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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Donald Mallard

el duck
OTE=Elmer Bud;7650158]Arresting people for medicinal ganja use - like "arresting a mother for stealing baby milk for a hungry child", police say


wish we had folks thinking like that here eb ,
thailand is thought of as a bit backward in their drug policies ,
though we know where they came from ,
prior to those times , im sure they knew what it was used for ,
its great to see them starting to get back to those times, without the stupid western influence,

Dog Star

Active member
After i stopped their meds i was have feel like i was eat a rusty metal spoon..

for 3 months i feeled metalic taste in mouth,it was so weird and am so
happy i dont use their garbage any more.

Cannabis is a true bless after so much suffering on wrong meds.


If I wasn't able to grow my own supply of quality cannabis I would probably still be drinking way too much and my wife would still probably be on the SSRI's she was prescribed after suffering post-natal depressíon.

DogStar - she experienced similar symptoms as you before using cannabis and is much happier now she is off the zoloft and on cannabis.

I'm very sorry for people who don't have the option to grow like we do or have access to quality product.

They are being deprived of a potentially better and happier life simply out of corporate greed and political ignorance.

Dog Star

Active member
People are not awared of this facts Globule... most of them still thinks about
Cannabis that its a "Devils plant"... most of them belive to doctors same as me
in beggings when mine illness started to progress.

Was come at doctor with some optimism he will help but the only thing i get
was those toxic pharmaceuticals,so i learned a hard way.

In February next year will be 3 years i stopped their medicaments and in those
time i wasnt go to doctor,fuck me but now i am scared of this people,

They work for goverment who is not normal entity,all the time they act like
a entity of God over people but in reality they perform entity of Devil,pure evil.

So you cant expect from Devil he will aloud you nature,cause devil love synthetics
and pharmaceutical companies,also death and destroying,thats a qualities of devil.

In mine mind there is a big conspiracy over human kind and elite goverments
push this agenda every day and every minute,thing is that consequences
coming slow so a humans dont see proper this "conspiracy"... so they dont belive
in her.

Hope peeps wake up and take things in their hands before its too late.

All we need is Cannabis and a lot of love... thats best cure.


If it weren't for cannabis, my wife would still be 38kg, less or dead. It's safe to say that a range of pharmaceuticals and inpatient treatment weren't helping. Short of being sedated and fed with an NG tube for the rest of her life, nothing was working for long.

It's only been two years (after four of fighting) and she's healthy, back into working full time, showing some positivity and not crippled by anxiety. The only anxiety she has to deal with now is needing to be a criminal to be healthy.


Well-known member
Awesome to read all these negatives becoming positive or atleast you guys finding coping mechanisms within this great plant, whether it's smoking or growing it's a healer all round...


DogStar - I completely agree with the sentiment of what you are saying but I find bringing god/devil/religion into anything tends to cloud the issue and create an opportunity for those of faith to derail any chance for real dialog.
Our choice to grow/smoke cannabis is about humanity, compassion and a need for truth to outshine the mis-information and nonsense that has survived this world for so long.

To quote the great Christopher Hitchens:
"morality comes from humanism and is stolen by religion for its own purposes".

Budsnblunts - I hear what you're saying but "finding coping mechanism" is not a great description for what is otherwise a "life saver" for many people, and/or is a "life enhancer" for many more. I fall into both categories I reckon.

I'm not saying that it's not possible for me to lead a happy, productive life without cannabis but why should I acquiesce to that sort of idiocy?

I should no more put up with the ignorant nonsense of being told that I am not allowed to grow/smoke cannabis any more than I would if someone told me that I can no longer grow carrots in my garden or purchase & eat kale any more.

World needs to grow the fuck up.


Coping mechanism =/= successful treatment as long as the positives outweigh the negatives.

Lots of cognitive behaviour therapy strategies employ playing on natural obsessive compulsive tendencies to correct a damaging behaviour. The positive effects outweigh the negative effects, you're effectively making one illness worse to cure another.

Likewise with Cannabis. If the use, daily use or even dependency causes less damaging effects than the problem it cures, it's positive.


I wholeheartedly agree with you Gnz!

Science has advanced the understanding of the human endocannabinoid system and how cannabinoid receptors located all throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems are stimulated by the ingestion of cannabinoids.

The average human body can manufacture small amounts of these cannabinoids but unless you are ingesting cannabinoids (either naturally or synthetically produced) then you won't be stimulating all those receptors with whatever minimal amounts of cannabinoids your body may produce.

So I would suggest that it is in fact the other way around with regards to who has to adopt coping mechanisms.

Those living in a world devoid of cannabinoids are forced to adopt coping mechanisms to deal with an endocannabinoid deficiency.

Researchers are only recently able to legally investigate important questions such as what the long term health concerns might be for someone with a deficient endocannabinoid system.

I'd rather not take any chances and just go with sound and proven facts and continue to ingest cannabinoids on a daily basis :biggrin:


Winter never made it here mate. Coldest I got was in NZ. :) Married life. :) yeah.

Only just starting to warm up here now, after three weeks of perpetual spring rain I gave in and booked a four day weekend in Port Douglas. Hope things are going well back home!


Active member
hey , thought i'd put this on here as well as the collectable thread ..has anyone seen one of these before ? had it for years and have no idea ..same both sides ..i'm hoping its at least a thousand years old and worth a squillion ! hahahaa


Active member
hahaha , "WAS" yours mate , sorry but good try ..you may be more familar with this one mate . picked this up in kings cross 1976 , its a token to my first ever peep show ..lol

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Damn it, all outta rep for now, Rod...

Cool token, how come you didn't use it?
I spent one night in the "Cross" in '85...
Some serious debauchery going on there!...:biggrin:


Active member
hey bud ..i don't know how i ended up with it really , i went into the cubicle and the gal on the other side slid the peep hole open and asked for just my two dollars ..:biggrin:
walked out with the token , oh , and some shit hot memories ..hahaha. yer right though bud ..anything you wanted !

Bud Green

I dig dirt
When I was there, the Aussies had just recently taken the America's Cup trophy from us, for the first time, with your sneaky "winged keel" on the Australia II..:biggrin:
(actually, what an amazing new design!)

I really wish I had bought the t-shirt I saw in a shop window there.
It said "America's Cup" across the top, in big letters.
Under that was a well drawn picture of a huge muscular red, fucking a bald eagle...


Active member
"" i come from a land down under "" 1983 we flogged you guys after 132 years of domination ..wins a win mate even with a "sneaky " keel .:biggrin: always remember my mate and myself approaching a group of blokes and asking if they had any weed , they replied ..we'll have some soon , we gave our money to this guy and he's gone to get some ..be back in a minute he said !! hahaha ..
no rep left here as well bud ..
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