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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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So I just seen an article on that the Don dude and it says they are charging 9600 for 120ml, which i think is 120 grams. About 80 gram. If he is selling them decent bho is that a good price?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
That "The Don" is just a nasty bit of work bleeding money outta the sick and dying :nono:
Can't believe the shit that falls out of this bloke's mouth how he's at the fore front of providing the miracle of Medical Marijuana in oil form at a reasonable price :faint:
Nearly 10k AUD for 120mls of oil from what 2# of bud will give you :nono:
sarcasm ... Yeah that sounds reasonable ... /sarcasm


Yeah I only just checked out the Don's site today...he's not in it for the long run, it's just a rort and he's taking the piss out of both his customers and the government.

He/they are gonna end up doing more damage for the image of med. cannabis in this country than good and will be busted sooner or later and used as an example for the opponents of cannabis as a legitimate therapeutic plant.


Active member
ICMag Donor
hey j.v
currently doing a auto breed project just for a bit of fun..
krippleberry auto x blue mammoth auto

ill then be doing an apparent lost strain i got my hands on legends ultimate indica f2 and ill be making a selfed version of this equalling in only female seeds..(just trying to put it for those who arent down with the breeding)

im only doing that to keep that strain alive and have a good supply of them myself.
but then i can get into my project which im anticipating mazar x northern lights and at the same time ill use the mazar male one a blue kripple.. and then decide which way i want to go..

Hey Sista....Have you grown any of those Auto strains outdoor, if so
how big did they grow....How much did they yeild......And how long did they take to finish....Bye the way, are those Auto's very potent.

Mazar x Northern Lights sounds like a good indoor strain....

It would be great to see the medical cannabis industry form up to be something like they have in the United States....But I find that hard to imagine....I think our government is way too conservative to go down that road....

I think the industry will be heavily regulated associated with high fee's ....In other words, Only allowing well funded companies access to supply Medical Cannabis..... Time will tell.
Hey Sista....Have you grown any of those Auto strains outdoor, if so
how big did they grow....How much did they yeild......And how long did they take to finish....Bye the way, are those Auto's very potent.

Mazar x Northern Lights sounds like a good indoor strain....

It would be great to see the medical cannabis industry form up to be something like they have in the United States....But I find that hard to imagine....I think our government is way too conservative to go down that road....

I think the industry will be heavily regulated associated with high fee's ....In other words, Only allowing well funded companies access to supply Medical Cannabis..... Time will tell.

i havent grown any of them outdoor by themselves.. a mate grew a kriipleberry auto outdoors.. ive grown both indoor and chose the krippleberry for it smell flavour quality and size and picked the blue mammoth for its exotic looks.. this is just a quick breed project for fun as for my actual breeds i want to make ill be trying to stick with some more old skool genes like the mazar x northen lights and at the same time im thinking mazar x blueberry. anyway to answer you im not to sure how much they yeilded.. from memory on most autos ive grown i usualy get about a oz dried bud from each auto.. and from memory they were 10 - 11 from sprouting the seed..

i think as far as medical goes we'll be similar to america and i also think that the captial of australia will have the best laws regarding medical use.. and for my sake i do hope so.. we lost our legal fire works.. pisser.. ha ha

Sat X RB

Yeah I only just checked out the Don's site today...he's not in it for the long run, it's just a rort and he's taking the piss out of both his customers and the government.

He/they are gonna end up doing more damage for the image of med. cannabis in this country than good and will be busted sooner or later and used as an example for the opponents of cannabis as a legitimate therapeutic plant.

I 'm too old to try to predict anything ... but it's VERY strange to me how this business was ready to go as soon as the new government in NSW announced an inquiry into med cannabis. it's reasonable that someone must have been in the know beforehand. seems to me this is corruption but then I realise it is also NSW so it's normal too!

Moose thought that such a business must have protection but I 'd better not say who from because Leo watches these pages and I don't want Leo to dislike me. (hello and smiles Leo!).

Fuck the Hegemony and then fuck it again! Long live the Hemp Embassy! Long live Tony Bower and his Mob!


So one of my mates has given up smoking :cry: but still drinking like a fish him and other mate are polishing off 2 bottles of whisky off tonight

So when I was leaving for the night I'm going home to smoke cones just to rub it in
Then got a im not gonna tell you to give up weed lol

or am i being to mean to alcholmohol

we also did a ghost chilli challenge tonight bloody hell the dare ice coffee afterwards helped
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damn the colds here.. damn its cold already.. went out front today to see my new guinie impatiens have had a mad hit of frost and arent looking healthy.. time to put things undercovers..so happy i installed a new heater unit recently..

rug up and stay warm..
you guys are probaly lucky and not suffering it as bad my area is..


This is the bloke calling himself "The Don":


Mr Langdon Brown, ex-financial planner (reference: see b00m's link).
Used to be an Aussie ex-pat living in Japan (reference: http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2011/s3165819.htm)

I couldn't work out why it made my blood boil so much, but then it clicked: He's laughing all the way to the bank with sick kid's money.

The only people that buy off his site are desperate families (he admits it himself) that don't know how to get or grow cannabis any other way - because if you could avoid it, why the fuck would you pay those prices?

Sick kids whose illness (usually dangerous seizures) will come back as soon as they stop taking the oil.
Tell me that's not extortion. He tries to compare himself with a doctor or nurse by saying that they get paid for helping the sick, like he does. He even calls the people that buy from him his "patients".


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
You nailed it on the head Saibai brother :good:
He really is a piece of shite fleecing the families of the chronically/terminally sick and the dying and yes the fracker is laughing his fracking head off all the way to the bank for sure, hopefully after all this bad press in the headlines someone in WA will get off their arse and look into how this prick operates with his supposed Green Light to operate bullshit :nono:
Frack charging nearly 10 000AUD for watered down oil with god knows what other contaminates, he claims he has a chemist make the oil, I bet the fracker is doing in his mum's backyard telling her "to go back inside mum I'm working" :nono:
I really don't like this prick and the people like him who see nothing but $$$$$$$ signs offering false hope to the sick and dying :puke:
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