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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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Donald Mallard

el duck
I see you fellas are having a bill passed through government to legalize the medicinal use of cannabis. Moved really fast too.... Hope it all goes ahead, from what I have read it sounds pretty definitive.... So in that case congratulations fellas! I might be moving over :tongue:
Link to a article about it.

Sounds good on the surface ,,
but reading further says they will not allow raw cannabis to be consumed , it will be a synthetic version that is preferred ,
it doesnt seem as though they will allow individuals to grow it ,
as its considered dangerous for us to medicate with our own medicine, as we are not pharmacists ..
So that leaves the door wide open for the pharmaceutical companies ..
This was the concern we had when it was first mentioned ,, and it seems to be heading that way unfortunately ..


Well-known member
Hmmm, well that is bullshit aye.... Stink... But perhaps it is also a closer to step to being able to grow you own, first legalize the medicinal use next maybe think about a bill that allows individuals to produce their own. Knowing humans though (political ones at that) they are just looking at making profit....


wont happen as long as yer arse points to the ground. good for those that need it though. to much money in pharma to lose control and our pollies are a gutless lot.


Active member
it'll never happen , that we'll be able to grow our own or even buy it from a dispensary .
like don says , it'll be a synthetic or an extraction that certainly won't get you high ..
i would hazard a guess that big companies already have it stitched up ..

Bud Green

I dig dirt
It'll probably all end up, like it did in the US over liquor, many years ago....
The Big companies (distilleries, suppliers, retailers) will all make billions of dollars,
while the guy who distills 10 gallon mashes at home, to get a half gallon of pure 'shine for himself and his buddies, will have the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, all over his ass if they find out.......

PS. in response to rod58's thumbs up on my choice of a '67 Chevelle SS for my favorite muscle car,
I guess the U.S. hasn't made anything you guys can call a "Yank Tank" for at least 40 years....

Donald Mallard

el duck
Would the punishment on cultivation go down any? Be looked at a whole lot lighter to say?

I doubt it ,
in fact id say its likely to get worse ,
to grow our own we will be breaking federal laws ,
they will protect the big pharma at the cost of the people..

sorry to seem like a downer , but ive lived her long enough to know the game they play ... its all their way ..


Well-known member
Not a downer at all, just knowing what's up and being real about it. Like I say I'm still quite young and don't know much about Australia, you guys are pretty much my first hand experience with anything there. Cheers for the inputs.


Well-known member
I went and checked on my plants out bush, ate a shit load of black berries and starting to think some mother fucker has gone in and sprayed all the ones on the tracks, no notices or warnings. My guts is sore and I feel a tad freaky, lol.
Just got some updates of my second patch didn't go to the first one.

Still got my phone to take pictures sorry, the are is so over grown I'm having a hard time getting them all in the frame but they are pumping.


Active member
I went and checked on my plants out bush, ate a shit load of black berries and starting to think some mother fucker has gone in and sprayed all the ones on the tracks, no notices or warnings. My guts is sore and I feel a tad freaky, lol.
Just got some updates of my second patch didn't go to the first one.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564088&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564087&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564089&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564090&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564091&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
Still got my phone to take pictures sorry, the are is so over grown I'm having a hard time getting them all in the frame but they are pumping.
they are fairly pumping my kiwi friend , you should get a fair amount from them ...
and bud green , the chevelle certainly does it for me , i think our only comparison is our falcon xy gtho phase 3 , but they went out by the mid 70s ,..plastic since !

Dog Star

Active member
Its like Croatia,crooked politician that work favors for pharma industry...

same tiefs you have in Oz.. we can be proud we live in democratic society,and later to claim that ISIL sucks... but if you look good you will see that our politicians are same as those stupid ISIL that World fighting against...

both are rightwinged and fascist and against people that wanna live...

So for Cannabis and his status we are all guilty as we dont fight properly for that freedom that we and that plant deserve,and a first we need to fight is those mofos that rule over us,thats a fact.

Croatia comes from communism so its nothing weird people are so servile,Oz on another
hand have pretty long democracy but still folks dont react properly on their masters...

Here i sees its a "mafia" between police,politics,pharma industry and church... this
entities are main guilty for demonizing our sacred plant.


I agree dog , we wont get of our arses an fight the bastards, I love the way the French dragged the shit out an hung them from post. quite awhile back lol but at least its on there record. I think the day will come though when oz will explode against the laws. don't forget dog we all go n vote because its illegal not to and cop a fine,lol. double dutch.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
noyd for president 2016

lets all emmigrate to a chinese sand bar island and make our own laws lol

kelp for days


I went and checked on my plants out bush, ate a shit load of black berries and starting to think some mother fucker has gone in and sprayed all the ones on the tracks, no notices or warnings. My guts is sore and I feel a tad freaky, lol.
Just got some updates of my second patch didn't go to the first one.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564088&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564087&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564089&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564090&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=64709&pictureid=1564091&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
Still got my phone to take pictures sorry, the are is so over grown I'm having a hard time getting them all in the frame but they are pumping.
:tiphat:nice sky shot, blackberry pie is of the menu then?

Dog Star

Active member
Ye bro,we sitting infront a computer thinking much... and all we need is some kind
of action to create much better conditions.. if it dont goes in nice way than we can
use more perfid ways to push our agenda...

that is what they do sucessfully over us...

think we need to create first organization that will fight for us,legally and illegaly...
some international organization,as with organization we will have much stronger impact
on World politics.. as this is a true World problem..

Another problem with stoners are that they are too much peacefull,and democracy
as society is not peacefull... just imagine that tommorow they forbidd alchohol...

those that drink alchohol know to riot properly,thats why alchohol is legal... ;)
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