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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Active member
here's some blue sky for you sticky !

Donald Mallard

el duck
I was thinking tarping the grow site and hanging under a tarp. I have a gas heater that I could put there also. I'm totally out of money which makes it tricky also.
we used to use canvas army tents at the grow site ,
and put some gas burners in like i mentioned before ,
canvas was the way to go it seemed ,

hopefully those plants put a few bux in the coffers soon pumpkin , sounds like you need it ......


Well-known member
Thanks Donald. I'm pulling the tops early. Don't want to lose them and hanging them whole. It's a hard call though, but better something than nothing. Going to be a very weird harvest. More sativa stuff I can let go for a while, but I gota get some airflow in the more indica plants. If this rain comes friday I may have to hang all the tops. I got a day drive each way to make anything, and I just don't have the time to do it. I just gotta be here doing what needs to be done.


Well-known member
No money for tent or gas burners this year. I had to commendeer out cooker, much my partners objection :) Not an ideal situation, but going to try make do. My own fault for being shit at budgeting :)


Well-known member
May not be the best smoke or yeild, but fuck I reckon it is so pretty.


Taking shit too early, just incase.


Sticky Sat

Active member
Nice colas and amazing blue sky Rod... Not likely to have the same here today... rain fell all night and hasn't stopped yet... :)

Very pretty indeed Pumpkin :) i also used tarp to dry harvested plants, back in the years... :) Thanks for the kind job offer man...;) Should definitely help when i apply for citizenship...:laughing:


Well-known member
ive noted seed plants seem stronger in general to cuttings also buds ,
despite any pruning or what ever to avoid problems , they are more likely on cuttings it seems ,
perhaps its just me , but im glad to hear youve noted it also ..

i am going down the seed road after years of cloning...i have finally had successful trial feminising with STS after many failures using CS. i will hopefully have 3 strains to try for the upcoming season...all made with the most resistant strain i currently have...

one of the main benefits i have using seeds in my veg indoors/flower outdoors system is that the plants grow for a couple of more weeks before flowering giving me bigger plants...clones go into flower straight away..

seed plants as mentioned are stronger...up to a point...i still get the same issues but they take longer to show

nice purp you got there pump...but watch the centre of those hanging plants...that is a moisture/mould trap for sure...personally i breakdown to individual branches and hang on wire with some air movement....

a mate used to use a 1kva honda generator and a couple of oscillating fans for drying in the bush...quiet as that thing was...

nice buds Rod...looking good...


Active member
haha you could almost call it a cruel ozzie trait donald !
still a bit overcast your way is it ? we were expecting some rain at least from this first cyclone of the season but it all streamed down over south australia , good for them i guess .
anyway , i'm done ! last lot trimmed this morning , the earliest ever .


Well-known member
Thanks ozzieai. Your drying suggestions are headed and put into action. I'm slowing down harvest a little anyway. Keeping a keen eye on the weather. Been pretty fine the last few days.

Rod58: congratulations and comisserations on finishing so soon. If you changed anything next year.... What would it be?


Well-known member
Sticky Sat: lol. You have a lot of upstanding citezens to vouch for you at least :D There is always SE Asia :D


Well-known member
Thanks ozzieai. Your drying suggestions are headed and put into action. I'm slowing down harvest a little anyway. Keeping a keen eye on the weather. Been pretty fine the last few days.

Rod58: congratulations and comisserations on finishing so soon. If you changed anything next year.... What would it be?

here is a suggestion: rather than taking whole plants, take every second branch off, branches that are most at risk of mould and opening up the plant to more air flow...main colas are the most likely to have problems...secondary buds get the chance to put on weight and be closer to maturity...

don't get a false sense of security...most of my problems happen when the sun comes out the lifts the temps...just saying...but then again my humidity ranges from 75 - 90%...
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Well-known member
Doing a quick product review. The automatic ebay spinner is pretty good (china copy). Problems are the power cord falls out when you use it, or the plug. The draw is usless, tape it up and tip it running to release the buds. That's why the power cord falls out if you are happy with a medium trim job, this machine will do it. You have to take buds off stems and remove crows feet. The machine operator can deal with buds from two people easy. Larger buds need to be respun or hand trimmed. Middle size roll out fine, small can go through and be chopped into a million pices. If you have more than 10lb I think it is worth it.


Like an 8 out of ten. It's pretty quick, is cheaper than a person, and does not talk. For the price it's worth it.


Well-known member
OzzieAi. I'm taking top buds at the moment, and trying to cover the majority of the yeild quickly on plants that are turning. It lets a lot more air and light into the bottom canopy and removes mold infected sights. Also I can bag my weight before I am stuck with a percentage of my weight. First year here, so just guessing at what the climate has instore for me. I'm probably making a lot of mistakes, but I am from a drier climate. 1/2 the annual rainfall. But I bet there are people 4 times as wet as I am. I'm not really sure how long it takes for mould to set a foothold outdoors? I may be panicking for nothing, but don't really know how to judge time with mould. Was bacically in the desert last time. It's always dry, and the weed is ready to bag in three days.


Well-known member
I'm in a weird space between panicking and relaxing. I'm not sure which path is right. I'm assuming a paced early harvest will be fine. I feel like I'm ahead of the mould so far. But it is possible. It's a new problem for me, I might find a bit of rot in dence buds after harvest, but hardly ever. I try to cut down rot now as soon as i can see it. Some plants are still 100 percent fine. Confusing :)


Active member
Rod58: congratulations and comisserations on finishing so soon. If you changed anything next year.... What would it be?

thanks pumpkin ,.. well things are going to be arse about this coming season as i'm in the process of moving and whether that happens this next month or in six months time i really can't tell .
but .. i'm going to give indoor a crack as well so there's a lot of learning to be done first . nearly 20 years ago i did indoor for a year , in one of those plastic cabinet things . 4 pots , a fan and a 600w metal halide light if i recall right and it certainly was a novelty for me . i think i got about 8-10 oz a time . just not as big as outside i guess so i got quite bored with it in the end so i handed it back to my mate i borrowed it from .
i'm not getting any younger pumpkin , 103 last birthday , and i'm not going to slow down so i really need to set up a watering thing far better than now as it's just hard some days to get motivated completely and i simply refuse to have a partner , been there , done that ! so maybe this old dog can be taught new tricks !
thanks for reading my book ! lol

Sticky Sat

Active member
almost cruel teasing sticky with that blue sky rod ,, hehehehe....

Being so kindly teased is a privilege... :)

Glad to know all is done Rod...:) i hope you don't miss them too much... Often have a kind of empty feeling after harvest... guess it's easier and more fulfilling to love a plant than a bag of buds... ;)

Hey Pumpkin, i'd be proud and happy to have you guys vouch for me... :) Too bad it's not that easy... SE Asia is too dangerous a place for weak old men trying their best to be faithful, and i haven't found anybody weaker than me yet... ;)

i hope Teddy's fine, haven't seen a post from him lately...
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