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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Dog Star

Active member
Organization is not bad idea... if any was suceed in this World its by uniting and further
fight for their rights.. not by sitting on a chair infront a computer whithouth any action..


what' the union's name


Well-known member
And no licenses for people with records..... They wouldn't want anyone with experience competing with them.. I have a feeling it's going to very expensive for the licenses and only corporates will be able to afford. I have read blackmores vitamins is going to have a crack they have big cash now after there baby formula rort. There is a company called ecofibre that look ready and are backed by some serious coin. I think things will ease up for the average grower and just the general public having a different perception is a small win. We can look the grubs in the eye who looked down on us and call them out for the blind sheep they are.

Dog Star

Active member
Fuck politics and politicians...

but wanted to ask one growing newbie question,do i need to presoak rockwool cubs in solution of 5.8 PH before i put cuttings inside them??

Never used rockwool before...


Well-known member
I myself have never used anything other then tap water.. My only problem with rockwool is adding to much water to it...


Well-known member
No need to PH, tap will be fine for your cuttings up to the point were they have developed
a root system.......Good luck with them.


Well-known member
When I was a little younger (18) I used to grow inside as well as out side. Whether it was my back yard or the bush, or down stairs in a shitty box I had made, I come into the growing world by mothers and clones, had done this for a few years before ever even budding a plant.
This was the strain of silver pearl I had.

I used to grow in recylcing bins, one time I had 11 of these in my back yard with close to ten oz each in them, they were at week 6 of flowering. Then I got raided and shit changed big time for me. Lost the strains I knew so well... Had to start again thus that big break I had on icmag...

Just a little reminiscing for me.


Active member
nice plants there mate ,just loved that silver pearl , ...heres a pic of my strain which i've had going for bloody years ...started with what i knew as skunk 2 about 30 plus years ago and then about 17 - 18 years ago i crossed it with silver pearl and have kept the result of that to myself and separate from other strains since ...its been a huge yeilder and a very robust strain ...just got a few going now , looking for a male to cross with money maker and pineapple chunk ...

i could put a hundred in and they are all like peas in a pod ....except that back one , got stuck in its shell !:biggrin:


Well-known member
They look really nice, I found the silver pearl so strong, never produced seed and was easy as fuck to clone... I really want that exact strain again, I have a mate that hooked me up, he was the one that gave me the g13 x diesel... I will try to get it back, I used to grow under a 400w hps, only done it a few times but averaged on 9 and a half oz with all silverpearl.
Those seedlings look so similar, did they hold the similarities with the lateral growth and through bud to?


Active member
yep , very similar budsnb , very dark green growth , stubby leaves and huge buds ..the smoke was pretty good ...what i liked about them was , on a good wet year ,,is that there growth is quick , very quick ..at 5ft they still look like big seedlings , very sappy and big lower branches ..
and yes dogstar , i guard them good ..lol..very stable plants .. it is said that there wasn't a skunk 2 . i've tried researching it and some say that it was roadkill , others have different ideas .
i just knew it as that ...:tiphat:
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