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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Donald Mallard

el duck
Ive started to use it all the time actually ,
i have a larger one and a smaller ,
the smaller one despite lack of ventilation is good most of the year ,
excpect the few hottest months ,
ive been lucky enough to avoid mold in there ,
but aphids , spider mites and moths have been an issue since the rain ..


Well-known member
Spider mites are the worst. It took me three years to get rid of them from a clone. Never had them before, but I had them inside and out. I got it sorted, but it was a mission. But in total defense, it was a great clone. Maybe the best clones are the most work, or maybe it's moonshine.

Donald Mallard

el duck
sounds like you paid heavily for that cut ,
glad it was worth it pumpkin ,

i havent seen spider mite here before either ,
not sure where it came from ,
but it wont last , i have a plan for the little bastards that im sure they wont be fond of ,, lol ..


Well-known member
I got some shit for them that finally sorted them out. I'm not at that home right now, but after I get out of this moonshine haze I'll find you the product that worked for me.


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure is was this shit STEALTH MITICIDE AND INSECTICIDE 1-Litre (Abamectin)

Killed them in the arse.


Well-known member
I've been selfing that cut for a while.. and going to self it again and let it go with my best plants. It's almost my whole breeding plan ha. It's a GSC cut. There are annoying things about it, it only creates external buds, stays real short and branchy. But I think when I stabilise it and give it more sativa, and lock down the purple trait, increase the yield etc. i'm no breeder, but I feel I can spot a good plant early. I hope I can inbreed and stabalise the best of what I have. But I keep growing new shit because I have to compare and there are traits in new seeds that are undeniable. So I have to keep out crossing until I can stabalise a strain. But I think breeding is something Ive always been interested in. Not sure I am very good at it however. And I think sometimes I lost my best stuff, but it's fun to try anyway. And I think I've had access to some pretty good genetics to begin with. Just a matter of not fucking them up.


Well-known member
I take clones every time... and take them quite early,, and generally I pick the second and third best plant... and always miss the best plant. Annoying. There is always one that surprises me.


Well-known member
This moonshine makes me talk a lot, but I have a plan for an outback purple kushies. It's still about 5 years away,, but there is some sort of plan.


Well-known member
This year was a little bit of a shit, because I thought I had feminised genetics, but I didn't. So I lost 20 plants to males. I guess that is the normal order in the world. But shit,, there are some nice plants there, and I bet I cloned the 2nd and 3rd best ones :p


Active member
That can't be the moon in that photo.... Right?

Lol.. must be the sun. Der.

No its not the sun or the moon, no idea what it is, only on this photo, none of the other ones taken, the sun go's nowhere near there this time of year, the sun is on the LHS out of the pic

Sticky Sat

Active member
Does anybody know what causes this. The plant is yellowing top down almost, but only on that particular branch. I assume the branch is lost, but I actually noticed a few yellow leaves high up on some other plants which got me worried. It's like the water can't reach the top. The bottoms are fine and hardly yellowing.

View attachment 487416 View attachment 487417

I've lost branches for mysterious reasons before. And I would not have worried if I did not spot a couple of yellow leaves high up on other plants.

Hey Pumpkin,

Honestly hard to say from the pics but, from your description, it could be fusarium for the dying branch and maybe nematodes for the yellowing plants... Have you checked the roots for nodes...? If there's any, they're the reason why water/sap don't reach the tops... They usually thrive in wet soils, although, by our island's standards, yours would certainly qualify as dry... ;)

Sure hope i'm wrong about the nematodes though... Lost whole patches to them in 97'. Never found any organic cure but Chitosan (crustaceans shells extracts) definitely helps to prevent outbreaks and reinforce plants immunity. Never use it when in bloom though, it would make the plants get ripe prematurely...

fires to the left of me ,
fires to the right ,
leave it much longer ,
and it'll burn all night !

its australia !

Really sad about these fires guys... Every time a forest burns somewhere, it's a loss for all of us...

A nice day to all :tiphat:


Active member
Yeah got me some spider mites as well, black ones, never seen them before, had all the other ones over the years, they showed up on in spring on one plant, got rid of them so i thought,
found some on me cuttings from me plants in the ground , went and checked the big ones, just starting to infest all of them,
never going to get rid of them, will try and keep them under control till harvest i suppose

haven't seen any for 10 years


Hey Pumpkin! Did yer notice the problems started as soon as the weather went cool? I think you have a wet feet problem with your plants. and your tops are too dense for my liking. Mine have been thinned so that I get good airflow and they look like skeletons compared to yours.

Also as soon as the weather went cool I had problems of a similar kind to yours. Firstly when I gave the pot a big water a single branch drooped out of the bush and went horizontal. a week later the whole plant began to die. My problem was insufficient drainage causing anaerobia and subsequent fungus or mould or rust on the stems.

I 've spent the morning hitting myself on the head with a wooden mallet repeating: I must not overlook drainage just because the tops look great!!!

Looks like rain here today. The weather bureau has promised a storm. Maybe 75 mm. Here's hoping!


Well-known member
I was too hungover to do anything today, some great ideas though. I will be doing a big investigation tomorrow to see if I can confirm or deny all your susspicions. I was also thinking maybe I am root bound. But there is nothing much I could do about that if it were the case.


Well-known member
I went and had a look. It's 4 hours since the last water. Things are looking very dry actually, both in and around the planter. I don't see any insect activity or anything that looks like rot. The stem is hard and dry. Maybe it is just too dry! My timer only has 3 starts a day, so I may have to get a new timer and actually increase my waters. Won't be able to get back with one for a week though. So I hope for some rain! The plant isn't really wilting like a thirsty plant though. So not sure. Will check more tomorrow anyway during a water and make sure everything is working a'ok



Well-known member
Here is the mouldy stem node after being treated. Seems to be better now, although the damage is already done. :moon:


This is another plant and unrelated to the above and yellowing
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Sticky Sat

Active member
Here is the mouldy stem node after being treated. Seems to be better now, although the damage is already done. :moon:

View attachment 487532

This is another plant and unrelated to the above and yellowing

That's just how fusarium looks here... The worst outbreaks often happen when it rains after several dry days, the latests having allowed spores dispersion... Maybe the increase in rainfalls is the reason we don't see it as often as 10 years back... i hope you killed it man... :)
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