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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Sat X RB

I haven't been logged in here for three weeks and I 'm sorry to read the med bust story bOOm reprinted. this bust got a mention on ABC Breakfast which is VERY straight ... and both presenters saw and commented on the negative implications of the bust.

and The Don (yuk. spit. spit) still retails eh? Hmmm.

anyways, I wanted to say g'day to Noydie. I see yr still alive you old fart! and Ha Ha, so am I! flexible cystoscopy on Fri looking for growths. no growths and it will be a year til the next one.

hello new members ... including Sheilas eh? wot's the manly world of cannabis coming to? not serious, would REALLY like to meet a female dope smoker ...

bye for now ... see yez in another month ...
I haven't been logged in here for three weeks and I 'm sorry to read the med bust story bOOm reprinted. this bust got a mention on ABC Breakfast which is VERY straight ... and both presenters saw and commented on the negative implications of the bust.

and The Don (yuk. spit. spit) still retails eh? Hmmm.

anyways, I wanted to say g'day to Noydie. I see yr still alive you old fart! and Ha Ha, so am I! flexible cystoscopy on Fri looking for growths. no growths and it will be a year til the next one.

hello new members ... including Sheilas eh? wot's the manly world of cannabis coming to? not serious, would REALLY like to meet a female dope smoker ...

bye for now ... see yez in another month ...

i would be guessing your refering to me as the lady.. no im not im a guy the name was given to be by a mate and i was like ah cool ill roll with it but am finding it causing confusion so ive sent the icmag people an enquiry to put MR infront of it.. if you want to meet a chick that smokes meet my misses she give my bowl a break for a while.. ha ha

so if you were reffering to me im sorry for the confusion and is my bad due to my name i understand.. and sorry to anyone else who has thought the same thing...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Ha I thought the same thing as Sat :chin:
But with your name starting with sista it does lean ones thinking towards you being a female :D
:smoke out:
Ha I thought the same thing as Sat :chin:
But with your name starting with sista it does lean ones thinking towards you being a female :D
:smoke out:

oh trust me dude i know.. ha ha and i do take blame of course as i picked this name... i did message icmag people trying to get MR put infront of it so then it'll be MRsistatumbleweed and people wont think im a female any longer just a tranny or something.. ha ha (which im not) but MRsista could also throw off the wrong impression.. ha ha ahhhh should of thought this one through..


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Ha that's funny not thinking it through, I think it's contagious here in OZ :bigeye:


:smoke out:


Active member
Yeah its all in the marketing Butch it is Butch Tumble weed yo!!!

anyways who cares so long as you all toke I'm cool!


Bug Scissor Hand
nice pic bugman.. loving the second one in looking very purpley in the flower.. awesome..

ha ha yeah vostok..
its a mangenta 99xc99 ,i found a few herms in this batch of seeds ,there was 2 purps in there but 1 had allready been pulled, the other purp was more rusty red purp. dry bud shots later on.:tiphat:


Bug Scissor Hand
i started off with 42 seedlings,expecting atleast 20 males,but that dident happen ,i got 12 males,an 4 herms so only 16 came out, leaving 26 females ,the room was a little crouded but worked out good.
i was glade i had a few herms, only 2 veritys hermed on me the m99xc99, an
gg4xgg4xtwog this one is very thai dom hens the herms.
yeah that does sound crowded.. me personally i like to keep my numbers down and make them big busehs.. this is due to any unexpected/unwanted visitors in blue..

wish i had the balls to be a little more daring.. much respect there..

i love the sounds of GG#4 and still trying to find some s1 beans.. i was reading a thread on GG#4 the other day and this guy was like it stinks like baby vomit.. makes me wonder about it. ha ha but i have heard many many good things aswell as "sour bubble" by BOG
so have put them on the to do list..

Sat X RB

Respect Bugman! want to put up some pics but two things against it ... the time it takes to upload onto this site ... and the fact that altho the pics are of a Mates plants (honest) Leo can't tell the difference!!!

yes Member who has a username indicating femininity ... it IS you to whom I referred. I have a Missus who medicates with me ... even at our age we're hot shit in bed when stoned
there was a member here who went by the name of an ancient Greek Goddess. understand the need for anonimity but choosing a female name is too out there for me. you may guess I 'm not into androgyny!

I see the alleged virtues of GG are being bandied about here. haven't tasted it but I have tasted some recent Kush developments from California and what I think about this newfangled stuff is that I still give superiority to the varieties developed by Donald Mallard and it is a great shame he is presently gone from the scene. in fact I would like to know from anybody ... if I travelled to the town where Wally and I met ... would Wally still be there? you know who you are ... come back ... ?

Cheers All!
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