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BeAn's chateau du plastique..



do you have her staked up?
On tomatoes..those shaped stalks tend to concertina on themselves.
Height does not tend to be a prob.
Would she super-crop :chin:


mossy said:
.I got a smell like sweet brackish water..then..like chopping fresh tomatoes/cucumber..like..not at all what I expected...but clean and fresh.

salad #1. hehe.

sawaat dii bean. garden looks lovely and green, that male has some vicious leaf serrations! is he going to be open pollinating everyting or is there some selctions being done. if i missed the schedule i apologise. :pointlaug

anyway bros, just stopping by to say :wave:


ICMag Donor
BeAn said:
Ill make sure you guys get each of the rest, also it would be great to hear your opinion on the Lifesaver along with everyone elses.. :joint:

(I couldnt get her to finish outdoors last year from seed, maybe the cut will give you guys more of a chance..:chin:)

Ya own lines sow n grows just fine from seed dude :yes:
Quality speaks for itself. Male 14 days 12/12:

I's sending these seed out pon LGA brethrens :D
N.B. that HDF cut was donated to the LGA by kerbdog

stand strong dude :canabis:
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:wave: Guess you are tied up M8..
Girls keeping you busy.. :D
Have a good weekend.. :joint:


chateau de plastique lol.. beautiful GREENHOUSE
tryna glorify it...

"i work at a place called frankensence & behr farmacudicals, and i am the happiest custodian alive"

"or Janitor if you wanna be a dick about it"

anyways nice grow
k+ later


A.N.Other said:
salad #1. hehe.

sawaat dii bean. garden looks lovely and green, that male has some vicious leaf serrations! is he going to be open pollinating everyting or is there some selctions being done. if i missed the schedule i apologise. :pointlaug

anyway bros, just stopping by to say :wave:

sawaat dii A.N.Other. i was in thailand for a year and 1/2. were you there?

howdy BeAn. :)


"Sup dude, yeah you can use tap water...lower the PH if needed and let it sit for 24hrs...the chlorine evaporates and its good to use. No need for RO water, but use it if you got it.."

lol. my first grow i used bottled water. my second i used bottled and tap. after 40 some odd grows, they are lucky if they get any water at all. :)


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ey BeAner wotz wrong.... no updates anymore??:confused :...hope all is well..


A.N.Other said:
salad #1. hehe.

Okay M8..
mud#2 x mazar/lr = salad#1..

(I alway said if someone could cross a tomato with a canna..I would start eating salad..
I hadn't considered smoking it... :muahaha: )

The Indy dom mud#1 x mazar/lr = Whores Coddle..
the name just has a ring to it... :headbange :headbange

and I KNOW she is going to be a BAD BITCH..
:sasmokin: :sasmokin: :sasmokin: :sasmokin:
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..been a while....

..been a while....

Yo ICmaggers, havent updated in a while...so heres some well over-due update-ification..:D

Things are going well, well overdue a re-pot...but i want them to get a lil root-bound so that when i do re-pot them into a 30L tub, the roots shoot out in all directions and develop enough before flowering. Thats the plan anyway, some will have to be culled and replaced by a clone in the smaller rose pots they're in now. A few will go into the 30L pots, mainly the ones i like the look of in terms of structure..the rest will go into 15or so Liter pots, the smaller ones like the A11 and one 3D.. :joint:

Yea dont think i would like sage and onion to much.. lol sounds a bit weird.

Would go nice with chicken me thinks..:chin: lol.

do you have her staked up?
On tomatoes..those shaped stalks tend to concertina on themselves.
Height does not tend to be a prob.
Would she super-crop....The Indy dom mud#1 x mazar/lr = Whores Coddle..
the name just has a ring to it...

and I KNOW she is going to be a BAD BITCH..

I bent the stem over 90*, i thaught it would snap like the Floater..but its real bendy, all the more sativa'ish plants in the garden do. They all seem to love bieng bent n tied over, now im needing more area for outward growth lol. :joint:

Hells yeah, that G13 in there should be the best meds..am i right in thinking there G13 in there, lol..:bat:

Ya own lines sow n grows just fine from seed dude
Quality speaks for itself. Male 14 days 12/12:

I's sending these seed out pon LGA brethrens

Thanks man, i had some trouble germing them and so did a few others..maybe because the seed was fresh? Are you gonna flower the male out, or cull it? :joint:

chateau de plastique lol.. beautiful GREENHOUSE
tryna glorify it...

"i work at a place called frankensence & behr farmacudicals, and i am the happiest custodian alive"

"or Janitor if you wanna be a dick about it"

anyways nice grow
k+ later

HAHA, that was the whole idea...monge too mon amy..monge too. Thanks for the kind words, Jah bless. :rasta:

lol. my first grow i used bottled water. my second i used bottled and tap. after 40 some odd grows, they are lucky if they get any water at all. :)

Yo FB, how goes it my bruda..:wave:Treat um mean, n keep um keen...lol. Jah bless, thanks for dropping in. :rasta:

Yo Core, im here lol..good to see ya.:wave:

Clove..wasup man..:wave:

A.N.O, thanks man.. :wave: The males will open pollinate, one seems to be putting out lots of flowers without actualy flowering..and the other is just makin pre-flowers. As this is a small scale grow im gonna use 2 males for diversity, so i can select from the beans i made..not baught. :D Jah bless..:rasta:

Thanks for dropping in folks, be safe..jah bless, and keep it green!! :rasta:
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
ya man i thought you where hit by a car or something .....it woz a long time you where a gonner bro lol.....its not your usual thang 2 be gone so long ....Nway gladd to have ya posting up again...looking at the pics it woz due hehehehe those gonne be realy bushes if you transplant them into 30L...lol you'll have to add a tent me thinks hahaha


I just thought you had a damn good stash that you hadn't told us about.... :headbange

That greenhouse is looking very Green.... :canabis:
they are looking good.
30 ltr pots will be something to see..should make them woof...



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
he bro i have a pic for ya....this is 1 of the 3 girls i have...the ak47 x afghani.....man she's gonne rock i think....all are quite the same but not just ...verry tight internodes on 2 of'm ....i'll take some individuals soon :wave:
Btw what woz the strain called BeAn?

i did modifie the pic a bit ..she woz kinda blurry.... :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thanks mossy...loks a little purple 2 i see :yes:.....

ohw and BeAn....here are some of the ak47 x afghani's again....all i can say is wauw...great strain 2 grow ..easy maintaind...likes nutes ...800 PPMs of full feeding in week 3...+ giving doses pk13/14 already from week 2....get my drift :D
and a real looker....but notthing out of the ordenairy untill now...
real dense nodes ,gonne be a more than average yielder ...i can see that already :D

same plant with a week diffrence :yummy:



What a difference a week makes..
she certainly has her bumps in the right places.. :yummy:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thanks mossy she shure does grow like a rocket...she's packing it on like crazy...gets me thinking what next week is gonne bring....
got 4 mains on her so she will produce..I made shure of that...:wink:

ohw yea i'm going for 1 meter buds this run...seems i'm gonne make it..:D
front left is a ak47 right ones are AKH (abusive kushhaze)


Way to go Core..
you should exceed your target no problem...
impressive.. :headbange

Growing karma to you... :canabis:
it still won't let me add to your rep..
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