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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Well-known member


Took a couple of photos while fucking around under the plants checking every feed line. Had some stuck up with roots and some that were clogged for whatever reason. I increased the watering a little also. Still a bit more to do at lunch. But at least I am not hungover today and can move :)


Well-known member
Hey Sticky Sat, yeah, I think I killed it. But It killed the branch. I'll take a snapshot later.


Your photo looks like my plants. I sprayed mine with copper oxychloride and it fixed the mould. I lost a branch though.

Sticky would Bicarb have worked instead of copper? Neem maybe?

Hey Sticky Sat, yeah, I think I killed it. But It killed the branch. I'll take a snapshot later.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Looking good Pumpkin... :) makes me wish for some "sick" plants... ;)

Hey Teddy, Potassium bicarb raise ph and fungi usually like it low... At the usual dilution, it could never kill any fungi but would reduce their occurence likeliness by making the conditions for their developpment unsuitable... :)

Spraying with potassium silica (Agsil 16) also works great at raising ph while bringing silica and K.

Never used neem oil to specifically fight fungi but it's a base for all my treatments and i hardly have any fusarium, and only on one strain pheno ( a SAGE)...
In any case, it mix very well with potassium silica which is an emulsifier. Adding 4 drops of tea tree oil per liter wouldn't hurt anything... ;)

Never had access to the copper (and many other stuff) you can get in Oz... Sticking to organic ways but i understand that it's not always possible for growers with much more to treat or lose... :)

Sticky Sat

Active member
A few Bango (O x Bangi Haze) buds after a few months cure in a jar... As it's the rainy season's peak, i'm taking advantage of an unsual morning sun to control moisture... ;)

One of the plants it comes from... :)


Well-known member
I used Mancozeb. Since it was only on the trunks I was not too concerned. I imagine you would not want to smoke it though. Some great info though and I'll try to be more prepared next year. Got to use what is on hand at the moment though. Much respect to those full organic. <3

Sticky Sat

Active member
Thanks for the kind words Pumpkin, it's all thanks to nature's wonderful work.... :)
No merit at all (at least in my case... ;)) sticking to organic with only a dozen home grown plants... It's a totally different story with big plants patches like all of you guys seem to have in Oz and NZ... Much respect to all of you for your great grows... :)

Donald Mallard

el duck
some nice flowers coming on mr pumpkin ,
no shortage of resin on the first lady ,
bet she is soft to touch ..

those buds look nicely cured ss ,
i bet thats a nice smooth enjoyable toke ,
hard to beat well cured weed i reckon ,
nice work man ...


Well-known member
This is the plant that had the rotten branch. I took off the branch today. The rest of the plant may pull through.


What country are you in Sat? Love to see your plot :) I think only people out bush here can really have decent plots.

The plant you like Donald, is a GDP x Haze. Not much indica in it that I can see, and of course I forgot to clone it. But it was planted late and will probably have a pretty shitty yeild. But it does have a nice shimmer on it considering how early in flower it is.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Thanks for the nice words Wally... :) i'm more a cookie guy but still, it took some will power to resist after the smell of the just opened jar and the call of the crispy bud crunching in the bowl man... :) The friend who sampled it liked it very much... ;)

Hey Pumpkin, i'm on a small island in the middle of the pacific, at lat 17°...
Days are so short, all plants but extremely pure sativa landraces flower when they're between 20 and 50 cm, unless you can add light at night... No nice bushy plots like in Oz here, it's more like Jamaica but hotter, more humid and with shorter days... :)

i'm off grid on a dying solar installation so i only have a 2' fluo for cloning and pulling a few girls in 3 liters pots that i bring inside at night until they're at least 50 cm. Then i transplant them in 15 or 20 liters pots and leave them outdoor. they're ripe 6 to 7 weeks after. Having the plants in pots allows to move the finishing ones under the roof when it rains, which is almost everyday. Here it's possible to grow all year long and it's mostly to make cookies so i don't need much... :)


Well-known member
That sounds really interesting. I've always romantacised about living on a tropical island. But I imagine it can be pretty isolating depending where you are. And maybe a pain in the arse to get things. I wonder if you could delay flowering with solar christmas lights, or something similar. I do not think a lot of light is required to keep a plant in veg. It's more about coverage. I've played with delaying flowering a little bit, but I'm no expert, but it might be possible. But if you have what you need for your cookies it may not matter :) Not much you can do about the rain though :)

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Sounds like an awesome setup Sticky. All year outdoor growing sounds like a dream, as does island life. :D

Great looking plants Pumpkin. Loving your pumpkin patch, hahah (sorry couldn't help myself)

My little one is starting to look the part, sitting at day 48 now. The buds are really starting to take shape and stank the place up. :)


Awesome to see you Ozzie guys are killing it over there. Hope my fellow kiwis are doing the same.

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hey guys, :)

Good looking girl Brother, quite sativa dominant and already yummy ! :)

Well, islands are indeed beautiful but so is most of the world... i fell in love with all places i had the chance to visit, among which NZ's north island in 2001... :)
Not minding isolation too much, i rather like it indeed... Of course, it's not the best place to get things but it helps remembering that if you want nothing you have everything... ;)

You're right about not needing much light to delay flowering Pumpkin. A simple 12 W LED bulb is enough for at least 30 m²... Thing is there's night time helicopters flights looking for such setups, and being quite in the middle of the tropical jungle, it would be easily noticeable... As would be a greenhouse...
Also, when you know you're gonna move pots (which plants don't like but it's either that or mold...) you don't want the plants getting too big as they'd require training, cages and all kind of things that aren't helping move them around... Mine usually end up between 120 and 160 cm tall, but not always very bushy... It's OK though, i have more than enough but i just can't stop hunting for phenos... :)

A great day to all ! :tiphat:


Sticky, the Copper Oxychloride is pretty much the blue/green 'corrosion' you see on copper outdoors. Altho obviously there's chlorine in there somewhere. Organic? dunno. Chlorine is not nice.

Never had access to the copper (and many other stuff) you can get in Oz... Sticking to organic ways but i understand that it's not always possible for growers with much more to treat or lose... :)

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hey Teddy, my water is from a trickling "creek" and cuttings root in it if left long enough, depending of the strains, as some only root in pots.. A friend with chlorinated water can't even root tomatoes cuttings when they grow 2 cm roots in 2 to 3 days at my place... His don't rot, they just don't root, turn yellow and die... Mine only rot if an insect or something falls in the water...

An alternative was copper sulfate but, although it's on the OMRI list, not sure it's that much "safer" for the soil microbiology...


Well-known member
Looking nice Brother Nature. My first grow was a micro closet grow, and it was a total failure. I pulled it too early and made a cake out of it. You are off to an excellent start. Much better than how I started anyway. A better light and better seeds can make all the difference. Invest in your grow, you have more skill than I did when I started. :) Glad you like my patch. It's just a process of trying and failing, and trying not to repeat my mistakes. I do not think you ever stop learning with gardening. One door closes and 5 more open to explore :)


Oh fuckit! No more rep!

Pumpkin ... I always say: "The learning is in the doing"!

:) Glad you like my patch. It's just a process of trying and failing, and trying not to repeat my mistakes. I do not think you ever stop learning with gardening. One door closes and 5 more open to explore :)

Dr Watt

Who What
Peyote Critical

Peyote Critical

Heloo, from downunder. This journey started with a pcak of seeds from Barneys Farm - amajor seed seeler I believe - because they havesome of the best plants on the planet ! Their Critical Rapido now CritKushAuto really saved the day fro me dwc. Anyway, on withthe show.

Germination date : 23 October 2018.

And look, 13 weeks later, they are ready to flower - sure you could cut this time down to 8 weeks with the same ready to flower - maybe even 6weeks but why dream ?

They don't look like much for 20 weeks ! Yeh, well this is what 4 x Peyote Critical and 2 x PPP3 and 1xPPP1 and three small test buggers that would not move !!

oh well, they have been multiplying like rabbits, w/ PPP3 PPP1 mcuts and sm bloo berry seeds right side.

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