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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Good looking spots dude, that last one looks like it gets long hours. Been at the first spot in full sun?


Well-known member
That first picture was a spot from last year, gets really good light. 8-9 hours plus... The rest are all give or take an hour here and there.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Afternoon blokes an blokettes :gday:
Hope you all are safe happy and well :good:
I'm still churning away @ TAFE doing IT Networking, it keeps me busy and out of trouble ;)
Loving the tropical winter, I must admit it's quite a nice change to having to rug up and light fires and start heaters to get warm, to sleeping in a singlet and switching the ceiling fan over to the winter setting. Ahh the tropics I love it so :good:
puff puff pass
:smoke out:

Donald Mallard

el duck
Yea been a great winter boom
today is a beauty ,
could be the end of winter , hahaha ,
well what ever those cold few days were ...


Well been a while ! between now and my last post Ive been off line..no internet for 6 weeks ! I made the mistake of getting hooked up to our new super duper high speed satellite that promised to bring us poor folk living in the bush a decent broadband connection ..worked for a day ,the arseholes kicked this off without proper testing and now after six weeks ive got a fucking shit connection Im paying through the nose for and nobody knows if and when it will be sorted but on the flip side I have got a lot of work around my property done..Glad you enjoying the tropics Mr bOOm I come home to find I have ran out of gas and nothing to cook on and a cold and very fast shower Minus 1 or 2 last night :) Cook on a camp fire out the back yard last night ,burnt chops and burnt spuds thrown in the hot coals and it was fucking awesome :) been so long since I done this Hope every one is well and planning for the approaching season ,1 thing Id like to share , on the lead up to my ops an Artist friend of mine told my she was coming around and that we were going to have our self's a little painting session ,but I carnt even draw a stick man I said and she replied "I said painting not drawing " and she come around and shit I didn't wont to do it, I thought I would embarrasses myself, I have never in my life attempted to do anything artistic ,any way reluctantly I put paint to canvas a few billys and the music pumping along I threw caution to the wind and just started getting into it and letting the brushes and color tell me what to do and had a fucking ball .surprised my self at what I could do and its opened up a whole new way for me to relax and express my self and since that night ive been painting or graphics on the PC every day ,photography ,paint-shop ,yikes I dont know where its coming from but its shown me that if I believe that I cant do something then that will be the truth ,As you think so shall you become ! last few week Ive been using pastels and doing what I would call poster art,an A1 size sheet of paper , put on an album and Ive got that 40 minutes or so to fill the paper and get the job done ..have to go like a bat out of hell and if I just let the music and the pastels tell me what to do I get it done but if I try and think about it and get all artsy its a total cock up,so an old dog can learn new trick after all, Don't hold back ,Life is short..peace and puffs Mateys Rf


Here ya's go this is one I done while I had Todd Terge,s "Its Album Time" Playing


Yo so Im a a married man. New Zealand got a lot better. :) Cheers for the help you know who you are. New Zealand had some nice skunky strains.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Congratulations Ozza! Glad you could sort yourself while here. Sad that you couldn't find any in the largest city in NZ, but you're not alone, I live here and I'm amazed at the lack of supply. That is of course until you get out to the more farming focused areas. ;) And glad you liked the local strains, NZ has some amazing shit when you can get it.


Active member
not a real lot here goldust , huddled inside tying to keep warm and dry , just a touch of cabin fever is all ..wettest winter we've had for bloody years though that's not a bad thing .had a look in the mirror and realized i'm another year older and certainly not getting any better looking ..other than that , alls good ..oh , an nice bud ! how goes it with you ?


Yes it has been rather wet
Had a toothache the last couple days and certainly can't afford a dentist
Otherwise I'm good
Starting a Hospitality course this week free from government would gave preferred horticulture but not available


Well-known member
Hey fullas been real busy this way with all the beautiful weather... mum's are all prepped. Spots sorted. Just waiting. Fucking shit you gotta sit through pain therr goldust, I feel for you. I had a wisdom ripped a few weeks back. Cost me 35 bucks lol...
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Well-known member
Hey noyd thing's have been good here. Feeling positive.. how's things your ways? Mihht aswel of been a witch doctor. I was in and out of the dentist withing 3 mins. Pulled it oit in about five seconds hahaha.. It's some subsidised medical thing that made it soo cheap. The dentist charged me 60 for the x rays and did nothing but quote ne 3 spot to pull the same tooth they were also prepared to drill. Fuck that shit lol.. karma comes in some odd ways :tiphat:
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