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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Active member
haha , ^^ the ghost who walks !
still dry mate ? we just had another lot , 4ml , and its crashing and banging all around us . amazing the growth from natures events ! wish we could bottle the stuff , nitrogen in its purist form !


I told you there was more rain coming coming coming! It'll be very good for that silver loam you grow on. kick an Emu for me while you're out there, Rod.

Dog Star

Active member
Is emu a good meat??

Looks like huge chicken... am reading they are great in matrix moves against
rain of bullets from machine guns... ;D

like Australian goverment tryed to eradicate them with machine guns in 1932
but they didnt suceed cause a birds are great in avoiding bullets...

Is that true??


Active member
Is emu a good meat??

Looks like huge chicken... am reading they are great in matrix moves against
rain of bullets from machine guns... ;D

like Australian goverment tryed to eradicate them with machine guns in 1932
but they didnt suceed cause a birds are great in avoiding bullets...

Is that true??

i've eaten a fair bit of emu doggie and to me you have to get the half grown ones for them to be any good . i use to cut smallish steaks from the legs but pretty fiddly .
now i remove the leg and cure it using prague powder , salt , brown sugar and some ground fennel seeds .. not too shabby !
the great emu war was true , the army got involved and over a period of 2-3 years a serious amount of ammo was used for very little result . just googled it ...57,000 .
as a lad i grew up on new land farms , clearing land and trying to grow crops , wheat mainly , and as the crops where drying off the emus always arrived ..by the hundreds , and they could destroy it overnight so most of us had roo dogs and guns and we also shot every one we could , but ...they are like flies , kill 50 and another 100 turn up !


At the rate we're going, Rod, it won't be long 'til they're all gone.

Y'know the history around here is that when an area close-by to here was 'developed' the locals gathered the emu Feathers for the Hats of the Whatever the fuck famous ancient Aussie regiment had horses. This glamorous and heroic tale masks the reality of the blood and destruction Rod speaks about above.

(The Aussie regiment was famous for charging machine guns and silencing them. Lots of those Aussies died of course. But it's ok cos they're Heroes now.)

Dog Star

Active member
i've eaten a fair bit of emu doggie and to me you have to get the half grown ones for them to be any good . i use to cut smallish steaks from the legs but pretty fiddly .
now i remove the leg and cure it using prague powder , salt , brown sugar and some ground fennel seeds .. not too shabby !
the great emu war was true , the army got involved and over a period of 2-3 years a serious amount of ammo was used for very little result . just googled it ...57,000 .
as a lad i grew up on new land farms , clearing land and trying to grow crops , wheat mainly , and as the crops where drying off the emus always arrived ..by the hundreds , and they could destroy it overnight so most of us had roo dogs and guns and we also shot every one we could , but ...they are like flies , kill 50 and another 100 turn up !

Am imagine those meat like turqey... not much fat cause this birds
rooming a lot around,they are free range so i belive meat is not
softy like industry produced chickens have..

like difference between wild and domestic rabbit...

Is it possible to tame Dingo as a doggy,like pet.. or they are too
wild for petting??

What is roo dogs??


Active member
yeah they're very lean doggie , so its cook them quick or it turns quite leathery .
and your right , its the difference between domestic and wild .
the dingo is a dog so its an easy thing to domesticate . the australian aborigine have had them following them for a millenium so they've come very comfortable with humans ..haha don't know what they taste like !
the roo dogs i speak of are really a thing of the past now . almost every house in the farming regions i grew up in had at least one and some had twenty or more .
those days it was hard living and we had crops to protect and generally we farmed a few pigs for meat or some extra cash so they needed feeding as well . emu or kangaroo meat was a cheap source of protein .
the dogs were a crossbreed and looked like a greyhound only lots bigger and tougher . had a great attitude too . they'd chase the animals down and hold them for us ,.or eat a bit ! haha . nowadays we don't need to do that to survive so they've mainly died out .


Active member
syrius mayhem coming along nicely . its that sour bubble , broad leaf thing i like .

Dog Star

Active member
Stout little buggers,they need good veg time to give some more better yield... ;D

Glad you grow them... am testing some new work here.. Amnesia Core x Old School Hashplant and Orange Diesel x Oroblanco..



All the best Rod and thanx for explanation on dingos and roo dogs... :)


Y'll have ta learn how ta spell, Rod. Serious Mayhem! OK?

Dog Star ... a neighbour of ours had two dingoes he had found as pups. even tho they grew up close to the family they did not behave in a 'cuddly' way with them. in fact when the Father went to smack the children for misbehaving the dingoes would growl and bristle and warn him off.

The Dingo on Fraser Island that killed the 12 year old boy gutted him. The Medical Officer for Fraser Island said he'd never seen such a horrible wound. The Dingo was going for the kidneys first ... !

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What was that mad Aussie movie I saw years ago about that massive great male wild boar? - Oh yeah - RAZORBACK! - do you lot get bloody great big pigs/boar like that running around the outback - creating mayhem?

- or was it just the movie - making a mountain out of a molehill -


Well, not TV big, Gypsy. But I saw a dead one beside the road to Cooktown some while ago that would have been 3 meters long. And yes, he had big sharp Tusks!

And when I was in north western australia a local aboriginal bloke invited me to go with he and his relatives on a wild pig hunt. I thought I might until he told me they would drink lots then run down the pigs and spear them! That was too much exercise for me!
(Turns out they could only run down the little pigs. the bigger maybe dangerous pigs sensibly ran far far away.)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
All that space out there - could be anything hiding in it - even 3 meter long Razorback pigs - chasing ya down for lunch - you'd have to be on ya toes - I guess the pigs get kinda peeved if you go hunting them down with spears all the time.

Well, not TV big, Gypsy. But I saw a dead one beside the road to Cooktown some while ago that would have been 3 meters long. And yes, he had big sharp Tusks!

And when I was in north western australia a local aboriginal bloke invited me to go with he and his relatives on a wild pig hunt. I thought I might until he told me they would drink lots then run down the pigs and spear them! That was too much exercise for me!
(Turns out they could only run down the little pigs. the bigger maybe dangerous pigs sensibly ran far far away.)

Donald Mallard

el duck
What was that mad Aussie movie I saw years ago about that massive great male wild boar? - Oh yeah - RAZORBACK! - do you lot get bloody great big pigs/boar like that running around the outback - creating mayhem?

- or was it just the movie - making a mountain out of a molehill -
heading up the jungle track in the ute one early morning with the old lady ,
she commented about a large bull that was laying down but started to get up as we passed ,
but , it wasnt a bull , it was a massive boar ,

she said she was glad it was me getting out of the car just a few hundred metres up rather than her ,
but the size of that thing , i m not sure she was safe even in the car ,, lol ..

it was as large as a good size bull , no kidding ,
the top strand of barbed wire was the height of his haunches,
i didnt think they came that big , but they certainly do ...

Dog Star

Active member
Rod58 spelled properly... Syrius Mayhem or Sirius Mayhem is a good name...

Teddy you can check mine thread to sees how we call her..

Kind regards


Rock shelter (for Canis Major).

Rock shelter (for Canis Major).

here ya go Canis Major!

right by the side of a road for weary travellers to rest in.



Blacksmith's work ...

Blacksmith's work ...

Hello ... good morning ... guten tag ... bonjour Sticky ... !

I know many of you are handy with tools and might appreciate a picture of a blacksmith making do with whats around to manufacture a gate.

I particularly like the catch!

Taken at Wilmington, South Australia ... a bit of a short cut between Port Augusta and Broken Hill, or between Port Augusta and the Murray.


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