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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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lol, one big sting

The Spider and the Fly

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to shew when you are there.”

“Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair
-can ne'er come down again.

Sat X RB

Dear O dear, Mates! What a shemozzle re the Don!

I got on to him because I was looking for Palliative gear. (not for me.) was amazed to find out about hash and honey oil for sale too.

and it IS wierd that Tony gets busted and others do not. em, skin colour perhaps? or is that too confronting in these modern non-judgemental days?

EB where did you get the word "Shill"? you must either be JewisH (Shalom!) or from New York or older and better read than I previously imagined. by the way do you see our mutual friend? can you tell us how he is? and could you tell him that I am sorry about criticising Sativa? it's just that I eat not smoke and we all know that makes the effect stronger.

I like yr words bOOm ... as usual ...

Mullum ... good rave ... good poem ... very appropriate ... seems to me you bring cultured tones to the Forum ...

I've said it before in this Forum ... but when the general public get hold of a product it MUST go to shit. like chocolate, wine, tea, has ... and now fuckin Dope heading in that direction! grow yer own medicine. get free seeds from the Embassy. do yer own thing ... !

fuckin humid here for weeks. saw 87% humidity the other morning. convection showers every day like we're in Niugini or Cairns ... no watering to do but foliar spray in between showers.

Life is fuckin amazing around here at present.

Still love ya, Noydie!

Cheers All ...
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Sat

i dont rip off the sick i do what i love to do and thats grow and i get paid extremely well for it

No you let the Boss do the gouging and then reap the profits ...

I spend a lot of my time reading forums and researching cannabis .

I learnt the word Shill from cannabis forums .

Shill Wiki ; A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.

Shill Urban Dictionary .

A person engaged in covert advertising. The shill attempts to spread buzz by personally endorsing the product in public forums with the pretense of sincerity, when in fact he is being paid for his services.

Pretty good case of it till we started criticising his business plan ??

Wally is fit and well . In good state of mind considering .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


used a lot in old days around carnivals etc , shill ,hypen the crowd up, vac cleaner salesmen lol . con men.:biggrin:

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore


Active member

I saw that the other day.
Corporate and big pharma will wreck it for every one except themselves.
The only way anyone will make money is niche markets and those that do have to be at the top of the game or they get left behind.
For the rest of us its crumbs. Once regulation disappears we will start seeing US pricing. Good for the consumer and unsustainable for growers.
Dont give up your day jobs.


Maybe thats when you have to grow strains nobody else has
why cant it be like micro breweries with niche strains i prefer weird and wonderful than generic beer from big brewers
unfortunately everything in society is about making money
that Don of Douche takes the cake asking such prices
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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Interesting how TBC deletes his account when people start asking legitimate questions, even more interesting that a year ago his started a thread asking people to explain 18/6 and 12/12, then now he's a professional grower with the green light from the Federal Govt.
The whole scenario with the don smells wrong to me, but that's just my 2 cents :D


Yeah bet they just smash any old cannabis strain in there and say it's all medicine. I gonna get me some seeds from the interwebz and healz me a million cintz. I call myself Dr scarface.



Interesting how TBC deletes his account when people start asking legitimate questions, even more interesting that a year ago his started a thread asking people to explain 18/6 and 12/12, then now he's a professional grower with the green light from the Federal Govt.
The whole scenario with the don smells wrong to me, but that's just my 2 cents :D

funny that
i only have a few years exp and no way would i consider myself a pro


New member
Greetings Fella's , just dropping to say Hi .. Love the posted Critical Pics ... look very tasty ... has anyone grown anything like Durban Poison in the West yet and could comment at all ?
I'm even interested in a NL#5 Haze look if anyone has any yarns to share ?

Sat X RB

on this site my PC works like it's steam powered. for example, 5 minutes to give rep. So ...


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
DENVER — When Colorado legalized marijuana two years ago, nobody was quite ready for the problem of exploding houses.

But that is exactly what firefighters, courts and lawmakers across the state are confronting these days: amateur marijuana alchemists who are turning their kitchens and basements into “Breaking Bad”-style laboratories, using flammable chemicals to extract potent drops of a marijuana concentrate commonly called hash oil, and sometimes accidentally blowing up their homes and lighting themselves on fire in the process.
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G`day Folks

BHO is extremely dangerous to manufacture with out a closed loop system .


Thanks for sharin

EB .


otudoors and no electrics or ciggies is pretty safe. So of these guys sparked up while doing it.
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