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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Sat X RB

So Noydie ... as I suspected: you are a dirty old man! only someone as depraved as you would like to view grannysex. altho my bobbing arse might look alright side on.

(hope this post is not taken down for reasons of homophobia.)




Bug Scissor Hand
non weed related

non weed related

i got my pond up & going.
im a cheep SOB , so i bought 20 gold fish for .12 cents each:woohoo:
Then i got to thinking , WTF NEW POND LINER & PUMP,so i bought some KOI;S NOT CHEEP.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Respect Bugman! want to put up some pics but two things against it ... the time it takes to upload onto this site ... and the fact that altho the pics are of a Mates plants (honest) Leo can't tell the difference!!!

yes Member who has a username indicating femininity ... it IS you to whom I referred. I have a Missus who medicates with me ... even at our age we're hot shit in bed when stoned
there was a member here who went by the name of an ancient Greek Goddess. understand the need for anonimity but choosing a female name is too out there for me. you may guess I 'm not into androgyny!

I see the alleged virtues of GG are being bandied about here. haven't tasted it but I have tasted some recent Kush developments from California and what I think about this newfangled stuff is that I still give superiority to the varieties developed by Donald Mallard and it is a great shame he is presently gone from the scene. in fact I would like to know from anybody ... if I travelled to the town where Wally and I met ... would Wally still be there? you know who you are ... come back ... ?

Cheers All!
Yes he would be , drop in for an ale if your driving past ...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:woohoo: Awesome to see you Brother Donald :gday:
Always Good Vibes to you and yours my friend :good:
:smoke out:

Donald Mallard

el duck
Hey boom,
same to you man ,
a pleasure to type to you also ,
strap in for a cold winter i think man ,
its howling outside here ....


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Yeah mate it's pretty bloody cold down here in the south, but not for much longer as me and the 2 dogs are moving back to the rainforest in the next couple of weeks :)
Then that'll be my last proper winter for quite awhile :D
Looking forward to coming back home :gday:

Donald Mallard

el duck
Finally coming around then boom , hehehe
really glad to hear man ,
once this south easterly has past us i think we are in for some nice winter weather,
crisp but lovely ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Yes I agree that the momentum is picking up here in Australia, I just wonder what type of model of Medical Marijuana we are going to end up with,:chin: as I imagine that it will be different in every state with different rules and regulations, just like it is with every thing else from state to state. I just hope that they pull their (politicians) finger out of their arse and forget about trials and get on with the job of implementing Medical Marijuana here in Australia :gday:
I personally can't wait for the day when it actually happens :woohoo:
puff puff pass
:smoke out:

A couple of things bother me though,
one is the varicity at which the police are still going after both pot smokers and growers ,, with public opinion approval of over 90% they are still busting us like ever before ...

the other ,
the tight ass tossers that we have to trust to implement it all,
i dunno about the chance of growing a few plants in your yard as we would all like being possible ,
i hope for the best ,, but again the idiots making the laws are not to be trusted and have no idea about freedom ...


Well-known member
Good to see you back Donald. Interesting to see the nsw premier come out and say we are leading medical cannabis in the world here after a 33.7m donation into mmj from a wealthy ex banker. US legalised mmj twenty years ago we are not the leaders Mike Beard in fact you're police are still jailing some of the true experts of Cannabis in Australia. What a joke the gov coughed up 9m for trials over three years... Meanwhile parents and normal Aussies are breaking your laws to have a better quality of life!


Hello, hope everyone has been well and getting some lovely crops. I'm about to start a Diary with some Purple trainwreck I started from Humboldt seeds. Has taken off quite slowly, but will explain more in the diary. :)

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Don

Good to see you about bloke .

Home again .
Got some stories to tell ...

Hmm cool enough for me here with cloud cover . Not looking fwd to the westerlies after 3 months of temps around 40 C .

Will be looking for new venues in the next little bit . Some strife here while I was away .

Mie pen lie as they say in Thia . 555 .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
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