for the info man, girls are gonna get a sugar-water shower at the weekend...(earlier in the month they got sprayed with EarthJuice Castalyst, right before they exploded...mere co-incedence, or do you think not?..it has molases in there so maybe it could atract beetles also?) :joint:


P.s. Sweet nuggs man, what are they...looks tasty! :yummy:
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ICMag Donor
Thanks Bean! I'm not so sure how well sugar water really works.... My molasses thread... Everyone has their own methods though....

Those are North Jam flowers from last fall.... My own special cross.... Only have 12 beans of them left.... They're still in the hands or gardens a couple friends of mine.... I've always got new projects to work on it seems.... :canabis:
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pipeline..you didn't tell me you had grown Northern Jam.
It is half of me original Mud cross...along with g13..I think..
When you get a chance..let me know your opinion of it... :yes:

I think we are just at that time of year..bugs and caterpillar season..
everything needs fed before they go hibernate.
My stink-bugs have their wings now..
(and about as much sense of direction as cicadas have.. :nono: )
so hopefully..the bugs may be going to bed shortly..


I forgot the golden rule....

Make your rollies before you start trimming..
or you haven't got a hope.. :muahaha:

b.indy is Black..and tastes of incense
I slept well last night. :kos:


ICMag Donor
Thanks for the tip, mossy! I bet you did sleep good having week 16 bloom resin! :D

North Jam is just what I call the hybrid/F2's that I made... check the beginning of my 06 thread for specifics..... Open pollination of 2 hybrids....
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