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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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I wish I had the ability to help all these families in need unfortunately I couldn't do it alone
Prehaps we need to pool our resources and somehow put that Don prick out of business
Just a thought mind you


Pick this up otherday pretty tasty


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Active member
So one of my mates has given up smoking :cry: but still drinking like a fish him and other mate are polishing off 2 bottles of whisky off tonight

So when I was leaving for the night I'm going home to smoke cones just to rub it in
Then got a im not gonna tell you to give up weed lol

or am i being to mean to alcholmohol

we also did a ghost chilli challenge tonight bloody hell the dare ice coffee afterwards helped

Compare: Damage done by weed vs Damage done by Booze
there is no comparison, and don't ask me to supply proof....

...For I am the PROOF ....lol

Good Luck

ps stay smoking, get rich and have kids, as you lay flowers on your buddies grave in months to come?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Here we have 2 Aussies trying to do the right thing in helping people out, they only accept donations from their clients no payment. This is exactly how the rest of Australia should be acting and helping people in need. Not like that piece of shit the don who is going to screw the whole show for us all :gday:
Medical cannabis supplier charged with trafficking

Here is the original story for people who don't like clicking links to outside websites:- .............
"One of Victoria's largest suppliers of medical cannabis has been charged with serious trafficking offences, despite a push by federal and state governments to decriminalise the drug for those suffering from terminal illnesses and chronic pain.

Police raided the Carrum Downs home of Matthew and Elizabeth Pallett on May 20 and seized more than five kilograms of marijuana and derivative products, before charging the couple with possession, cultivation and trafficking offences.

The disabled pensioners have openly provided cannabis-based tinctures, chocolates and butters to about 80 regular clients, who suffer from medical conditions including multiple sclerosis, cancer, epilepsy and Crohn's disease.

"We only accept donations. And we only give it to people who show us a medical report confirming diagnosis with legitimate medical needs," Mr Pallett said.

Mr Pallett, 54, has self-medicated with cannabis for more than 35 years since suffering a spinal injury as a 12-year-old. Ms Pallett, 65, also uses the drug to manage chronic back pain.

"Many of those we are helping are fibromyalgia patients [sufferers of chronic pain] for whom the medical industry has no help. But a teaspoon of our lemon and mango butter morning and night gives them almost total pain relief," he said.

The couple claim they were handcuffed and forced to sit on dining chairs for more than 30 minutes, as seven police officers searched their home.

"If you have a look around our home you'll see there's no proceeds of crime. We live very simply. When the coppers came through the door, they knew it wasn't a drug dealer's house," Mr Pallett said.

About five years ago, the couple helped establish the Compassion Club, which provides a black market source of medical cannabis along with information on how members can use the drug to treat illness and mitigate pain.

Teresa Nissanka, 39, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2010 and required a range of pain-relief medication, including week-long ketamine transfusions that left her with intense nausea and blurred vision.

"I was desperate, and I came across Elizabeth [Pallett] on Facebook. I started with lemon butter and then moved onto the tincture and was basically pain-free the whole time," Ms Nissanka said.

She made one donation of $50 for the products.

A trained nurse, Ms Nissanka stopped using the products about four months ago, because of concerns she would lose her licence and be unable to drive her two sons to school functions and football training.

Mr and Mrs Pallett will appear before the Frankston Magistrates Court on September 3. It will not be their first brush with the judiciary.

In 2007, they faced similar charges for cultivating and possessing 110 grams of marijuana and were fined $250 on each count in the County Court of Victoria. Despite avoiding conviction, they unsuccessfully appealed to the Supreme Court of Appeal and the High Court of Australia.

But the latest drug charges against the couple come as the Victorian Law Reform Commission prepares a report on the legalisation of medical cannabis, which has the backing of the Andrews Government.

Premier Daniel Andrews recently announced the first trial involving children afflicted with severe, drug-resistant epilepsy would begin in Victoria next year.

Mr Andrews said the decision had been influenced by the case of four-year-old, Cooper Wallace, who suffers from brain damage, epilepsy and cerebral palsy after suffering a bacterial infection after he was born.

Medical cannibas had "transformed" Cooper's life according to his mother, Cassie Batten, who was arrested in 2014 after admitting in a television interview that she administered the drug. Police dropped the case against Ms Batten on advice from the Office of Public Prosecutions.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has also been moved by Cooper Wallace's plight and advocates the use of medical cannabis on a "case-by-case" basis.

In a letter sent to Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on April 27, Mr Abbott provides advice on how Cooper's family could access the drug under the Special Access Scheme.

"I appreciate how difficult this must be for Cooper and his parents to manage, particularly where existing treatments are less effective. In these circumstances, I can understand their interest in accessing cannabis oil for medicinal purposes," Mr Abbott said."


the wheels turn ever so slow, have no idea why we continue to vote these dead loss bastards to captain us. lets hope the courts show the couple more compassion for what there doing.
yeah man i just read over this earlier and know that area of vic pretty well myself..
thats just rough.. and they say 5 kg. how much of this was leaf matter and crap?
poor couple really hope all goes as well as it can for them.. might have to go to the court case and shout at the judge... tell him these people are saints in this area.. try make them out to be like monsters.. i mean a monster of that area was paul denyer... youtube him.. frankston serial killer.. sorry off topic there.. anyway sad sad news and i wish all the best to this couple.. you have mine and many others support in this great country..


Public opinion is what will make this go faster, and the momentum is picking up.

I dont care what the govt says, medical mj helps my ptsd, so i will be growing it.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Yes I agree that the momentum is picking up here in Australia, I just wonder what type of model of Medical Marijuana we are going to end up with,:chin: as I imagine that it will be different in every state with different rules and regulations, just like it is with every thing else from state to state. I just hope that they pull their (politicians) finger out of their arse and forget about trials and get on with the job of implementing Medical Marijuana here in Australia :gday:
I personally can't wait for the day when it actually happens :woohoo:
puff puff pass
:smoke out:
Yes I agree that the momentum is picking up here in Australia, I just wonder what type of model of Medical Marijuana we are going to end up with,:chin: as I imagine that it will be different in every state with different rules and regulations, just like it is with every thing else from state to state. I just hope that they pull their (politicians) finger out of their arse and forget about trials and get on with the job of implementing Medical Marijuana here in Australia :gday:
I personally can't wait for the day when it actually happens :woohoo:
puff puff pass
:smoke out:

i personally think we'll start off a lot more strict than some US states like california.. and it'll be for the terminally ill and not just everyone with a sore neck or bad back.. not saying thay cant be serious things at all but im sure you guys see the point im making.. and then i hear rumors of "3 strains" at like 15 percent THC and these will be the only strains that'll be aloud to be sold as medical cannabis.

but yes lets hope they get a move on it and start this.. is been talked of enough time for some action politicians...

people growing small amounts for personal use is not hurting anyone thats for sure.. and its about time they let us do so..
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