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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Well-known member
BnB keep those CFLs as close as you can brother to your babies and they will be fine mate :good:
You will have to keep an eye on them everyday and make adjustments to the height of the bulbs as the plants grow up into them, you don't want those young tender leaves touching the bulbs at all but have the bulbs as close as possible and you will be cranking :good:
You can check out my albums for my CFL wardrobe grows if you want to see what can be achieved with CFLs, my best harvest to date was a single OGer99 plant that gave out just over 4 oz from 313watts of CFLs :woohoo:
Wish people would be more of a help than just writing people off with the methods they are using, we are all here to learn and share and get along, not just fling shite from the safety of their keyboard and say how fucked people's methods are :nono:

Thank you b00m, I've lowered the lights to about 7 cm above then drop then down further, but will keep a really close eye like you say. The growth is very quick. 4 oz that's a really good pull from that man, first time using the cfls for me can't wait to get into them a little more, might build a mother room.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
No worries brother BnB :gday:
Any questions regarding CFLs just ask away mate, I am most certainly no fucking expert when it comes to CFLs and/or growing, but I will endeavor to share and learn everyday, as in my opinion, that's how we all learn to love and grow the wonderful herb that enlightens and helps to fix our lives :peacock:

peace and puffs brother
:smoke out:

Dog Star

Active member
Best news dear friend Donald,

so happy cause they will not splitt you from family and people
that you love...

This is a good early morning,very happy cause of you..

Kind regards man and lets grow on... ;)

Well i managed to escape jail ,
was very touch and go ,
in fact it was a certainty i would spend some time there ,
however things went my way thankfully .. yay ..


Well-known member
Great news Donald and probably good timing with all of the talk of mmj in the news lately. Nothing worse than having a possible sentnce hanging over your head and nothing better than having it done with mate, Congrats!

Donald Mallard

el duck
Great news Donald and probably good timing with all of the talk of mmj in the news lately. Nothing worse than having a possible sentnce hanging over your head and nothing better than having it done with mate, Congrats!

hey man ,,
yes i wish the timing did have a sway with things ,
but its too soon ,,
the best we can do is a nice judge and a good lawyer ,
thankfully for me ,, it was planned like that ,, no point messing around with freedom ...
freedom is not free , it cost a lot of money ...


Well-known member
Do you know what happened/how you got caught? I hate not having a clue and just sitting the assuming... Was I narked on, was it the spotter plane, neighbours etc... Don't like the thought and is the only negative thing that comes with growing that I can see....
On another note, any of you fullas had experience with growing in/around the pines before?
If the soil was really high on the acid side would I see that effect through veg? If not would I see it through budding? Reason I ask is three of my plants in the bush have real slow bud growth, I'm worried the ground is not really helping them. And that to high acidity is affecting the development of them, the rest are pumping and veg they looked beautiful. Would I have seen any sign? Sorry pretty amateur question. Cheers fullas


Well-known member
That's why the lawyers are driving nice cars and most are friends with the judges, Got banged up in Adelaide when I was just 21. I remember standing in the doc when the judge read out the sentence of three years and six months and two and a half on the bottom. I nearly fell over and I looked over at my old lady who was histerical. I hope when my sons grow up they never have to face the prospect of being taken away from our family for a plant. That's all I want.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Do you know what happened/how you got caught? I hate not having a clue and just sitting the assuming... Was I narked on, was it the spotter plane, neighbours etc... Don't like the thought and is the only negative thing that comes with growing that I can see....
On another note, any of you fullas had experience with growing in/around the pines before?
If the soil was really high on the acid side would I see that effect through veg? If not would I see it through budding? Reason I ask is three of my plants in the bush have real slow bud growth, I'm worried the ground is not really helping them. And that to high acidity is affecting the development of them, the rest are pumping and veg they looked beautiful. Would I have seen any sign? Sorry pretty amateur question. Cheers fullas

yes we know exactly how it happened ,,
i trusted the wrong person ,
who was involved in other things that i think are dangerous and i wouldnt ever have anything to do with ,
his smart phone was bugged by the feds ,
which led them to the patch ..

he was referred to by my lawyer as "a particularly stupid criminal"
and i certainly concur ,,
just a shame he had to take others down with him .. ..

he will not get the same result i did for the same crime ,
and his other activity sounds like its going to land him a very long stretch ... given the lying and deception he was involved in , i really have no sympathy for him at all ....

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Boom

Like you I don`t consider myself an expert .
There is much still to learn .

But I know disinformation when I see it .
I`ve used CFL`s for veg for years . Never seen the twisting SW was saying is typical .
Tell the truth I`ve looked at 1000s of pictures on forums of people growing with CFL`s and never seen the phenomenon he described !??

@ Doggie
Cool White 6400k and warm white [3200k ?] together is a good spectrum .

But the closer the better . A day resting on a 25 watter wont do too much damage . But Check the height every day and adjust if possible for fastest growth .

@ Wally .
What`s those Lotto numbers again ? he he .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Dog Star

Active member
You right Elmer,lot of time mine plants almost touch lamps,there are a few milimeters
between tops and lamp.. and things looks very nice,plants have tight nodes from this.

Am use only 6400 K color for clones and small plants,didnt try that combo you talking
but think its not bad to made so... was flower SB male before in this way and i used
this dust for all crosses that i made in mine life... thing was worked good..

Have lot of CFL crosses... ;) LOL

Donald Mallard

el duck
It was an outdoor patch I take it?

And they had it staked out and jumped out of the bushes when you went there?

How many plants? Just interested as I want to know what sort of numbers they are not imposing jail for.

yes outdoor ,,
the numbers weren't a huge factor , obviously well over a few hundred more the fact that it was definitely commercial ,
and the weight was large..

if you are caught with over 100 plants and its considered a commercial operation ,
, then you have a very good chance of jail time , in fact its a certainty.. youd want to have some extremely good extenuating circumstance ... or its not gonna fly ..


Oh my god that was so funny said to the dog do you want the vapourizer attempts to jump edge of couch then jumps down around to me and is like fuck yeah man puff puff pass

Donald Mallard

el duck
So it seems your mate took his phone to your grow with him, and it was being tracked by leo.

Your mistake was showing someone else your grow, but you know that now.

Just another example why you can't do this thing in partnership, you must be a lone wolf.

Correct wiseone ,
other than a bit of company and someone to help carry stuff ,
partners have never been an advantage to me ..

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Doggie

The 6400 K is great for foliage .
The 3000 - 3200 Warm White is good for roots and flowers .
6400 is your Blue and 3200 is the red for a bit more balanced spectrum .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


I was going take make a thread about this, but I'm lazy. :) I had a mate who wanted to keep something someone gave him over winter. He used a Solar Led Garden light. Those 12 dollar jobs, to give supplementary light to the plant after sun went down to reveg the plant and keep it alive until season again. Worked. Cost 12 bucks.


ya know we bought about a dozen or more of those fuken dead loss heaps of shit, lol not one worked but to be fair they came from bunny's.
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