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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Anyone know about Sat X RB and if he and his missus are OK??
Saw his account has been deleted by himself and I am just concerned for the ol tripper :chin:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Just don't hold on for too long or something might burst :D

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I've been a hundred miles into the ocean, so light pollution certainly doesn't count, but I recall that your side of the universe may have a few more stars than my side does...
It just looks so different!

Of course too, since you and I are not at the opposite poles from each other, and accounting for the tilt of our axis in relationship to the sun, I would think there must be some overlap in what we can each see...
Some of the stars I see near the southern horizon must be visible to you on your northern horizon...

I wish my Dad had not passed away so long ago, else I would ask him... He was a navigator in the Navy from 1945 until the early '70's....and he sailed icebreakers to Antarctica twice in the mid 50's...
It was his telling me of the beauty of Christchurch, NZ, that contributed to my desire to go there...

G`day BGS

I don`t think you need to go too many degrees from the equator to get the flip of hemispheres and constellations .

Remember reading about Chinese exploring the Sth . They understood the stars changed at the equator .

The Aussie flag has one more star in its southern cross . The Kiwis don`t see it . So there flag doesn`t show it .

Lay down on a moonless night and watch the Space Station and other satellites breeze by .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Lay down on a moonless night and watch the Space Station

Watched the Space Station go by last week...clear sky and streetlight was out so not much background light...perfect viewing...very bright in the sky and man was it moving...very cool.

The Southern Cross is an important navigational aid...if you measure Four and a half times the length of the cross down its length axis that will give you due south.

Safe Sail'n


never had no problem seeing stars after a cartoon of vb, all states the same lol. have a good easter and toke up for freedom.

Dog Star

Active member
Uhh those Star constelation talks get me horny... ;)

Here where i am on North cap we have at Winter time best look on
Orion constelation,Sirius.. its a very beautifull sight..

then as we go to Spring time Ursa Major constelation goes up and Orion and Sirius dont
go out in a night cause it falls low under a horizont in a day time..

biggest amount of UFOs we sees passing in a Summer by constelations Ursa Major
and Bootes,specialy close to Arcturus star,that is some area of special interest for Universe traffic..,we haved here a lot of encouters,group of 5-6 people with me watched sky,smoked joints and could not belive with eyes what we sees upstair..

Are you see Ursa Major and Arcturus star there in South parts??

Cant wait for Summer and UFO watch..


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:woohoo: We finally made 200 pages of smoking and chit chat and general bullshit and tom-foolery :woohoo:
Thank you for everyone that pops through and hangs out in the Aus/NZ Smoker's Lounge, let's do another 200 pages hey :gday:
Peace an Puffs

:smoke out:

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Doggie

No bro the Southern Sky is a different look out at space .

Go out to central Oz and the stars are like neon on a moonless night .

Thanks for sharin

EB .



Finally back on properly after my visit to the West side. (WA) Was good trip. WA showed her goods again and safe to say they do it better over there then I have seen on my side in a while. Thought it was going to be a dry trip but a little bird helped us out and also dropped off some bubble later that smushed me into the chair. Then on the 2nd last day it started falling from the sky. :) Thanks little bird! :)

Just like to say that you guys are some of the coolest people I don't know. :) Hope to meet you all one day.


Well-known member
Hey fullas, I was worried about mold, went and checked on plants and they had large parts affected. I think it had been like that for the two days of rain (buds soaked right through and leaves turning a gentle black of yuckness). So I'm pretty happy to have gotten anything because I wasn't planning on going back out for a week or two... I didn't grab any pictures of them when they were in ground because paros were really high lol... I stank the whole are out whilst chopping and bagging them. I have about a pound. I'll take some pictures of it tomorrow keep safe chaps.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
200 pages in the down under smokers lounge!:woohoo:
I appreciate you guys welcoming me to visit with you here...

I agree with you fellows that your night sky is much more vivid than ours in the northern hemisphere. As budsnblunts pointed out, I'm sure it's mostly due to the fact that you have so much less light pollution beaming up into your sky.. NZ, sitting alone in the S. Pacific with just 3, not too huge cities, stretched out over 700 miles.
The sky, from Turangi, near Lake Taupo, and from the Fiordland, on the south island, is magnificent! And in Oz, if you get far away from your south-east coast, I'm guessing you have little light pollution until you get to Perth...

I'm posting a few pics, for those who are interested, of our Big Dipper, which points to Polaris, the North Star...

The first pic shows our sky in the Autumn, (Sept. 21 thru Dec. 21)
the next one shows the big dipper, you can see that it is rather easy to find... The far side of the dipper always points to the North Star, which is of medium brightness...Of course, the North Star is positioned almost perfectly directly above the North Pole...
The last picture shows you how the big dipper changes position in the sky during our different seasons...

edit: The North Star (Polaris) is always in the same position from any particular vantage point.. It is the stars of the big dipper which appear to move around it...
In other words, if I find 2 trees in my yard, which line up with Polaris, Polaris will always be in line with them and always at the same apparent elevation above my horizon.

Yeah, in the suburbs of our cities, I bet some kids think there's only about 20 or 30 stars in the sky... such a shame...
I've seen our sky from out in the ocean so I know it is magnificent, if you get far enough away from the light pollution...Before 120 years ago, I'm sure everyone in the world got to see a beautiful sky at night!:biggrin:


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Dog Star

Active member
And a tail of Ursa Major points directly to Arcturus star,

yellow-orange glow same as our star Helios,
Arcturus is orange giant,36 light years and 110 times brighter than
our light source..

Wanted to ask,anybody else haved ever encounter with UFOs??

We sees those weird objects,some glowing like HPS light(yellow)
and some like MH lamps(white glow),also have pictures of multicolored object that was suspended in sky..,

i can show you pics if you will bother me..

But mostly am interested to know am i the only one from this group
who have this kind of experiences??

Also to mention i live close to military instalation,civil airport and those objects looks like they are interested in something there.

Kind regards

200 pages in the down under smokers lounge!:woohoo:
I appreciate you guys welcoming me to visit with you here...

I agree with you fellows that your night sky is much more vivid than ours in the northern hemisphere. As budsnblunts pointed out, I'm sure it's mostly due to the fact that you have so much less light pollution beaming up into your sky.. NZ, sitting alone in the S. Pacific with just 3, not too huge cities, stretched out over 700 miles.
The sky, from Turangi, near Lake Taupo, and from the Fiordland, on the south island, is magnificent! And in Oz, if you get far away from your south-east coast, I'm guessing you have little light pollution until you get to Perth...

I'm posting a few pics, for those who are interested, of our Big Dipper, which points to Polaris, the North Star...

The first pic shows our sky in the Autumn, (Sept., Oct., Nov.)
the next one shows the big dipper, you can see that it is rather easy to find... The far side of the dipper points to the North Star, which is of medium brightness...Of course, the North Star is positioned almost perfectly directly above the North Pole...
The last picture shows you how the big dipper changes position in the sky during our different seasons...

Yeah, in the suburbs of our cities, I bet some kids think there's only about 20 or 30 stars in the sky... such a shame...
I've seen our sky from out in the ocean so I know it is magnificent also, if you get far enough away from the light pollution...Before 120 years ago, I'm sure everyone in the world got to see a beautiful sky at night!:biggrin:

Bud Green

I dig dirt

I didn't know the Easter bunny wore sunglasses and sneakers these days...

And what's with the basket? Do kids nowadays just say, "Forget the eggs, I just want the grass"?

Hope everyone has a very nice Easter day!


Active member
heres one of my golden tiger , not long flowering so i'm expecting late june harvest ...very healthy and looks like it could yield , heaps of flowering sites ...


But mostly am interested to know am i the only one from this group
who have this kind of experiences??

Also to mention i live close to military instalation,civil airport and those objects looks like they are interested in something there.

Kind regards

Just mention Min Min lights to most people from the bush and watch there faces.

Seen a bit of weird shit mate. The ones I see are always folowing water.

Dog Star

Active member
Thanx for sharin Ozza,

we look at one big lake,far away from light polution...

Checked those Min Min term and i agree... they could look like that,
shiny bright lights.

Just mention Min Min lights to most people from the bush and watch there faces.

Seen a bit of weird shit mate. The ones I see are always folowing water.
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