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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Sat X RB

Racist and Homophobic jokes and or slurs will not be tolerated here @ ICMag, so please think before you type, this is a privately owned website that you agree to the Terms Of Use (TOU) when you sign up to become a member, please take your time to read it (TOU) properly.
This post is aimed at all members of ICMag and not anyone in particular, we all live on the same bit of rock hurtling through the cosmos so let's all try to get along guys an girls :gday:

I 'll say no more on the issue, bOOm, except to disagree that my post contained homophobic material. In no way am I a Homophobe!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
I saw your post Sat but I do not have the ability to delete anything, I'm not sure why but that's Admin's decision and that's final.
Like I said bro my post is not directed at you or anyone mate, I felt the need to make sure that people are up to date with the TOU as this is a privately owned website with rules that must be adhered to.
This thread in particular has had nearly 4 pages of posts deleted by Admin and I felt it was time to bring the TOU to everyone's attention :D
Hope you and the missus are well mate :gday:

Sat X RB

I feel where your Mother-in-law is coming from Goldy but maybe remind her that if she is driving whilst on narcotic medication the cops and the Dept of Transport will throw the book at her and will take her license off her quicker than she can say Oh Shit!
She is already breaking the law by driving under the influence of narcotics or even just having it present in her blood stream.
All the States in Australia take a hard line approach when it comes to driving whilst taking or under the influence of medication, even telling the DOT that you are taking Panadeine Forte for pain will lose your license immediately.
It is a hard choice I know but if she is suffering from cancer related pain I would be pushing to get her onto Ganja by ingesting it and to start reducing or stopping the pills if she can.
You have my Good Vibes for you an your family mate :angelshug:

bOOm, I 'm interested in what you say here because I ingest daily.

My understanding is that ingested cannabis may show up in a blood test and that ingested cannabis may also be excreted in saliva ...

I understand this is because the liver can only process a certain amount of Cannabis daily ... and after a few days of ingesting there is a 'backlog' of unprocessed cannabis in the system ... and it is this 'backlog' that can show in saliva.

I can't reference where I learned this (because cannabis has this great emptying effect on my memory) so can you refer me to the source of your info so's I can read up about it ... ?

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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
I should clarify that Yes marijuana will show up in blood and saliva and if you are ingesting or smoking/vape and if your driving you run the risk of being caught by the drug driving cops.
I am just concerned for Goldy's mum in law that she thinks she is safe by driving around on prescription medication but not with marijuana in her system. The cops will throw the book at you if caught with either present in your system.
Now regarding your question Sat I will see if I can find some info from my mate Gray Wolf over in the Concentrates Section of ICMag, that gentleman is a wealth of knowledge and he may be able to point us in the right direction bro :D
As I am no way what so ever an expert or even that knowledgeable about marijuana in the system regarding the liver process and being present in blood an saliva.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
mrs is currently trying to convince mum to try a topical i made b4 surely that wont show up anywhere?

Pretty sure it will show up in blood work and possibly saliva as well bruz, the saliva would be due to how strong the topical is and how recently she applied it mate, this is another question I will put to Gray Wolf, though I'm not sure if he'll have the right answers but pretty sure he'll be able to point us in the right direction


which is silly as it doesnt get you high unless decarboxylated
i made that one on a very low heat

went to Crap donalds for lunch was a nightmare today public holiday and full of screaming kids

hard rain

I feel where your Mother-in-law is coming from Goldy but maybe remind her that if she is driving whilst on narcotic medication the cops and the Dept of Transport will throw the book at her and will take her license off her quicker than she can say Oh Shit!
She is already breaking the law by driving under the influence of narcotics or even just having it present in her blood stream.
All the States in Australia take a hard line approach when it comes to driving whilst taking or under the influence of medication, even telling the DOT that you are taking Panadeine Forte for pain will lose your license immediately.
It is a hard choice I know but if she is suffering from cancer related pain I would be pushing to get her onto Ganja by ingesting it and to start reducing or stopping the pills if she can.
You have my Good Vibes for you an your family mate :angelshug:
Are you sure about the panedine forte bit boom? My understanding was that is was fine to drive whilst using panedine forte and that opiates are not tested for because they are in such medications? I wouldn't bet my house on it but I am wondering where you are getting your info from? Thought testing was for cannabis, methamphetamine, and ecstacy.

I take panedine forte from time to time because I have to drive, and if I am in pain cannot use cannabis while driving. It's not a drug that would effect driving imo. It does not say anywhere on my prescription info that you can't drive, only not to drive if you experience drowsiness (which I don't).

Edit: Just found this link to QLD testing:

Drugs that are tested

Police can ask you to provide a saliva sample at a roadside drug test to detect the presence of:

Methylamphetamine—also known as speed and ice
MDMA—the active ingredient in ecstasy
THC—the active ingredient in cannabis.
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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Personal experience with the Dept of Transport of South Australia bro, I made the mistake of telling them that I have been having back problems and I take panadiene forte from time to time and I had to fight tooth an nail with my doctor and them to be able to keep my licence. That's my experience with that and if a cop suspects you are someway intoxicated with something else they don't regularly test for, they will detain you for a blood test to find out what's in your system, that's also my personal experience in QLD and SA.
Not trying to sound like this is my area of knowledge just what I've been through and witnessed :gday:

Sat X RB

bOOm ... re what you find out from Gray Wolf ... I may not be able to join in the conversation for a while because my PC is running so slow on this site it most often times out between pages ... thort I 'd tell yez so's yez doesn't think I 'm being ignorant!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Shit sorry Sat mate, I'll get onto that, sorry mate I got sidetracked a bit, bloody stoner I am :bigeye:
:smoke out:




New member
gday guys......interested to know how many of of us blokes that have a missus that also loves to smoke pot, my missus doesn't, i have gotten her bent before though lol

see my missus says it's fine and i've smoked the whole 8 years we been together but just recently i've found her getting more n more shitty when i duck off for a cone at a party etc, anybody else got a missus that says one thing and means another? oh hold on that's all of em innit haha

anyway your opinions on the matter please.......okay, GO!

Sat X RB

gday guys......interested to know how many of of us blokes that have a missus that also loves to smoke pot, my missus doesn't, i have gotten her bent before though lol

see my missus says it's fine and i've smoked the whole 8 years we been together but just recently i've found her getting more n more shitty when i duck off for a cone at a party etc, anybody else got a missus that says one thing and means another? oh hold on that's all of em innit haha

anyway your opinions on the matter please.......okay, GO!

Now, now ... it's best not to generalise about the fairer sex ...

BUT yeah, my Missus (note I capitalised the word and may god bless her curvaciousness) is stoned a lot of the time. we eat, not smoke, so every time we're stoned we're stoned for a LONG time. actually, I suppose, if we were tested anytime of day or night we'd be goners ...

the bright side tho is lots of sex. yes, that's right, cannabis makes people horny and those old movies warning of deviant behaviour if you take cannabis are absolutely true. we also live in a very private place which means nudity and so when we're stoned the Missus and I deviate a LOT. which is a credit to our advanced years hell yes!

also seeing as the CENTRAL SCRUTINISER deleted my last reply to V Man this is an opportunity to go again ...

V Man, I think most of us here smoke all the time. for most of us there's no set number of joints a day. stoned is normal for most of us. in fact I think bOOm is saying this for himself, above.

and when I visited a certain member up north he had six whatever-you-call-thems on his Thai smoking device in the space of three hours ... and complained the dope he was smoking wasn't doing the job. (Ironic really that altho he is/was a grower of some quantity he had none of his own when I visited!)

but I ramble unnecessarily agedly (you know what I mean Noydie?) and must go now ...

Hey! the autumn weather here is great this year. not a sign of mould yet even on the Indica. hope the rest of yez are equally fortunate ...



:biggrin: funny as,keep checking fer mold around yer privy bits after the nudie romp,lol. way to go mate.:biggrin:


Active member
(Quote) ...his Australian HEMP Party forgot to register itself as a political party.


....lol Typical .....lol
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