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Think in term's of passphrase rather than password.add a capital letter and a number or two then throw in a few of these ^@%#$ and your passphrase is bomb proof ..there are password strengh checkers (Search password checker) but I wouldn't put the same passphrase as I were using just a similar one ..Hushmail allows 60 caricature for there passphrase... my wake up was losing my old hotmail addy to hackers, just my 4 letter name@hotmail , 1st one in back in the day ...grrrr puff puff pass Rf

Donald Mallard

el duck
Antidisestablishmentarianismists01 maybe? is that 22?

Frack! I can't count. I get to 5 at each attempt then forget what I 'm supposed to be doing ...

hehehehe funniest thing ive read today ...
just keep it simple , your full name backwards add a number or abbreviation stuff like that ,
id be stuffed if i didnt keep it a bit simple ..

Sat X RB

ello, ello, ello! wot's going on here then?



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Please READ THE TERMS OF USE, posts selling marijuana are not allowed.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Boom

That Clown posted in lots of diff sub forums with the same add .

I see the same on the comments sections of lots of sites related to cannabis these days .
Mericans ...

Any word about The Don Med Cannabis lately ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Donald Mallard

el duck
This is fucked and makes me paranoid and wonder if I should stop doing what I do ?
Then again I guess everyone is taking a risk

must be a rare case ,
crazy dpp ,
he wont get what he wants , no chance,
he needs evidence to suggest she has profited ,
seems he is lacking that , so why even suggest proceeds of crime,,

no dont stop what you are doing ,
dont cave in to their propaganda techniques ,
its exactly what they want you to do ..

stay safe , but keep doing what you are doing ....

Donald Mallard

el duck
Someone sent me a PM a while ago offering to send me half an ounce for free. All I had to do was give them my address.....

@Elmer, the don is still scamming. You can get a pack of bubba kush seeds from him for a mere $691. Bargain.

The don truly is scum.

He speaks well on the phone ,
i had one or two conversations with him
i did give some information about cultivation etc ,
but stopped when i realized i may be being used,

certainly by the price of those seeds , thats robbery,
im sure glad i didnt share any of mine ,
i guess bankers are always bankers ...

Sat X RB

G`day Boom

Any word about The Don Med Cannabis lately ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

I had a chat with someone who's had a chat with the banker in WA ... and the person I was chatting with put forward a good case for profit-making re medical cannabis. the focus of his argument was simply that Growers seek $3000 for their good gear ... and taking into account the care needed to refine this material into various medications (I know Mullaway takes great care with his preparations and requires a science lab of glass things connected by pipes with lots of bubbling noises as a sound track) and some profit for the Refiner ... and then for the Retailer ... the price must be up there, even hefty.
So I want to take back SOME but not all of my previous criticisms of The Don.
(you all know my thing about Usernames and Aliases ... and I can't come at someone who puts himself out there as a Don. first thing I think of is he must be a Mafia Capo ... like Don Corleone in the movie ... which means Lionheart by the way. OH GOD I hope he's not really cos ther'll be a hit on me now!)

Sat X RB

Someone sent me a PM a while ago offering to send me half an ounce for free. All I had to do was give them my address.....

Me too! and what I discovered was that the COMPLETELY GENUINE offer was made out of a spontaneous desire to share with fellow growers ... by a dweller on the fringe of isolated rural society. A Fringe-Dweller who is absolutely like Us! So, long live the Internet and its potential to bring we Fringe Dwellers together!!!

Cheers All ...
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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Yeah some wanker was posting in here trying to sell American pot to us Aussies :nono:
Sorry I haven't been around much lately, been dealing with a divorce and losing my 13yr daughter to the ex-missus. Fucking Brutal I tell ya :cry: but there was no frigging way she was keeping my daughter and my staffys, they stay with me, so with too much tears and heartache I packed up my shit and my dogs and said Fuck You to southern OZ and it's winter bullshit and jumped on a plane to warmer friendlier climates. Sitting here typing this in a singlet and shorts instead of 4 layers of clothes shivering with the coldness :woohoo:
Anyways I should be around alot more these days :gday:
Smoke em if ya got em
:smoke out:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Well it is a merino wool singlet bro ;)
Trust me it's alot warmer here than were I was yesterday morning :D
The clouds have now come over and there may be rain and the temps are dropping, better put on a shirt and some jeans and get some dinner for me and the dogs.
Wish I had some plants in the ground right about now, this is perfect resin producing weather if I remember correctly :chin:
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