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BeAn's chateau du plastique..



Whoa, lots of posts....more than you could shake a stick at(lol..wtf 'shake a stick at'?)...:D:yes:


Things are good in the salad garden, had to do some bending yesterday...some were too tall almost. The 3D#3 is probably as sativa as it gets, she got bent...also A11#5, and some of the Fiesta's. The PH problem is still showing, i found out that they've been watered from the tap inbetween me watering them with PH'd water..:bat:..but thats the only problem so im not fussed. :chin:

The FM#1 we think is Connie, still going strong...healthy as hell.

The 3D's are showing resin and are stating to smell..

^^The Lifesaver has started to re-veg..as soon as she shows somthing to cut, ill give her a massive haircut and root clones for peeps..(dont want to slow the indoor anymore than i have already, so im gonna have to be patient.)

^^Jungle is massive...:dance:


^^3D#1....havent taken cuts of her yet, but looks to be very cool..

All the plants were watered yesterday, the big ones were given tea...and all were misted today...so they be all wet and drippin'. :joint:

Neil said:
Looking great there bro!! Keep up the good work! I took my first two plants too there outdoor location in a sort of swampy area. Camera battery were dead and couldn't take any pic'(was pretty high too), went back today and spent nearly an hour trying to find them with no luck
I think i need to get a bigger green house or maybe not get so high
Have a good evening!

Lol...when you find them, take some pics and post um up here..:D:yes: Maybe you should invest in a GPS sytem lol.. :joint:

Be safe! :sasmokin:
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Yea same as the one Shinobi had at the expo!! Real nice smoke, she be one of L.G.A's keeper strains, she always does the bizz(big yeild, really frosty)!
And she can take anything you throw at her, she be virtually indestructable! :yummy:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
woz waiting for a update again..its been a while is't it?....ohw and if you got 2 people caring for them ...plz get'm up 2 date on the ph matter :biglaugh:

Nway looking lush and healthy :yes:


WOOF...when you don't see them for a while...they just WOOF..
:headbange :headbange :headbange
Nice growing Man..they are looking very attractive..slurp.. :yummy:
That re-vegged lifesaver is in damn good shape..
keep up the good work man.
I made the shelves for me drying box from Mozzie net and bead..cheap and available..
when it is turned upside down..it makes a great seed riddle.
Gentle rolling releases them from the dry calyx.
It fits back in the box..and I put some non-stick paper below to catch the chuff for smoking... :yes:

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whats up bean, your greenhouse looks fun as hell! Hey I read your last post and it says somthing about water....usually the ideal water is like filtered osmosis or whatever right? Well you said tap water and PH it? Is that ok to do? Cuz somtimes I get lazy and use tap water but I make sure to PH it...Ok just wondering thanks man, good luck with your harvest!


Dalek sec said:
Yea same as the one Shinobi had at the expo!! Real nice smoke, she be one of L.G.A's keeper strains, she always does the bizz(big yeild, really frosty)!
And she can take anything you throw at her, she be virtually indestructable! :yummy:

Yeah, and she smells of meat..lol..very nice smoke, i can see why its a keeper. :joint:

Core said:
woz waiting for a update again..its been a while is't it?....ohw and if you got 2 people caring for them ...plz get'm up 2 date on the ph matter

Nway looking lush and healthy

Its certainly been a while...lol, he knows to use the right water now.. :joint:

Mossy said:
WOOF...when you don't see them for a while...they just WOOF..

Nice growing Man..they are looking very attractive..slurp..
That re-vegged lifesaver is in damn good shape..
keep up the good work man.

Its surprising how they grow so fast, even in poo weather...even the others that were behind the big ones caught up with a growth spurt..:D

CG said:
whats up bean, your greenhouse looks fun as hell! Hey I read your last post and it says somthing about water....usually the ideal water is like filtered osmosis or whatever right? Well you said tap water and PH it? Is that ok to do? Cuz somtimes I get lazy and use tap water but I make sure to PH it...Ok just wondering thanks man, good luck with your harvest!

Sup dude, yeah you can use tap water...lower the PH if needed and let it sit for 24hrs...the chlorine evaporates and its good to use. No need for RO water, but use it if you got it.. :joint:

Thanks for the kind words, please enjoy the sun and warm breeze..:dance:


Active member
Heya bean :wave: they look to be doing great and grown lots since last i poked my head in here... top stuff, plus your taking some good photos, nice n clear, love the begginings of triches covering the preflower shot :yes: anyhow i know u gonna be growin some sweet plants there :yummy:
Take it easy :joint:


BeAn..did you say Smells of Meat....
I just had that one one of my Muds..but I didn't like to say.. :pointlaug
totally savory..
which canna did you find that on?


Kooki said:
Heya bean they look to be doing great and grown lots since last i poked my head in here... top stuff, plus your taking some good photos, nice n clear, love the begginings of triches covering the preflower shot anyhow i know u gonna be growin some sweet plants there
Take it easy

Thanks man, glad you like..:D:yes:

Bless up..:rasta:

[QUOTEMossy]BeAn..did you say Smells of Meat....
I just had that one one of my Muds..but I didn't like to say..
totally savory..
which canna did you find that on?[/QUOTE]

It was a nugget of Heavy Duty Fruity i think...it stank of meat, like you say..savoury. :yummy:

Great smoke... :joint::yes:


We will have to try and get you a cut of the Heavy duty fruity next time you link with the rest of the L.G.A!
I started to flower a cut that started about an inch high when i fliked her to 12/12, and the little darlin did 29g didnt give her any nutes or attention and she was just as good as her bigger nuted counterparts! She is awsome! and she does this to your head :bat:


That would be beyond awesome my friend, I know the final product is good..so i cant wait to grow her.

By the way..Shinobi has a cut of LS, and one of each of the 3D, A11 and FM#3(or 2..4..or even 1?:pointlaugI cant remember.) :D:yes:
Ill make sure you guys get each of the rest, also it would be great to hear your opinion on the Lifesaver along with everyone elses.. :joint:

(I couldnt get her to finish outdoors last year from seed, maybe the cut will give you guys more of a chance..:chin:)

Bless up I bredrin..:rasta:


Active member
BeAn wazz up .......just went thru your thread....your GH looks great
i love what you've done with the place

i would love to have a place to do something like this....most excellent
...now i see why u were askin bout the A11...what are your's?



sawaat di bean, green house is looking beautiful. definately jungle massive. are you going to train any of them down?

interesting coincidence that you are all mentioning savoury strains. a friend recently had some lovely savoury (sage and onion stuffing was the closest i could get) seeded bud, he gifted the seeds to me and i turned three a while back, got two boys and a girl which was a nice surprise for a start (i was expecting selfed, essentially feminised seeds). the one girl had mild hermie tendencies anyway and was culled but not before going full term because the bud looked ok. the leaves were in veg full fat indica size they slimmed off heavily in flower and the buds took on a wispier look and never really filled out, my lamps were quite near to the end of their life cycle mind you, coulda been meself. anywhat, they ended up looking like a mass of orange hair with not a ton of substance. after removing the seeds (not that many mostly in the lower buds) and going full cure the dried smoke had an incredibly potent aroma that i could only liken to buffet mini sausage rolls dipped in freshly squeezed orange juice. when smoked it retained a savoury/citrus mix that was very deep but a little weird and not to my personal liking, massive hit though, definitely a day ender! i haven't kept it around but it was certainly an interesting example. i had never smoked such savoury flavours in pot so it is a cool coincidence that others have experienced a similar thing.

going to go hunt out some pics and while i watch this mad bruce parry dude hunt croc in his pants with the dassanech.

yessir. she no beauty but as pwei said:

if we're in your street, all girls and guys
will run like hell for hair and hide
so don't get down if you're not so lovely
it's 2007 - time to get ugly

should be a crime to be that ugly
she's a real ugly lady - U!
the ugliest in the world - G!
you know I don't mean maybe - L!
so won't somebody tell me - Y!
it should be a crime to be that ugly

Ugly, oh yeah, she's my ugly girl
ugly, oh yeah, tailor-made for another world
ugly, oh yeah, seems to wear it well
ugly, oh yeah, we suit each other well

hot as hell, hot hot hot as hell

smoking a11 and posting was a mistake. pwei???? heheje :yoinks:



A.N.O said:
sawaat di bean, green house is looking beautiful. definately jungle massive. are you going to train any of them down?

interesting coincidence that you are all mentioning savoury strains. a friend recently had some lovely savoury (sage and onion stuffing was the closest i could get) seeded bud, he gifted the seeds to me and i turned three a while back, got two boys and a girl which was a nice surprise for a start (i was expecting selfed, essentially feminised seeds). the one girl had mild hermie tendencies anyway and was culled but not before going full term because the bud looked ok. the leaves were in veg full fat indica size they slimmed off heavily in flower and the buds took on a wispier look and never really filled out, my lamps were quite near to the end of their life cycle mind you, coulda been meself. anywhat, they ended up looking like a mass of orange hair with not a ton of substance. after removing the seeds (not that many mostly in the lower buds) and going full cure the dried smoke had an incredibly potent aroma that i could only liken to buffet mini sausage rolls dipped in freshly squeezed orange juice. when smoked it retained a savoury/citrus mix that was very deep but a little weird and not to my personal liking, massive hit though, definitely a day ender! i haven't kept it around but it was certainly an interesting example. i had never smoked such savoury flavours in pot so it is a cool coincidence that others have experienced a similar thing.

Lol ANO, feel free to post in any state of stoned'ness or sober'ification...s'always good to post, im too stoned to light the bong..but im posting anyway just to prove a point.

Im in the process of training them, slowly...bendin n tying..left it too late so i gotta trim probably. The 3D#3 i want to leave to grow naturaly without a haircut, she has the best looking struture. Hopefully she carrys the 50-60day A13 flower time...not the JC's lol. :chin:

I dont know if id like the sage n onion smoke too much, but somthing other than sweet is nice somtimes. The Floater Indica stunk the house out with a bolognaise smell, like if you were cooking it. :joint: Do you prefer sweet n fruity or savoury? lol.. :lurk:

MtnJohn, great to have ya along...take a seat on the bench, theres a jar of flowers next to the knome right there....A.N.O's got the skins. :joint:

The A11's are from SpiceBro's, id love some original Grimm stock..but i missed out on them without even knowing they existed...:badday:.

Thanks for the kind words guy's, Jah bless..:rasta:

^^3D#5, the one with the knarly stem...check it. lol.:biglaugh:

^^Few random shots, the last one is 3D#3...real sativa, possibly a haze type pheno.. :chin:

^^A11#2, the stud...:D

Till next time!:wave:
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My crosses are real sweet..and I had just been rifling a few for seed..so things were really smelly.
When I started to clean the Mud..I got a smell like sweet brackish water..then..like chopping fresh tomatoes/cucumber..like..not at all what I expected...but clean and fresh.
My first thought was..she is very un-sweet..but that is an understatement..
she is savory.
I will give you a yell when I get a taste... :joint:

Is that stem on the 3d#5 almost flat...?
when tomato plants do that..you tend to get V sweet fruit..but you have to watch for hermies.. :yes:
Have a good weekend m8 :wave:
The girls are looking tasty... :yummy: :yummy:


Thanks man..

Thanks man..

Hells yeah, im looking forward to it..along with the results for the F4. :lurk:

The stem is flat, so no tying down...last year i spapped the flat stem Floater clean in half, its like Rhubarb or some shit. This type of mutation can produce freaky buds, shaped like elephants n fish...crap like that...i seen it. :biglaugh:
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Does the same to tomatoes..
wierd ones....
but..they always taste the best.. :yummy:


aloha bean, chateau du plastique looks great as ever, they are really loving the sun and i'm glad the bad weather didn't hit anything. all is good!

bean said:
I dont know if id like the sage n onion smoke too much, but somthing other than sweet is nice somtimes. The Floater Indica stunk the house out with a bolognaise smell, like if you were cooking it. Do you prefer sweet n fruity or savoury? lol..

no i can't say i was a fan of it, some people who tried it (and nicknamed it the meat, which led to far too mucn innuendo in my opinion, haha) liked it but i don't think many would put it top of their aroma tables. even cured up when it had a savoruy/citrus flavour i wasn't hugely keen. i guess i have somewhat of a sweet tooth in that i like fruit and berry aromas in my smoke. i do however also like a bit of hazey incense and spice and equally like an earthy, hashy old school indica flavour so i couldn't pick a favourite. like wine i guess, different flavours suit different situations, moods even weather!

bean said:
MtnJohn, great to have ya along...take a seat on the bench, theres a jar of flowers next to the knome right there....A.N.O's got the skins.

and none of this see through nonsense neither. hehehe.

cool thread as ever bean, stay well everyone :wave:

a11 for the a11 partay!



mossy said:
Does the same to tomatoes..
wierd ones....
but..they always taste the best.. :yummy:

Yeah man, i was just looking at her..and thinking about the training aspect, i might have to ditch her...and miss out on the nodes per sq. inch. :chin:

I have a cut indoors, so ill be able to tell you if the taste differs 'tween one or other.. :joint:

Be safe man..:rasta:

ANO said:
aloha bean, chateau du plastique looks great as ever, they are really loving the sun and i'm glad the bad weather didn't hit anything. all is good!

Originally Posted by bean
I dont know if id like the sage n onion smoke too much, but somthing other than sweet is nice somtimes. The Floater Indica stunk the house out with a bolognaise smell, like if you were cooking it. Do you prefer sweet n fruity or savoury? lol..

no i can't say i was a fan of it, some people who tried it (and nicknamed it the meat, which led to far too mucn innuendo in my opinion, haha) liked it but i don't think many would put it top of their aroma tables. even cured up when it had a savoruy/citrus flavour i wasn't hugely keen. i guess i have somewhat of a sweet tooth in that i like fruit and berry aromas in my smoke. i do however also like a bit of hazey incense and spice and equally like an earthy, hashy old school indica flavour so i couldn't pick a favourite. like wine i guess, different flavours suit different situations, moods even weather!

Originally Posted by bean
MtnJohn, great to have ya along...take a seat on the bench, theres a jar of flowers next to the knome right there....A.N.O's got the skins.

and none of this see through nonsense neither. hehehe.

cool thread as ever bean, stay well everyone

a11 for the a11 partay!

Thanks man, yeah id tend to agree..i prefer nice, sweet smokes generaly..but a hazy, more spicy than nice'y..or more so savoury tasting herb is nice once in a while.. :chin: The A11 im really looking forward to, i put two clones indoors of the #5...and im expecting the hash from the outdoor seed(ed)plants, to be awesome.. :chin:

Those see-through skins are quite cool...for 5 minutes..lol. :joint:

Many thanks to all, Jah bless.:rasta:
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Yea dont think i would like sage and onion to much.. lol sounds a bit weird.