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BeAn's chateau du plastique..



BeAn..that is my bug..
I had them last year..and they kept my girls aphid free all summer.
I have them back..sitting on the pollenating males.

WAMEN says they are called stink-bugs..and somewhere in the back of my mind...I am sure I can remember canna being called stink-weed..
so I am wondering if it is a canna chasing bug.... :headbange
(I can empathise with it..I know the feeling..)
Is it on your males..or females?


Ganico..that is what WAMEN said..
I must admit..an odd one tried to sit on my knees last year.
That spooked me...but they tended to be flicked straight off 3 storeys..so I never got to smell one.
Because they were such good aphid cleaners..I tended to be very courteous to them.. :D


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
That's the same greenhouse my mom has. She used it last year and had me put it away. It's mine now.


kooki said:
right on bean doing ya thing for freebie round up
Gonna be some good stuff coming out of your chateau

Jus taggin for the read later

Thanks man, we all gotta do our part for the community...its no hardship, i love Ganja and everything it stands for..:D:yes:

Core said:
mmmh got your trail figured out ...i'm gonne:lurk:a little

Damn, you found me....just cant get away from you people lol...:biglaugh:
Take a seat, skin up..and take in the sunshine dude.. :joint:

mossy said:
BeAn..that is my bug..
I had them last year..and they kept my girls aphid free all summer.
I have them back..sitting on the pollenating males.

WAMEN says they are called stink-bugs..and somewhere in the back of my mind...I am sure I can remember canna being called stink-weed..
so I am wondering if it is a canna chasing bug....
(I can empathise with it..I know the feeling..)
Is it on your males..or females?
Ganico..that is what WAMEN said..
I must admit..an odd one tried to sit on my knees last year.
That spooked me...but they tended to be flicked straight off 3 storeys..so I never got to smell one.
Because they were such good aphid cleaners..I tended to be very courteous to them..

Yeah dude, Simon the stink bug...he just crawls around the place, occaisonaly coming into the house and chillin' for a bit. I dont think they chase Ganja, but i think the smell attracts them...i know i attracts me lol.
Was takin close up pics and he went for the lens, they're fearless lol. :yoinks:
All creatures are welcome in my garden, 'cept for those that munch on down on the salad...they get sprayed, squished or eaten... :yummy:

Ganico said:
Just don't touch them stinkbugs, or spook em.

Lol, ill try not too...but they're pretty hard to spook, i even picked one up and got it stoned....never sprayed me, just went to sleep for a while then flew into the biscuit jar lol.. :joint:

Facelift said:
That's the same greenhouse my mom has. She used it last year and had me put it away. It's mine now.

Sweet dude, now all you gotta do is fill it up lol..:D:yes:

Jah bless and nuff respect dudes!!:rasta:

^^Gonna go out and water them today, over fed the smaller A11's...the chicken shit in the soil was enough for them, the big'uns can take a lot but the smaller ones cant..


^^A11's, i like the structure of these...and the males look to be good, lookin' forward to seeing them in full flower. :joint:




^^The 3D's are looking great, theres still a little yellow on some but nothing major..:D

^^Still the most healthy thing in the garden, where the other show yellow...she just keeps on keepin' it green...such a great plant!:D:yes:


Looking great there bro!! Keep up the good work! I took my first two plants too there outdoor location in a sort of swampy area. Camera battery were dead and couldn't take any pic'(was pretty high too), went back today and spent nearly an hour trying to find them with no luck :pointlaug
I think i need to get a bigger green house or maybe not get so high :D
Have a good evening!


Wow BeAn..they are galloping...
What height you got..about 2-3 ft?
You can see them getting ready to fatten their bud sites... :yummy:
When it gets to harvest time..
you may need to phone a friend..
have clippers...will travel... :D


:listen2: Pssttt..Simon..
do me a favour M8...
Go look for BeAn..either D man has the over-time..
or he is tucked into some fresh dried bud we haven't heard about..
he has been missing all week-end... :D :D :D


BeAn..the storm that just passed us is on it's way up to you.
If it gets there...it is F-off Horrendous.
Girls may need cover.. :yes:
Have a good week-end M8.....:joint:


New member
looking good buddy, had one of those plastic g'house last year but the sun caned the plastic (even in the UK!)in just one season, got the real deal now and the fact that its taller is another brucey
best of british 2 u


hola bean and co. lot's of catching up to do for me here! i hope the girls are getting through the shitty weather we are having and i hope you are high and dry, take care bros. :wave:


chateua de platic looks awsome BeAn!!! keep up the good work
p.s. my a.k.a used to be deviousD if ya was wondering who i was!
sorry i missed you in telford... You got to meet the rest of the LGA there, they all say your a ccool guy. Hope to meet you next time Dude.. Peace


New member
since a child I have known those bugs as "Cleggs" dunno how we got to giving them that nickname , just know the little toe-rags stink :), luvvin the Gro m8, lets hope the sun gets his hat back on soon :-0




that bug is called a "true bug" in entomology Bean.
my brother and me used to collect them in mexico and the american southwest.

they suck juice from plants, and are related to assasin bugs whick juice from other insects.

stink too.

all else looks great.

god bless the chateau.



Hi BeAn nice to see you flying the L.G.A colours!! Thought i would post a few pics of my Chateau du plastique... :wave:

HerE she is with a few toms chillin at the bottom!

An old HDF mother of mine that i have pollenated with a lemon widow male. :sasmokin:

Two other plants that came from seeds found in last years outdoor grow.
not sure what they are as we had a rogue saxon axe male in our outdoor grow last year and we think he may have done his ting on the mist'ys and holands hope females we had. As these two are not showing the mist'y or the holonds hope they look more towards the saxon axe!

Well the sun be out chillin and the plants be lovin it, keep our fingers crossed for continued sun!! PEACE.


Mossy said:
do me a favour M8...
Go look for BeAn..either D man has the over-time..
or he is tucked into some fresh dried bud we haven't heard about..
he has been missing all week-end...
Wow BeAn..they are galloping...
What height you got..about 2-3 ft?
You can see them getting ready to fatten their bud sites...
When it gets to harvest time..
you may need to phone a friend..
have clippers...will travel...

Lol, was just working...a lot, so no time to myself(no bud to come home to either). But i got bud now, and probably its why i havent been updating...heavy shit, knocks me for 6... :bat: I cant wait to harvest, and turn it all into bubble...the hardest thing will be picking out all the seeds. :joint:
Ill let you know when its all down and in need of sorting..:D:yes:

P.s. The storm hit, we had shit weather for days on end...but the girls n boys still grew...i dont think they even noticed lol. :joint:

Shane said:
looking good buddy, had one of those plastic g'house last year but the sun caned the plastic (even in the UK!)in just one season, got the real deal now and the fact that its taller is another brucey
best of british 2 u

Yeah man, plastic isnt the best material...id love a glass house, while im at it...fully automated, ventalation, loads of space and full of Apollo13 and Haze. :yummy:

Lol..Be safe man. :sasmokin:

Dalek said:
chateua de platic looks awsome BeAn!!! keep up the good work
p.s. my a.k.a used to be deviousD if ya was wondering who i was!
sorry i missed you in telford... You got to meet the rest of the LGA there, they all say your a ccool guy. Hope to meet you next time Dude.. Peace

BeAn nice to see you flying the L.G.A colours!! Thought i would post a few pics of my Chateau du plastique...

Two other plants that came from seeds found in last years outdoor grow.
not sure what they are as we had a rogue saxon axe male in our outdoor grow last year and we think he may have done his ting on the mist'ys and holands hope females we had. As these two are not showing the mist'y or the holonds hope they look more towards the saxon axe!
Well the sun be out chillin and the plants be lovin it, keep our fingers crossed for continued sun!! PEACE.

Thanks man, would have been good to meet ya at the expo...but no worries, there will be other times for sure.. :joint:

Your grow looks fantastic, the Chateau looks to be the same material as mine..Is the HDF the same as what Shinobi had at the expo, that was meaty man.. :yummy: Cant wait to see how the mystery beans turn out, the Saxe was stout as hell, should produce a killer pheno or two.. :yummy:

Bless up..:rasta:

=SW said:
that bug is called a "true bug" in entomology Bean.
my brother and me used to collect them in mexico and the american southwest.

they suck juice from plants, and are related to assasin bugs whick juice from other insects.

stink too.

all else looks great.

god bless the chateau.


Thanks for the clarification dude, i knew youd be they guy to know...do they cause much damage to Ganja or can i let them be, havent seen them around for a while actualy.. :chin:

Jah bless dude!!:rasta:

ANO, the weather sucked the other weekend huh? Now its great so i cant complain, hope its good for you too.:D:yes:
Jah bless..:rasta:

CDC, Teddy, DoobieDuck..and anyone else ive forgoten...thanks for chiming in, take a seat, enjoy the sun...and smoke some Ganja. :joint: